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AWS Container Launcher makes it easy to programmatically run a Docker container in AWS using the Python module

Project description


  • Python 3.7
  • AWS Credentials

AWS Container Launcher (aws-container-launcher)

AWS Container Launcher makes it easy to programmatically run a Docker container in AWS using the Python module.

WARNING: After processing a job, you are in charge of destroying the infrastructure. Do not forget to call the "destroy" method; otherwise, the instance will continue to operate and you will be charged by Amazon.

Instance type determination

You can specify the instance type explicitly or set the CPU and memory, and the module will automatically select the optimal instance type for you.


Minimal example with providing an instance type

import time
from aws_container_launcher import ContainerLauncher, RunStatus

acl = ContainerLauncher()

start_container_input = {
    'commands': [
        'sleep 1'
    ],  # required
    'docker_image': 'ubuntu:latest',  # required
    'subnet_ids': [<subnet_id_1>, <subnet_id_2>],  # required
    'instance_type': 't3.micro',  # required. Alternatively, use 'cpu' and 'memory' parameters pair.

Asynchronously running of an ECS task.
However, resource initializing happens synchronously (EC2, etc.) and takes up to 5 minutes
start_container_response = acl.start_container(start_container_input)

entry_id = start_container_response['entry_id']


get_container_status_response = acl.get_container_status(entry_id)

status = get_container_status_response['status']

assert status ==


Minimal example with providing 'cpu' and 'memory' pair

import time
from aws_container_launcher import ContainerLauncher, RunStatus

acl = ContainerLauncher()

start_container_input = {
    'commands': [
        'sleep 1'
    ],  # required
    'docker_image': 'ubuntu:latest',  # required
    'subnet_ids': [<subnet_id_1>, <subnet_id_2>],  # required
    'cpu': 1,  # required. Alternatively, use the 'instance_type' parameter for 'cpu' and 'memory' parameters pair.
    'memory': 4  # required. Alternatively, use the 'instance_type' parameter for 'cpu' and 'memory' parameters pair.

Asynchronously running of an ECS task.
However, resource initializing happens synchronously (EC2, etc.) and takes up to 5 minutes
start_container_response = acl.start_container(start_container_input)

entry_id = start_container_response['entry_id']


get_container_status_response = acl.get_container_status(entry_id)

status = get_container_status_response['status']

assert status ==



import time
import logging
from aws_container_launcher import ContainerLauncher, RunStatus

logger = logging

acl = ContainerLauncher({
    'monitoring_table_tags': {
        'k1': 'v1',
        'k2': 'v2'
    },  # optional. It is tagging for the monitoring DynamoDB table.
        # The DynamoDB table will be created if it doesn't exist and will be reused if it exists.
    'logger': logger,
    'region': 'us-east-1'

entry_id = str(time.time()).replace('.', '')

start_container_input = {
    'commands': [
        'sleep 1'
    ],  # required
    'docker_image': 'ubuntu:latest',  # required
    'subnet_ids': [<subnet_id_1>, <subnet_id_2>],  # required
    'cpu': 1,  # required. Alternatively, use the 'instance_type' parameter for 'cpu' and 'memory' parameters pair.
    'memory': 4,  # required. Alternatively, use the 'instance_type' parameter for 'cpu' and 'memory' parameters pair.
    'id': entry_id,  # optional. The ID must be unique for each task.
                     # Otherwise, you will get the same status for an already completed job.
                     # If not provided, then ID will be generated automatically.
    'name_suffix': <name_suffix>,  # optional. The name_suffix must be unique for each job run.
    'ec2_sg_ids': [<security_group_id_1>, <security_group_id_2>],  # optional. Default: A default VPC security group
    'tags': {
        'k1': 'v1',
        'k2': 'v2'
    },  # optional
    'is_spot': True,  # Default: False
    'instance_type': 't3.micro',  # required. Alternatively, use 'cpu' and 'memory' parameters pair.
                                     # The instance type has priority over 'cpu' and 'memory' parameters pair.
    'storages': [
            'type': 'fsx',
            'file_system_id': <file_system_id>,
            'dir': '/fsx'  # It is a path to access FSx space from an EC2 instance. Default: /fsx
            'type': 'ssd_instance_store'
    ],  # optional
    'options': {
        'scaling_enabled': True
    }  # Used as a safety catch if you forgot to destroy the infrastructure after processing the job.
       # If the CPU activity for the EC2 instance is less than 1 percent for 3 hours,
       # the EC2 instance will be terminated by Auto Scaling Policy.

Asynchronously running of an ECS task.
However, resource initializing happens synchronously (EC2, etc.)
and takes up to 5 minutes
start_container_response = acl.start_container(start_container_input)

entry_id = start_container_response['entry_id']


get_container_status_response = acl.get_container_status(entry_id)

status = get_container_status_response['status']


assert status ==



Amazon FSx for Lustre

import time
from aws_container_launcher import ContainerLauncher, RunStatus

acl = ContainerLauncher()

start_container_input = {
    'commands': [
        'sleep 120'
    ],  # required
    'docker_image': 'ubuntu:latest',  # required
    'subnet_ids': [<subnet_id_1>, <subnet_id_2>],  # required
    'instance_type': 'm5d.4xlarge',
    'storages': [
            'type': 'fsx',
            'file_system_id': <file_system_id>,
            'dir': '/fsx'  # It is a path to access FSx space from an EC2 instance. Default: /fsx
    'ecs_task_definition': {
        'volumes': [
                'name': 'fsx_storage',
                'host': {
                    'sourcePath': '/fsx'  # Must be matched with "storages[.type == 'fsx'].dir"
        'containerDefinitions': {
            'mountPoints': [
                    'sourceVolume': 'fsx_storage',
                    'containerPath': '/fsx',  # It is a path to access FSx space from a docker container.
                    'readOnly': False

# Async running of an ECS task
start_container_response = acl.start_container(start_container_input)

entry_id = start_container_response['entry_id']


get_container_status_response = acl.get_container_status(entry_id)


status = get_container_status_response['status']

assert status ==


SSD instance store

  • It you specify instance type explicitly and instance type doesn't support NVMe SSD storage, then SSD instance store configuration is ignored
  • If you specify CPU and memory pair then the package automatically pick up optimal instance type with instance store
  • The solution automatically combines all ephemeral disks using RAID 0; thus, all disks are treated as one file system, and all space is available on the specified path
import time
from aws_container_launcher import ContainerLauncher, RunStatus

acl = ContainerLauncher()

start_container_input = {
    'commands': [
        'sleep 120'
    ],  # required
    'docker_image': 'ubuntu:latest',  # required
    'subnet_ids': [<subnet_id_1>, <subnet_id_2>],  # required
    'instance_type': 'm5d.4xlarge',  # required
    'storages': [
            'type': 'ssd_instance_store',
            'dir': '/ssd1'  # It is a path to access SSD instance store space from an EC2 instance. Default: /ssd
    'ecs_task_definition': {
        'volumes': [
                'name': 'ssd_instance_store',
                'host': {
                    'sourcePath': '/ssd1'  # Must be matched with "storages[.type == 'ssd_instance_store'].dir"
        'containerDefinitions': {
            'mountPoints': [
                    'sourceVolume': 'ssd_instance_store',
                    'containerPath': '/ssd',  # It is a path to access SSD instance store space from a docker container.
                    'readOnly': False

# Async running of an ECS task
start_container_response = acl.start_container(start_container_input)

entry_id = start_container_response['entry_id']


get_container_status_response = acl.get_container_status(entry_id)


status = get_container_status_response['status']

assert status ==



import time
from aws_container_launcher import ContainerLauncher, RunStatus

acl = ContainerLauncher()

start_container_input = {
    'commands': [
        'sleep 600'
    ],  # required
    'docker_image': 'ubuntu:latest',  # required
    'subnet_ids': [<subnet_id_1>, <subnet_id_2>],  # required
    'instance_type': 'm5d.4xlarge',  # required
    'ecs_task_definition': {
        'volumes': [
                'name': 'efs',
                'efsVolumeConfiguration': {
                    'fileSystemId': <file_system_id>,
                    'rootDirectory': '/',
                    'transitEncryption': 'ENABLED',
                    'authorizationConfig': {
                        'accessPointId': <access_point_id>,
                        'iam': 'ENABLED'
        'containerDefinitions': {
            'mountPoints': [
                    'sourceVolume': 'efs',
                    'containerPath': '/mnt/efs',
                    'readOnly': False
            'workingDirectory': '/mnt/efs'

# Async running of an ECS task
start_container_response = acl.start_container(start_container_input)

entry_id = start_container_response['entry_id']


get_container_status_response = acl.get_container_status(entry_id)


status = get_container_status_response['status']

assert status ==


Privileged mode

import time
from aws_container_launcher import ContainerLauncher, RunStatus

acl = ContainerLauncher()

start_container_input = {
    'commands': [
        'sleep 600'
    ],  # required
    'docker_image': 'ubuntu:latest',  # required
    'subnet_ids': [<subnet_id_1>, <subnet_id_2>],  # required
    'instance_type': 't3.small',  # required
    'ecs_task_definition': {
        'containerDefinitions': {
            'privileged': True

# Async running of an ECS task
start_container_response = acl.start_container(start_container_input)

entry_id = start_container_response['entry_id']


get_container_status_response = acl.get_container_status(entry_id)


status = get_container_status_response['status']

assert status ==


IAM roles

EC2 role

By default, an IAM role generated with arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role policy (default policy for the Amazon EC2 Role for Amazon EC2 Container Service).

If you need to add additional permissions, you need to add policy documents:

import time
from aws_container_launcher import ContainerLauncher, RunStatus

acl = ContainerLauncher()

start_container_input = {
    'commands': [
        'sleep 600'
    ],  # required
    'docker_image': 'ubuntu:latest',  # required
    'subnet_ids': [<subnet_id_1>, <subnet_id_2>],  # required
    'instance_type': 't3.small',  # required
    'iam': {
        'ec2': {
            'policy_documents': [
                    'Version': '2012-10-17',
                    'Statement': {
                        'Effect': 'Allow',
                        'Action': 'ec2:*',
                        'Resource': '*'
                    'Version': '2012-10-17',
                    'Statement': {
                        'Effect': 'Allow',
                        'Action': 's3:*',
                        'Resource': '*'
    }  # optional

# Async running of an ECS task
start_container_response = acl.start_container(start_container_input)

entry_id = start_container_response['entry_id']


get_container_status_response = acl.get_container_status(entry_id)


status = get_container_status_response['status']

assert status ==


ECS task role

By default, an IAM role is generated with no policies.

If you need to access any AWS resources from a container, you need to add policy documents:

import time
from aws_container_launcher import ContainerLauncher, RunStatus

acl = ContainerLauncher()

start_container_input = {
    'commands': [
        'sleep 600'
    ],  # required
    'docker_image': 'ubuntu:latest',  # required
    'subnet_ids': [<subnet_id_1>, <subnet_id_2>],  # required
    'instance_type': 't3.small',  # required
    'iam': {
        'ecs_task': {
            'policy_documents': [
                    'Version': '2012-10-17',
                    'Statement': {
                        'Effect': 'Allow',
                        'Action': 'lambda:*',
                        'Resource': '*'
                    'Version': '2012-10-17',
                    'Statement': {
                        'Effect': 'Allow',
                        'Action': 'sns:*',
                        'Resource': '*'
    }  # optional

# Async running of an ECS task
start_container_response = acl.start_container(start_container_input)

entry_id = start_container_response['entry_id']


get_container_status_response = acl.get_container_status(entry_id)


status = get_container_status_response['status']

assert status ==


ECS task execution role

By default, an IAM role generated with arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy policy (provides access to other AWS service resources that are required to run Amazon ECS tasks).

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

aws-container-launcher-2.0.0.tar.gz (20.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

aws_container_launcher-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (20.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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