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Microsoft Azure Appcontainers Management Client Library for Python

Project description

Microsoft Azure SDK for Python

This is the Microsoft Azure Appcontainers Management Client Library. This package has been tested with Python 3.8+. For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the azure sdk python release.


Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to

Getting started


Install the package

pip install azure-mgmt-appcontainers
pip install azure-identity


By default, Azure Active Directory token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables.

  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID for Azure client ID.
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID for Azure tenant ID.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET for Azure client secret.

In addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID.

With above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code:

from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.appcontainers import ContainerAppsAPIClient
import os

sub_id = os.getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
client = ContainerAppsAPIClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id)


Code samples for this package can be found at:


Next steps

Provide Feedback

If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the Issues section of the project.

Release History

3.1.0 (2024-08-06)

Features Added

  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.ContainerAppsAPIClient' client method 'get_custom_domain_verification_id' was added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.ContainerAppsAPIClient' client had operation group 'usages' added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.ContainerAppsAPIClient' client had operation group 'managed_environment_usages' added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.aio.ContainerAppsAPIClient' client method 'get_custom_domain_verification_id' was added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.aio.ContainerAppsAPIClient' client had operation group 'usages' added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.aio.ContainerAppsAPIClient' client had operation group 'managed_environment_usages' added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.aio.operations.ContainerAppsAPIClientOperationsMixin' method 'get_custom_domain_verification_id' was added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.aio.operations.JobsOperations' method 'get_detector' was added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.aio.operations.JobsOperations' method 'list_detectors' was added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.aio.operations.JobsOperations' method 'proxy_get' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.aio.operations.ManagedEnvironmentUsagesOperations' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.aio.operations.UsagesOperations' was added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.operations.ContainerAppsAPIClientOperationsMixin' method 'get_custom_domain_verification_id' was added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.operations.JobsOperations' method 'get_detector' was added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.operations.JobsOperations' method 'list_detectors' was added in the current version
  • The 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.operations.JobsOperations' method 'proxy_get' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.operations.ManagedEnvironmentUsagesOperations' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.operations.UsagesOperations' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.AuthConfig' had property 'encryption_settings' added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.AvailableWorkloadProfileProperties' had property 'gpus' added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.Ingress' had property 'additional_port_mappings' added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.Login' had property 'token_store' added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.ManagedEnvironment' had property 'peer_traffic_configuration' added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.BlobStorageTokenStore' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.EncryptionSettings' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.IngressPortMapping' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.ListUsagesResult' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.ManagedEnvironmentPropertiesPeerTrafficConfiguration' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.ManagedEnvironmentPropertiesPeerTrafficConfigurationEncryption' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.TokenStore' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.Usage' was added in the current version
  • The model or publicly exposed class 'azure.mgmt.appcontainers.models.UsageName' was added in the current version

3.1.0b1 (2024-03-18)

Features Added

  • Added operation ContainerAppsAPIClientOperationsMixin.get_custom_domain_verification_id
  • Added operation JobsOperations.get_detector
  • Added operation JobsOperations.list_detectors
  • Added operation JobsOperations.proxy_get
  • Added operation group AppResiliencyOperations
  • Added operation group BuildAuthTokenOperations
  • Added operation group BuildersOperations
  • Added operation group BuildsByBuilderResourceOperations
  • Added operation group BuildsOperations
  • Added operation group DaprComponentResiliencyPoliciesOperations
  • Added operation group DaprSubscriptionsOperations
  • Added operation group DotNetComponentsOperations
  • Added operation group JavaComponentsOperations
  • Added operation group ManagedEnvironmentUsagesOperations
  • Added operation group UsagesOperations
  • Model AuthConfig has a new parameter encryption_settings
  • Model AvailableWorkloadProfileProperties has a new parameter gpus
  • Model CertificateProperties has a new parameter certificate_key_vault_properties
  • Model CertificateProperties has a new parameter certificate_type
  • Model CustomDomainConfiguration has a new parameter certificate_key_vault_properties
  • Model DaprComponent has a new parameter service_component_bind
  • Model GithubActionConfiguration has a new parameter build_environment_variables
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter additional_port_mappings
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter target_port_http_scheme
  • Model Job has a new parameter extended_location
  • Model JobPatchProperties has a new parameter extended_location
  • Model LogAnalyticsConfiguration has a new parameter dynamic_json_columns
  • Model Login has a new parameter token_store
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter app_insights_configuration
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter identity
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter open_telemetry_configuration
  • Model ManagedEnvironmentStorageProperties has a new parameter nfs_azure_file
  • Model ServiceBind has a new parameter client_type
  • Model ServiceBind has a new parameter customized_keys

3.0.0 (2023-08-18)

Features Added

  • Added operation ContainerAppsOperations.begin_start
  • Added operation ContainerAppsOperations.begin_stop
  • Added operation group ContainerAppsAPIClientOperationsMixin
  • Added operation group JobsExecutionsOperations
  • Added operation group JobsOperations
  • Added operation group ManagedCertificatesOperations
  • Model AvailableWorkloadProfileProperties has a new parameter category
  • Model AzureCredentials has a new parameter kind
  • Model Configuration has a new parameter service
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter managed_by
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter workload_profile_name
  • Model ContainerAppSecret has a new parameter identity
  • Model ContainerAppSecret has a new parameter key_vault_url
  • Model GithubActionConfiguration has a new parameter github_personal_access_token
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter sticky_sessions
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter dapr_configuration
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter infrastructure_resource_group
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter keda_configuration
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter peer_authentication
  • Model Replica has a new parameter init_containers
  • Model Replica has a new parameter running_state
  • Model Replica has a new parameter running_state_details
  • Model ReplicaContainer has a new parameter running_state
  • Model ReplicaContainer has a new parameter running_state_details
  • Model Revision has a new parameter running_state
  • Model Secret has a new parameter identity
  • Model Secret has a new parameter key_vault_url
  • Model Template has a new parameter service_binds
  • Model Template has a new parameter termination_grace_period_seconds
  • Model Volume has a new parameter mount_options
  • Model Volume has a new parameter secrets
  • Model VolumeMount has a new parameter sub_path

Breaking Changes

  • Model AvailableWorkloadProfileProperties no longer has parameter billing_meter_category
  • Model ContainerApp no longer has parameter workload_profile_type
  • Model ManagedEnvironment no longer has parameter sku
  • Model VnetConfiguration no longer has parameter outbound_settings
  • Model VnetConfiguration no longer has parameter runtime_subnet_id
  • Model WorkloadProfile has a new required parameter name

3.0.0b1 (2023-05-20)

Features Added

  • Added operation group JobsExecutionsOperations
  • Added operation group JobsOperations
  • Added operation group ManagedCertificatesOperations
  • Model AvailableWorkloadProfileProperties has a new parameter category
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter managed_by
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter workload_profile_name
  • Model ContainerAppSecret has a new parameter identity
  • Model ContainerAppSecret has a new parameter key_vault_url
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter sticky_sessions
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter dapr_configuration
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter infrastructure_resource_group
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter keda_configuration
  • Model Secret has a new parameter identity
  • Model Secret has a new parameter key_vault_url
  • Model Volume has a new parameter secrets

Breaking Changes

  • Model AvailableWorkloadProfileProperties no longer has parameter billing_meter_category
  • Model ContainerApp no longer has parameter workload_profile_type
  • Model ManagedEnvironment no longer has parameter sku
  • Model VnetConfiguration no longer has parameter outbound_settings
  • Model VnetConfiguration no longer has parameter runtime_subnet_id
  • Model WorkloadProfile has a new required parameter name

2.0.0 (2023-03-20)

Features Added

  • Added operation ContainerAppsOperations.get_auth_token
  • Added operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.get_auth_token
  • Added operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.list_workload_profile_states
  • Added operation group AvailableWorkloadProfilesOperations
  • Added operation group BillingMetersOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsCertificatesOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsDaprComponentsOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations
  • Added operation group ContainerAppsDiagnosticsOperations
  • Added operation group ManagedEnvironmentDiagnosticsOperations
  • Added operation group ManagedEnvironmentsDiagnosticsOperations
  • Model CertificateProperties has a new parameter subject_alternative_names
  • Model Configuration has a new parameter max_inactive_revisions
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter environment_id
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter event_stream_endpoint
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter extended_location
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter latest_ready_revision_name
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter workload_profile_type
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult has a new parameter conflict_with_environment_custom_domain
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter enable_api_logging
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter http_max_request_size
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter http_read_buffer_size
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter log_level
  • Model DaprComponent has a new parameter secret_store_component
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter client_certificate_mode
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter cors_policy
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter exposed_port
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter ip_security_restrictions
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter custom_domain_configuration
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter event_stream_endpoint
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter kind
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter sku
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter workload_profiles
  • Model ReplicaContainer has a new parameter exec_endpoint
  • Model ReplicaContainer has a new parameter log_stream_endpoint
  • Model Revision has a new parameter last_active_time
  • Model ScaleRule has a new parameter tcp
  • Model Template has a new parameter init_containers
  • Model VnetConfiguration has a new parameter outbound_settings

Breaking Changes

  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter id
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter name
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter system_data
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter type

2.0.0b2 (2022-12-29)

Features Added

  • Added operation ContainerAppsOperations.get_auth_token
  • Added operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.get_auth_token
  • Added operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.list_workload_profile_states
  • Added operation group AvailableWorkloadProfilesOperations
  • Added operation group BillingMetersOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsCertificatesOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsDaprComponentsOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations
  • Added operation group ContainerAppsDiagnosticsOperations
  • Added operation group ManagedEnvironmentDiagnosticsOperations
  • Added operation group ManagedEnvironmentsDiagnosticsOperations
  • Model CertificateProperties has a new parameter subject_alternative_names
  • Model Configuration has a new parameter max_inactive_revisions
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter environment_id
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter event_stream_endpoint
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter extended_location
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter latest_ready_revision_name
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter workload_profile_type
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult has a new parameter conflict_with_environment_custom_domain
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter enable_api_logging
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter http_max_request_size
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter http_read_buffer_size
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter log_level
  • Model DaprComponent has a new parameter secret_store_component
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter client_certificate_mode
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter cors_policy
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter exposed_port
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter ip_security_restrictions
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter custom_domain_configuration
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter event_stream_endpoint
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter kind
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter sku
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter workload_profiles
  • Model ReplicaContainer has a new parameter exec_endpoint
  • Model ReplicaContainer has a new parameter log_stream_endpoint
  • Model Revision has a new parameter last_active_time
  • Model ScaleRule has a new parameter tcp
  • Model Template has a new parameter init_containers
  • Model VnetConfiguration has a new parameter outbound_settings

Breaking Changes

  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter id
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter name
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter system_data
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter type

2.0.0b1 (2022-10-12)

Features Added

  • Added operation ContainerAppsOperations.get_auth_token
  • Added operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.get_auth_token
  • Added operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.list_workload_profile_states
  • Added operation group AvailableWorkloadProfilesOperations
  • Added operation group BillingMetersOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsCertificatesOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsDaprComponentsOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsOperations
  • Added operation group ConnectedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations
  • Added operation group ContainerAppsDiagnosticsOperations
  • Added operation group ManagedEnvironmentDiagnosticsOperations
  • Added operation group ManagedEnvironmentsDiagnosticsOperations
  • Model CertificateProperties has a new parameter subject_alternative_names
  • Model Configuration has a new parameter max_inactive_revisions
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter environment_id
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter event_stream_endpoint
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter extended_location
  • Model ContainerApp has a new parameter workload_profile_type
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult has a new parameter conflict_with_environment_custom_domain
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter enable_api_logging
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter http_max_request_size
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter http_read_buffer_size
  • Model Dapr has a new parameter log_level
  • Model DaprComponent has a new parameter secret_store_component
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter exposed_port
  • Model Ingress has a new parameter ip_security_restrictions
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter custom_domain_configuration
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter event_stream_endpoint
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter sku
  • Model ManagedEnvironment has a new parameter workload_profiles
  • Model ReplicaContainer has a new parameter exec_endpoint
  • Model ReplicaContainer has a new parameter log_stream_endpoint
  • Model Revision has a new parameter last_active_time
  • Model ScaleRule has a new parameter tcp
  • Model Template has a new parameter init_containers
  • Model VnetConfiguration has a new parameter outbound_settings

Breaking Changes

  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter id
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter name
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter system_data
  • Model CustomHostnameAnalysisResult no longer has parameter type

1.0.0 (2022-05-17)

Breaking changes

  • Operation CertificatesOperations.create_or_update has a new parameter certificate_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.create_or_update has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.create_or_update no longer has parameter managed_environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.create_or_update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.delete has a new parameter certificate_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.delete has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.delete no longer has parameter managed_environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.delete no longer has parameter name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.get has a new parameter certificate_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.get has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.get no longer has parameter managed_environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.get no longer has parameter name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.list has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.list no longer has parameter managed_environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.update has a new parameter certificate_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.update has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.update no longer has parameter managed_environment_name
  • Operation CertificatesOperations.update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsAuthConfigsOperations.create_or_update has a new parameter auth_config_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsAuthConfigsOperations.create_or_update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsAuthConfigsOperations.delete has a new parameter auth_config_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsAuthConfigsOperations.delete no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsAuthConfigsOperations.get has a new parameter auth_config_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsAuthConfigsOperations.get no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.begin_create_or_update has a new parameter container_app_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.begin_create_or_update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.begin_delete has a new parameter container_app_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.begin_delete no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.begin_update has a new parameter container_app_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.begin_update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.get has a new parameter container_app_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.get no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.list_secrets has a new parameter container_app_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsOperations.list_secrets no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionReplicasOperations.get_replica has a new parameter replica_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionReplicasOperations.get_replica no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionsOperations.activate_revision has a new parameter revision_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionsOperations.activate_revision no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionsOperations.deactivate_revision has a new parameter revision_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionsOperations.deactivate_revision no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionsOperations.get_revision has a new parameter revision_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionsOperations.get_revision no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionsOperations.restart_revision has a new parameter revision_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsRevisionsOperations.restart_revision no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsSourceControlsOperations.begin_create_or_update has a new parameter source_control_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsSourceControlsOperations.begin_create_or_update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsSourceControlsOperations.begin_delete has a new parameter source_control_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsSourceControlsOperations.begin_delete no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ContainerAppsSourceControlsOperations.get has a new parameter source_control_name
  • Operation ContainerAppsSourceControlsOperations.get no longer has parameter name
  • Operation DaprComponentsOperations.create_or_update has a new parameter component_name
  • Operation DaprComponentsOperations.create_or_update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation DaprComponentsOperations.delete has a new parameter component_name
  • Operation DaprComponentsOperations.delete no longer has parameter name
  • Operation DaprComponentsOperations.get has a new parameter component_name
  • Operation DaprComponentsOperations.get no longer has parameter name
  • Operation DaprComponentsOperations.list_secrets has a new parameter component_name
  • Operation DaprComponentsOperations.list_secrets no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.begin_create_or_update has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.begin_create_or_update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.begin_delete has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.begin_delete no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.begin_update has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.begin_update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.get has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsOperations.get no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.create_or_update has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.create_or_update has a new parameter storage_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.create_or_update no longer has parameter env_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.create_or_update no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.delete has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.delete has a new parameter storage_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.delete no longer has parameter env_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.delete no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.get has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.get has a new parameter storage_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.get no longer has parameter env_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.get no longer has parameter name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.list has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation ManagedEnvironmentsStoragesOperations.list no longer has parameter env_name
  • Operation NamespacesOperations.check_name_availability has a new parameter environment_name
  • Operation NamespacesOperations.check_name_availability no longer has parameter managed_environment_name

1.0.0b1 (2022-05-06)

  • Initial Release

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

azure-mgmt-appcontainers-3.1.0.tar.gz (155.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

azure_mgmt_appcontainers-3.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (257.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page