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Utility to process routes and waypoints used by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Air Unit

Project description

BAS Air Unit Network Dataset

Management of the network of routes and waypoints used by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Air Unit.

Including a utility for the Air Unit to process routes and waypoints for use in their handheld and aircraft GPS devices.



To support the BAS Air Unit manage their network of routes and waypoints such that:

  • information is internally consistent, through defined structures and constraints
  • information is interoperable between different systems, through the use of open/standard formats
  • information is well described and sharable with other teams, through distribution as datasets


This project was developed in response to discussions and requests with the BAS Air Unit to review and simplify the process they used to manage their network of waypoints, and to ensure it's future sustainability.

BAS staff can read more about this background in this GitLab issue [Internal].


This project is an early alpha, working towards a Minimal Viable Product (MVP). This means:

  • all, or parts, of this project:
    • may not be working
    • may stop working at any time
    • may not work correctly, or as expectedly (including destructively)
    • may change at any time (in terms of implementation or functionality)
  • documentation may be missing or incorrect
  • no support is provided for this project
  • no real and/or sensitive information should be used with this project


This service has a number of limitations, including:

  • the default base map used in Garmin BaseCamp is not useful for Antarctica
  • the Air Unit Network utility is only supported on Windows computers
  • the Air Unit Network utility does not support multiple users importing data at the same time
  • the Air Unit Network utility does not create backups when importing new data
  • the Air Unit Network utility does not require route names to follow the required naming convention
  • the Air Unit Network utility does not require waypoint identifiers to be unique across all waypoints
  • the Air Unit Network utility does not require waypoint comments to follow the required structure
  • the Air Unit Network utility does not require waypoints within imported routes to be listed as standalone waypoints
  • contextual comments for waypoints within a route (e.g. 'Start of route') cannot be set using Garmin BaseCamp
  • comments for waypoints use an overly complex structure to support an ad-hoc serialisation format
  • Unicode characters (such as emoji) cannot be used in route/waypoint names, comments, etc.
  • CSV outputs are not designed for printing (i.e. column formatting and page breaks)
  • the workspace directory and its data is only available at Rothera (i.e. it isn't synced back to Cambridge)

Some or all of these limitations will be addressed in Future improvements to this project.

Future improvements

See the project issue tracker for a backlog of planned features and ideas to further improve this project.


Workspace directory

The workspace directory contains all files related to this project. This directory should be shared between all users/computers that require access by storing on a shared drive or synced folder accessible to relevant users.

Note: To create a new workspace directory, see the Setup section.

A typical/example workspace directory contains:

├── bas-air-unit-network-dataset.gpkg
├── input.gpx
└── output/
    ├── CSV/
    │   ├── 00_WAYPOINTS_2022_07_08.csv
    │   ├── 00_WAYPOINTS_2022_07_08_DD.csv
    ├── FPL/
    │   ├── 00_WAYPOINTS_2022_07_08.fpl
    │   ├── 01_BRAVO_TO_ALPHA.fpl
    │   ├── 02_BRAVO_TO_BRAVO.fpl
    │   └── 03_bBRAVO_TO_LIMA.fpl
    └── GPX/
        └── 00_NETWORK_2022_07_08.gpx
  • the output/ directory contains files for use in GPS devices and as print outs, organised by file type (CSV, GPX and FPL)
  • the input.gpx file contains routes and waypoints exported from Garmin BaseCamp to be imported into the Air Unit Network utility
  • the bas-air-unit-network-dataset.gpkg file is a GeoPackage used internally by the Air Unit Network utility

Access control

The Air Unit Network utility does not include access control, therefore the permissions applied to the working directory should be used if access to information needs to be restricted. It is recommended that wrtite permissions on the directory are restricted to users that need to edit information.


Note: You need to complete the steps in the Installation section to complete this workflow.

To update waypoints and routes (the network) and create new files for use in GPS devices and as print outs:

  1. waypoints and routes are created and edited using Garmin BaseCamp
  2. export routes and waypoints from BaseCamp as a GPX file
  3. import the GPX file into the Air Unit Network utility
  4. use the utility to export the network in a range of formats (CSV, GPX and FPL)

The sub-sections below describe these steps in more detail.

Managing waypoints in BaseCamp

Create a new waypoint

  1. from the start menu, launch BaseCamp
  2. from the upper left hand panel, under My Collection, select BAS Air Unit Network -> BAS Air Unit Network
  3. choose the Create a waypoint tool (flag icon) from the top middle toolbar (creation tools)
  4. select the general location of the waypoint (precise position can be entered later)
  5. from the General tab of the waypoint properties screen that opens:
    1. enter a suitable Name or identifier (maximum 6 characters)
    2. enter a suitable Comment, which consists of 5 elements in the order below, each separated with a | (vertical bar) character:
      1. name: a full, or formal name for the waypoint (maximum 17 characters)
      2. co-located with: name of a related depot, instrument and/or other feature - use N/A if not relevant
      3. last accessed at: date waypoint was last accessed in the form YYYY-MM-DD - use N/A if unvisited
      4. last accessed by: pilot that that last accessed waypoint - use N/A if unvisited
      5. other information: any other information - use N/A if not relevant
  6. from the Advanced tab:
    1. if necessary, edit the Position to the correct latitude and longitude in degrees, decimal minutes (DDM) format
  7. close the waypoint properties screen

For example (a co-located, previously visited, waypoint with a full name and additional information):

  • name: ALPHA
  • comment: Alpha 001 | Dog | 2014-12-24 | CW | Bring treats.
  • position: S69° 54.910' W75° 00.878'

For example (a standalone, unvisited, waypoint with no full/formal name or additional information):

  • name: BRAVO
  • comment: N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A
  • position: S70° 49.810' W75° 11.420'

Note: Only the 'name' in a comment will be included in FPL waypoints.

Edit an existing waypoint

  1. from the start menu, launch BaseCamp
  2. from the upper left hand panel, under My Collection, select BAS Air Unit Network -> BAS Air Unit Network
  3. from the lower left hand panel, right click the waypoint to be edited and select Get Info
  4. from the waypoint properties screen, update (as needed):
    1. the name (identifier)
    2. comment (see rules above for how comments must be written)
    3. position

Managing routes in BaseCamp

Create a new route

  1. from the start menu, launch BaseCamp
  2. from the upper left hand panel, under My Collection, select BAS Air Unit Network -> BAS Air Unit Network
  3. choose the Create a route tool (path/network icon) from the top middle toolbar (creation tools)
  4. from the window that opens:
    1. enter the starting waypoint using the search box
    2. enter the ending waypoint using the search box
    3. select the Go command
  5. from the Via Points tab of the route properties screen that opens:
    1. un-tick the Autoname checkbox
    2. rename the route as per the route naming convention:
      • {Route Number}_{Start Waypoint Identifier}_To_{End Waypoint Identifier}
      • for example: 01_ALPHA_TO_BRAVO
      • the first route should use 01 as a route number, 00 is a reserved value and should not be used
    3. if additional waypoints should be added between start and end waypoints:
      1. from the lower left navigation panel, drag waypoints into the route properties screen, in its position within the route
    4. close the route properties screen

Edit an existing route

  1. from the start menu, launch BaseCamp
  2. from the upper left hand panel, under My Collection, select BAS Air Unit Network -> BAS Air Unit Network
  3. from the lower left hand panel, right click the route to be edited and select Get Info
  4. to remove a waypoint from the route:
    1. right click the route waypoint from the list and select Remove
  5. to add a new waypoint to the route:
    1. from the lower left navigation panel, drag waypoints into the route properties screen, in its position within the route
  6. if the start or end waypoint in the route has changed, update the route name (see rules above for format)

Saving waypoints and routes from BaseCamp

  1. from the start menu, launch BaseCamp
  2. from the upper left hand panel, under My Collection, select BAS Air Unit Network -> BAS Air Unit Network
  3. from the File menu, select Export "BAS Air Unit Network"
  4. name the file input.gpx and save to the Workspace directory (the existing file should be overwritten)
  5. set the export format as GPX v1.1

Importing waypoints and routes into the Network utility

  1. from the start menu, launch Command Prompt and run the commands in [1]

WARNING: Importing replaces all existing information. Ensure you have suitable backups of existing data.


Note: If viewing this documentation as a PDF, some commands below may disappear off the page. If you select the line you should be able to copy into a tool such as Notepad to view it in full.

$ C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\Scripts\activate.bat

# navigate to the workspace directory
(airnet) $ cd '/path/to/workspace/directory'

(airnet) $ C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\python.exe C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\Scripts\airnet.exe import --dataset-path bas-air-unit-network-dataset.gpkg --input-path input.gpx
Dataset is located at: /path/to/workspace/directory/bas-air-unit-network-dataset.gpkg
Input is located at: /path/to/workspace/directory/input.gpx

<NetworkManager : 12 Waypoints - 3 Routes>

Waypoints [12]:
01. <Waypoint 01G7T144RF7WENM8PBKC15W1YB :- [ALPHA_], POINT (-75.01463335007429 -69.91516669280827)>
02. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFVMA8XSD2NES8EFW0 :- [BRAVO_], POINT (-75.19033329561353 -70.8301666751504)>
03. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFBM65YQC317D7XCC8 :- [CHARLE], POINT (-71.49899996817112 -71.76016665995121)>
04. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFXNTDVKXCEBTW4DSJ :- [DELTA_], POINT (-66.09375 -72.7509999834001)>
05. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFMSAZZQEAD5ANBTAN :- [ECHO__], POINT (-61.611166689544916 -73.45333331264555)>
06. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFVJFRW1VY0MFQNW06 :- [FOXTRT], POINT (-70.22449999116361 -73.17583330906928)>
07. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFSM18AJ9G2A3GKGZ9 :- [GOLF__], POINT (-70.3125 -74.20000003650784)>
08. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFFA3B2009P6FAXC3H :- [HOTEL_], POINT (-65.43449998833239 -74.42566668614745)>
09. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFP1F3EB58V421Y65S :- [INDIA_], POINT (-63.017566641792655 -75.70466665551066)>
10. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFTW3RN38TNR6TJ585 :- [JULIET], POINT (-58.93050002865493 -76.34150002151728)>
11. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFV5N138VMTC80WTA1 :- [KILO__], POINT (-55.37100004032254 -77.16683333739638)>
12. <Waypoint 01G7T144RFNDB0TEMY911J8VN7 :- [LIMA__], POINT (-50.8461666572839 -78.08921668678522)>

Routes [3]:
01. <Route 01G7T144RF040ETQSEBGS73A9Z :- [01_BRAVO_TO_ALPHA], 2 waypoints, Start/End: BRAVO  / ALPHA >
02. <Route 01G7T144RFAN8RKG006NJ2CC4B :- [02_BRAVO_TO_BRAVO], 9 waypoints, Start/End: BRAVO  / BRAVO >
03. <Route 01G7T144RFGTXKKJGA1V6CM24F :- [03_BRAVO_TO_LIMA], 8 waypoints, Start/End: BRAVO  / LIMA  >

Import complete

Exporting waypoints and routes using the Network utility

  1. from the start menu, launch Command Prompt and run the commands in [1]

Note: If you encounter an error similar to [2], ensure you install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable from the installation bundle.


Note: If viewing this documentation as a PDF, some commands below may disappear off the page. If you select the line you should be able to copy into a tool such as Notepad to view it in full.

$ C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\Scripts\activate.bat

# navigate to the workspace directory
(airnet) $ cd '/path/to/workspace/directory'

(airnet) $ C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\python.exe C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\Scripts\airnet.exe export --dataset-path bas-air-unit-network-dataset.gpkg --output-path output/
Dataset is located at: /path/to/workspace/directory/bas-air-unit-network-dataset.gpkg
Output directory is is: /path/to/workspace/directory/output

- CSV export complete
- GPX export complete
- FPL export complete

Export complete


The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.


Install software

Note: You will need an internet connection, administrator rights and access to the Installation bundle to install the Air Unit Network utility.

To install software needed to manage the Air Unit Network dataset:

  1. ensure all required Windows updates are installed
  2. download, or copy from a hard drive, the Installation bundle
    1. these instructions assume you will download, or copy, the bundle to your Downloads directory
  3. from the installation bundle, install Garmin BaseCamp, and optionally, QGIS:
    1. run garmin-basecamp-installer.exe to install Garmin BaseCamp
    2. optionally, run qgis-installer.msi to install the Long Term Support (LTS) version of QGIS
  4. from the installation bundle, install Miniconda (needed to run the Air Unit Network utility):
    1. run miniconda-installer.exe to install Miniconda
    2. select the All users (requires admin privileges) installation option when asked
  5. from the installation bundle, install LibXML2 (needed to run the Air Unit Network utility):
    1. unzip the archive to a temporary directory
    2. copy the libxml2 directory to C:\Program Files, such that C:\Program Files\libxml2\bin\xmllint.exe exists
    3. from Windows Explorer, right click This PC from the left hand panel and click Properties
      1. from the left hand menu of the System Control Panel screen, click Advanced system settings
      2. from the Advanced tab of the System Properties screen, click Environment Variables
      3. from the bottom section (System variables) select the Path variable and click Edit:
        1. from the Edit environment variable screen, click New
        2. enter C:\Program Files\libxml2\bin as a new entry (at the bottom of the list)
      4. click OK, then OK, then OK again and close Control Panel
    4. delete the temporary directory created earlier
  6. from the installation bundle, install the Air Unit Network utility virtual environment:
    1. unzip the archive to a temporary directory (this will take some time)
    2. from the View tab in Explorer, check the Hidden items checkbox
    3. copy the airnet directory to C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs, such that C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\Scripts\airnet.exe exists
    4. delete the temporary directory created earlier
    5. optionally, uncheck the Hidden items checkbox in Explorer

Note: Only versions of software within the Installation Bundle are supported.

Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable

In some cases you also need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package, which is needed for LibXML2.

Note: Usually a version of this package will already be installed and these instructions are not necessary.

To install the package:

  1. from the installation bundle run microsoft-vc-installer.exe
  2. reboot the computer after installation

Configure software

Configure Garmin BaseCamp

To configure Garmin BaseCamp needed to manage the Air Unit Network dataset:

  1. from the start menu, launch BaseCamp
  2. when asked for an activity type, select Direct
  3. from the upper left hand panel, under My Collection:
    1. right-click and select New List folder
    2. name the folder BAS Air Unit Network
  4. within this new folder:
    1. right-click and select New List
    2. name the list BAS Air Unit Network
  5. from the upper left hand panel, under My Collection, select BAS Air Unit Network -> BAS Air Unit Network
  6. from the File menu, select Import into "BAS Air Unit Network"
  7. select the input.gpx file from the Workspace directory

Installation bundle

The installation bundle is a folder of supported software installers and packages. It is designed to run offline and be distributed via an external hard-drive.

The definitive installation bundle is stored in the MAGIC Office 365 OneDrive and is accessible to all BAS staff. When South, MAGIC will hold a copy of the installation bundle on a hard drive.

Software in the installation bundle will be updated periodically after testing, and when new versions of the Air Unit Network utility are released.

Note: Only versions of software within the Installation Bundle are supported.


This project consists of:

  • a description of the waypoints and routes datasets for the BAS Air Unit
  • a Python command line utility to:
    • store waypoints and routes in a structured/neutral format (currently a GeoPackage)
    • import waypoints and routes from a GPX file from an editor such as Garmin BaseCamp
    • export waypoints and routes into a range of output formats (currently CSV, GPX and Garmin FPL)

Information model

The BAS Air Unit Network information model consists of two entities, forming two, related, datasets:

  1. Waypoints: Features representing landing sites used by the Air Unit, usually co-located with a BAS Operations depot, field camp or a science/monitoring instrument
  2. Routes: Features representing formally defined, frequently travelled, paths between two or more Waypoints, as opposed to ad-hoc paths

For example:

  • Waypoints: Fossil Bluff
  • Routes: Rothera to Fossil Bluff

There is a many-to-many relationship between Waypoints and Routes. I.e. a Waypoint can be part of many Routes, and Routes can contain many Waypoints.

Note: This information model is abstract and requires implementing. See the Data model section for the current implementation.

Waypoints (information model)

Property Name Type Occurrence Length Description Example
id ID String 1 1 - .. Unique identifier '01G7MY680N332AW9H9HR9SG15T'
identifier Identifier String 1 1 - 6 Unique reference 'ALPHA'
geometry Geometry Geometry (2D/3D Point, EPSG:4326) 1 - Position or location as a single coordinate 'SRID=4326;Point(-75.014648 -69.915214)'
name Name String 0-1 1 - 17 Full or formal name 'Alpha 001'
colocated_with Co-located With String 0-1 1 - .. Features (from other domains) associated with the waypoint 'Depot: Foo'
last_accessed_at Last Accessed At Date 0-1 1 - .. When the Waypoint was last accessed or visited '2014-12-24'
last_accessed_by Last Accessed By String 0-1 1 - .. Who last accessed or visited the Waypoint 'Conwat'
comment Comment String 0-1 1 - .. Freetext description or comments 'Alpha 001 is on a high ridge ...'
ID (Waypoint)


  • MUST be unique
  • MUST NOT be based on any information contained within the Waypoint
  • MAY use any format/scheme:
    • the same scheme SHOULD be used for all IDs
    • non-sequential schemes are recommended

Note: This ID can be used to refer to each Waypoint in other systems (i.e. as an foreign identifier).

Identifiers (Waypoint)


  • MUST be between 1 and 6 uppercase alpha-numeric characters without spaces (A-Z, 0-9)
  • MUST be unique across all Waypoints
Geometry (Waypoint)


  • MUST be expressed in decimal degrees using the EPSG:4326 projection.
  • MUST consist of either:
    • a longitude (X) and latitude (Y) dimension (2D point)
    • a longitude (X), latitude (Y) and elevation (Z) dimension (3D point)
Name (Waypoint)

If specified:

  • MUST be between 1 and 17 uppercase alpha-numeric or space characters (A-Z, 0-9, ' ')
Co-located with (Waypoint)

No special comments.

Last accessed at (Waypoint)

If specified:

Last accessed by (Waypoint)

If specified:

  • MUST unambiguously reference an individual
  • MAY use any scheme:
    • the same scheme SHOULD be used for all Waypoints
Comment (Waypoint)

No special comments.

Routes (information model)

Property Name Type Occurrence Length Description Example
id ID String 1 1 - .. Unique identifier '01G7MZB9X0R8S7RTNYAMAQKHE4'
name Name String 1 1 - .. Name or reference '01_ALPHA_TO_BRAVO'
waypoints Waypoints List of Waypoint entities 2-n - Sequence of Waypoints -
ID (Route)


  • MUST be unique
  • MUST NOT be based on any information contained within the Route
  • MAY use any format/scheme:
    • the same scheme SHOULD be used for all IDs
    • non-sequential schemes are recommended

Note: This ID can be used to refer to each Route in other systems (i.e. as an foreign identifier).

Name (Route)


  • MUST use the format {Sequence}_{First Waypoint Identifier}_TO_{Last Waypoint Identifier}, where {Sequence} is a zero padded, auto-incrementing prefix (e.g. '01_', '02_', ..., '99_').
Waypoints (Route)

Waypoints in Routes:

  • MUST be a subset of the set of Waypoints
    • i.e. waypoints in routes MUST be drawn from a common set, rather than defined ad-hoc or inline within a Route
  • MUST be expressed as a sequence:
    • i.e. a list in a specific order from a start to finish via any number of other places
  • MUST contain at least 2 Waypoints but MAY contain more:
    • i.e. a start and end
  • MAY be included multiple times
    • i.e. the start and end can be the same Waypoint, or a route may pass through the same waypoint multiple times
  • MAY include a contextual comment or description
    • e.g. 'Start of route'

Data model

The BAS Air Unit Network data model implements the Information model using three entities:

  1. Waypoint: Point features with attributes
  2. Route: Features to contextualise a set of Waypoints, with attributes (such as route name)
  3. RouteWaypoint: join between a Waypoint and a Route, with contextual attributes (such as sequence within route)

This data model describes how these entities are:

  • persisted as features within layers within an OGC GeoPackage (version 1.2)
  • represented as Python class instances (objects)

This GeoPackage, and the data it contains, is considered the Source of Truth and definitive version/format.

Note: This data model does not describe how entities are encoded in specific Output Formats.

Note: This data model does not describe specifics about how entities are encoded in GeoPackages (i.e. database schema), or describe GeoPackage meta tables, which are managed automatically by libraries used by this utility.


Feature Identifiers (FIDs) are created automatically when features are persisted to GeoPackages. FIDs are unique auto-incrementing integers, and used as primary keys within database tables.

FIDs SHOULD be considered an implementation detail, and SHOULD be ignored in favour of ID properties (i.e. 'ID' rather than 'FID').

FIDs SHOULD NOT be exposed to end users and their values or structure MUST NOT be relied upon.


Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID)s are the scheme used for identifiers (IDs).

These IDs MAY be exposed to end users.

Waypoints (data model)

Python class:

  • Waypoint (single waypoint)
  • WaypointCollection (waypoints set)

GeoPackage layer: waypoints

Property Name Data Type Nullable Unique Max Length Notes
fid Feature ID Integer No Yes - Internal to database, primary key, auto-incrementing
id ID ULID (String) No Yes - -
identifer Identifier String No Yes 6 -
geometry Geometry 2D/3D Point No No - -
name Name String Yes No 17 -
colocated_with Co-located With String Yes No - -
last_accessed_at Last Accessed At Date Yes No - -
last_accessed_by Last Accessed By String Yes No - -
comment Comment String Yes No - -

Routes (data model)

Python class:

  • Route (single route)
  • RouteCollection (routes set)

GeoPackage layer: routes

Property Name Data Type Nullable Unique Max Length Notes
fid Feature ID Integer No Yes - Internal to database, primary key, auto-incrementing
id ID ULID (String) No Yes - -
name Name String No Yes - -

Route Waypoints (data model)

Python class:

  • RouteWaypoint (single waypoint in route)

GeoPackage layer: route_waypoints

Property Name Data Type Nullable Unique Max Length Notes
fid Feature ID Integer No Yes - Internal to database, primary key, auto-incrementing
route_id Route ID ULID (String) No Yes - Foreign key to Route entity
waypoint_id Waypoint ID ULID (String) No Yes - Foreign key to Waypoint entity
sequence Sequence Integer No Yes (within Route) - Position of waypoint within a route, value must be unique within each route
comment Comment String Yes No - -

Note: Though the route_id and waypoint_id columns are effectively foreign keys, they are not configured as such within the GeoPackage.

Source data

Input/source data MUST be saved in a GPX (GPS Exchange Format) version 1.1 file to be imported into this project.

Note: Only GPX files produced by Garmin BaseCamp are supported. GPX files produced by other tools may also work but are not formally supported.


  • Garmin BaseCamp does not support custom GPX extensions, except Garmin's own, limiting fields to the core GPX specification
  • this requires non-standard fields (such as waypoint.last_accessed_at) to be added to the comment freetext field, making it more complex (see notes in the Creating a Waypoint section)

Test network

A test network of 12 waypoints and 3 routes is used to:

  1. test various edge cases
  2. provide consistency for repeatable testing
  3. prevent needing to use real data that might be sensitive

Note: Route and waypoints in the test network are arbitrary and do not reflect any actual features.

WARNING! This test network is entirely fictitious. It MUST NOT be used for any real navigation.

A Workspace Directory for the test network is maintained in the MAGIC Office 365 OneDrive and is accessible to all BAS staff. When South, MAGIC will hold a copy of the test network on a hard drive.

A QGIS project is provided to visualise the test network and ensure exported outputs match expected test data.

Output formats

Supported formats

Note: The GeoPackage used in the Data Model is not a supported output format.

Format use-cases:

Format Use Case
CSV Human readable, printed reference
GPX Machine readable, handheld GPS
FPL Machine readable, aircraft GPS

Format details:

Format Name Version Encoding Open Format Restricted Attributes Extensions Available Extensions Used
CSV Comma Separated Value N/A Text Yes No No N/A
GPX GPS Exchange Format 1.1 XML Yes Yes Yes No
FPL (Garmin) Flight Plan 1.0 XML No (Vendor Specific) Yes Yes No

Outputs produced for each format:

Format Each Waypoint Each Route All Waypoints (Only) All Routes (Only) Waypoints and Routes (Combined)
CSV No No Yes No [1] No
GPX No No No [1] No [1] Yes
FPL No Yes Yes No No

Where 'All Waypoints (Only)' outputs are produced, waypoints will be sorted alphabetically.

[1] These outputs can be produced but are intentionally excluded as they aren't used by the Air Unit. See this GitLab issue [Internal] for details.

Output file names

Output files use an internal naming convention for all formats:

Export Type File Name (Pattern) File Name (Example)
Each Waypoint N/A N/A
Each Route {route name}.ext 01_ALPHA_TO_BRAVO.ext
All Waypoints (Only) 00_WAYPOINTS_{current date}.ext 00_WAYPOINTS_2014_12_24.ext
All Routes (Only) 00_ROUTES_{current date}.ext 00_ROUTES_2014_12_24.ext
Waypoints and Routes (Combined) 00_NETWORK_{current date}.ext 00_NETWORK_2014_12_24.ext

Where .ext is a relevant file extension for each format (i.e. .csv for CSV outputs).

Output format - CSV


  • CSV outputs use the first row as a column names header
  • outputs produced for all routes use a route_name column to distinguish rows related to each route
  • waypoint.geometries can optionally be included as separate latitude (Y) and longitude (X) columns in either:
    • decimal degrees (latitude_dd, longitude_dd columns) - native format
    • degrees, decimal minutes (latitude_ddm, longitude_ddm columns) - format used in aviation


  • all properties are encoded as strings, without type hints using extended CSV schemes etc.
  • waypoint.geometries containing an elevation (Z) dimension are not included in CSV outputs
  • CSV outputs are not validated

Output format - GPX


  • GPX outputs are validated against the GPX XSD schema automatically


  • GPX metadata fields (author, last updated, etc.) are not currently populated
  • the, waypoint.colocated_with, waypoint.last_accessed_at, waypoint.last_accessed_by and waypoint.comment, properties are combined into the GPX comment field, as GPX lacks fields for these properties
  • waypoint.geometries containing an elevation (Z) dimension are not included in GPX outputs

Output format - FPL


  • FPL outputs are validated against a custom version of the Garmin FPL XSD schema automatically
  • route names will use spaces instead of underscores in FPL files, as underscores aren't allowed in FPL route names


  • the waypoint.colocated_with, waypoint.last_accessed_at, waypoint.last_accessed_by and waypoint.comment properties are not included in FPL waypoint comments, as they are limited to 17 characters [1]
  • underscores (_) characters are stripped from route names within FPL files (rather than the names of FPL files), a local override is used to replace underscores with spaces ( ) to workaround this limitation
  • FPL metadata fields (author, last updated, etc.) are not currently populated
  • waypoint.geometries containing an elevation (Z) dimension are not included in FPL outputs

[1] This limit comes from the specific UI shown in the aircraft GPS used by the BAS Air Unit.

FPL XML schema

A copy of the Garmin FPL XML/XSD schema,, is included in this project to locally validate generated FPL outputs. This schema cannot be used for validation in its published form, as it contains a number of invalid regular expressions. These regular expressions have been modified in the schema used in this project, which hopefully match Garmin's intentions.

In order to produce FPL files that match those produced by earlier processing scripts used by the BAS Air Unit, a number of other changes have been made to the local version of the FPL schema. These include:

  • removing the requirement for a <waypoints-table> element to be included in all FPL files (relevant to route FPLs)
  • removing the requirement for all <waypoint> elements within <route> elements to be included in a <waypoint-table> element (as a consequence of the above)
  • altering the regular expression used for the <country-name> element to allow the _ characters

Note: It is hoped these local modifications will be removed in future through testing with the in-aircraft GPS. See #12 for more information.

Python CLI

A Python based utility, airnet, is used for:

  • importing Source data into the internal GeoPackage
  • exporting data from the internal GeoPackage as Outputs
  • creating new datasets (setup task, only needs to be performed once)
  • describing the contents of a dataset at a high level

This utility provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) using the Click framework. To enable users to call the CLI from a shell, without needing to run through Python, the Click CLI instance is configured as a console script entrypoint in the generated by Poetry (and defined in pyproject.toml)

The Python methods used in the Click CLI call methods from a NetworkManager class, which together with a set of entity and entity collection classes, is responsible for loading and dumping data.

See bas_air_unit_network_dataset.__main__:cli for the Click CLI method.

See bas_air_unit_network_dataset.__init__:NetworkManager for the NetworkManager and related classes.

For a list of available commands and their options, run airnet --help.

For information on the installed package version, run airnet --version.

CLI environment variables

Parameter values for the airnet command line interface (CLI) can be provided using environment variables. These are typically used when automating commands as part of a script or other automation workflow.

Parameter Environment Variable
-d / --dataset-path AIRNET_DATASET_PATH
-i / --input-path AIRNET_INPUT_PATH
-o / --output-path AIRNET_OUTPUT_PATH

Note: Where an option is set on the command line and using an environment variable, the command line value takes precedence.


Populate the installation bundle

Note: You will need appropriate rights within the BAS MAGIC team OneDrive to complete these steps.

To populate the Installation Bundle:

  • download the latest Garmin BaseCamp installer (Windows) and rename to garmin-basecamp-installer.exe
  • download the latest LTS QGIS installer (Windows) and rename to qgis-installer.msi
  • download the latest MiniConda installer (Python 3.9, Windows 64 bit) and rename to miniconda-installer.exe
  • download the latest LibXML2 Windows build:
    • visit the LibXML2 Gnome project
    • view the latest Continuous Deployment pipeline
    • view the cmake:msvc job
    • download the artefact
    • extract the artefact Zip, rename the containing directory libxml2 and rezip the directory as
  • download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 RC package [1] and rename to microsoft-vc-installer.exe
  • create a build directory and:
    • download the latest 7-Zip installer and rename to 7zip-installer.exe

Before saving installers to the Installation Bundle, test them in a deployment VM.

[1] This specific version (14.0.24123) was used because the latest version available at the time of testing (14.32. 31332, Sept 2022) did not work. In future, it may be that another version is needed, especially if the version of LibXML2 changes.

Setup a workspace directory

  1. using Windows Explorer, create a suitable directory to use a Workspace (typically on a shared drive or within a synced folder)
  2. from the start menu, launch Command Prompt and run the commands in [1]

WARNING: Running these commands within an existing workspace directory will reset the dataset, deleting any existing data. Ensure you have suitable backups of existing data.

Note: Due to an internal limitation, on Windows computers the workspace directory must be on the same drive as the Python interpreter. This will almost always be the C: drive.


Note: If viewing this documentation as a PDF, some commands below may disappear off the page. If you select the line you should be able to copy into a tool such as Notepad to view it in full.

$ C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\Scripts\activate.bat

(airnet) $ C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\python.exe C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\airnet\Scripts\airnet.exe init --dataset-path '/path/to/workspace/directory'
Dataset will be located at: '/path/to/workspace/directory'

Dataset created at: '/path/to/workspace/directory'

Setup a Windows deployment VM

Note: You will access to the BAS MAGIC resource pool in the BAS vSphere instance to complete these steps.

To create a test VM:

  1. login to the BAS vSphere instance
  2. from the left panel, switch to the second view (to see templates)
  3. from the left panel, select [root] -> Cambridge -> BASDEV -> air-unit-test-template
  4. right-click and select New VM from this template:
    1. select a suitable name (e.g. air-unit-test5) and choose the MAGIC folder/resource pool in the BASDEV cluster
  5. power on the resulting VM (the network may initially show as disconnected but will usually add itself)
  6. login as the IEUser with the shared password Passw0rd!.

To create the VM template used above:

  1. download the VMware version of the Microsoft Edge test VMs
  2. follow these instructions to create a VM template, making changes as needed:
    1. name the VM and template air-unit-test
    2. set the RAM to 8GB
    3. you should not need to add a virtual network interface or CD device, as this will already be setup


Development environment

Git and Poetry are required to set up a local development environment of this project.

Note: If you use Pyenv, this project sets a local Python version for consistency.

# clone from the BAS GitLab instance if possible
$ git clone

# setup virtual environment
$ cd air-unit-network-dataset
$ poetry install

Running commands in development

Within a Development Environment use Poetry to test CLI commands. E.g.:

$ poetry run airnet --help


Python dependencies for this project are managed with Poetry in pyproject.toml.

Adding new dependencies

To add a new (development) dependency:

$ poetry add [dependency] (--dev)


Automated tests are not currently implemented (see #16 for more information).

Manual outputs testing

Manual testing of outputs is strongly encouraged prior to a release.

These should aim to be as comprehensive as possible, rather than only testing the outputs currently needed. This currently requires manual/ad-hoc modification of the NetworkManager.dump_*() methods as shown in this commit:


The Air Unit Network utility is distributed in two forms:

  1. a Python package that can be installed through Pip from the PyPi registry
  2. a packaged Anaconda environment

Note: Both distributions require OS dependencies to be installed separately (namely GDAL and LibXML2), see the Installation section for more information.

Python package

The Python package is standard, pure Python Pip package, built by Poetry as a binary wheel and source package.

To build the Python package manually:

$ poetry build

To publish the Python package to PyPi manually, you will need an API token for the BAS organisational PyPi account, set as the POETRY_PYPI_TOKEN_PYPI environment variable. Then run:

$ poetry publish --username british-antarctic-survey

Packaged Anaconda environment

The packaged Anaconda environment uses Conda Pack to create an OS/platform specific archive of an Anaconda virtual environment, such that dependencies can be copied and installed offline. This is designed for use in running the Air Unit Network utility in Antarctica.

Note: This process will produce an environment that can be run on Windows (10), x86 64 bit computers only.

First, Create a Python Package. Then within a Windows Deployment VM:

  1. connect to OneDrive, such that the Installation Bundle can be accessed and updated
  2. from the Installation Bundle, run miniconda-installer.exe, installing for all users
  3. from the 'build' directory in the Installation Bundle, run the 7Zip installer (7z.exe)
  4. from the start menu, launch Anaconda PowerShell Prompt with admin privileges and run the commands in [1]
  5. from the user Downloads directory, extract airnet.tar.gz using 7-zip:
    1. then, extract airnet.tar to airnet/
    2. then, right-click airnet/ -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder to produce
    3. rename to
    4. copy to the definitive copy of the Installation Bundle, replacing the existing file


(base) $ cd $env:userprofile
(base) $ cd ./Downloads

(base) $ conda create -n airnet
(base) $ conda activate airnet
(airnet) $ conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
(airnet) $ conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
(airnet) $ conda install fiona
(airnet) $ python -m pip install bas-air-unit-network-dataset

(airnet) $ conda activate base
(base) $ conda install -c conda-forge conda-pack
(base) $ conda pack -n airnet -o airnet.tar.gz

Release procedure

For all releases:

  1. create a release branch
  2. manually test outputs
  3. close release in
  4. bump package version poetry version [minor/patch]
  5. build and publish Python package to PyPi
  6. build a Packaged Anaconda Environment
  7. convert project README to PDF using markdowntopdf and update in installation bundle
  8. push changes, merge the release branch into main and tag with version
  9. update the GitLab release with:
    • a link to the relevant milestone(s)
    • change log entries
    • link to PyPi package
    • link to PDF version of documentation (share link to document in SharePoint)
    • link to installation bundle (share link to archive in SharePoint)
  10. compress the Installation Bundle into a 7Zip archive (to allow fr transfer South via AMS)
  11. copy the Installation Bundle and Test Network to a hard drive to take South


The maintainer of this project is the BAS Mapping and Geographic Information Centre (MAGIC), they can be contacted at:

Issue tracking

This project uses issue tracking, see the Issue tracker for more information.

Note: Read & write access to this issue tracker is restricted. Contact the project maintainer to request access.


Copyright (c) 2022 UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), British Antarctic Survey.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

bas-air-unit-network-dataset-0.2.2.tar.gz (68.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

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