A complete implementation of swedish BankID version 6. Easily initiate, collect and cancel authentication orders, show user message and handle errors.
Project description
A complete implementation of swedish BankID authentication system version 6. It includes initiating/collect/cancel authentication order, User Message and exceptaion handling according to BankID Documentaion.
pip install bankid6
Supports python version 3.6 and later.
User Guide
Instantiate BankIdClient
provides functionality to initiate authentication or signing order, collect order result or cancel the order.
Instantiate for BankIdClient
for test environment.
>>> from bankid6 import BankIdClient
>>> bankid_client = BankIdClient()
This instance will use BankID test url, test certificates which are provided in the package. It's configured for computers. It can be initialized for mobile devices which helps to render correct message and correct url for launching the app.
>>> bankid_client = BankIdClient(is_mobile=True) # Default to False
To initialize for a production environment, ensure that the prod_env
parameter is set to True
. Additionally, you must provide the file paths for the certificate, the private key associated with the certificate, and the CA certificate.
>>> bankid_client = BankIdClient(prod_env=True, cert_pem=<certificate_filepath>, key_pem='<private_key_filepath>', ca_pem=<ca_certificate_filepath>)
Initiate Authentication or Signing Order
The BankIdClient
offers auth
and sign
methods to initiate authentication and signing orders, respectively. These methods return a BankIdStartResponse
object, which contains attributes to easily get the data for QR code and url for launching the BankID app.
>>> bankid_client = BankIdClient()
>>> start_response = bankid_client.auth('') # Takes IP of end user
>>> start_response.qr_data # Calculated data to create QR code
>>> start_response.launch_url() # Depends on is_mobile parameter of the BankIdClient
>>> start_response.launch_url('https://www.google.com') # Takes a redirect url as parameter
>>> [attr for attr in dir(start_response) if not attr.startswith('_')]
['autoStartToken', 'data', 'launch_url', 'orderRef', 'order_time', 'qrStartSecret', 'qrStartToken', 'qr_data', 'response', 'status_code', 'url']
Subsequent QR data can be found in response of collect
method or from generate_qr_data
>>> from bankid6 import generate_qr_data
>>> generate_qr_data(start_response.order_time, start_response.qrStartToken, start_response.qrStartSecret)
The BankIdClient
also has phone_auth
and phone_sign
methods initiate authentication and signing orders while the customer is on the phone. You need to pass a personal number and the BankID will send the request to the customer's BankID app. These methods return a BankIdPhoneStartResponse
>>> phone_start_response = BankIdClient().phone_auth('199002113166', callInitiator="RP")
>>> [attr for attr in dir(phone_start_response) if not attr.startswith('_')]
['data', 'orderRef', 'response', 'status_code', 'url']
Both sign
and phone_sign
methods require userVisibleData
>>> BankIdClient().sign('', userVisibleData="Hello! Sign this test documents")
<class 'bankid6.handlers.BankIdStartResponse'> response status: 200;
response data: {"orderRef": "6eaf4368-22ae-4309-8768-f58b772d1617", "autoStartToken": "3d973332-8abe-4273-b292-b16c975a1a39", "qrStartToken": "29d0b198-487d-42b8-91a8-c63fc94a2733", "qrStartSecret": "a611ccd5-5940-4160-9fde-20a251716bfb"}
These methods have required or optional parameters exactly as described in BankID documentation. These parameters are validated, processed as BankID requires and sent as the data of the request to the BankID.
The returned objects are derived from BankIdBaseResponse
, parses any BankID response, creating an attribute with the same name as the key of the response data. BankIdBaseResponse
has attributes related to actual HTTP response. This is also True for collect
or cancel
See the API Reference section for comprehensive documentation detailing parameters and return values.
Collect Order Result
Use collect
method of BankIdClient
object to get the order result.
>>> from bankid6 import BankIdClient
>>> bankid_client = BankIdClient()
>>> bankid_client.auth('')
<class 'bankid6.handlers.BankIdStartResponse'> response status: 200
response data: {"orderRef": "ccc9b028-4c83-49f8-b5ae-a3bac54a7427", "autoStartToken": "96c45dea-d14c-4bc5-bf30-db4015d39da9", "qrStartToken": "d550a68e-1e4d-4d66-8dce-3c6497c8da73", "qrStartSecret": "4b3bba21-ebaa-4bf4-8856-e66271550b78"}
>>> bankid_client.collect()
<class 'bankid6.handlers.BankIdCollectResponse'> response status: 200;
response data: {"orderRef": "ccc9b028-4c83-49f8-b5ae-a3bac54a7427", "status": "pending", "hintCode": "outstandingTransaction"}
It returns BankIdCollectResponse
which is derived from BankIdBaseResponse
>>> collect_response = bankid_client.collect()
>>> collect_response.status # BankID status from response data
>>> collect_response.qr_data # calculates qr data according to the time
>>> from bankid6 import CollectStatuses
>>> collect_response.status == CollectStatuses.pending # don't have to remember status values
Like the BankID documentation, the response object provides information in completionData
(object of BankIdCompletionData
) attribute when status is "complete".
>>> cr = bankid_client.collect()
>>> print(cr.completionData.user.personalNumber) if cr.status == CollectStatuses.complete else print(cr.hintCode)
It's possible to decouple the collect method from order initiating methods.
>>> sr = BankIdClient().auth('')
>>> cr = BankIdClient().collect(orderRef=sr.orderRef, qrStartToken=sr.qrStartToken, qrStartSecret=sr.qrStartSecret, order_time=sr.order_time)
>>> cr.qr_data
parameter is used to find the order and qrStartToken
, qrStartSecret
and order_time
parameters are used to calculate the QR code. qr_data
attribute in BankIdCollectResponse
object is accessible if the collect
method is invoked from the same client where order was initiated, or if these parameters are provided.
User Message
also has message
attribute which contains user message according to BankID documentation when the status is 'pending' or 'failed'. A message depends on how order was initiated and the language. Each message is a dict constructed like this:
"qrcode": { # order initiated by scanning qr code
"swedish": "",
"english": ""
"onfile": { # order initiated by starting the bankid app on the same device
"swedish": "",
"english": ""
and Languages
classes can be used to extract the correct message easily.
>>> cr = bankid_client.collect()
>>> from bankid6 import UseTypes, Languages
>>> print(cr.message[UseTypes.qrcode][Languages.en]) if cr.status in [CollectStatuses.complete, CollectStatuses.failed]
'Start your BankID app.'
You can make a subclass of Messages
, override it's existing messages and pass it toBankIdClient
as a parameter. Any message in Messages
class is a attribute which starts with 'RFA' as in BankID documentation.
from bankid6 import Messages
print(Messages.RFA1.help_text) # prints 'status=pending, hintCode=outstandingTransaction, hintCode=noClient'
class MyMessage(Messages):
RFA1 = {'test': 'yes'}
RFA13 = ('<h3>swedish message<h3>', '<h3>english message</h3>')
bankid_client = BankIdClient(messages=MyMessage)
Their value can be a dict or a tuple of swedish and english messages. If the value is dict, it is returned as it is from message
attribute of BankIdCollectResponse
Cancel Order
Use cancel
mothod of BankIdClient
object to cancel the order.
>>> bankid_client = BankIdClient()
>>> bankid_client.auth('')
<class 'bankid6.handlers.BankIdStartResponse'> response status: 200
response data: {"orderRef": "ccc9b028-4c83-49f8-b5ae-a3bac54a7427", "autoStartToken": "96c45dea-d14c-4bc5-bf30-db4015d39da9", "qrStartToken": "d550a68e-1e4d-4d66-8dce-3c6497c8da73", "qrStartSecret": "4b3bba21-ebaa-4bf4-8856-e66271550b78"}
>>> bankid_client.cancel()
<class 'bankid6.handlers.BankIdCancelResponse'> response status: 200;
response data: {}
This can be decouple by using it's orderRef
>>> start_response = BankIdClient().auth('')
>>> BankIdClient().auth(orderRef=start_response.orderRef)
<class 'bankid6.handlers.BankIdCancelResponse'> response status: 200;
response data: {}
All methods in BankIdClient
can raise BankIdError
or BankIdValidationError
is raised when a request is made to BankID server and it returned an error. It has message
attribute with structure like:
"swedish": "",
"english": ""
If the message is available, it indicates that the message should be presented to the customer without any additional action required. Otherwise, the reason
and action
attributes can provide information on why the error occurred and what steps need to be taken to address it according to BankID documentation. Attribute response_data
has the data received from bankid in dict format. See Api Reference section for more functionalities.
is raised before sending the request to BankID if any parameter is invalid.
Sample Script
import time
from bankid6 import BankIdClient, CollectStatuses, UseTypes, Languages, BankIdError, HintCodes
bankid_client = BankIdClient()
start_response = bankid_client.auth('')
except BankIdError as bie:
if bie.message:
print("User Message: ", bie.message[Languages.en])
raise Exception(f"Fatal error. reason: {bie.reason}; action needed: {bie.action}; response data: {bie.response_data}; response status: {bie.response_status}") from bie
print('QR data: ', start_response.qr_data)
print('Launch url: ', start_response.launch_url())
while True:
collect_response = bankid_client.collect()
except BankIdError as bie:
if bie.message:
raise Exception(f"Fatal error. reason: {bie.reason}; action needed: {bie.action}; response data: {bie.response_data}; response status: {bie.response_status}") from bie
if collect_response.status == CollectStatuses.complete:
print('Authenticated by: ', collect_response.completionData.user.name)
if collect_response.hintCode == HintCodes.outstandingTransaction:
print('QR data: ', collect_response.qr_data)
print("User Message: ", collect_response.message[UseTypes.qrcode][Languages.en])
if collect_response.status == CollectStatuses.failed:
API Reference
class BankIdClient()
def init(self, prod_env: bool=False, cert_pem: str=None, key_pem: str=None, ca_pem: str=None, request_timeout: int=None, messages: Messages=Messages, is_mobile: bool=False)
indicates if it's a production environment. Test or prod urls are chosen based on this. If it isTrue
are required. Otherwise test certificates which are already included in the package will be used. Any or all of the certificates can also be provided when the value isFalse
file path of the certificate filekey_pem
file path of the private key of the certificate.ca_pem
file path of CA certificate filerequest_timeout
number of seconds to wait for responsemessages
class or subclass ofMessages
class to override existing messageis_mobile
if it's being used in a mobile device.
def auth(endUserIp: str, requirement: dict=None, userVisibleData: str=None, userNonVisibleData: str=None, userVisibleDataFormat: Union[str, True]=None):
Starts the bankid auth process. Use this when only user authentication is needed.
Required. str. The user IP address as seen by RP. IPv4 and IPv6 is allowed.requirement
Optional. dict | object that can be converted to dict. Requirements dictionary on how the auth order must be performed. See BankID documentation for more details.userVisibleData
Optional. str. Text displayed to the user during authentication with BankID. Converted to UTF-8 encoded and then base 64 encoded string. 1 to 1500 characters after 64 encoding.userNonVisibleData
Optional. str. Text that is not displayed to the user. Converted to UTF-8 encoded and then base 64 encoded string. 1 to 1500 characters after 64 encoding.userVisibleDataFormat
Optional. The value can be set to "simpleMarkdownV1" or True. If it's True then the value is set to "simpleMarkdownV1".
Return: BankIdStartResponse
def sign(endUserIp: str, userVisibleData: str, requirement: dict=None, userNonVisibleData: str=None, userVisibleDataFormat: Union[str, True]=None)
Starts the bankid sign process. Use this when user is authenticated to sign something.
Required. str. The user IP address as seen by RP. IPv4 and IPv6 is allowed.userVisibleData
Required. str. Text displayed to the user during authentication with BankID. Converted to UTF-8 encoded and then base 64 encoded string. 1 to 1500 characters after 64 encoding.requirement
Optional. dict | object that can be converted to dict. Requirements dictionary on how the auth order must be performed. See BankID documentation for more details.userNonVisibleData
Optional. str. Text that is not displayed to the user. Converted to UTF-8 encoded and then base 64 encoded string. 1 to 1500 characters after 64 encoding.userVisibleDataFormat
Optional. The value can be set to "simpleMarkdownV1" or True. If it's True then the value is set to "simpleMarkdownV1".
Return: BankIdStartResponse
def phone_auth(personalNumber: str, callInitiator: str, requirement: dict=None, userVisibleData: str=None, userNonVisibleData: str=None, userVisibleDataFormat: Union[str, True]=None)
Initiates an authentication order when the user is talking to the RP over the phone.
Required. str. Any valid 12 digit personal number of the user.callInitiator
Required. str. choice between 'user' or 'RP'.requirement
Optional. dict | object that can be converted to dict. Requirements dictionary on how the auth order must be performed. See BankID documentation for more details.userVisibleData
Optional. str. Text displayed to the user during authentication with BankID. Converted to UTF-8 encoded and then base 64 encoded string. 1 to 1500 characters after 64 encoding.userNonVisibleData
Optional. str. Text that is not displayed to the user. Converted to UTF-8 encoded and then base 64 encoded string. 1 to 1500 characters after 64 encoding.userVisibleDataFormat
Optional. The value can be set to "simpleMarkdownV1" or True. If it's True then the value is set to "simpleMarkdownV1".
Return: BankIdPhoneStartResponse
def phone_sign(personalNumber, callInitiator, userVisibleData, requirement=None, userNonVisibleData=None, userVisibleDataFormat=None)
Initiates an signing order when the user is talking to the RP over the phone.
Required. str. Any valid 12 digit personal number of the user.callInitiator
Required. str. choice between 'user' or 'RP'.userVisibleData
Required. str. Text displayed to the user during authentication with BankID. Converted to UTF-8 encoded and then base 64 encoded string. 1 to 1500 characters after 64 encoding.requirement
Optional. dict | object that can be converted to dict. Requirements dictionary on how the auth order must be performed. See BankID documentation for more details.userNonVisibleData
Optional. str. Text that is not displayed to the user. Converted to UTF-8 encoded and then base 64 encoded string. 1 to 1500 characters after 64 encoding.userVisibleDataFormat
Optional. The value can be set to "simpleMarkdownV1" or True. If it's True then the value is set to "simpleMarkdownV1".
Return: BankIdPhoneStartResponse
def collect(orderRef: str=None, qrStartToken: str=None, qrStartSecret: str=None, order_time: int=None)
Collect the result of the auth
, sign
, phone_auth
or phone_sign
methods. If used from same client instance when order was initiated, it doesn't require any parameters
Optional. str. Can be found in response object from any order initiator methods. If given then corresponding order result will be requested. Usefull when the method is being used from different client instance than where the order was started.qrStartToken
Optional. str. Can be found in response object from any order initiator methods. If given, it will be used to calculate QR data.qrStartSecret
Optional. str. Can be found in response object from any order initiator methods. If given, it will be used to calculate QR data.order_time
Optional. int. Can be found in response object from any order initiator methods. If given, it will be used to calculate QR data.
Return: BankIdCollectResponse
def cancel(orderRef: str=None):
Cancels an ongoing sign or auth order. If used from same client instance when order was initiated, it doesn't require any parameters
Optional. str. Can be found in response object from any order initiator methods. If given then corresponding order result will be requested. Usefull when the method is being used from different client instance than where the order was started.
Return: BankIdCancelResponse
class BankIdBaseResponse()
: requests.Response. object which was returned from sending the request.
: int. Http response code of the response
: dict. returned data in dict format
: str. The full url where the request was sent
class BankIdStartResponse(BankIdBaseResponse):
: str. Used to collect the status of the order. Parsed from BankID response.
: str. Used to compile the start url. Parsed from BankID response.
: str. Used to compute the animated QR code. Parsed from BankID response.
: str. Used to compute the animated QR code. Parsed from BankID response.
: int. order time in seconds since the Epoch.
class BankIdPhoneStartResponse(BankIdBaseResponse):
: str. Used to collect the status of the order. Parsed from BankID response.
class BankIdCollectResponse(BankIdBaseResponse)
: str. Used to collect the status of the order. Parsed from BankID response.
: str. 'pending' | 'complete' | 'failed'. Parsed from BankID response.
: str. Only present for pending and failed orders. Parsed from BankID response.
: BankIdCompletionData. Only present for complete orders. Parsed from BankID response.
: dic. User message according to bankid documentation. which has following format:
"qrcode": { # order initiated by scanning qr code
"swedish": "",
"english": ""
"onfile": { # order initiated by starting the bankid app on the same device
"swedish": "",
"english": ""
class BankIdCompletionData()
: BankIdCompletionUserData. Authenticated user information.
: BankIdCompletionDeviceData. Authenticated user's device information.
: datatime. The date the BankID was issued to the user.
: str. Information about extra verifications that were part of the transaction.
: str. The signature as described in the BankID Signature Profile specification. Base64-encoded.
: str. The OCSP response. Base64-encoded. The OCSP response is signed by a certificate that has the same issuer as the certificate being verified. The OSCP response has an extension for Nonce. The nonce is calculated as:
- SHA-1 hash over the base 64 XML signature encoded as UTF-8.
- 12 random bytes is added after the hash.
- The nonce is 32 bytes (20 + 12).
: dict. Completion data in dict format.
class BankIdCompletionUserData()
: str. The personal identity number.
: str. The given name and surname of the user.
: str. The given name of the user.
: str. The surname of the user.
class BankIdCompletionDeviceData()
: str. The IP address of the user agent as the BankID server discovers it. When an order is started with autoStartToken the RP can check that this match the IP they observe to ensure session fixation String.
: str. Unique hardware identifier for the users device.
class BankIdCancelResponse(BankIdBaseResponse)
class BankIdError(Exception)
: str. Reason of the exception according to BankID Documentation
: str. What action is needed for this exception according to BankID Documentation
: dict. Message for user.
: str. Error code received in response data
: requests.Response. object which was returned from sending the request.
: int. Http response code of the response
: dict. returned data in dict format
class BankIdValidationError(Exception)
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Details for the file bankid6-1.0.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: bankid6-1.0.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 23.5 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.0.0 CPython/3.12.2
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 9a944bf54e1943f619a64dcbd105285aec6a53c560c110a99639ab218f2e7bb7 |
MD5 | 5f698c0d29d3688b6d3f731eabd60126 |
BLAKE2b-256 | bca720def30745925156b83d7c6bfd487040b27b3ae64776528e3b63e0704cf0 |
File details
Details for the file bankid6-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: bankid6-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
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- Size: 22.1 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.0.0 CPython/3.12.2
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 61785520182dc97575de562c40d77fb1f2d3111d4816ebbb2930ed230078e454 |
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