This package installs the modules used in "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python", 3rd Edition.
Project description
This package installs the packages (and specific versions) used in “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python”, 3rd Edition. For convenience, you can install this package with pip install automateboringstuff3 instead of installing the individual third-party packages. I’ll update this package from time to time to include the latest versions of those third-party packages that are still compatible with the book’s code examples.
Code Doesn’t Rust
Readers often installed the latest versions of third-party packages instead of the versions the book specified. When the third-party packages made backwards-incompatible changes, the book’s code examples wouldn’t work. This doesn’t mean the book is obsolete.
Code doesn’t rust; the old versions of software are as still perfectly capable as they’ve ever been. You should be on top of the latest security updates, but most updates for third-party packages are not security updates. There’s a sort of fear-of-missing-out that grips new programmers into thinking that newness is the only criteria to judge software. This endless reinvention of the wheel is a great way to sell consumers the same old software as new, but it doesn’t mean the software is significant improved.
Learning to code is a wide ocean for a short life. If a newer version of a third-party package has a feature you’d like to use, update to te new version. If not, then the version you are familiar with is fine.
Good luck on your programming journey.