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Tools to convert from and to Avro Schema from various other schema languages.

Project description


Avrotize is a command-line tool for converting data structure definitions between different schema formats, using Apache Avro Schema as the integration schema model.

You can use the tool to convert between Avro Schema and other schema formats like JSON Schema, XML Schema (XSD), Protocol Buffers (Protobuf), ASN.1, and database schema formats like Kusto Data Table Definition (KQL) and T-SQL Table Definition (SQL). That means you can also convert from JSON Schema to Protobuf going via Avro Schema.

The tool does not convert data (instances of schemas), only the data structure definitions.


Data structure definitions are an essential part of data exchange, serialization, and storage. They define the shape and type of data, and they are foundational for tooling and libraries for working with the data. Nearly all data schema languages are coupled to a specific data exchange or storage format, locking the definitions to that format.

Avrotize is designed as a tool to "unlock" data definitions from JSON Schema or XML Schema and make them usable in other contexts. The intent is also to lay a foundation for transcoding data from one format to another, by translating the schema definitions as accurately as possible into the schema model of the target format's schema. The transcoding of the data itself requires separate tools that are beyond the scope of this project.

The use of the term "data structure definition" and not "data object definition" is quite intentional. The focus of the tool is on data structures that can be used for messaging and eventing payloads, for data serialization, and for database tables, with the goal that those structures can be mapped cleanly from and to common programming language types.

Therefore, Avrotize intentionally ignores common techniques to model object-oriented inheritance. For instance, when converting from JSON Schema, all content from allOf expressions is merged into a single record type rather than trying to model the inheritance tree in Avro.

Why Avro Schema?

Apache Avro Schema is the "pivot point" for this tool. All schemas are converted from and to Avro Schema.

Avro Schema ...

  • provides a simple, clean, and concise way to define data structures. It is quite easy to understand and use.
  • is self-contained by design without having or requiring external references. Avro Schema can express complex data structure hierarchies spanning multiple namespace boundaries all in a single file, which neither JSON Schema nor XML Schema nor Protobuf can do.
  • can be resolved by code generators and other tools "top-down" since it enforces dependencies to be ordered such that no forward-referencing occurs.
  • emerged out of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem and is widely used for serialization and storage of data and for data exchange between systems.
  • supports native and logical types that cover the needs of many business and technical use cases.
  • can describe the popular JSON data encoding very well and in a way that always maps cleanly to a wide range of programming languages and systems. In contrast, it's quite easy to inadvertently define a JSON Schema that is very difficult to map to a programming language structure.
  • is itself expressed as JSON. That makes it easy to parse and generate, which is not the case for Protobuf or ASN.1, which require bespoke parsers.

Avro Schema does not support all the bells and whistles of XML Schema or JSON Schema, but that is a feature, not a bug, as it ensures the portability of the schemas across different systems and infrastructures. Specifically, Avro Schema does not support many of the data validation features found in JSON Schema or XML Schema. There are no pattern, format, minimum, maximum, or required keywords in Avro Schema, and Avro does not support conditional validation.

In a system where data originates as XML or JSON described by a validating XML Schema or JSON Schema, the assumption we make here is that data will be validated using its native schema language first, and then the Avro Schema will be used for transformation or transfer or storage.

Adding CloudEvents columns for database tables

When converting Avro Schema to Kusto Data Table Definition (KQL), T-SQL Table Definition (SQL), or Parquet Schema, the tool can add special columns for CloudEvents attributes. CNCF CloudEvents is a specification for describing event data in a common way.

The rationale for adding such columns to database tables is that messages and events commonly separate event metadata from the payload data, while that information is merged when events are projected into a database. The metadata often carries important context information about the event that is not contained in the payload itself. Therefore, the tool can add those columns to the database tables for easy alignment of the message context with the payload when building event stores.


You can install Avrotize from PyPI, having installed Python 3.11 or later:

pip install avrotize


Avrotize provides several commands for converting schema formats via Avro Schema.

Converting to Avro Schema:

Converting from Avro Schema:

Convert Proto schema to Avro schema

avrotize p2a --proto <path_to_proto_file> --avsc <path_to_avro_schema_file>


  • --proto: The path to the Protobuf schema file to be converted.
  • --avsc: The path to the Avro schema file to write the conversion result to.

Conversion notes:

  • Protobuf allows any scalar type as key in a map, Avro does not. When converting from Proto to Avro, the type information for the map keys is ignored.
  • The tool embeds all 'well-known' Protobuf 3.0 types in Avro format and injects them as needed when the respective types are included. Only the Timestamp type is mapped to the Avro logical type 'timestamp-millis'. The rest of the well-known Protobuf types are kept as Avro record types with the same field names and types.
  • The field numbers in message types are not yet mapped to the positions of the fields in Avro records. The fields in Avro are ordered as they appear in the Proto schema.

Convert Avro schema to Proto schema

avrotize a2p --avsc <path_to_avro_schema_file> --proto <path_to_proto_directory>


  • --avsc: The path to the Avro schema file to be converted.
  • --proto: The path to the Protobuf schema directory to write the conversion result to.

Conversion notes:

  • Avro namespaces are resolved into distinct proto package definitions. The tool will create a new .proto file with the package definition and an import statement for each namespace found in the Avro schema.
  • Avro type unions [] are converted to oneof expressions in Proto. Avro allows for maps and arrays in the type union, whereas Proto only supports scalar types and message type references. The tool will therefore emit message types containing a single array or map field for any such case and add it to the containing type, and will also recursively resolve further unions in the array and map values.
  • The sequence of fields in a message follows the sequence of fields in the Avro record. When type unions need to be resolved into oneof expressions, the alternative fields need to be assigned field numbers, which will shift the field numbers for any subsequent fields.

Convert JSON schema to Avro schema

avrotize j2a --jsons <path_to_json_schema_file> --avsc <path_to_avro_schema_file> [--namespace <avro_schema_namespace>]


  • --jsons: The path to the JSON schema file to be converted.
  • --avsc: The path to the Avro schema file to write the conversion result to.
  • --namespace: (optional) The namespace to use in the Avro schema if the JSON schema does not define a namespace.

JSON Schema is a very flexible schema format and extremely permissive. That results in many valid JSON schema documents for which it is difficult to translate all definitions into Avro Schema.

Conversion notes:

  • All field constraints and validations associated with the JSON Schema are ignored in the translation to Avro. Avro does not support the same level of validation as JSON Schema.
  • Very large schemas with many cross references ($ref) throughout the schema may have circular references that cannot be fully resolved in Avro Schema.
  • JSON type unions as well as allOf, anyOf, and oneOf expressions that are shared and referenced by a $ref expression are mapped to a record type in Avro with a field value of the type union.
  • JSON enums are converted to the Avro enum type. Numeric values are not supported by Avro and the tool will ignore them. Numeric string values are prefixed with an underscore and the result is sanitized to be a valid Avro enum name.
  • Untyped object properties (without type attribute) are mapped to an Avro union that allows scalar values or two levels of array and/or map nesting.
  • Conditional schema validation is not translated to Avro. The tool will ignore all if/then/else, dependentRequired, and dependentSchemas keywords and the resulting Avro schema will not enforce the conditional validation.
  • JSON Schema allows for arbitrary property names, Avro does not. When converting from JSON to Avro, the property names in objects are sanitized by replacing any non-alphanumeric characters with underscores and prefixing the result with an underscore. This may lead to name conflicts and the tool will simply append a unique index to the name to avoid naming conflicts.
  • All patternProperties are converted into a fields holding arrays of records.
  • All external references ($ref) are resolved and embedded in the Avro schema. The tool does not support maintaining external references to other schemas. To perform a conversion, all external $ref references have to be resolvable by the tool.
  • When a JSON schema file does not define a top-level type, the tool will look for a definitions section and emit all definitions as a union of the types defined. This also works with Swagger and OpenAPI files.

Convert XML Schema (XSD) to Avro schema

avrotize x2a --xsd <path_to_xsd_file> --avsc <path_to_avro_schema_file> [--namespace <avro_schema_namespace>]


  • --xsd: The path to the XML schema file to be converted.
  • --avsc: The path to the Avro schema file to write the conversion result to.
  • --namespace: (optional) The namespace to use in the Avro schema if the XML schema does not define a namespace.

Conversion notes:

  • All XML Schema elements are mapped to Avro record types with fields, whereby both elements and attributes become fields in the record.
  • Avro does not support xsd:any as Avro does not support arbitrary typing and must always use a named type. The tool will map xsd:any to a field any typed as a union that allows scalar values or two levels of array and/or map nesting.
  • Simple type declarations that define enums are mapped to enum types in Avro. All other facets are ignored and simple types are mapped to the corresponding Avro type.
  • Complex type declarations that have simple content where a base type is augmented with attributes is mapped to a record type in Avro. Any other facets defined on the complex type are ignored.
  • If the schema defines a single root element, the tool will emit a single Avro record type. If the schema defines multiple root elements, the tool will emit a union of record types, each corresponding to a root element.

Convert ASN.1 schema to Avro schema

avrotize asn2a --asn <path_to_asn1_schema_file>[,<path_to_asn1_schema_file>,...]  --avsc <path_to_avro_schema_file>


  • --asn: The path to the ASN.1 schema file to be converted. The tool supports multiple files in a comma-separated list.
  • --avsc: The path to the Avro schema file to write the conversion result to.

Conversion notes:

  • All ASN.1 types are mapped to Avro record types, enums, and unions. Avro does not support the same level of nesting of types as ASN.1, the tool will map the types to the best fit.
  • The tool will map the following ASN.1 types to Avro types:
    • SEQUENCE and SET are mapped to Avro record types.
    • CHOICE is mapped to an Avro record types with all fields being optional. While the CHOICE type technically corresponds to an Avro union, the ASN.1 type has different named fields for each option, which is not a feature of Avro unions.
    • OBJECT IDENTIFIER is mapped to an Avro string type.
    • ENUMERATED is mapped to an Avro enum type.
    • SEQUENCE OF and SET OF are mapped to Avro array type.
    • BIT STRING is mapped to Avro bytes type.
    • OCTET STRING is mapped to Avro bytes type.
    • INTEGER is mapped to Avro long type.
    • REAL is mapped to Avro double type.
    • BOOLEAN is mapped to Avro boolean type.
    • NULL is mapped to Avro null type.
    • UTF8String, PrintableString, IA5String, BMPString, NumericString, TeletexString, VideotexString, GraphicString, VisibleString, GeneralString, UniversalString, CharacterString, T61String are all mapped to Avro string type.
    • All other ASN.1 types are mapped to Avro string type.
  • The ability to parse ASN.1 schema files is limited and the tool may not be able to parse all ASN.1 files. The tool is based on the Python asn1tools package and is limited to that package's capabilities.

Convert Avro schema to Kusto table declaration

avrotize a2k --avsc <path_to_avro_schema_file> --kusto <path_to_kusto_kql_file> [--record-type <record_type>] [--emit-cloudevents-columns]


  • --avsc: The path to the Avro schema file to be converted.
  • --kusto: The path to the Kusto KQL file to write the conversion result to.
  • --record-type: (optional) The name of the Avro record type to convert to a Kusto table.
  • --emit-cloudevents-columns: (optional) If set, the tool will add CloudEvents attribute columns to the table: __id, __source, __subject, __type, and __time.

Conversion notes:

  • Only the Avro record type can be mapped to a Kusto table. If the Avro schema contains other types (like enum or array), the tool will ignore them.
  • Only the first record type in the Avro schema is converted to a Kusto table. If the Avro schema contains other record types, they will be ignored. The --record-type option can be used to specify which record type to convert.
  • The fields of the record are mapped to columns in the Kusto table. Fields that are records or arrays or maps are mapped to columns of type dynamic in the Kusto table.

Convert Avro schema to T-SQL table definition

avrotize a2tsql --avsc <path_to_avro_schema_file> --tsql <path_to_sql_file> [--record-type <record_type>] [--emit-cloudevents-columns]


  • --avsc: The path to the Avro schema file to be converted.
  • --tsql: The path to the T-SQL file to write the conversion result to.
  • --record-type: (optional) The name of the Avro record type to convert to a T-SQL table.
  • --emit-cloudevents-columns: (optional) If set, the tool will add CloudEvents attribute columns to the table: __id, __source, __subject, __type, and __time.

Conversion notes:

  • Only the Avro record type can be mapped to a T-SQL table. If the Avro schema contains other types (like enum or array), the tool will ignore them.
  • Only the first record type in the Avro schema is converted to a T-SQL table. If the Avro schema contains other record types, they will be ignored. The --record-type option can be used to specify which record type to convert.
  • The fields of the record are mapped to columns in the T-SQL table. Fields of type record or array or map are mapped to columns of type varchar(max) in the T-SQL table and it's assumed for them to hold JSON data.
  • The emitted script sets extended properties to the columns with the Avro schema definition of the field in a JSON format. This allows for easy introspection of the serialized Avro schema in the field definition.

Convert Avro schema to empty Parquet file

avrotize a2pq --avsc <path_to_avro_schema_file> --parquet <path_to_parquet_schema_file> [--record-type <record-type-from-avro>] [--emit-cloudevents-columns]


  • --avsc: The path to the Avro schema file to be converted.
  • --parquet: The path to the Parquet schema file to write the conversion result to.
  • --record-type: (optional) The name of the Avro record type to convert to a Parquet schema.
  • --emit-cloudevents-columns: (optional) If set, the tool will add CloudEvents attribute columns to the Parquet schema: __id, __source, __subject, __type, and __time.

Conversion notes:

  • The emitted Parquet file contains only the schema, no data rows.
  • The tool only supports writing Parquet files for Avro schema that describe a single record type. If the Avro schema contains a top-level union, the --record-type option must be used to specify which record type to emit.
  • The fields of the record are mapped to columns in the Parquet file. Array and record fields are mapped to Parquet nested types. Avro type unions are mapped to structures, not to Parquet unions since those are not supported by the PyArrow library used here.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


Avrotize is released under the Apache License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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avrotize-0.11.0.tar.gz (48.0 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

avrotize-0.11.0-py3-none-any.whl (54.1 kB view hashes)

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