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A tool to work with public-inbox and patch archives

Project description




Manual section:



b4 {mbox,am,shazam,pr,diff,ty,kr,prep,send,trailers} [options]


This is a helper utility to work with patches and pull requests made available via a public-inbox archive like It is written to make it easier to participate in a patch-based workflows, like those used in the Linux kernel development.

The name “b4” was chosen for ease of typing and because B-4 was the precursor to Lore and Data in the Star Trek universe.

Full documentation is available on



  • mbox: Download a thread as an mbox file

  • am: Create an mbox file that is ready to git-am

  • shazam: Apply patch series to git repositories

  • pr: Work with pull requests

  • diff: Show range-diff style diffs between patch versions

  • ty: Create templated replies for processed patches and pull requests

  • kr: (EXPERIMENTAL) Operate on patatt-compatible keyrings


  • prep: (EXPERIMENTAL) prepare your series for submission

  • send: (EXPERIMENTAL) send your series for review on distribution lists

  • trailers: (EXPERIMENTAL) retrieve and apply code-review trailers


-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-d, --debug

Add more debugging info to the output (default: False)

-q, --quiet

Output critical information only (default: False)

-n, --no-interactive

Do not ask any interactive questions (default: False)


Do not perform any network queries (default: False)


Disable TTY detection for stdin (default: False)


b4 mbox

This command allows retrieving entire threads from a remote public-inbox instance. The resulting mbox file can then be opened with most MUA clients for actions like replying to conversations or reviewing patch submissions.


b4 mbox [-h] [-p USEPROJECT] [-m LOCALMBOX] [-C] [-o OUTDIR] [-c] [-n WANTNAME] [-M] [-f] [msgid]

positional arguments:

msgid Message ID to process, or pipe a raw message

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Use a specific project instead of default (linux-mm, linux-hardening, etc)

-m LOCALMBOX, --use-local-mbox LOCALMBOX

Instead of grabbing a thread from lore, process this mbox file (or - for stdin)

--stdin-pipe-sep STDIN_PIPE_SEP

When accepting messages on stdin, split using this pipe separator string

-C, --no-cache

Do not use local cache

-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR

Output into this directory (or use - to output mailbox contents to stdout)

-c, --check-newer-revisions

Check if newer patch revisions exist

-n WANTNAME, --mbox-name WANTNAME

Filename to name the mbox destination

-M, --save-as-maildir

Save as maildir (avoids mbox format ambiguities)

-f, --filter-dupes

When adding messages to existing maildir, filter out duplicates

-r MBOX, --refetch MBOX

Refetch all messages in specified mbox with their original headers

Example: b4 mbox

b4 am

This command allows retrieving threads from a public-inbox instance and preparing them for applying to a git repository using the “git am” command. It will automatically perform the following operations:

  • pick the latest submitted version of the series (it can check for newer threads using -c as well)

  • check DKIM signatures and patatt attestation on all patches and code review messages

  • collate all submitted code-review trailers (Reviewed-by, Acked-by, etc) and put them into the commit message

  • add your own Signed-off-by trailer (with -s)

  • reroll series from partial updates (e.g. someone submits a v2 of a single patch instead of rerolling the entire series)

  • guess where in the tree history the patches belong, if the exact commit-base is not specified (with -g)

  • prepare the tree for a 3-way merge (with -3)

  • cherry-pick a subset of patches from a large series (with -P)


b4 am [-h] [-p USEPROJECT] [-m LOCALMBOX] [-C] [-o OUTDIR] [-c] [-n WANTNAME] [-M] [-v WANTVER] [-t] [-S] [-T] [-s] [-l] [-P CHERRYPICK] [–cc-trailers] [–no-parent] [–allow-unicode-control-chars] [-Q] [-g] [-b GUESSBRANCH [GUESSBRANCH …]] [–guess-lookback GUESSDAYS] [-3] [–no-cover] [–no-partial-reroll] [msgid]

positional arguments:

msgid Message ID to process, or pipe a raw message

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Use a specific project instead of default (linux-mm, linux-hardening, etc)

-m LOCALMBOX, --use-local-mbox LOCALMBOX

Instead of grabbing a thread from lore, process this mbox file (or - for stdin)

--stdin-pipe-sep STDIN_PIPE_SEP

When accepting messages on stdin, split using this pipe separator string

-C, --no-cache

Do not use local cache

-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR

Output into this directory (or use - to output mailbox contents to stdout)

-c, --check-newer-revisions

Check if newer patch revisions exist

-n WANTNAME, --mbox-name WANTNAME

Filename to name the mbox destination

-M, --save-as-maildir

Save as maildir (avoids mbox format ambiguities)

-v WANTVER, --use-version WANTVER

Get a specific version of the patch/series

-t, --apply-cover-trailers

Apply trailers sent to the cover letter to all patches

-S, --sloppy-trailers

Apply trailers without email address match checking

-T, --no-add-trailers

Do not add or sort any trailers

-s, --add-my-sob

Add your own signed-off-by to every patch

-l, --add-link

Add a Link: with message-id lookup URL to every patch


Cherry-pick a subset of patches (e.g. “-P 1-2,4,6-”, “-P _” to use just the msgid specified, or “-P globbing” to match on commit subject)


Copy all Cc’d addresses into Cc: trailers


Break thread at the msgid specified and ignore any parent messages


Allow unicode control characters (very rarely legitimate)

-Q, --quilt-ready

Save patches in a quilt-ready folder

-g, --guess-base

Try to guess the base of the series (if not specified)


When guessing base, restrict to this branch (use with -g)

--guess-lookback GUESSDAYS

When guessing base, go back this many days from the patch date (default: 2 weeks)

-3, --prep-3way

Prepare for a 3-way merge (tries to ensure that all index blobs exist by making a fake commit range)


Do not save the cover letter (on by default when using -o -)


Do not reroll partial series when detected

Example: b4 am

b4 shazam

This is very similar to b4 am, but will also apply patches directly to the current git tree using git am. Alternatively, when used with -H, it can fetch the patch series into FETCH_HEAD as if it were a pull request, so it can be reviewed and merged. In this case, the cover letter is used as a template for the merge commit.

If you want to automatically invoke git-merge, you can use -M instead of -H.


b4 shazam [-h] [-p USEPROJECT] [-m LOCALMBOX] [-C] [-v WANTVER] [-t] [-S] [-T] [-s] [-l] [-P CHERRYPICK] [–cc-trailers] [–no-parent] [–allow-unicode-control-chars] [-H | -M] [–guess-lookback GUESSDAYS] [msgid]

positional arguments:

msgid Message ID to process, or pipe a raw message

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Use a specific project instead of default (linux-mm, linux-hardening, etc)

-m LOCALMBOX, --use-local-mbox LOCALMBOX

Instead of grabbing a thread from lore, process this mbox file (or - for stdin)

--stdin-pipe-sep STDIN_PIPE_SEP

When accepting messages on stdin, split using this pipe separator string

-C, --no-cache

Do not use local cache

-v WANTVER, --use-version WANTVER

Get a specific version of the patch/series

-t, --apply-cover-trailers

Apply trailers sent to the cover letter to all patches

-S, --sloppy-trailers

Apply trailers without email address match checking

-T, --no-add-trailers

Do not add or sort any trailers

-s, --add-my-sob

Add your own signed-off-by to every patch

-l, --add-link

Add a Link: with message-id lookup URL to every patch


Cherry-pick a subset of patches (e.g. “-P 1-2,4,6-”, “-P _” to use just the msgid specified, or “-P globbing” to match on commit subject)


Copy all Cc’d addresses into Cc: trailers


Break thread at the msgid specified and ignore any parent messages


Allow unicode control characters (very rarely legitimate)

-H, --make-fetch-head

Attempt to treat series as a pull request and fetch it into FETCH_HEAD

-M, --merge

Attempt to merge series as if it were a pull request (execs git-merge)

--guess-lookback GUESSDAYS

(use with -H or -M) When guessing base, go back this many days from the patch date (default: 3 weeks)

Example: b4 shazam -H

b4 pr

This command is for working with pull requests submitted using git-request-pull.

usage: pr [-h] [-g GITDIR] [-b BRANCH] [-c] [-e] [-o OUTMBOX] [msgid]

positional arguments:

msgid Message ID to process, or pipe a raw message

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-g GITDIR, --gitdir GITDIR

Operate on this git tree instead of current dir

-b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH

Check out FETCH_HEAD into this branch after fetching

-c, --check

Check if pull request has already been applied

-e, --explode

Convert a pull request into an mbox full of patches

-o OUTMBOX, --output-mbox OUTMBOX

Save exploded messages into this mailbox (default: msgid.mbx)

-l, --retrieve-links

Attempt to retrieve any Link: URLs (use with -e)

-f MAILFROM, --from-addr MAILFROM

Use this From: in exploded messages (use with -e)

Example: b4 pr 202003292120.2BDCB41@keescook

b4 ty


b4 ty [-h] [-g GITDIR] [-o OUTDIR] [-l] [-t THANK_FOR [THANK_FOR …]] [-d DISCARD [DISCARD …]] [-a] [-b BRANCH] [–since SINCE] [-S] [–dry-run]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-g GITDIR, --gitdir GITDIR

Operate on this git tree instead of current dir

-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR

Write thanks files into this dir (default=.)

-l, --list

List pull requests and patch series you have retrieved

-t THANK_FOR, --thank-for THANK_FOR

Generate thankyous for specific entries from -l (e.g.: 1,3-5,7-; or “all”)

-d DISCARD, --discard DISCARD

Discard specific messages from -l (e.g.: 1,3-5,7-; or “all”)

-a, --auto

Use the Auto-Thankanator gun to figure out what got applied/merged

-b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH

The branch to check against, instead of current

--since SINCE

The –since option to use when auto-matching patches (default=1.week)

-S, --send-email

Send email instead of writing out .thanks files


Print out emails instead of sending them

--pw-set-state PW_STATE

Set this patchwork state instead of default (use with -a, -t or -d)

Example: b4 ty -aS –dry-run

b4 diff


b4 diff [-h] [-g GITDIR] [-p USEPROJECT] [-C] [-v WANTVERS [WANTVERS …]] [-n] [-o OUTDIFF] [-c] [-m AMBOX AMBOX] [msgid]

positional arguments:

msgid Message ID to process, pipe a raw message, or use -m

optional arguments:

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-g GITDIR, --gitdir GITDIR

Operate on this git tree instead of current dir


Use a specific project instead of guessing (linux-mm, linux-hardening, etc)

-C, --no-cache

Do not use local cache

-v WANTVERS [WANTVERS …], –compare-versions WANTVERS [WANTVERS …]

Compare specific versions instead of latest and one before that, e.g. -v 3 5

-n, --no-diff

Do not generate a diff, just show the command to do it

-o OUTDIFF, --output-diff OUTDIFF

Save diff into this file instead of outputting to stdout

-c, --color

Force color output even when writing to file

-m AMBOX AMBOX, –compare-am-mboxes AMBOX AMBOX

Compare two mbx files prepared with “b4 am”

Example: b4 diff

b4 kr


b4 kr [-h] [-p USEPROJECT] [-m LOCALMBOX] [-C] [–show-keys] [msgid]

positional arguments:

msgid Message ID to process, or pipe a raw message

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Use a specific project instead of guessing (linux-mm, linux-hardening, etc)

-m LOCALMBOX, --use-local-mbox LOCALMBOX

Instead of grabbing a thread from lore, process this mbox file (or - for stdin)

--stdin-pipe-sep STDIN_PIPE_SEP

When accepting messages on stdin, split using this pipe separator string

-C, --no-cache

Do not use local cache


Show all developer keys from the thread

Example: b4 kr –show-keys

b4 prep


b4 prep [-h] [-c | -p OUTPUT_DIR | –edit-cover | –show-revision | –force-revision N | –compare-to vN | –manual-reroll COVER_MSGID | –set-prefixes PREFIX [PREFIX …] | –show-info ] [-n NEW_SERIES_NAME] [-f FORK_POINT] [-F MSGID] [-e ENROLL_BASE]

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c, --auto-to-cc

Automatically populate cover letter trailers with To and Cc addresses

-p OUTPUT_DIR, --format-patch OUTPUT_DIR

Output prep-tracked commits as patches


Edit the cover letter in your defined $EDITOR (or core.editor)


Show current series revision number

--force-revision N

Force revision to be this number instead

--compare-to vN

Display a range-diff to previously sent revision N

--manual-reroll COVER_MSGID

Mark current revision as sent and reroll (requires cover letter msgid)

–set-prefixes PREFIX [PREFIX …]

Extra prefixes to add to [PATCH] (e.g.: RFC mydrv)


Show current series info in a column-parseable format

Create new branch:

Create a new branch for working on patch series


Create a new branch for working on a patch series

-f FORK_POINT, --fork-point FORK_POINT

When creating a new branch, use this fork point instead of HEAD

-F MSGID, --from-thread MSGID

When creating a new branch, use this thread

Enroll existing branch:

Enroll existing branch for prep work


Enroll current branch, using the passed tag, branch, or commit as fork base

b4 send


b4 send [-h] [-d] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [–reflect] [–no-trailer-to-cc] [–to TO [TO …]] [–cc CC [CC …]] [–not-me-too] [–resend RESEND] [–no-sign] [–web-auth-new] [–web-auth-verify VERIFY_TOKEN]

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-d, --dry-run

Do not send, just dump out raw smtp messages to the stdout

-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR

Do not send, write raw messages to this directory (forces –dry-run)


Send everything to yourself instead of the actual recipients


Do not add any addresses found in the cover or patch trailers to To: or Cc:

–to TO [TO …]

Addresses to add to the To: list

–cc CC [CC …]

Addresses to add to the Cc: list


Remove yourself from the To: or Cc: list

--resend RESEND

Resend a previously sent version of the series


Do not add the cryptographic attestation signature header

Web submission:

Authenticate with the web submission endpoint


Initiate a new web authentication request

--web-auth-verify VERIFY_TOKEN

Submit the token received via verification email

b4 trailers


b4 trailers [-h] [-u] [-S] [-F MSGID] [–since SINCE]

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-u, --update

Update branch commits with latest received trailers

-S, --sloppy-trailers

Apply trailers without email address match checking

-F MSGID, --trailers-from MSGID

Look for trailers in the thread with this msgid instead of using the series change-id

--since SINCE

The –since option to use with -F when auto-matching patches (default=1.month)

-m LOCALMBOX, --use-local-mbox LOCALMBOX

Instead of grabbing a thread from lore, process this mbox file (or - for stdin)

--stdin-pipe-sep STDIN_PIPE_SEP

When accepting messages on stdin, split using this pipe separator string

-C, --no-cache

Do not use local cache


B4 configuration is handled via git-config(1), so you can store it in either the toplevel $HOME/.gitconfig file, or in a per-repository .git/config file if your workflow changes per project.

To see configuration options available, see online documentation at


Commands making remote HTTP requests may be configured to use a proxy by setting the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable, as described in


Please email with support requests, or browse the list archive at

Project details

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Source Distribution

b4-0.12.1.tar.gz (105.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

b4-0.12.1-py3-none-any.whl (102.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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