A generic base-conversion library for Python.
Project description
h2. What is baseconv?
baseconv is a generic _base conversion_ library for Python. It allows you to
convert any number between binary, hexadecimal, decimal, octal or any other
base you can define. A base is a method of representing numbers; using two or
more different _words_ you can represent any conceivable number using an
ordered combination of those words. For example, the _decimal_ base is made up
of 10 words: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. _Binary_ uses only 0 and 1.
h2. Usage
h3. Installation
To install baseconv, simply pull the repository using @git@ (for more info
consult the "github documentation":http://github.com/guides), @cd@ into the
directory and run the following command as root:
python setup.py install
This will copy @baseconv.py@ to Python's @site-packages@ directory, and you
can then import the library in your code via @import baseconv@.
h3. Using the Library In Your Code
In order to carry out the most common features of base conversion, the library
comes equipped with the pre-defined bases @DECIMAL@, @BINARY@, @HEXADECIMAL@,
@OCTAL@, @ALPHA\_LOWER@, @ALPHA\_UPPER@ and @ALPHA@. This means you can, out
of the box, convert between all of these bases. An example usage case is shown
below; note that numbers are held as instances of the @baseconv.Number@ class,
and bases as @baseconv.Base@ instances. The attributes @decimal@, @base@,
@values@ and @indices@ are all Python _descriptors_; setting or otherwise
changing one will cause the number's other attributes to update. The following
code sample shows how you might use the library in a basic way:
>>> from baseconv import \*
>>> num = BINARY('1010011010') # Create a number
>>> num # Show the representation of a number
Number(BINARY, '1010011010')
>>> num.decimal
>>> num.decimal = 423 # Change a number's decimal value
>>> num # The number's binary value has changed automatically
Number(BINARY, '110100111')
>>> num.base = HEXADECIMAL # Change a number's base
>>> num
Number(HEXADECIMAL, '1A7')
>>> print num # Print a number as a string; also accessible via str(num)
>>> num.values # The sequence of base-words that this number represents
>>> num.values = 'FFC0DE' # Set this numbers values list
>>> num # Number has changed accordingly
>>> num.indices # The decimal value of each word in this number
[15, 15, 12, 0, 13, 14]
>>> num.indices = [1, 10, 7] # Set this number's indices attribute
>>> num
Number(HEXADECIMAL, '1A7')
h2. About the Author
My name is Zachary Voase, and you can get to my personal home page (which has links to all my other pages) "here":http://biga.mp.
baseconv is a generic _base conversion_ library for Python. It allows you to
convert any number between binary, hexadecimal, decimal, octal or any other
base you can define. A base is a method of representing numbers; using two or
more different _words_ you can represent any conceivable number using an
ordered combination of those words. For example, the _decimal_ base is made up
of 10 words: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. _Binary_ uses only 0 and 1.
h2. Usage
h3. Installation
To install baseconv, simply pull the repository using @git@ (for more info
consult the "github documentation":http://github.com/guides), @cd@ into the
directory and run the following command as root:
python setup.py install
This will copy @baseconv.py@ to Python's @site-packages@ directory, and you
can then import the library in your code via @import baseconv@.
h3. Using the Library In Your Code
In order to carry out the most common features of base conversion, the library
comes equipped with the pre-defined bases @DECIMAL@, @BINARY@, @HEXADECIMAL@,
@OCTAL@, @ALPHA\_LOWER@, @ALPHA\_UPPER@ and @ALPHA@. This means you can, out
of the box, convert between all of these bases. An example usage case is shown
below; note that numbers are held as instances of the @baseconv.Number@ class,
and bases as @baseconv.Base@ instances. The attributes @decimal@, @base@,
@values@ and @indices@ are all Python _descriptors_; setting or otherwise
changing one will cause the number's other attributes to update. The following
code sample shows how you might use the library in a basic way:
>>> from baseconv import \*
>>> num = BINARY('1010011010') # Create a number
>>> num # Show the representation of a number
Number(BINARY, '1010011010')
>>> num.decimal
>>> num.decimal = 423 # Change a number's decimal value
>>> num # The number's binary value has changed automatically
Number(BINARY, '110100111')
>>> num.base = HEXADECIMAL # Change a number's base
>>> num
Number(HEXADECIMAL, '1A7')
>>> print num # Print a number as a string; also accessible via str(num)
>>> num.values # The sequence of base-words that this number represents
>>> num.values = 'FFC0DE' # Set this numbers values list
>>> num # Number has changed accordingly
>>> num.indices # The decimal value of each word in this number
[15, 15, 12, 0, 13, 14]
>>> num.indices = [1, 10, 7] # Set this number's indices attribute
>>> num
Number(HEXADECIMAL, '1A7')
h2. About the Author
My name is Zachary Voase, and you can get to my personal home page (which has links to all my other pages) "here":http://biga.mp.