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very basic functions for data pre-processing and visualization

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add_arrow(ax, start, end, arrowprops={'facecolor': 'black', 'width': 1.8, 'alpha': 0.5})
    Add an arrow to the `ax` axis.
    ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot
        The axis to add the arrow to.
    start : tuple of floats
        The starting coordinates of the arrow in (x, y) format.
    end : tuple of floats
        The ending coordinates of the arrow in (x, y) format.
    arrowprops : dict, optional
        A dictionary of properties for the arrow, by default 
        {'facecolor': 'black', 'width': 1.8, 'alpha': 0.5}.

add_dummy_sub_legend(ax, colors, lenf, label_base='f')
    Add a sub-legend to the plot for the specified colors.
    - ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): The matplotlib axes to add the sub-legend to.
    - colors (list): A list of colors to add to the sub-legend.
    - lenf (int): The number of colors to include in the sub-legend.
    - label_base (str): The base string for the label of each color. (default: 'f')
    Returns: None

add_labels(ax, xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', zlabel='', title='', xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, xticklabels=array([None], dtype=object), yticklabels=array([None], dtype=object), xticks=[], yticks=[], legend=[], ylabel_params={}, zlabel_params={}, xlabel_params={}, title_params={})
    Add labels, titles, limits, etc. to a figure.
    ax (subplot): The subplot to be edited.
    xlabel (str, optional): The label for the x-axis. Defaults to 'X'.
    ylabel (str, optional): The label for the y-axis. Defaults to 'Y'.
    zlabel (str, optional): The label for the z-axis. Defaults to ''.
    title (str, optional): The title for the plot. Defaults to ''.
    xlim (list or tuple, optional): The limits for the x-axis. Defaults to None.
    ylim (list or tuple, optional): The limits for the y-axis. Defaults to None.
    zlim (list or tuple, optional): The limits for the z-axis. Defaults to None.
    xticklabels (array, optional): The labels for the x-axis tick marks. Defaults to np.array([None]).
    yticklabels (array, optional): The labels for the y-axis tick marks. Defaults to np.array([None]).
    xticks (list, optional): The positions for the x-axis tick marks. Defaults to [].
    yticks (list, optional): The positions for the y-axis tick marks. Defaults to [].
    legend (list, optional): The legend for the plot. Defaults to [].
    ylabel_params (dict, optional): Additional parameters for the y-axis label. Defaults to {}.
    zlabel_params (dict, optional): Additional parameters for the z-axis label. Defaults to {}.
    xlabel_params (dict, optional): Additional parameters for the x-axis label. Defaults to {}.
    title_params (dict, optional): Additional parameters for the title. Defaults to {}.

cal_next_FHN(v, w, dt=0.01, max_t=300, I_ext=0.5, b=0.7, a=0.8, tau=20)
    Calculate next v and w values for FitzHugh-Nagumo dynamics
        v: current v value
        w: current w value
        dt: time step
        max_t: maximum time
        I_ext: external current
        b: model parameter
        a: model parameter
        tau: model parameter
        v_next: next v value
        w_next: next w value

    obj : any type
    Boolean variable (whether obj is a list)

check_save_name(save_name, invalid_signs='!@#$%^&*.,:;', addi_path=[], sep='\\')
    Check if the given file name is valid and returns the final file name.
    The function replaces invalid characters in the file name with underscores ('_').
    save_name (str): The name of the file to be saved.
    invalid_signs (str, optional): A string of invalid characters. Defaults to '!@#$%^&*.,:;'.
    addi_path (list, optional): A list of additional paths to be appended to the file name. Defaults to [].
    sep (str, optional): The separator used between different elements of the path. Defaults to the system separator.
    str: The final file name with invalid characters replaced and with additional path appended if provided.

claculate_percent_close(reco, real, epsilon_close=0.1, return_quantiles=False, quantiles=[0.05, 0.95])
    Calculate the ratio of close (within a specific distance) points among all dynamics' points.
    reco: k x T numpy array
        The reconstructed dynamics matrix.
    real: k x T numpy array
        The real dynamics matrix (ground truth).
    epsilon_close: float, optional (default: 0.1)
        The threshold for distance.
    return_quantiles: bool, optional (default: False)
        Whether to return confidence interval values.
    quantiles: list of float, optional (default: [0.05, 0.95])
        The lower and higher limits for the quantiles.
    mean_close: float
        The mean of the close enough points.
    q1: float
        The first quantile (only returned if `return_quantiles` is True).
    q2: float
        The second quantile (only returned if `return_quantiles` is True).

create_FHN(dt=0.01, max_t=100, I_ext=0.5, b=0.7, a=0.8, tau=20, v0=-0.5, w0=0, params={'exp_power': 0.9, 'change_speed': False})
    Create the FitzHugh-Nagumo dynamics
        dt: time step
        max_t: maximum time
        I_ext: external current
        b: model parameter
        a: model parameter
        tau: model parameter
        v0: initial condition for v
        w0: initial condition for w
        params: dictionary of additional parameters
            exp_power: power to raise time to for non-uniform time
            change_speed: Boolean to determine whether to change time speed
        v_full: list of v values at each time step
        w_full: list of w values at each time step

create_ax(ax, nums=(1, 1), size=(10, 10), proj='d2', return_fig=False, sharey=False, sharex=False, fig=[])
    Create axes in the figure for plotting.
    ax (list or Axes): List of Axes objects or a single Axes object
    nums (tuple): Number of rows and columns for the subplots (default (1,1))
    size (tuple): Size of the figure (default (10,10))
    proj (str): Projection type ('d2' for 2D or 'd3' for 3D) (default 'd2')
    return_fig (bool): Return the figure object in addition to the Axes object (default False)
    sharey (bool): Share y axis between subplots (default False)
    sharex (bool): Share x axis between subplots (default False)
    fig (Figure): Figure object
    Axes or tuple: The Axes object(s) for plotting

create_colors(len_colors, perm=[0, 1, 2])
    Create a set of discrete colors with a one-directional order
        len_colors = number of different colors needed
        3 X len_colors matrix decpiting the colors in the cols

create_dynamics(type_dyn='cyl', max_time=1000, dt=0.01, change_speed=False, t_speed=<ufunc 'exp'>, axis_speed=[], t_speed_params={}, to_cent=False, return_3d=False, return_additional=False, params_ex={})
    Create ground truth dynamics
    dyn_type options:
create_lorenz_mat(t=[], initial_conds=(0.0, 1.0, 1.05), txy=[])
    Create the lorenz dynamics

create_orth_F(num_subdyns, num_neurons, evals=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], seed_f=0, dist_type='random')
    Create orthogonal matrices.
    num_subdyns (int): Number of sub-dynamics
    num_neurons (int): Number of neurons
    evals (list): List of eigenvalues.
    seed_f (int): Seed for the random number generator (default 0)
    dist_type (str): Distribution type ('random')
    list: List of orthogonal matrices

create_rotation_mat(theta=0, axes='x', dims=3)
    Create a rotation matrix based on the given parameters.
    theta (float, optional): Angle in radians for rotation. Default is 0.
    axes (str, optional): Axis for rotation. Must be one of 'x', 'y' or 'z'. Default is 'x'.
    dims (int, optional): Dimension of the rotation. Must be either 2 or 3. Default is 3.
    numpy.ndarray: Rotation matrix of shape (dims, dims).
    ValueError: If dims is not 2 or 3.

find_closest(vec1, vec2, metric='mse')
    Find the closest elements in vec2 for each element in vec1.
    vec1 (ndarray): 1-D numpy array
    vec2 (ndarray): 1-D numpy array
    metric (str): Metric to use for comparison, 'mse' by default
        - ndarray: closest elements in vec2 for each element in vec1
        - ndarray: indices of closest elements in vec2 for each element in vec1
        find_closest([1, 2, 3], [0, 4, 5]) -> ([0, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2])

    This function returns the row index of the largest absolute value of each column in the input 2D numpy array "coefficients".
        coefficients - a 2D numpy array of shape (m, n) where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns.
        domi - a 1D numpy array of shape (n,) where each element is an integer representing the row index of the largest absolute value of each column.


find_perpendicular(d1, d2, perp_length=1, prev_v=[], next_v=[], ref_point=[], choose_meth='intersection', initial_point='mid', direction_initial='low', return_unchose=False, layer_num=0)
    This function find the 2 point of the orthogonal vector to a vector defined by points d1,d2
    d1 =                first data point
    d2 =                second data point
    perp_length =       desired width
    prev_v =            previous value of v. Needed only if choose_meth == 'prev'
    next_v =            next value of v. Needed only if choose_meth == 'prev'
    ref_point =         reference point for the 'smooth' case, or for 2nd+ layers
    choose_meth =       'intersection' (eliminate intersections) OR 'smooth' (smoothing with previous prediction) OR 'prev' (eliminate convexity)
    direction_initial = to which direction take the first perp point  
    return_unchose =    whether to return unchosen directions

flip_power(x1, x2)
    This function takes two arguments, x1 and x2, and returns the result of x2 raised to the power of x1 using the numpy.power function.

init_mat(size_mat, r_seed=0, dist_type='norm', init_params={'loc': 0, 'scale': 1}, normalize=False)
    This is an initialization function to initialize matrices. 
      size_mat    = 2-element tuple or list, describing the shape of the mat
      r_seed      = random seed (should be integer)
      dist_type   = distribution type for initialization; can be 'norm' (normal dist), 'uni' (uniform dist),'inti', 'sparse', 'regional', 'zeros'
      init_params = a dictionary with params for initialization. The keys depends on 'dist_type'.
                    keys for norm -> ['loc','scale']
                    keys for inti and uni -> ['low','high']
                    keys for sparse -> ['k'] -> number of non-zeros in each row
                    keys for regional -> ['k'] -> repeats of the sub-dynamics allocations
      normalize   = whether to normalize the matrix
        the random matrix with size 'size_mat'

    Flatten a list of lists into a single list.
    xss : list of lists
        The list of lists to be flattened.
        The flattened list.

load_mat_file(mat_name, mat_path='', sep='\\')
    Load a MATLAB `.mat` file. Useful for uploading the C. elegans data.
    mat_name: str
        The name of the MATLAB file.
    mat_path: str, optional (default: '')
        The path to the MATLAB file.
    sep: str, optional (default: the system separator)
        The separator to use in the file path.
    data_dict: dict
        A dictionary containing the contents of the MATLAB file.

    Load a pickled object from disk.
    path (str): The path to the pickled object.
    dct (obj): The loaded object.

load_vars(folders_names, save_name, sep='\\', ending='.pkl', full_name=False)
    Load results previously saved.
    folders_names (str/list): List of folders to form the path or a string representation of the path
    save_name (str): Name of the saved file
    sep (str): Separator to join the folders
    ending (str): File extension of the saved file
    full_name (bool): If True, folders_names and sep are ignored
        load_vars('' ,  'save_c.pkl' ,sep=sep , ending = '.pkl',full_name = False)

lorenz(x, y, z, s=10, r=25, b=2.667)
       x, y, z: a point of interest in three dimensional space
       s, r, b: parameters defining the lorenz attractor
       x_dot, y_dot, z_dot: values of the lorenz attractor's partial
           derivatives at the point x, y, z

mean_change(signal, axis=0)
    Calculate the mean change of the signal along the specified axis.
    signal : numpy.ndarray
        The signal data.
    axis : int, optional
        The axis along which the mean change is calculated, by default 0.
        The mean change of the signal.

min_dist(dotA1, dotA2, dotB1, dotB2, num_sects=500)
    Calculates the minimum euclidean distance between two discrete lines (e.g. where they intersect?).
        dotA1: Tuple of x,y coordinate of first point on line A
        dotA2: Tuple of x,y coordinate of second point on line A
        dotB1: Tuple of x,y coordinate of first point on line B
        dotB2: Tuple of x,y coordinate of second point on line B
        num_sects: Number of sections the lines should be divided into to calculate distance
        List of minimum distances between two lines.

movmfunc(func, mat, window=3, direction=0, dist='uni')
    moving window with applying the function func on the matrix 'mat' towrads the direction 'direction'
    dist: can be 'uni' (uniform) or 'gaus' (Gaussian)
    Calculates the moving window with the application of the given function `func` on the matrix `mat` in the direction `direction`.
    - func (callable): The function to apply.
    - mat (numpy.ndarray): The matrix to apply the function to.
    - window (int): The size of the moving window. (default: 3)
    - direction (int): The direction to apply the moving window. 0 for row-wise and 1 for column-wise. (default: 0)
    - dist (str): The distribution to use for weighting. Can be 'uni' for uniform or 'gaus' for Gaussian. (default: 'uni')
    numpy.ndarray: The result of applying the moving window to `mat`.
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> def myfunc(arr, axis=None):
    ...     return np.sum(arr, axis=axis)
    >>> mat = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]])
    >>> movmfunc(myfunc, mat, window=3, direction=0, dist='uni')
    array([[ 6.,  9., 12.],
           [15., 18., 21.],
           [ 9., 12., 15.]])

norm_coeffs(coefficients, type_norm, same_width=True, width_des=0.7, factor_power=0.9, min_width=0.01)
    Normalize the coefficients according to the specified type of normalization.
    coefficients : numpy.ndarray
        The coefficients to be normalized.
    type_norm : str
        The type of normalization to be applied. Can be 'sum_abs', 'norm', 'abs' or 'no_norm'.
    same_width : bool, optional
        Whether to enforce the same width for all coefficients, by default True.
    width_des : float, optional
        The desired width, by default 0.7.
    factor_power : float, optional
        The power factor to apply, by default 0.9.
    min_width : float, optional
        The minimum width allowed, by default 0.01.
        The normalized coefficients.
        If the `type_norm` value is not one of the allowed values ('sum_abs', 'norm', 'abs' or 'no_norm').

norm_mat(mat, type_norm='evals', to_norm=True)
    This function comes to norm matrices by the highest eigen-value
        mat       = the matrix to norm
        type_norm = what type of normalization to apply. Can be 'evals' (divide by max eval), 'max' (divide by max value), 'exp' (matrix exponential)
        to_norm   = whether to norm or not to.
        the normalized matrix

norm_over_time(coefficients, type_norm='normal')
    Normalize coefficients over time
        coefficients: array of coefficients
        type_norm: type of normalization
            'normal': standard normalization
        coefficients_norm: normalized coefficients

nullify_part(f, axis='both', percent0=80)
    Nullify a part of a matrix.
    f (numpy array): The input matrix
    axis (str or int): The axis along which to perform the operation ('0', '1', or 'both') (default 'both')
    percent0 (int): The percentile value used to determine which values to nullify (default 80)
    numpy array: The input matrix with the specified values set to 0

plot_3d_color_scatter(latent_dyn, coefficients, ax=[], figsize=(15, 10), delta=0.4, colors=[])
    Plot a 3D color scatter plot.
    latent_dyn : numpy.ndarray
        A 3xN numpy array representing the latent dynamics.
    coefficients : numpy.ndarray
        A KxN numpy array representing the coefficients.
    ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot, optional
        A 3D axis to plot on, by default []
    figsize : tuple, optional
        The size of the figure, by default (15, 10)
    delta : float, optional
        The delta between each row, by default 0.4
    colors : list of str, optional
        The colors for each row, by default []

plot_multi_colors(store_dict, min_time_plot=0, max_time_plot=-100, colors=['green', 'red', 'blue'], ax=[], fig=[], alpha=0.99, smooth_window=3, factor_power=0.9, coefficients_n=[], to_scatter=False, to_scatter_only_one=False, choose_meth='intersection', title='')
    store_dict is a dictionary with the high estimation results. 
        store_dict , coefficients_n = calculate_high_for_all(coefficients,choose_meth = 'intersection',width_des = width_des, latent_dyn = latent_dyn, direction_initial = direction_initial,factor_power = factor_power, return_unchose=True)

quiver_plot(sub_dyn=[], xmin=-5, xmax=5, ymin=-5, ymax=5, ax=[], chosen_color='red', alpha=0.4, w=0.02, type_plot='quiver', zmin=-5, zmax=5, cons_color=False, return_artist=False, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', quiver_3d=False, inter=2, projection=[0, 1])
    Plots a quiver or stream plot on the specified axis.
    sub_dyn: numpy.ndarray, default: []
        The matrix whose eigenvectors need to be plotted. If an empty list is provided, the default sub_dyn will be set to [[0,-1],[1,0]]
    xmin: float, default: -5
        The minimum value for x-axis.
    xmax: float, default: 5
        The maximum value for x-axis.
    ymin: float, default: -5
        The minimum value for y-axis.
    ymax: float, default: 5
        The maximum value for y-axis.
    ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot or list, default: []
        The axis on which the quiver or stream plot will be plotted. If a list is provided, a new figure will be created.
    chosen_color: str or list, default: 'red'
        The color of the quiver or stream plot. 
    alpha: float, default: 0.4
        The alpha/transparency value of the quiver or stream plot.
    w: float, default: 0.02
        The width of the arrows in quiver plot.
    type_plot: str, default: 'quiver'
        The type of plot. Can either be 'quiver' or 'streamplot'.
    zmin: float, default: -5
        The minimum value for z-axis (for 3D plots).
    zmax: float, default: 5
        The maximum value for z-axis (for 3D plots).
    cons_color: bool, default: False
        If True, a constant color will be used for the stream plot. If False, the color will be proportional to the magnitude of the matrix.
    return_artist: bool, default: False
        If True, the artist instance is returned.
    xlabel: str, default: 'x'
        Label for x-axis.
    ylabel: str, default: 'y'
        Label for y-axis.
    quiver_3d: bool, default: False
        If True, a 3D quiver plot will be generated.
    inter: float, default: 2
        The step size for the grids in 3D plots.
    projection: list, default: [0,1]
        The indices of the columns in sub_dyn that will be used for plotting.
    h: matplotlib.quiver.Quiver or matplotlib.streamplot.Streamplot
        The artist instance, if return_artist is True.

red_mean(mat, axis=1)
    Subtract the mean of each row or column in a matrix.
    mat (np.ndarray): The input matrix.
    axis (int, optional): The axis along which the mean should be computed. Default is 1 (mean of each row).
    np.ndarray: The matrix with each row or column mean subtracted.

relative_eror(reco, real, return_mean=True, func=<function nanmean at 0x000001AADA09DA20>)
    Calculate the relative reconstruction error
        reco: k X T reconstructed dynamics matrix
        real: k X T real dynamics matrix (ground truth)
        return_mean: reaturn the average of the reconstruction error over time
        func: the function to apply on the relative error of each point
        the relative error (or the mean relative error over time if return_mean)

remove_background(ax, grid=False, axis_off=True)
    Remove the background of a figure.
    ax (subplot): The subplot to be edited.
    grid (bool, optional): Whether to display grid lines. Defaults to False.
    axis_off (bool, optional): Whether to display axis lines. Defaults to True.

remove_edges(ax, include_ticks=False, top=False, right=False, bottom=False, left=False)
    Remove the specified edges (spines) of the plot and optionally the ticks of the plot.
    ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
        The matplotlib axes object of the plot.
    include_ticks : bool, optional
        Whether to include the ticks, by default False.
    top : bool, optional
        Whether to remove the top edge, by default False.
    right : bool, optional
        Whether to remove the right edge, by default False.
    bottom : bool, optional
        Whether to remove the bottom edge, by default False.
    left : bool, optional
        Whether to remove the left edge, by default False.

    Convert a RGB vector to a hexadecimal color code.
    rgb_vec (list): A 3-element list of floats representing the red, green, and blue components of the color. The values should be between 0 and 1.
    str: The hexadecimal color code as a string.
    >>> rgb_to_hex([0.5, 0.2, 0.8])
saveLoad(opt, filename)
    Save or load a global variable 'calc'
    opt : str
        the option, either "save" or "load"
    filename : str
        the name of the file to save or load from

save_file_dynamics(save_name, folders_names, to_save=[], invalid_signs='!@#$%^&*.,:;', sep='\\', type_save='.npy')
    Save dynamics & model results to disk.
    save_name (str): The name of the file to save.
    folders_names (List[str]): List of folder names where the file should be saved.
    to_save (List, optional): List of values to save. Defaults to [].
    invalid_signs (str, optional): String of invalid characters to be removed from the save name. Defaults to '!@#$%^&*.,:;'.
    sep (str, optional): Separator to use when joining `folders_names`. Defaults to `os.sep`.
    type_save (str, optional): The file format to save the data in. Valid options are '.npy' and '.pkl'. Defaults to '.npy'.

sigmoid(x, std=1)
    This function computes the sigmoid function of a given input x, with a standard deviation "std". 
    x : np.array / list
    std :  The default is 1.
        The sigmoid function maps any input value to the range of 0 and 1, making it useful for binary classification problems and as an activation function in neural networks.

spec_corr(v1, v2, to_abs=True)
    Compute the absolute value of the correlation between two arrays.
    - v1 (numpy.ndarray): The first array to compute the correlation between.
    - v2 (numpy.ndarray): The second array to compute the correlation between.
    - to_abs (bool): Whether to compute the absolute value of the correlation (default: True).
    - float: The absolute value of the correlation between `v1` and `v2`.

    Transform a string representation of a boolean value to a boolean variable.
    str_to_change (str): String representation of a boolean value
    bool: Boolean representation of the input string
        str2bool('true') -> True

visualize_dyn(dyn, ax=[], params_plot={}, turn_off_back=False, marker_size=10, include_line=False, color_sig=[], cmap='cool', return_fig=False, color_by_dominant=False, coefficients=[], figsize=(5, 5), colorbar=False, colors=[], vmin=None, vmax=None, color_mix=False, alpha=0.4, colors_dyns=array(['r', 'g', 'b', 'yellow'], dtype='<U6'), add_text='t ', text_points=[], fontsize_times=18, marker='o', delta_text=0.5, color_for_0=None, legend=[], fig=[], return_mappable=False, remove_back=True, edgecolors='none')
    Plot the multi-dimensional dynamics
        dyn          = dynamics to plot. Should be a np.array with size k X T
        ax           = the subplot to plot in (optional)
        params_plot  = additional parameters for the plotting (optional). Can include plotting-related keys like xlabel, ylabel, title, etc.
        turn_off_back= disable backgroud of the plot? (optional). Boolean
        marker_size  = marker size of the plot (optional). Integer
        include_line = add a curve to the plot (in addition to the scatter plot). Boolean
        color_sig    = the color signal. if empty and color_by_dominant - color by the dominant dynamics. If empty and not color_by_dominant - color by time.
        cmap         = cmap
        colors       = if not empty -> pre-defined colors for the different sub-dynamics. Otherwise - colors are according to the cmap.
        color_mix    = relevant only if  color_by_dominant. In this case the colors need to be in the form of [r,g,b]
        (only if return_fig) -> returns the figure

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