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A python toolkit for the automatic generation of elog entries of SEM analysis.

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A python toolkit for the automatic generation of elog entries of SEM analysis.


  • Set a watchdog to keep monitoring the status of a project folder. Every new image added to the folder is automatically included in the logbook.
  • The script can automatically recognize the origin of the TIFF images. If coming from a FEI/Thermofisher microscope then the specific tags are decoded and included in the logbook.
  • A thumbnail png and a full size png copy of all images are also created in order to have easier access from web-browser.
  • It connects to the JRC eLog server where the automatically generated protocol entry is uploaded.
  • Mirroring option. It is common to have microscope pictures saved locally on the microscope PC and also mirrored on a remote computer. In order for the autologbook to work, the project folder must be on a specific network share that is reachable by the web-server. To facilitate this task, the user can save the images locally and, if the mirroring option is activated, they will be copied directly to the remote data-server. At the moment there are two possible engines implemented neither perfect but getting there. More details in the dedicated section below.

Object orientation

There are four basic elements in this project:

  1. The HTMLObject is a very simple subclass of the python object. It is featuring four class members corresponding to the doc, tag, text and line of the yattag. It also has some generic methods to generate and reset the HTML content of Doc. All objects deriving from a HTMLObject can produce HTML code.
  2. The Protocol is the basic class describing an experimental protocol. It contains a list of samples, a list of attachments and it has a protocol number, name and responsible.
  3. The Sample is as simple as a collection of MicroscopePictures.
  4. And finally, the most important: the MicroscopePicture that is actually the crucial point around which the whole protocol documentation is based on. This is characterized by a dictionary containing all important parameters of the images.

The inheritance tree of the Protocol

As said above, the basic Protocol is an almost empty class which cannot be used directly. It is meant as a prototype for all possible ways an analysis protocol can be implemented.

It's first daughter class is the ELOGProtocol, that is actually implementing the possibility to transfer its content to a running eLog server. This is accomplished thanks to the elog package provided by PSI.

Going down the derivative tree we find the QuattroELOGProtocol. This is a specialization of the ELOGProtocol because it includes the handling of navigation pictures that other microscopes do not have. The VersaELOGProtocol is another specialization of the ELOGProtocol very similar to the QuattroELOGProtocol but for the navigation images that are not present.

The inheritance tree of the MicroscopePicture.

In a similar way we have an inheritance tree for the MicroscopePicture. Each MicroscopePicture and its subclasses must have a unique ID that is used for example in the Protocol Editor to establish a relation between each entry and the YAML customization file.

FEIPicture for FEI Microscopes

It's first daughter is the FEIPicture where the specific FEI tags are read from the file and some relevant image parameters are then added to the microscope picture and included in the generated protocol.

Subclassed from the FEIPicture, we have the QuattroFEIPicture and the VersaFEIPicture where the ID is retrieved from the file name if it follows a standard naming convention. Moreover there are two optional image treatments that can be applied on the fly while a FEIPicture is added to the protocol, it is to say the automatic calibration and the automatic databar removal.

  • Automatic Calibration. In fact, in TIFF files generated by FEI microscopes the resolution values encoded in the basic TIFF Tags that are used by common imaging software (like ImageJ) to calibrate the picture are wrong (always set to 28 x 28 dpi), even if all the required information to perform the calibration is available in the FEI specific TAG sets. Activating the option for automatic calibration (either from the configuration file or from the configuration editor window), the wrong values are replaced with the correct ones, so that all images will be stored on the image server already calibrated for further use. This option is turned ON by default.
  • Automatic Databar removal. Similarly it is also possible to crop the image on the fly in order to remove the databar. Diffently from the calibration, here the cropped image is saved in a separated file (inside a crop folder with also a _crop in the filename). This is done in order to avoid important data lost. One can access the cropped images directly from the logbook web page. This option in turned OFF by default in order to avoid overloading the storage capability.

The mirroring engine

As mentioned above, it is common to have the microscope pictures saved locally on the microscope or support PC, but in order to share them with the customers and to make the preparation of the automatic logbook entry possible they must be copied on a shared network resource. To facilitate this task, this module offers an integrated mirroring watchdog running with two possible engines.

  1. watchdog. Following exactly the same structure of the the automatic logbook generator, this other watchdog is monitoring the local folder and mirroring it to the destination folder. The two watchdogs, the mirroring and the automatic logbook generator, are working in asynchrouns mode and totally indenpendently in two separate threads. This can lead to problem, for example it is possible that a file still being copied by the mirroring worker is accessed by the autologbook worker generating an error. To avoid all these clashing issues, tenacity is used. The stability of this approach has been tested and resulted in a rather robust approach.
  2. robocopy. This is a shell external command that is copying all files from one location to another and that can be run in daemon mode. Compare to the watchdog is by far more stable but it suffers from three main limitations:
    • Every one minute. robocopy is executing the copy with a minimum interval of 1 minutes
    • No removal. By the way robocopy is working it can remove files from the destination folder, but it is not possible to protect some files from removal. For example, all png converted images available only on the network shares will be deleted by robocopy. For this reason, the deletion of extra-files have been removed. In practical terms it means that if you delete a file from the local disc, you need to delete it as well, manually, from the network share.
    • Last copy. When you stop the watchdog, it is possible that you still have some uncopied files to be transferred (this is because of the 1 minute delay). This files will be copied as last thing but they may not be noticed by the automatic logger because its thread was already closed. To avoid this problem, always leave the watchdog for some minutes after the last acquisition

The user can select which mirroring engine to use, using the -m engine option from the command line. The default is watchdog. From the Settings menu, it is also possible to directly select the mirroring engine also after the start of the GUI and without any interaction with the command line.

Protocol editor and customization

The role of the autologbook package is to build a protocol for the analysis session. The automatic procedure is sorting all acquried elements (navigation and microscope pictures, pdf reports...) in a standard form, but the microscope operator or the final user may want to costumize the protocol comments adding some extra information. The best way would be to edit the output HTML page directly on the ELOG server, but this is not possible during the analysis itself, because as soon as a new element is added to the protocol, autologbook will regenerate the complete HTML content and replace it to the existing one on the server. In other words, all modifications made on the HTML directly on the ELOG page while the autologbook watchdog is running, will be sooner or later lost. A possible solution is to wait until the end of the analysis session before starting doing all the customizations, but this is for sure not really handy. The solution adopted by the autologbook to let the user customize his protocol is via the ProtocolEditor dialog. It is activated during the execution of the watchdog by pressing the corresponding push button on the main window. The protocol editor window is featuring on the left side a TreeView widget where the protocol structure is shown always completed expanded. On the right side, there is a preview widget where thumbnails of images are shown and three text fields for caption, description and extra. The protocol data model is divided according to sections and samples as in the following scheme:

  • Introduction
  • Navigation images
    • NavImg 1
    • NavImg 2
    • ...
  • Samples
    • Sample 1
      • Subsample 1.1
        • SubSample1.1Img 1
        • SubSample1.1Img 2
      • Sample1Img 1
      • Sample1Img 2
    • Sample 2
      • Sample2Img 1
      • Sample2Img 2
      • ...
    • ...
  • Conclusion
  • Attachments
    • File1
    • File2

While sample names need to be unique, subsample names can be duplicated. Selecting an item from the tree view, the corresponding information are displayed on the right side. For all images it is possible to add a caption along with the description and the extra field available for all items. The user can use simple markdown styling in the description and the extra field. Not all markdown elements will be available, but a great part of it. When the selected element of the tree is changed, the introduced values are automatically stored in memory and will be used by the autologbook in the next update. Clicking on the Update button, or equivalently pressing CTRL+S, all customization will be saved to the protocol yaml file. This file change will trigger the autologbook watchdog to generate immediately a regeneration of the protocol.

Configuration settings

All parameters allowing the proper fucntioning of the tool can be configured either via a configuration file or directly in the GUI via the ConfigurationEditorDialog. The configuration file (*.ini) is parsed with the ConfigParser module. If started on the command line, the user can select which configuration file to use using the option -c or --conf-file.

An experiment file (*.exp) is also a configuration file where an additional section 'GUI' is added and that contains all the values of the various widgets. In this way the same protocol can be regenerated in a few mouse clicks.


Installation of the AUTOLOGBOOK is extremely easy and it is based on pip. The procedure to follow is slightly different if you intend to just to use the package or if you want to work on its development. Both approaches are described here below.

Ready to use installation

If you follow this procedure you won't be able to modify the package source and you will just use it as it is or include it in your package as a library. The best approach is to isolate all your installations in a separate enviroment so not to corrupt any other working tools.

rem Generate a fresh environment
python -m venv autologenv
cd autologenv
rem Activate the enviroment
rem Just install latest autologbook version from PIP
pip install autologbook

For running, autologbook needs that a few dependencies to be fullfilled. You don't have to worry about this because pip is taking care of the task, but here below a list of requirements is reported just for you to know.


The autologbook package has been developed with python 3.9.7. In principle it should be working also with other versions but it was never tested. Here is a list of the most important packages needed for execution of the autologbook.

  • py_elog v1.3.14 --> To interface to the ELOG server
  • yattag v1.14.0 --> To generate the HTML content of the protocol
  • PyQt5 v5.15.7 --> The GUI
  • Markdown v3.4.1 --> To format the custom HTML content
  • watchdog v2.1.9 --> To automatize the mirroring process and the addition of new elements to the protocol
  • tenacity v8.0.1 --> To stabilize the watchdog execution against intermittent problems.
  • Pillow v9.2.0 --> To manipulate images
  • PyYAML v6.0 --> To store custom protocol information

The complete list of requirements is included in the requirements.txt file distributed with the package. However, if the user decides to install autologbook via pip link, the installation procedure will take care of installing all needed dependencies.

A note about elog.

The official package developed by PSI is only available for conda installation. I have created a fork of the original repository and made all the changes to have it available also as a standalone python package available on PyPI. For the moment I'm the mainteiner of this package, but as soon as PSI will accept my PR, I will be gladly transfer the ownership.

Version >= v1.3.14 is required because it contains some improvements compared to the release available on the PSI GitHub page.

Install in development mode

Pip allows you to install a package in development mode so that you can have it install in your environment but at the same time you can keep to modify its source. Here is a simplified procedure.

rem Generate a fresh environment
python -m venv autologenv
cd autologenv
rem Get the source code from GitHub
git clone
rem Install the requirements for development purpose
pip install -r autologbook\requirements-dev.txt
rem Install the package in development mode
pip install -e autologbook


To run the autologbook module you just need to activate your python enviroment and enter the commands as here below.

rem Create a dedicated enviroment if you don't have it already
py -m venv myenv
cd myenv
rem Activate your python enviroment
rem Install the autologbook module
pip install autologbook
rem Start the GUI
python -m autologbook

Using python -m autologbook -h, you can get a list of command line options and flags to be used.

The ELOG counter part

autologbook is posting logbook entries to ELOG and while the connection details (hostname, port, username...) and the microscope specific logbook are parameters that can be adjusted by the user via the configuration file, the logbook structure is hardcoded and cannot be modified without having to recode large fraction of the code.

The expected logbook structure is shown in this image: elog-counterpart

When creating a dedicated logbook for a microscope to be used with autologbook, its structure must reflect this image and can also be copied from this elog configuration file snippet:

Theme = default
Comment = Logbook of Quattro analyses
Time format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Date format = %Y-%m-%d
Display mode = summary
Summary lines = 0
Reverse Sort = 1

;------------- Define here all the attributes -------------------
Attributes = Operator, Creation date, Protocol ID, Project, Customer, Edit Lock
Required attributes = Operator, Protocol ID, Project, Customer

;---------- OPERATOR
Preset Operator = $long_name
Subst Operator = $long_name

;---------- CREATION DATE
Type Creation date = date
Preset Creation date = $date

;---------- Protocol ID
Comment Protocol ID = Please provide the numeric digits of the protocol

;---------- Project
Comment Project = Please provide the project name (usually the second part of the folder name)

;---------- Customer
Comment Customer = Please provide the customer name (usually the third part of the folder name)

;---------- Edit Lock
ROptions Edit Lock = Protected, Unprotected
Preset Edit Lock = Unprotected
Comment Edit Lock = Use this switch to protect the entry against accidental automatic editing.

List display = ID, Creation date,  Operator,  Protocol ID, Project, Customer
Link display = ID
Quick filter = Protocol ID, Project, Customer

The Edit Lock

Starting from release v0.0.1.b.1, an Edit Lock flag has been introduced in the eLog structure. This is meant to protect an elog entry from accidental automatic editing. For example, after an elog entry has been generated with the autolog, the user decided to customize its content using the web editor interface instead of the Protocol Editor GUI. If the autologbook watchdog will be started again in the same folder, the standard HTML protocol will be generated and will replace the user customized one. In order to protect against this automatic re-editing, the user can set the Edit Lock to Protected and the autologbook will consider this entry as read-only.

When a read-only entry is found, the user is asked to decide what to do, (s)he may want to override the read-only flag regenarating the HTML content from the original protocol content, or to backup the read-only entry and generate a new one for the current protocol, or, as a last option, to change the protocol identification number for the current experiment.

WARNING. The check of the read-only flag is performed only before the watchdog is started. This means that if the user is setting protecting the entry while the watchdog is still running, this will be totally ignored.

Project details

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Source Distribution

autologbook-0.0.1b6.tar.gz (169.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

autologbook-0.0.1b6-py3-none-any.whl (141.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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