This Utility will help you with the security audit of AWS cloud services.
Project description
AWS Audit
AWS Audit is a command line utility that will help end-user/application owner to audit the AWS services from the security perspective.
Here are the features of the AWS Audit
- Command line utility
- Generate report in excel
- No additional setup is required
The easiest way to install AWS Audit is to use pip.
$ pip install aws-audit
or install it globally using below command:
$ sudo pip install aws-audit
Verify Installation
Verify which version is installed on system using below command.
$ awsaudit -v
$ awsaudit --version
Configure AWS Audit
The AWS IAM user which you are using to configure the utility needs to have "ReadOnlyAccess" policy assigned.
You have to provide AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key to complete the configuration.
Once you installed and verify the setup of AWS Audit, configure the utility using below command.
$ awsaudit --configure
Getting Started
To get help for AWS Audit run below command.
$ awsaudit -h
Run the following command to get list of AWS Services available with utility.
$ awsaudit --list-services
Run the following command to get the list of rules for specific service.
$ awsaudit --list-rules acm
If you want to run the audit for specific service and for the specific region:
$ awsaudit --services ec2 --regions us-east-1
or, for multiple services:
$ awsaudit --services ec2,rds --regions us-east-1
or, if you want to run for all regions do not pass regions:
$ awsaudit --services ec2,rds
or, for all services for specific regions:
$ awsaudit --regions us-east-1,us-east-2
Shorthand parameters are also available.
$ awsaudit -s ec2 -r us-east-1
Available Services
Service | Rule ID | Severity | Rule |
acm | ACM_001 | High | AWS ACM Certificates are expired. |
ACM_002 | Medium | ACM Certificates are about to expires in 30 days. | |
ACM_003 | Low | ACM Certificate issued for wildcard domain. | |
apigateway | APIGATEWAY_001 | Medium | Production stage APIs not integratated with AWS WAF. |
APIGATEWAY_002 | Medium | Production and Staging stage APIs not configured for SSL certificate. | |
APIGATEWAY_003 | Medium | APIs are publicly accessible. | |
backup | BACKUP_001 | High | Backup vault access policy is not configured to prevent the deletion. |
BACKUP_001 | High | Backup valult is not encrypted with KMS CMK. | |
BACKUP_003 | Medium | Backup plans lifecycle configuration is not enabled. | |
cloudfront | CLOUDFRONT_001 | Low | Cloudfront distributions are not using geo restriction. |
CLOUDFRONT_002 | Medium | Cloudfront distributions are using insecure SSL protocols | |
CLOUDFRONT_003 | Medium | Cloudfront distributions are not integrated with AWS WAF. | |
CLOUDFRONT_004 | Medium | Access Logging is not enabled for Cloudfront distributions. | |
CLOUDFRONT_005 | Medium | CloudFront distributions are not using improved security policies for HTTPS connections. | |
CLOUDFRONT_006 | Medium | Traffic between the AWS CloudFront distributions and their origins is not encrypted. | |
CLOUDFRONT_007 | Medium | Cloudfront not using secure viewer protocol policy. | |
CLOUDFRONT_008 | Medium | Origin access identity is not enabled for Cloudfront distributions | |
CLOUDFRONT_009 | Medium | Field level encryption is not enabled for Cloudfront distributions. | |
cloudtrail | CLOUDTRAIL_001 | High | Cloudtrail trails are not enabled. |
CLOUDTRAIL_002 | High | Cloudtrail is not enabled for global services. | |
CLOUDTRAIL_003 | Medium | Cloudtrail logs are not encrypted. | |
CLOUDTRAIL_004 | Medium | Management events are not included into Cloudtrail. | |
CLOUDTRAIL_005 | Medium | File integrity validation not enabled for Cloudtrail. | |
CLOUDTRAIL_006 | Medium | Log delivery failing for Cloudtrail. | |
CLOUDTRAIL_007 | Medium | Bucket logging is not enabled for Cloudtrail. | |
CLOUDTRAIL_008 | High | Cloudtrail logging bucket is publicly accessible. | |
config | CONFIG_001 | High | AWS Config is not enabled. |
CONFIG_001 | Medium | Global resources are not included in AWS Config. | |
CONFIG_001 | Medium | AWS Config log delivery failed. | |
dms | DMS_001 | High | DMS replication instances are not encrypted with KMS CMK. |
DMS_002 | High | DMS replication instances are publicly accessible. | |
DMS_003 | Medium | DMS replication instances auto minor version upgrade feature not enabled. | |
documentdb | DOCUMENTDB_001 | High | DocumentDB clusters are not encrypted with KMS CMK. |
DOCUMENTDB_002 | High | DocumentDB Clusters are not encrypted at rest. | |
DOCUMENTDB_003 | Low | Log export feature is not enabled for DocumentDB Clusters. | |
dynamodb | DYNAMODB_001 | High | DynamoDB is not encrypted with KMS CMK. |
ec2 | EC2_001 | High | AMI is not encrypted. |
EC2_002 | Medium | AMI is publicly shared. Your data on AMI is accessible to everyone. | |
EC2_003 | Medium | EC2 Default security groups are unrestricted. | |
EC2_004 | Medium | Default EC2 security group is in use. | |
EC2_005 | Low | Security groups rule description not present. | |
EC2_006 | Low | Your account has too old AMI. | |
EC2_007 | Medium | EC2 instance not in VPC | |
EC2_008 | Medium | EC2 instances are not using IAM role. | |
EC2_009 | Low | EC2 security groups prefixed with 'launch-wizard'. | |
EC2_010 | Medium | EC2 Security groups opening wide port range to allow inbound traffic. | |
EC2_011 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 445. | |
EC2_012 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 53. | |
EC2_013 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 9200. | |
EC2_014 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 20 and 21. | |
EC2_015 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 80. | |
EC2_016 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 443. | |
EC2_017 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for ICMP. | |
EC2_018 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 27017. | |
EC2_019 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 1433. | |
EC2_020 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 3306. | |
EC2_021 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 137, 138, and 139. | |
EC2_022 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 1521. | |
EC2_023 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted outbound access for all ports. | |
EC2_024 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 5432. | |
EC2_025 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 3389. | |
EC2_026 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 135. | |
EC2_027 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 25. | |
EC2_028 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 22. | |
EC2_029 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 23. | |
EC2_030 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 5601. | |
EC2_031 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 5500. | |
EC2_032 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 5900. | |
EC2_033 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 8020. | |
EC2_034 | Medium | EC2 security group allows unrestricted inbound access for TCP port 50070 and 50470. | |
EC2_035 | Medium | Unused key pairs present | |
EC2_036 | High | EBS Volume snapshots are public. | |
EC2_037 | High | EBS volumes are not encrypted | |
EC2_038 | High | EBS volumes are not encrypted with KMS CMK. | |
EC2_039 | Medium | EBS snapshots are not encrypted. | |
EC2_040 | Medium | VPC enpoints allows cross account access. | |
EC2_041 | Medium | VPC endpoints are exposed to everyone. | |
EC2_042 | Low | VPC Flow Log is not enabled. | |
EC2_043 | Medium | Default VPC exists. | |
ecr | ECR_001 | High | Repositories are exposed to everyone. |
ECR_002 | High | Repositories are allows cross account access. | |
efs | EFS_001 | High | Encryption is not enabled for EFS File systems. |
EFS_002 | High | EFS file systems are not encrypted with KMS CMK. | |
eks | EKS_001 | Low | EKS Clusters logging is not enabled. |
EKS_002 | Medium | EKS Cluster security group is not secure. | |
EKS_003 | Medium | EKS Cluster endpoint is publicly accessible. | |
elasticache | ELASTICACHE_001 | Low | ElastiCache clusters are using default port. |
ELASTICACHE_002 | Medium | ElastiCache clusters are not in VPC. | |
ELASTICACHE_003 | High | ElastiCache clusters end-to-end encryption is not enabled. | |
elbv2 | ELBV2_001 | Medium | Application load balancer not using HTTPS listener. |
ELBV2_002 | Medium | ALB Access logging in not enabled | |
ELBV2_003 | Medium | WAF is not configured for ALBs | |
ELBV2_004 | Medium | ALBs are using insecure ciphers. | |
ELBV2_005 | Medium | ALBs Invalid HTTP header dropped feature is not enabled. | |
ELBV2_006 | Medium | ALB deletion protection is not enabled. | |
emr | EMR_001 | Medium | EMR clusters are not in VPC. |
EMR_002 | High | EMR clusters end-to-end encryption is not enabled. | |
es | ES_001 | High | AWS ElasticSearch domains are not encrypted with KMS Customer Master Keys. |
ES_002 | High | Node to Node encryption is not enabled for ES clusters. | |
ES_003 | High | ES Clusters are allowed cross account access. | |
ES_004 | High | ES Domains are exposed to everyone. | |
ES_005 | Medium | ES Domains are not in VPC. | |
ES_006 | High | ES domains are not encrypted at-rest. | |
ES_007 | High | ES Domains are not enforcing HTTPS connections. | |
firehose | FIREHOSE_001 | High | Firehose delivery stream source records are not encrypted. |
FIREHOSE_002 | High | Firehose delivery stream S3 destination is not encrypted. | |
fsx | FSX_001 | Medium | FSx for Windows File Server file systems are not encrypted using AWS KMS CMks |
iam | IAM_001 | Medium | IAM password policy is not defined. |
IAM_002 | High | IAM users are having full administrator permission. | |
IAM_003 | High | IAM policies have full administrator access. | |
IAM_004 | Medium | IAM ggroups are using inline policies. | |
IAM_005 | Medium | IAM users are not present. | |
IAM_006 | High | MFA is not enabled for IAM users. | |
IAM_007 | High | IAM root account is using access keys. | |
IAM_008 | High | MFA for root account is not enabled. | |
IAM_009 | Medium | IAM users having more than one active access keys. | |
IAM_010 | Medium | IAM users having more than one active ssh keys. | |
IAM_011 | Low | IAM groups are not having users. | |
IAM_012 | Medium | IAM having unused users. | |
kafka | KAFKA_001 | Medium | Kafka clusters are not encrypted using KMS CMK. |
kinesis | KINESIS_001 | High | Kinesis streams are not using server side encryption. |
KINESIS_002 | High | Kinesis streams are not encrypted using KMS CMK. | |
kms | KMS_001 | High | KMS Key is exposed to everyone. |
KMS_002 | Medium | KMS Key rotation is not enabled | |
KMS_003 | Medium | KMS key is scheduled for deleteion. It may impact services if key is in use. | |
KMS_004 | High | KMS Key allows cross account access. | |
lambda | LAMBDA_001 | High | Lambda functions are exposed to everyone. |
LAMBDA_002 | Medium | Lambda functions are allows cross account access. | |
LAMBDA_003 | Medium | Lambda functions are not in VPC. | |
mq | MQ_001 | Low | MQ brokers log export feature is not enabled. |
MQ_002 | Medium | MQ Brokers are publicly accessible. | |
MQ_003 | Medium | MQ brokers, auto minor version upgrade feature is not enabled. | |
neptune | NEPTUNE_001 | Medium | Neptune clusters are not using IAM Database authentication. |
NEPTUNE_002 | Medium | Neptune instances are not encrypted using KMS CMK. | |
NEPTUNE_003 | High | Neptune instances are not encrypted. | |
NEPTUNE_004 | High | Neptune instances are publicly accessible. | |
NEPTUNE_005 | Medium | Neptune instances auto minor version upgrade feature not enabled. | |
NEPTUNE_006 | Low | Neptune instances are using default port. | |
rds | RDS_001 | High | RDS Database snapshots are publicly accessible. |
RDS_002 | Medium | RDS Aurora database deletetion protection feature is not enabled. | |
RDS_003 | Low | RDS Log exports feature is not enabled. | |
RDS_004 | Low | Log exports features is not enabled for Aurora Serverless databases. | |
RDS_005 | Medium | IAM database authentication feature is not enabled. | |
RDS_006 | Medium | RDS deletetion protection is not enabled for database instances. | |
RDS_007 | Medium | RDS auto minor version upgrade is not enabled. | |
RDS_008 | Low | RDS insatnces are using default ports. | |
RDS_009 | High | RDS instances are not encypted with KMS CMK. | |
RDS_0010 | High | RDS instances are not encrypted. | |
RDS_0011 | High | RDS instance is publicly accessible. | |
RDS_0012 | Medium | Unrestricted security groups assign to RDS Instances. | |
RDS_0013 | High | RDS Database snapshots are not encrypted. | |
redshift | REDSHIFT_001 | Low | Activity logging is not enabled for Redshift clusters. |
REDSHIFT_002 | Medium | Audit logging is not eneabled for Redshift clusters. | |
REDSHIFT_003 | Low | Redshift clusters are using default port. | |
REDSHIFT_004 | High | Redshift clusters are not encrypted. | |
REDSHIFT_005 | High | Redshift clusters are not encrypted using KMS CMK. | |
REDSHIFT_006 | Medium | Redshift clusters not in VPC. | |
REDSHIFT_007 | High | Redshift clusters are publicly accessible. | |
REDSHIFT_008 | Medium | Parameter groups associated with Redshift cluster do not have the require_ssl parameter enabled. | |
route53 | ROUTE53_001 | Low | Privacy protection is not enabled for Route53 Domains. |
ROUTE53_002 | Medium | SPF record is not present for Hosted Zones. | |
ROUTE53_003 | Medium | Transfer lock is not enabled for Route53 Domains. | |
s3 | S3_001 | Medium | Server side encryption is not enabled for S3 buckets. |
S3_002 | Medium | In-Transit encryption not enabled for S3 buckets. | |
S3_003 | Low | Object lock feature is not enabled for S3 Buckets. | |
S3_004 | High | S3 Buckets are allowing cross account access. | |
S3_005 | Low | Lifecycle rules are not configured for S3 Buckets. | |
S3_006 | Medium | S3 Buckets are not encrypted using KMS CMK. | |
S3_007 | High | S3 Buckets are not encrypted using default encryption. | |
S3_008 | High | S3 Buckets are allowing global Read, Write, Delete permissions. | |
sagemaker | SAGEMAKER_001 | Medium | Notebook instances are not in VPC. |
SAGEMAKER_002 | High | Notebook instances are not encrypted. | |
SAGEMAKER_003 | High | Notebook instances are not encrypted using KMS CMK. | |
SAGEMAKER_004 | Medium | Notebook instances are publicly accessible. | |
secretsmanager | SECRETSMANAGER_001 | High | Secret is not encrypted with KMS CMK. |
SECRETSMANAGER_002 | Medium | Secret rotation is not enabled. | |
SECRETSMANAGER_003 | Medium | Secret rotation interval is not configured. | |
ses | SES_001 | Low | SES DKIM is not enabled. |
SES_002 | High | SES identities are exposed to everyone. | |
SES_003 | High | SES identities allows cross account access. | |
shield | SHIELD_001 | Medium | AWS Shield is not enabeld. |
sns | SNS_001 | High | SNS topics are not encrypted. |
SNS_002 | High | SNS topics are not encrypted with KMS CMK. | |
SNS_003 | High | SNS topics are exposed to everyone. | |
SNS_004 | High | SNS topics allows cross account access | |
SNS_005 | Medium | SNS topics are using insecure subscription. | |
SNS_006 | Medium | SNS topics allows everyone to publish. | |
SNS_007 | Medium | SNS topics allows everyone to subscribe. | |
sqs | SQS_001 | High | SQS queues are enforcing server side encryption |
SQS_002 | High | SQS queues are not encrypted with KMS CMK. | |
SQS_003 | High | SQS Queues are exposed to everyone. | |
SQS_004 | High | SQS queues are allowing cross account access. | |
ssm | SSM_001 | Medium | SSM Paramters are not encrypted. |
transfer | TRANSFER_001 | Medium | Cloudwatch logging is not enabled for Transfer for SFTP. |
TRANSFER_002 | Medium | Transfer for SFTP servers are not using PrivateLink for endpoints | |
xray | XRAY_001 | High | X-ray not encrypts traces and related data using KMS CMK. |
For Issues
For any issues/queries/suggestions please reach us at thecloudrecipes[at]gmail[dot]com
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File details
Details for the file aws_audit-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: aws_audit-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 92.3 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.1.1 pkginfo/ requests/2.23.0 setuptools/41.2.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.46.0 CPython/3.8.2
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | a3c60fc19498e15ad13c82ad07b78afeb19899dcb74b3139e38eba89743604eb |
MD5 | f7805388571f6a3a9fbe246424f3733c |
BLAKE2b-256 | cb2349cc8d2c48391ce57b678a0278bdcd4858a9caa9e9e77167edebfc01a1f7 |