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Command Line Interface for AWS EB.

Project description


EB Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that helps you deploy and manage
your AWS Elastic Beanstalk applications and environments. It also
provides integration with Git. This file provides a sample walkthrough of EB CLI. To view a list of commands, type:

eb --help

For more information about a specific command, type:

eb {cmd} --help

For detailed information about EB CLI, see `EB Command Line Reference. <>`__


You will need administrator/sudo privileges unless you install into a virtual environment.
To install you will first need to install Python and Pip.
The most recent version of Python now includes pip.

`To install Python, go here. <>`__

If you already have Python, but need to install Pip, `go here. <>`__

After you have installed Pip, run the following command:

pip install awsebcli

Getting Started

EB CLI requires you to have AWS security credentials.
For procedures to get security credentials, `see the documentation. <>`__

1. Create a new directory for your project.

In Linux/UNIX, type the following:
mkdir my-hello-app

In Windows, type the following:
md my-hello-app

2. Create an index.html file for EB CLI to use as your sample application.

echo "Hello World" > index.html

NOTE: In Windows, do not include quotes in the command.

3. Set up your directory with EB CLI and then answer the questions to configure AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

eb init

When prompted for your AWS security credentials, type your access key ID and secret access key. To answer a question with the default value, press Enter.

4. Create your running environment and deploy the Hello World application.

eb create

Wait for AWS Elastic Beanstalk to finish creating the environment.
When it is done, your application is live in a load-balancing environment.

5. View your application.

eb open

6. Update the sample application to create a new application version to deploy.

Make a change to your code by typing the following:

echo " to you." >> index.html

NOTE: In Windows, do not include quotes in the command.

When you are ready to launch your new application version, type the following:

eb deploy

7. View the health of your environment

eb health

8. View the updated environment.

eb open

9. Shut down your running environment.

eb terminate

Confirm that this is the environment that you want to terminate by typing the environment name.

10. Clean up.

To completely remove your application and clean up the local project directory, type the following:

eb terminate --all

Confirm that this is the application that you want to remove by typing the application name.

EB CLI Commands

This section describes some EB CLI 3 commands and why you would use them.

1. View environment status.

eb status -v

The status command will show you the current state of your application. This includes things such as:
* Environment Name
* Application Version
* Solution Stack
* Health
* Number of running instances

2. List your running environments.

eb list

The list command will show you a list of running environments.
The environment with an asterisk next to it is the default environment.
To see more detailed information about your environments, type the following to use verbose mode:

eb list -v

3. Change your current environment.

You can run most commands with any environment by using the following syntax:

eb {cmd} <environment>

To change your default environment, type the following:

eb use [environment_name]

4. Open the AWS Elastic Beanstalk management console.

To view your environment in the AWS Management Console, type the following:

eb console

5. Change environment variables.

You can set environment variables for your running environment at any time by typing the following:

eb setenv foo=bar

You can view your environment variables by typing the following:

eb printenv

Using EB CLI with Git

EB CLI 3 provides integration with Git. After running "git clone" or "git init", run the following command:

eb init

EB CLI 3 will now recognize that your application is set up with Git.

To use Git with EB CLI 3:

1. Make any change to your code.

2. After you make a change to your code, type the following:

git commit

3. Deploy your updated code.

Now when you run the "eb deploy" command, EB CLI will only deploy the code that was under source control.
Make sure to always commit what you want to deploy.
EB CLI uses your commit ID and message as the version label and description, respectively.

4. Deploy to production.

When you are ready to deploy an updated version of your code, use Git tags.

git tag -a v1.0 -m "My version 1.0"

The tag will be used for the version label so you always know which version your environment is running on.
If you have already deployed this version, EB CLI will deploy that version to your environment instead of uploading a new application version.

5. Use branches.

EB CLI enables you to associate different environments with different branches of your code.
For example:

git checkout master

eb use prod

git checkout develop

eb use dev

Now whenever you switch to a new branch, your default environment will also switch.

3.14.1 (2018-06-11)
- Added eu-west-3 (Paris) CodeCommit support
- Prevented selection of ELB type in the interactive mode of `eb create` for worker-tier environments
- Updated version of `colorama`

3.14.0 (2018-06-04)
- Added `docker-compose` as a dependency
- Added `python-dateutil` as a dependency
- Removed direct dependencies on `docker`, `dockerpty`, `docopt`, `requests`, and `websocket-client`
- Added logic to poll `logs#describe_log_groups` to wait for Custom Platform Builder log-group creation
- Fixed `eb clone` bug which occurs while setting CNAME of cloned environment
- Fixed `eb deploy --modules ...` bug which occurs when attempting to print failure message of `elasticbeanstalk#compose_environments`

3.13.0 (2018-05-15)
- Added ability to enable streaming environment-health logs to CloudWatch
- Added explicit dependency on Python package `docker`
- Fixed environment variables parsing logic during `eb create`
- Fixed `eb health` for environments using basic health and an ELBV2 load balancer
- Fixed `eb logs` behavior to choose an incorrect default log group for Windows platforms
- Fixed `eb platform delete`'s inability to delete custom platforms in some situations
- Fixed `eb tags --list` failure occurring when the default branch environment is absent
- Fixed .gitignore problem on Windows whereby files specified for omission could also be staged
- Prevented attempts to create convenience symlinks to latest logs when executing with Python 2.7 on Windows
- Removed code that installs Python package `docker` on the customer's behalf

3.12.4 (2018-03-07)
- Fixed `DescribeEvents` polling logic to use `datetime.utcnow()` instead of ``
- Fixed `TimeoutError`s to force `eb` to exit with return code 4
- Fixed `eb deploy --modules ...` bug preventing it from finding project root
- Fixed `eb platform list --verbose` bug preventing it from listing all custom platform ARNs
- Fixed `eb init --source` bug by enforcing association with remote CodeCommit repository
- Modified `eb` to retry after `botocore.parsers.ResponseParserErrors`

3.12.3 (2018-02-15)
- Fixed CodeCommit integration problem when there are multiple remotes
- Fixed bug involving `eb init` using preexisting app

3.12.2 (2018-02-06)
- Added eu-west-3 EU (Paris) and cn-northwest-1 China (Ningxia) regions
- Added support for `eb local run` with major versions 2 of Python package `docker-py`
- Fixed `--platform` option to take language name as argument
- Fixed behavior of `--platform` flag to pick the latest version of solution stack when input is ambiguous
- Fixed .ebignore logic to recognize files with Unicode characters
- Fixed redundant downloading of Packer events published by CloudWatch
- Fixed silent rescues of `UnicodeEncodeError`s when printing Packer events
- Fixed `DescribeEvents` polling in the context of custom platforms
- Fixed `eb local run` to work with `PlatformArn`s
- Fixed local-remote inconsistency observed after deployments using CodeCommit
- Fixed misspelling in the prompt for whether VPC ELB should be public

3.12.1 (2017-11-08)
- Added ability for customers to download sample application during `eb create` if using one
- Added graceful handling of errors when operating `ebp` commands in `eb` workspaces
- Fixed hyperlink to page describing ECS permissions necessary to create multi-container docker environments
- Fixed `DescribeEvents` polling logic for environment creation after ASG per-region quota is reached
- Fixed `DescribeEvents` polling logic by filtering events returned accurately
- Fixed `eb list`'s usage text by removing mention of environment name as a positional argument
- Increased default timeout for `eb create` when the `-db` flag is specified
- Modified `eb ssh` logic to use private IP address rather than private DNS when a public IP/DNS is not available
- Modified generic EBCLI timeout message to prompt customers to view the result of `eb events -f`
- Removed `eb ssh --custom`'s dependency on SSH private key in `~/.ssh`

3.12.0 (2017-10-10)
- Added support for tagging Environments

3.11.0 (2017-09-26)
- Added support for creation of environments with Network Load Balancers
- Fixed bug that caused `eb restore` to fail to begin

3.10.6 (2017-08-21)
- Fixed 5-minute timeout bug involving CLI giving up on CodeBuild despite server-side success
- Fixed module-creation bug where `eb create` exits because it cannot find the .elasticbeanstalk directory
- Increased limit on the number of tags that can be created during environment creation to 47
- Fixed environment creation failures when platform names specified are from the list retrieved by `eb platform list`.

3.10.5 (2017-07-28)
- Added ca-central-1 (Canada-Central), and ap-south-1 (Mumbai) CodeCommit support
- Made .elasticbeanstalk/logs/local directory writable by all thorough 'eb local run'
- Fixed Python 2.x character encoding bug that prevents 'eb appversion' from displaying

3.10.4 (2017-07-14)
- Fixed bug in solution stack determination logic for Multi-Container Docker 17.03.1-ce platform version

3.10.3 (2017-06-27)
- Added ability to zip git submodules for application versions
- Added us-west-1 (N. California), eu-west-2 (London), ap-northeast-2 (Seoul), and sa-east-1 (São Paulo) CodeCommit support
- Added exception handling for TooManyConfigurationTemplatesException

3.10.2 (2017-06-09)
- Improved eb and ebp create default instance profile creation logic.
- Added eu-central-1 (Frankfurt), ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo), ap-southeast-1 (Singapore) and ap-southeast-2 (Sydney) CodeCommit support
- Added additional logging for 5xx retry messages

3.10.1 (2017-03-30)
- Fixed python 3.x bug for eb local run
- Fixed eb local docker version check failure for leading zeros
- Fixed eb init to not create an application when picking an existing app
- Fixed eb local run to accept volumes defined that are not prefixed with /var/app/current/

3.10.0 (2017-02-21)
- Support for custom elastic beanstalk platforms
- Fixed CodeBuild integration pulling CloudWatch URL link

3.9.1 (2017-02-08)
- Changed Beanstalk CodeBuild integration to be optional by not specifying the header in buildspec
- Fixed 'eb config put' to update DateModified field
- Fixed 'eb config put' full path failure
- Fixed exit codes to return correctly
- Removed CodeCommit failed prompt in eb init to avoid confusion
- Added 'process' flag for eb create/deploy for preprocessing application versions

3.9.0 (2016-12-22)
- Added native support in 'eb logs' for log streaming.
- Added '--log-group' and '--cloudwatch-logs' flags in 'eb logs'
- Added 'appversion' command to managed application versions
- Added 'appversion lifecycle' sub command to manage application lifecycle configurations

3.8.10 (2016-12-19)
- Fixed install bug for python 3.x

3.8.9 (2016-12-16)
- Added 'eb restore' command, used to restore terminated environments

3.8.8 (2016-12-13)
- Added eu-west-2 EU (London) region

3.8.7 (2016-12-08)
- Fixed Windows installation bug

3.8.6 (2016-12-08)
- Added support for working directories containing white-spaces
- Added ca-central-1 Canada (Central) support

3.8.5 (2016-12-01)
- Added support for CodeBuild by autodetecting a buildspec file and deploying with settings from that

3.8.4 (2016-11-16)
- Added '--source' flag to create, deploy, init and use to directly use source from CodeCommit repositories
- Added us-west-2 (Oregon) and eu-west-1 (Ireland) CodeCommit support

3.8.3 (2016-10-17)
- Added us-east-2 (Ohio) CodeCommit support

3.8.2 (2016-10-17)
- Added us-east-2 (Ohio) region

3.8.1 (2016-10-13)
- CodeCommit bug fixes

3.8.0 (2016-10-13)
- Fixed elb prompt for single instance creations
- Fixed eb init to no longer call CreateApplication when a preexisting application is chosen
- Allowing eb ssh to attempt to access private ip address if public ip is not available
- Added support for CodeCommit deployment and integration

3.7.8 (2016-08-22)
- Fixed 'eb setenv --timeout' problem
- Updated 'eb config' inline doc to be clearer on functionality
- Fixed 'eb deploy --nohang' problem
- Added commands '--command' and '--custom' to 'eb ssh'
- Added support for Application Load Balancer with 'create', 'health' and 'status'

3.7.7 (2016-06-27)
- Added "ap-south-1" to region list
- Checking for existing app versions in application, local or in their account, before creating one when label is specified.
- Updating environment name length constraints to 40 char max.

3.7.6 (2016-04-14)
- The Elastic Beanstalk Service role will now also be created during non-interactive environment creates
- Added the AWSElasticBeanstalkService managed policy to the Elastic Beanstalk Service role

3.7.5 (2016-04-01)
- Support new Enhanced Health features
- Fix bug in "eb health" for basic health environments
- Fix bug in "eb health" that causes a date parsing error for some locale settings
- Roles created by the CLI now make use of AWS Managed Policies

3.7.4 (2016-03-10)
- Fix an issue that prevents "`eb local <>`_" subcommands from working with Docker 1.10
- Fix an issue that causes the EB CLI to crash when deploying multiple modules with `compose environments <>`_

3.7.3 (2016-01-28)
- Fix bug with application version processing
- Fix bug in "eb config delete"

3.7.2 (2016-01-08)
- Fix bug where symlinks in application versions were not in their original locations

3.7.1 (2016-01-07)
- Fix long type incompatibility bug with Python 3

3.7 (2016-01-06)
- Add "ap-northeast-2" to region list
- Fix bug with symlinks on Unix systems

3.6.2 (2015-12-14)
- Improved logic related to waiting for application version processing
- Change tag behavior to allow for '=' in tag values
- Prompt for EnvironmentName when not present in env.yaml

3.6.1 (2015-11-23)
- Remove pre-processing of application versions when no env.yaml file is present
- Fix bug with 'eb logs'

3.6 (2015-11-23)
- Support for Composable Applications

3.5.6 (2015-11-20)
- Fix bug in 'eb health' causing errors in some locales
- Change the naming scheme of app versions when using Git
- Change strings related to timeout errors to indicate the presence of the timeout option

3.5.5 (2015-10-27)
- Fix bug in "eb swap"
- Fix typo in string resource

3.5.4 (2015-09-22)
- Add "cn-north-1" to region list
- Adjust client default ELB Healthcheck Interval to use service default

3.5.3 (2015-09-14)
- Change contact details
- Fix bug in "eb labs setup-ssl" which occurred on some versions of Python

3.5.2 (2015-08-26)
- Fix bug in "eb health" command preventing it from running.

3.5.1 (2015-08-25)
- Fix az column clipping.
- Unhide labs setup-cwl feature as well as logs --stream.
- Add pip install command when a new version is available.

3.5 (2015-08-11)
- Add command "eb labs setup-ssl"
- Add command "eb labs cloudwatchlogs-setup"
- Change `eb open` to now open https if load balancer http port is OFF
- Add support for enhanced health with `eb health`
- Other minor changes

3.4.7 (2015-07-28)
- Fix issue with .gitignore being included on deploy
- Fix issue with streaming unicode events

3.4.6 (2015-07-10)
- Fix issue with "eb labs download"
- Fix issue where folders in .ebignore were incorrectly being uploaded.

3.4.5 (2015-06-08)
- SSH no longer attempts to open port 22 if a Source restriction is in place
- Added --force flag to override above behavior
- SSH errors now show properly with the -o option
- Environment variables are less strict and can now contain the '=' sign

3.4.4 (2015-05-18)
- Changed how Sample Application is handled internally

3.4.3 (2015-05-12)
- Fix issue with "eb config" when adding new option settings
- Update golang local container file
- Fix issue with overwriting docker environment variables during local

3.4.2 (2015-05-09)
- Fix issue with installation for eb local files

3.4 (2015-05-07)
- Added 'localContainerDefinitions' section for multi-continer docker
- Multi-container docker containers now correctly read 'environment'
- Added printenv/setenv commands to eb local
- t2.micro is now default instance type for accounts with a default vpc
- add --staged option to eb deploy for deploying git stage rather then commit
- Fix config file path resolution

3.3.2 (2015-04-30)
- Fix "eb open" for windows

3.3.1 (2015-04-28)
- Fix --force option on "eb labs cleanup-versions"

3.3 (2015-04-28)
- Added "local" commands
- Added "eb labs cleanup-versions" for cleaning up old app versions
- Added support for an .ebignore file
- using "eb terminate --all" now removes application bundles from s3
- Add support for branch specific defaults in config.yml
- Fix interactive vpc bug
- Fix "eb open" race condition
- Incomplete credentials errors are now more verbose

3.2.2 (2015-04-06)
- Fix issue with creating single instance environments

3.2.1 (2015-04-02)
- Added warning string for Multi-container permissions on "create"

3.2 (2015-03-30)
- Added "platform" commands
- Added "upgrade" command
- Added "abort" command
- Added "labs" commands
- Printed events now look nicer
- Logs and events are automatically paged.
- Health based rolling updates are now default for new environments.

3.1.3 (2015-03-13)
- Added option on create for specifying database version (--database.version)

3.1.2 (2015-02-26)
- Fix multithreaded issue on python 3.4.3
- Fix environment names printing in columns
- Update botocore to 0.93.0

3.1.1 (2015-02-24)
- Fix git issue on windows
- Support older versions of git
- Saved Configurations now work with Worker tier

3.1 (2015-02-17)
- Editor backup files (file.txt~) no longer included in application zip
- Added commands for Saved Configurations (eb config --help)
- Now receive alerts for an outdated cli and outdated environment platform.
- Deploy now works in subdirectories
- Config now works in subdirectories
- Can now specify your own timeout period with "--timeout x"
- Can now specify environment variables on environment create with "--envvars"
- Can now get the latest platform version when you clone an environment. "eb clone"
- Application Bundle uploads now show status
- Large file uploads are now multi-threaded
- Added warning on deploy if unstaged git changes exist
- Can now swap environment CNAME's using "eb swap"
- Exposed --vpc option on create
- Added --no-verify-ssl option
- Updated Botocore to 0.88.0

3.0.11 (2015-02-09)
- Fixed Zipping issue for Windows Containers

3.0.10 (2014-11-24)
- Fixed parsing error for uploads in a s3 bucket with auto-deletion policy
- Fixed terminated environment issues
- No longer uploads application if the application version already exists in s3
- Default database username changed from admin to ebroot
- Trim application version description if it is too long
- Application version no longer includes git hash

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awsebcli-3.14.1.tar.gz (233.8 kB view hashes)

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