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Utilities for access and manipulation of GNSS radio occultation in the AWS Registry of Open Data

Project description

AWS GNSS RO Utilities

This package — awsgnssroutils — contains two utilities intended to serve and take advantage of the GNSS radio occultation (RO) data in the AWS Registry of Open Data. The first is a database utility, which queries the RO database for occultations that satisfy a variety of search criteria. The second is a highly efficient collocation-finding utility, which finds nadir-scanning radiance sounder data that is coincident with GNSS RO data.

This package can be installed from PyPI. On the Linux command line...

pip install awsgnssroutils


  1. First steps. These are necessary first steps for basic functionality.
  2. Database utility. Query, subset, and download RO data.
  3. Collocation utility. Find nadir radiance scanner data collocated with RO data.

1. First Steps

Before proceeding to use the query utility, be sure to set defaults for the database query system. In Python,

from awsgnssroutils.database import setdefaults
setdefaults( metadata_root="/my/path/to/RO/metadata", data_root="/my/path/to/RO/data", version="v1.1" )

All queries will attempt to access metadata in a directory hierarchy whose root is the first argument in this call, and all attempts to download RO data files will attempt to find the requested files in a directory hierarchy whose root is the second argument of the call. (Of course, rename these root paths to the desired root paths on your own file system.) At this point, the only version of RO data published in the AWS Registry of Open Data is "v1.1".

A user can choose to prepopulate all RO metadata, thereby guaranteeing great efficiency in all queries. Prepopulating can take up to ten minutes, but it only needs to be executed once; perhaps more often if the user needs to refresh the metadata. Prepopulating the metadata is done in Python as...

from awsgnssroutils.database import populate

If a user erases metadata files in the metadata root path, future queries will still function correctly, but they will have to repopulate the metadata, thereby greatly increasing the wall clock time of queries.

2. Database Utility

The module awsgnssroutils.database obtains RO metadata from the AWS Registry of Open Data if needed, queries the metadata according to a variety of conditions, permits filtering/subsetting of the results, and downloads RO data as desired. The module defines two classes that serve as its core engine: RODatabaseClient and OccList. The first creates a portal to a database of RO metadata, and the second is an instance of a list of ROs. Each are described below.


Create an instance of a portal to a metadata on all RO data in the AWS Registry of Open Data. This tool is made efficient by storing metadata used in previous queries on the local file system. Subsequent queries will find this metadata on the local file system and will not spend valuable wall clock time repeating the download of the metadata of interest. The same holds true for RO data files themselves: previously downloaded data are stored on the local file system. The user is free to clear out these local "mirrors" of the metadata and data, but this will penalize future efficiency for the gain of local disk space.

Executing queries. All queries to the AWS repository of RO data are executed through an instance of the RODatabaseClient class. The results of queries are instances of class OccList. Create an instance of the portal class in Python as...

from awsgnssroutils.database import RODatabaseClient
rodb = RODatabaseClient()

in which rodb is an interface directly to the AWS S3 bucket to access the metadata. If metadata has not been prepopulated, queries can be slow. If authentication is needed for access to an AWS S3 bucket, this class will automatically re-authenticate without user interference.

There are two methods to create a list of occultations through the database client. One is to perform an inquiry in which missions and/or a date-time range is specified, and a second is to restore a previously saved list of RO data. In Python,

occlist = rodb.query( missions="champ" )

generates an OccList containing metadata on all CHAMP RO data. The inquiry can be performed instead over a range in time. The date-time fields are always ISO format times:

occlist = rodb.query( datetimerange=("2019-06-01","2019-06-30") )

creates an OccList of metadata for all RO soundings in the month of June, 2019, regardless of mission.

The other option to creating an OccList is to restore a previously saved OccList:

occlist = rodb.restore( "old_occlist.json" )

in which the old OccList was saved in a JSON format file.

A jupyter notebook is provided for introduction to the database module as database_demonstration.


An instance of the class OccList is contains the metadata on a list of RO soundings along with pointers to the RO data files in the AWS Registry of Open Data S3 bucket. AWS functionality is completely embedded in the methods of the OccList class. Those methods include the ability to subset/filter the list according to geolocation and time, GNSS transmitter/constellation, GNSS receiver, whether it is a rising or a setting occultation, etc. It also includes the ability to combine instances of OccList, save the OccList to a JSON format file for future restoration by RODatabaseClient.restore, and even download RO data files.

In order to filter an OccList previously generated by RODatabaseClient.query or RODatabaseClient.restore, use the OccList.filter method:

champoccs = rodb.query( missions="champ" )
champoccs_2003 = champoccs.filter( datetimerange=("2003-01-01","2004-01-01") )

illustrates how to apply a filter in date-time, retaining all CHAMP RO metadata for the year 2003. Filtering can be done in longitude and latitude as well:

champoccs_US = champoccs.filter( longituderange=(-110,-70), latituderange=(25,55) )

and even those can be subset by local time (a.k.a. solar time):

champoccs_US_midnight = champoccs_US.filter( localtimerange=(22,2) )

in which the local time range is given in hours and can wrap around midnight. Other filter options are for the GNSS constellation used as transmitters ("G" for GPS, "R" for GLONASS, "E" for Galileo, "C" for BeiDou), for individual transmitters ("G01", etc.), for individual receivers ("cosmic1c1", "metopb", etc.), and for occultation 'geometry' ("rising" vs. "setting").

One can get information on the metadata in an OccList using the method. For instance, if you want to get a listing of all of the Spire receiver satellites, do

spire = rodb.query( "spire" )
spire_receivers = "receiver" )

The first step in this process could be time consuming if the Spire metadata do not already reside on the local file system and the rodb object does not interface with a local repository. One can also get a list of the GNSS transmitters tracked by Spire on a particular day by

spire_day = spire.filter( datetimerange=("2021-12-01","2021-12-02") )
spire_day_transmitters ="transmitter")

which will give a list of all GNSS transmitters tracked by all Spire satellites on December 1, 2021. The spire_day list can be split up between rising and setting RO soundings as well:

spire_day_rising = spire_day.filter( geometry="rising" )
spire_day_setting = spire_day.filter( geometry="setting" )

Then it is possible to save the spire metadata OccList to a JSON file for future restoration by "spire_metadata.json" )

The metadata also contain pointers to the RO sounding data files in the AWS Open Data bucket. To get information on the data files available, use the "filetype" ) method. For example, to find out the types of RO data files avialable for the month of June, 2009:

June2009 = rodb.query( datetimerange=("2009-06-01","2009-07-01") )
filetype_dict = "filetype" )

which will return a dictionary with the AWS-native RO file types as keys with corresponding values being the counts of each. The file types have the format "{processing_center}_{file_type}" in which "processing_center" is an RO processing center that contributed to the AWS repository ("ucar", "romsaf", "jpl") and the "file_type" is one of "calibratedPhase", "refractivityRetrieval", or "atmosphericRetrieval".

The values of the longitude, latitude, datetime, and localtimes of the RO soundings in an OccList can be obtained using the OccList.values() method:

longitudes = June2009.values( "longitude" )  
latitudes = June2009.values( "latitude" )  
localtimes = June2009.values( "localtime" )  

each of these variables being a masked numpy ndarray.

Finally, RO data files themselves can be downloaded for subsequent scientific analysis using the method. If one wishes to download the all RO bending angle data contributed by JPL to the archive for the week of June 5-11, 2012, one only need execute the commands

week_list = rodb.query( datetimerange=("2012-06-05","2012-06-12") ) "jpl_refractivityRetrieval", data_root="datadir", keep_aws_structure=False )

which will download all file type "refractivityRetrieval" contributed by JPL into the directory "datadir". All of the files will be entered into just one directory. If instead one wants to download the files maintaining the AWS directory structure, which is the default, set the keyword keep_aws_structure to True: "jpl_refractivityRetrieval", keep_aws_structure=True )

In this case, because the data_root was not specified, it used the data_root previously set by setdefaults as the default.

3. Collocation Utility

This package includes a utility that finds nadir-scanner radiance soundings that are collocated with RO soundings. It implements the rotation-collocation algorithm, which greatly accelerates finding collocations by rotating the geolocations of RO soundings into the reference frame of a nadir-scanning instrument's scan pattern. Because the scan pattern is constantly moving (along with its host satellite), the rotation is time-dependent. The algorithm is fully documented in a peer reviewed paper.

The rotation-collocation algorithm is composed of a large suite of low-level routines that perform various necessary tasks. If you wish to learn more about these low-level routines, consult the jupyter notebook collocation_demonstration.

Among those tasks are interfaces to multiple data sources, definitions of various instrument types, the SGP4 orbit propagator, implementation of the rotation-collocation method, data download capability, and collocation save capability. Several defaults must be set in advance if these algorithms are to work.

Set defaults

Several defaults must be set for access to various online data sources. The Space-Track site contains two-line element satellite orbit data that are used in the rotation-collocation algorithm. The user must establish an account---with username and password---on The same is true for access to Metop instrument data, which hosted on the EUMETSAT Data Store. In this case, the user will have to obtain a "consumer key" and a "consumer secret" after first obtaining an account. Again, the same is true for NASA Earthdata, which serves as an interface to data on the NASA Earth Science Data and Information Systems' DAACs. Finally, of course, the user must set the defaults for access to the AWS RO repository as described above. All but the AWS RO repository defaults will be stored in the file "~/.collocation", which is created with user read-write permissions only. The AWS RO repository defaults are stored in "~/.awsgnssroutilsrc". Since the latter does not contain a password or secret key, it is assigned no exclusive access permissions.

For Space-Track, obtain an account. After having done so, set the defaults associated with Space-Track data by

from awsgnssroutils.collocation.core.spacetrack import setdefaults
setdefaults( root_path="/my/path/to/space-track/data", spacetracklogin=("my_username","my_password") )

This establishes the directory indicated by root_path as the root path where all TLE (two-line element) data obtained from Space-Track will be stored on the local file system and the username and password of your account with Space-Track. Once executed, all future access to Space-Track for orbit TLE data will function cleanly without interference from the user.

For NASA Earthdata, obtain an account. Follow steps like those for Space-Track...

from awsgnssroutils.collocation.core.nasa_earthdata import setdefaults
setdefaults( root_path="/my/path/to/earthdata/data", earthdatalogin=("my_username","my_password") )

In this case, the username and password correspond to your NASA Earthdata account's username and password.

For the EUMETSAT Data Store, obtain an account. Your account will grant you access tokens in the form of a consumer key and a consumer secret. You can find both on this site after logging in to your EUMETSAT data store account. You can then set defaults for access to the EUMETSAT Data Store by...

from awsgnssroutils.collocation.core.eumetsat import setdefaults
setdefaults( root_path="/my/path/to/eumetsat/data", eumetsattokens=("consumer_key","consumer_secret") )

Set the consumer key and consumer secret to those granted you in your EUMETSAT account.

Executing rotation-collocation

For ease of use, both a single function and a command line utility are provided. The function is awsgnssroutils.collocation.rotcol.execute_rotation_collocation, and the command line utility is rotcol. The latter is nothing more than the command line implementation of the former but with documentation that can be obtained with the "-h" or "--help" switches.

The function is imported by

from awsgnssroutils.collocation.rotcol import execute_rotation_collocation

The execution of the collocation is done by rotation-collocation. RO data is extracted from the AWS RO repository, sounder data is extracted from a EUMETSAT or a NASA data source according to the instrument, and RO and sounder data for those collocations are written to a NetCDF file.

execute_rotation_collocation( missions, datetimerange, ro_processing_center, nadir_instrument, nadir_satellite, output_file )

The missions is a tuple/list of RO missions as defined for the AWS RO repository; datetimerange is a 2-element tuple/list containing ISO-format time strings that bound the period over which RO data are to be considered for collocation; ro_processing_center defines the RO processing centers whose RO data is to be used as the baseline (as contributed to the AWS RO repository); nadir_instrument is the nadir-scanning instrument that obtained the soundings to be collocated with the RO soundings; nadir_satellite is the name of the satellite that hosts the nadir-scanning instrument, and output_file is the NetCDF file where collocation data is to be written. The options for all of these arguments is fluid. At present, the RO processing center can be "ucar", "romsaf", or "jpl"; the nadir instrument can be one of the microwave instruments "AMSU-A" or "ATMS"; the nadir satellite can be "Metop-A", "Metop-B", "Metop-C" (for AMSU-A) or "Suomi-NPP", "JPSS-1", "JPSS-2" (for ATMS). Try

execute_rotation_collocation( "cosmic2", ( "2021-03-04", "2021-03-05" ), "ucar", "ATMS", "JPSS-1", "" )

to find all COSMIC-2 RO data that are collocated with JPSS-1 ATMS data for the date of March 4, 2021. Results will be written to "".

The command-line utility is rotcol. Upon installation of the package, the script will be placed in the session PATH. The Linux command is

rotcol -h

in order to obtain help. Note that it provides two major options: the is to allow the user to set defaults without having to do so in Linux; the second actually executes the rotation-collocation algorithm and extracts the collocated sounding data.

In order to set defaults, execute the following command to get help:

rotcol setdefaults -h

You will see documentation that allows you to set your defaults (usernames, passwords, data root paths, etc.) for the AWS repository ("awsro"), the NASA Earthdata portal ("earthdata"), the EUMETSAT Data Store ("eumetsat"), and the Space-Track archive of satellites' orbital TLE data ("spacetrack"). In order to execute a rotation-collocation, you can get help documentation on doing so by

rotcol execute -h

It is a front-end to the function execute_rotation_collocation that also provides current information on satellite instruments, satellite names, and available RO data.

Project details

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Source Distribution

awsgnssroutils-1.2.2.tar.gz (66.7 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

awsgnssroutils-1.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (84.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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