SDK that helps with integration via the Binary City Time API.
Project description
Project description
Package Version Python Versions License
bc_time is the Binary City (BC) Time Application Programming Interface (API) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python, that allows Python developers to develop integration with BC Time.
bc_time is maintained and published by Binary City.
Getting started
Assuming that you have a supported version of Python installed, you can first set up your environment with:
$ python venv .venv ... $ . .venv/bin/activate Then, you can install bc_time from PyPI with:
$ python pip install bc_time or install from source with:
$ git clone
$ cd bc_time_api_sdk
$ python pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python pip install -e .
Using bc_time
After you've installed bc_time, the next step is to set-up your credentials at:
client_id = YOUR_CLIENT_ID
client_secret = YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
crypt_key = YOUR_CRYPT_KEY
grant_type = YOUR_GRANT_TYPE ; authorisation_code | client_credentials | urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer
private_key_file_path = FILE_PATH_TO_YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY
How to create a private/public key pair
Using OpenSSL, follow these to steps to generate a private & public key par
openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 1024
openssl req -new -x509 -key privatekey.pem -out publickey.cer -days 1825
Then, from a Python interpreter:
>>> import bc_time
>>> visitors = bc_time.Visitors()
>>> response_data = visitors.get_all_using_pagination(filters={'filter_status':})
>>> if response_data['status'] == bc_time.RequestStatus.success:
for visitor in response_data['data']:
You also have the option to specify your credentials via the constructor of the Api class:
>>> import bc_time
>>> api = bc_time.Api(
grant_type='YOUR_GRANT_TYPE' # Consider using the bc_time.GrantType constants, for example bc_time.GrantType.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS
>>> visitors = bc_time.Visitors(api)
>>> response_data = visitors.get_all_using_pagination()
>>> if response_data['status'] == bc_time.RequestStatus.success:
for visitor in response_data['data']:
Using grant type, password (constant, bc_time.GrantType.USER_CREDENTIALS):
>>> import bc_time
>>> api = bc_time.Api(
client_secret = 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET', # If the client secret is specified in ~/.bc_time/config then this parameter can be safely omitted.
grant_type=bc_time.GrantType.USER_CREDENTIALS # Override grant type as specified in ~/.bc_time/config; consider using the bc_time.GrantType constant.
>>> api.token.username = 'THE_USERNAME'
>>> api.token.password = 'THE_PASSWORD'
>>> token_acquired, _ = api.token.request_token()
>>> if token_acquired:
employees = bc_time.Employees(api)
response_data = employees.get_all_using_pagination()
if response_data['status'] == bc_time.RequestStatus.success:
for employee in response_data['data']:
Available enumerators
- ApiAuthorisationType
- DeviceCommunicationType
- GrantType
- RequestStatus
- Status
Available classes
- Api
Available objects
- ApiAuthorisations
- Branches
- CompanyProfiles
- Controllers
- Departments
- Devices
- DailyOvertimeData
- Employees
- EmployeeLeave
- PeriodOvertimeData
- RawAttendance
- Settings
- Visitors
- VisitorGroups
Available methods
For (most) objects
- create
- create_many
- update
- update_many
- get_all_using_pagination
- get_one
- get_many
For membership/group objects
Please note that group objects also has access the the methods as defined for Objects.
- add_visitor_to_group
- remove_visitor_from_group
- get_all_members_using_pagination
All methods will return a Dictionary that - depending on the response - may contain the following keys:
- status
- data
Status IDs can be referenced using the enumerator bc_time.RequestStatus.
Please consult our BC Time API documentation for more information.
Project details
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