Transfers client data to a BayEOS Gateway.
Project description
# bayeosgatewayclient
A Python package to transfer client (sensor) data to a BayEOS Gateway.
![basic concept](
## Installation
You can either use the script, the Python Package Index (PIP) or a Linux binary to install the package.
Do the following steps to install the package via the script:
- git clone request ```git clone git://```
- find the right directory ```cd bayeosgatewayclient```
- run ```python install``` as root
### PIP
- run ```pip install bayeosgatewayclient```
### Linux Binary (for Debian)
- add the following repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list ```deb wheezy main```
- install key ```wget -O - | apt-key add -```
- ```apt-get update```
- ```apt-get install python-bayeosgatewayclient```
- run ```dpkg -i python-bayeosgatewayclient_*_all.deb``` as root
## Example usage
Import the package ```import bayeosgatewayclient```.
### Writer
A simple writer looks like this:
from time import sleep
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSWriter
writer = BayEOSWriter('/tmp/bayeos-device1/')
writer.save_msg('BayEOS Writer was started.')
while True:
print 'adding frame\n'[2.1, 3, 20.5])
A BayEOSWriter constructor takes the following arguments:
PATH = '/tmp/bayeos-device1/' # directory to store .act and .rd files
MAX_CHUNK = 2000 # file size in bytes
MAX_TIME = 60 # time when a new file is started in seconds
writer = BayEOSWriter(path=PATH, max_chunk=MAX_CHUNK, max_time=MAX_TIME)
The following methods could also be of interest:
- save integer values: ```[1,2,3], value_type=0x22)```
- save with channel indices: ```[[1,2.1], [2,3], [3,20.5]], value_type=0x41)``` or
```{1: 2.1, 2: 3, 3: 20.5}, value_type=0x41)```
- save with channel offset: ```[2.1, 3, 20.5], value_type=0x02, offset=2)```
- save origin: ```[2.1, 3, 20.5], origin='Writer-Example')```
- save error message: ```writer.save_msg('error message', error=True)```
- close current .act file and start a new one: ```writer.flush()```
### Sender
A simple sender looks like this:
from time import sleep
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSSender
sender = BayEOSSender('/tmp/bayeos-device1/',
while True:
res = sender.send()
if res > 0:
print 'Successfully sent ' + str(res) + ' frames.'
A BayEOSSender constructor takes the following arguments:
PATH = '/tmp/bayeos-device1/' # directory to look for .rd files
NAME = 'Test-Device'
URL = ''
USER = 'import' # user name to access the BayEOS Gateway
PASSWORD = 'import' # password to access the BayEOS Gateway
BACKUP_PATH = '/home/.../' # backup path to store file if a) sending does not work
or b) sending was successful but files but files
shall be kept (renamed from .rd to .bak extension)
sender = BayEOSSender(path=PATH,
absolute_time=True, # if true writer, else sender time is used
remove=True, # .rd files deleted after successfully sent
The following methods could also be of interest:
- substitute the loop: ``````
- start sender as a separate thread ```sender.start(sleep_sec=5)```
- start sender as a separate process ```sender.start(sleep_sec=5, thread=False)```
### Connect writer and sender
Usually, the writer and sender are operating concurrently, although they are not
linked directly, i. e., they only share the same directory.
A simple script to connect one writer-sender pair looks like this:
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSWriter, BayEOSSender
PATH = '/tmp/bayeos-device/'
NAME = 'Writer-Sender-Example'
URL = ''
writer = BayEOSWriter(PATH)
writer.save_msg('Writer was started.')
sender = BayEOSSender(PATH, NAME, URL)
sender.start() # sender runs in a concurrent thread
while True:
print 'adding frame'[2.1, 3, 20.5])
Another way to combine writer-sender pairs is using the BayEOSGatewayClient class:
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSGatewayClient
OPTIONS = {'bayeosgateway_url' : '',
'bayeosgateway_password' : 'import',
'bayeosgateway_user' : 'import'}
NAMES = ['PythonTestDevice1', 'PythonTestDevice2', 'PythonTestDevice3']
class PythonTestDevice(BayEOSGatewayClient):
"""Creates both a writer and sender instance for every NAME in NAMES. Implements BayEOSGatewayClient."""
def read_data(self):
"""Must be overwritten."""
if == 'PythonTestDevice1':
return (2.1, 3, 20.5)
return (42)
def save_data(self, data=0, origin=''):
"""Can be overwritten."""
if == 'PythonTestDevice1':, origin='origin')
self.writer.save_msg('Overwritten method.')
elif == 'PythonTestDevice2':
client = PythonTestDevice(NAMES, OPTIONS)
### Parsing command line arguments
Constructor arguments can be passed as command line arguments:
long option | short option | description
−−name |-n |name to appear in Gateway
−−path |-p |path to store writer files before they are sent
−−max-chunk |-m |maximal file size [bytes] before a new file is started
−−writer-sleep |-ws |writer sleep time [seconds]
−−sender-sleep |-ss |sender sleep time [seconds]
−−password |-pw |password to access BayEOS Gateway
−−user |-un |user name to BayEOS Gateway
−−url |-u |URL to access BayEOS Gateway
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSWriter, bayeos_argparser
args = bayeos_argparser('This text appears on the command line.')
WRITER_SLEEP = float(args.writer_sleep)
MAX_CHUNK = float(args.max_chunk)
writer = BayEOSWriter(max_chunk=MAX_CHUNK)
while True:[42, 20.5], value_type=0x21)
That is what could appear on the command line:
```python2.7 -m 2560 -ws 5```
### Parsing config files
First, a config file has to be created, e.g.:
; Sample Config file for bayeosgatewayclient
name = Test-Device
path = /tmp/bayeos-device
max_time = 100
max_chunk = 2000
writer_sleep_time = 1
sender_sleep_time = 10
url =
bayeosgateway_user = import
bayeosgateway_pw = import
absolute_time = True
remove = False
backup_path = /home/pi/backup/
Second, the Python script needs to invoke the ```bayeos_confparser(config_file)``` method.
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSWriter, BayEOSSender, bayeos_confparser
config = bayeos_confparser('config')
writer = BayEOSWriter(config['path'], config['max_chunk'])
sender = BayEOSSender(config['path'])
A Python package to transfer client (sensor) data to a BayEOS Gateway.
![basic concept](
## Installation
You can either use the script, the Python Package Index (PIP) or a Linux binary to install the package.
Do the following steps to install the package via the script:
- git clone request ```git clone git://```
- find the right directory ```cd bayeosgatewayclient```
- run ```python install``` as root
### PIP
- run ```pip install bayeosgatewayclient```
### Linux Binary (for Debian)
- add the following repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list ```deb wheezy main```
- install key ```wget -O - | apt-key add -```
- ```apt-get update```
- ```apt-get install python-bayeosgatewayclient```
- run ```dpkg -i python-bayeosgatewayclient_*_all.deb``` as root
## Example usage
Import the package ```import bayeosgatewayclient```.
### Writer
A simple writer looks like this:
from time import sleep
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSWriter
writer = BayEOSWriter('/tmp/bayeos-device1/')
writer.save_msg('BayEOS Writer was started.')
while True:
print 'adding frame\n'[2.1, 3, 20.5])
A BayEOSWriter constructor takes the following arguments:
PATH = '/tmp/bayeos-device1/' # directory to store .act and .rd files
MAX_CHUNK = 2000 # file size in bytes
MAX_TIME = 60 # time when a new file is started in seconds
writer = BayEOSWriter(path=PATH, max_chunk=MAX_CHUNK, max_time=MAX_TIME)
The following methods could also be of interest:
- save integer values: ```[1,2,3], value_type=0x22)```
- save with channel indices: ```[[1,2.1], [2,3], [3,20.5]], value_type=0x41)``` or
```{1: 2.1, 2: 3, 3: 20.5}, value_type=0x41)```
- save with channel offset: ```[2.1, 3, 20.5], value_type=0x02, offset=2)```
- save origin: ```[2.1, 3, 20.5], origin='Writer-Example')```
- save error message: ```writer.save_msg('error message', error=True)```
- close current .act file and start a new one: ```writer.flush()```
### Sender
A simple sender looks like this:
from time import sleep
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSSender
sender = BayEOSSender('/tmp/bayeos-device1/',
while True:
res = sender.send()
if res > 0:
print 'Successfully sent ' + str(res) + ' frames.'
A BayEOSSender constructor takes the following arguments:
PATH = '/tmp/bayeos-device1/' # directory to look for .rd files
NAME = 'Test-Device'
URL = ''
USER = 'import' # user name to access the BayEOS Gateway
PASSWORD = 'import' # password to access the BayEOS Gateway
BACKUP_PATH = '/home/.../' # backup path to store file if a) sending does not work
or b) sending was successful but files but files
shall be kept (renamed from .rd to .bak extension)
sender = BayEOSSender(path=PATH,
absolute_time=True, # if true writer, else sender time is used
remove=True, # .rd files deleted after successfully sent
The following methods could also be of interest:
- substitute the loop: ``````
- start sender as a separate thread ```sender.start(sleep_sec=5)```
- start sender as a separate process ```sender.start(sleep_sec=5, thread=False)```
### Connect writer and sender
Usually, the writer and sender are operating concurrently, although they are not
linked directly, i. e., they only share the same directory.
A simple script to connect one writer-sender pair looks like this:
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSWriter, BayEOSSender
PATH = '/tmp/bayeos-device/'
NAME = 'Writer-Sender-Example'
URL = ''
writer = BayEOSWriter(PATH)
writer.save_msg('Writer was started.')
sender = BayEOSSender(PATH, NAME, URL)
sender.start() # sender runs in a concurrent thread
while True:
print 'adding frame'[2.1, 3, 20.5])
Another way to combine writer-sender pairs is using the BayEOSGatewayClient class:
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSGatewayClient
OPTIONS = {'bayeosgateway_url' : '',
'bayeosgateway_password' : 'import',
'bayeosgateway_user' : 'import'}
NAMES = ['PythonTestDevice1', 'PythonTestDevice2', 'PythonTestDevice3']
class PythonTestDevice(BayEOSGatewayClient):
"""Creates both a writer and sender instance for every NAME in NAMES. Implements BayEOSGatewayClient."""
def read_data(self):
"""Must be overwritten."""
if == 'PythonTestDevice1':
return (2.1, 3, 20.5)
return (42)
def save_data(self, data=0, origin=''):
"""Can be overwritten."""
if == 'PythonTestDevice1':, origin='origin')
self.writer.save_msg('Overwritten method.')
elif == 'PythonTestDevice2':
client = PythonTestDevice(NAMES, OPTIONS)
### Parsing command line arguments
Constructor arguments can be passed as command line arguments:
long option | short option | description
−−name |-n |name to appear in Gateway
−−path |-p |path to store writer files before they are sent
−−max-chunk |-m |maximal file size [bytes] before a new file is started
−−writer-sleep |-ws |writer sleep time [seconds]
−−sender-sleep |-ss |sender sleep time [seconds]
−−password |-pw |password to access BayEOS Gateway
−−user |-un |user name to BayEOS Gateway
−−url |-u |URL to access BayEOS Gateway
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSWriter, bayeos_argparser
args = bayeos_argparser('This text appears on the command line.')
WRITER_SLEEP = float(args.writer_sleep)
MAX_CHUNK = float(args.max_chunk)
writer = BayEOSWriter(max_chunk=MAX_CHUNK)
while True:[42, 20.5], value_type=0x21)
That is what could appear on the command line:
```python2.7 -m 2560 -ws 5```
### Parsing config files
First, a config file has to be created, e.g.:
; Sample Config file for bayeosgatewayclient
name = Test-Device
path = /tmp/bayeos-device
max_time = 100
max_chunk = 2000
writer_sleep_time = 1
sender_sleep_time = 10
url =
bayeosgateway_user = import
bayeosgateway_pw = import
absolute_time = True
remove = False
backup_path = /home/pi/backup/
Second, the Python script needs to invoke the ```bayeos_confparser(config_file)``` method.
from bayeosgatewayclient import BayEOSWriter, BayEOSSender, bayeos_confparser
config = bayeos_confparser('config')
writer = BayEOSWriter(config['path'], config['max_chunk'])
sender = BayEOSSender(config['path'])
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Details for the file bayeosgatewayclient-0.2.6.tar.gz
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- Download URL: bayeosgatewayclient-0.2.6.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 18.1 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | e163c0c07fb5b0328cb91e94fe56abb09ae5bbbec7912eeaf315f5adc5e30095 |
MD5 | 06dd7a8b6d47e696f0b68a9af65ff0af |
BLAKE2b-256 | 08b6195b9a8e0825227b3a05ea67ff1865ee0f58d13f0c2a1ce2c2940ce9091f |