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Common Python libraries used by parts of Bell AVR

Project description



To install the base package, run:

pip install bell-avr-libraries

Additionally, the mqtt and serial extras are available if you want to use the MQTT or PCC functionality.

pip install bell-avr-libraries[mqtt,serial]



from bell.avr import mqtt

These are MQTT utilities that are used to have a consistent messaging protocol throughout all the AVR software modules.

The first part of this are the payloads for the MQTT messages themselves. As AVR exclusively uses JSON, these are all TypedDicts that have all of the required fields for a message.


from bell.avr.mqtt.payloads import AvrPcmSetBaseColorPayload

payload = AvrPcmSetBaseColorPayload((128, 232, 142, 0))

The second part of the MQTT libraries, is the MQTTModule class. This is a boilerplate module for AVR that makes it very easy to send and recieve MQTT messages and do something with them.


from bell.avr.mqtt.client import MQTTModule
from bell.avr.mqtt.payloads import AvrFcmVelocityPayload, AvrPcmSetServoOpenClosePayload

class Sandbox(MQTTModule):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.topic_map = {"avr/fcm/velocity": self.show_velocity}

    def show_velocity(self, payload: AvrFcmVelocityPayload) -> None:
        vx = payload["vX"]
        vy = payload["vY"]
        vz = payload["vZ"]
        v_ms = (vx, vy, vz)
        print(f"Velocity information: {v_ms} m/s")

    def open_servo(self) -> None:
        payload = AvrPcmSetServoOpenClosePayload(servo=0, action="open")
        self.send_message("avr/pcm/set_servo_open_close", payload)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    box = Sandbox()

The topic_map dictionary is a class attribute that maps topics to subscribe to and a function that will handle an incoming payload. The payload argument should match the appropriate Payload class for that topic.

Additionally, the message_cache attribute is a dictionary that holds a copy of the last payload sent by that module on a given topic. The keys are the topic strings, and the values are the topic payloads.


from bell.avr import utils

These are general purpose utilities.


from bell.avr.utils import decorators

There are 3 different function decorators available, which are helpful for MQTT message callbacks. First is the try_except decorator, which wraps the function in a try: except: statement and will log any exceptions to the console:

    def assemble_hil_gps_message(self) -> None:

Additionally, there is the reraise argument, which can be set to True to raise any exceptions that are encountered. This is helpful if you still want exceptions to propagate up, but log them.

There is an async version of this decorator as well with an async_ prefix.

    async def connected_status_telemetry(self) -> None:

The last decorator is run_forever which will run the wrapped function forever, with a given period or frequency.

    def read_data(self) -> None:


from bell.avr.utils import timing

Here is a rate_limit function which take a callable and a period or frequency, and only run the callable at that given rate.

for _ in range(10):
    # add() will only run twice
    timing.rate_limit(add, period=5)

This works tracking calls to the rate_limit function from a line number within a file, so multiple calls to rate_limit say within a loop with the same callable and period will be treated seperately. This allows for dynamic frequency manipulation.


from bell.avr import serial

These are serial utilities that help facilitate finding and communicating with the AVR peripherial control computer.


from bell.avr.serial import client

The SerialLoop class is a small wrapper around the pyserial serial.Serial class which adds a run method that will try to read data from the serial device as fast as possible.

ser = client.SerialLoop()


from bell.avr.serial import client

The PeripheralControlComputer class sends serial messages to the AVR peripherial control computer, via easy-to-use class methods.

import bell.avr.serial.client
import bell.avr.serial.pcc
import threading

client = bell.avr.serial.client.SerialLoop()
client.port = port
client.baudrate = baudrate

pcc = bell.avr.serial.pcc.PeripheralControlComputer(client)

client_thread = threading.Thread(

pcc.set_servo_max(0, 100)


from bell.avr.serial import ports

Here is a list_serial_ports function which returns a list of detected serial ports connected to the system.

serial_ports = ports.list_serial_ports()
# ["COM1", "COM5", ...]


Install poetry and run poetry install --extras mqtt --extras serial to install of the dependencies inside a virtual environment.

Build the auto-generated code with poetry run python From here, you can now produce a package with poetry build.

To add new message definitions, add entries to the bell/avr/mqtt/messages.jsonc file. The 3 parts of a new message are as follows:

  1. "topic": This is the full topic path for the message. This must be all lower case and start with "avr/".
  2. "payload": These are the keys of the payload for the message. This is a list of key entries (see below).
  3. "docs": This is an optional list of Markdown strings that explains what this message does. Each list item is a new line.

The key entries for a message have the following elements:

  1. "key": This is the name of the key. Must be a valid Python variable name.
  2. "type": This is the data type of the key such as Tuple[int, int, int, int]. Must be a valid Python type hint. Otherwise, this can be a list of more key entries, effectively creating a nested dictionary.
  3. "docs": This is an optional list of Markdown strings that explains what the key is. Each list item is a new line.

The bell/avr/mqtt/schema.json file will help ensure the correct schema is maintained, assuming you are using VS Code.

MQTT Documentation

Data Types


The position of the vehicle in world frame in centimeters

  • "n" (float): The +north position of the vehicle relative to the world origin in world frame
  • "e" (float): The +east position of the vehicle relative to the world origin in world frame
  • "d" (float): The +down position of the vehicle relative to the world origin in world frame


  • "id" (int): The ID of the AprilTag
  • "pos" (AvrApriltagsRawTagsPos)
  • "rotation" (Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float, float]]): The 3x3 rotation matrix


  • "x" (float): The position in meters of the camera relative to the AprilTag's X frame
  • "y" (float): The position in meters of the camera relative to the AprilTag's Y frame
  • "z" (float): The position in meters of the camera relative to the AprilTag's Z frame


  • "id" (int): The ID of the AprilTag
  • "horizontal_dist" (float): The horizontal scalar distance from vehicle to AprilTag, in centimeters
  • "vertical_dist" (float): The vertical scalar distance from vehicle to AprilTag, in centimeters
  • "angle_to_tag" (float): The angle formed by the vector pointing from the vehicles body to the AprilTag in world frame relative to world-north
  • "heading" (float): The heading of the vehicle in world frame
  • "pos_rel" (AvrApriltagsVisibleTagsPosRel): The relative position of the vehicle to the tag in world frame in centimeters
  • "pos_world" (AvrApriltagsVisibleTagsPosWorld): The position of the vehicle in world frame in centimeters (if the tag has no truth data, this will not be present in the output)


The relative position of the vehicle to the tag in world frame in centimeters

  • "x" (float): The x (+north/-south) position of the vehicle relative to the AprilTag in world frame
  • "y" (float): The y (+east/-west) position of the vehicle relative to the AprilTag in world frame
  • "z" (float): The z (+down/-up) position of the vehicle relative to the AprilTag in world frame


The position of the vehicle in world frame in centimeters (if the tag has no truth data, this will not be present in the output)

  • "x" (Optional[float]): The x position of the vehicle relative to the world origin (this is the ship) in world frame (for reference the mountain is north of the beach)
  • "y" (Optional[float]): The y position of the vehicle relative to the world origin in world frame
  • "z" (Optional[float]): The z position of the vehicle relative to the world origin in world frame

Message Payloads


Topic: avr/autonomous

This enables enable or disable autonomous mode. This is not used by any Bell code, but available to students to listen to who may wish to not always be running their autonomous mode,

  • "enable" (bool)


Topic: avr/pcm/set_base_color

This sets the color of the LED strip on the PCC

  • "wrgb" (Tuple[int, int, int, int]): A list of 4 ints between 0 and 255 to set the base color of the LEDs. This is in order of Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. Example: [255, 0, 128, 255].


Topic: avr/pcm/set_temp_color

This sets the color of the LED strip on the PCC temporarily

  • "wrgb" (Tuple[int, int, int, int]): A list of 4 ints between 0 and 255 to set the base color of the LEDs. This is in order of Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. Example: [255, 0, 128, 255].
  • "time" (float): Optional float for the number of seconds the color should be set for. Default is 0.5.


Topic: avr/pcm/fire_laser

Fires the laser for a 0.25 sec pulse. Has a cooldown of 0.5 sec.

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Topic: avr/pcm/set_laser_on

Turns on laser (in blip mode - 0.1 second on every 0.5. sec)

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Topic: avr/pcm/set_laser_off

Turns off laser (laser off from blip mode - but doesn't prevent fire_laser)

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Topic: avr/pcm/set_servo_open_close

This opens or closes a specific servo.

  • "servo" (int): ID of the servo to open or close as an int. This is 0-indexed.
  • "action" (Literal["open", "close"]): Either the literal string "open" or "close".


Topic: avr/pcm/set_servo_min

This sets the minimum pulse width of a specific servo.

  • "servo" (int): ID of the servo to set the minimum pulse width as an int. This is 0-indexed.
  • "min_pulse" (int): A int between 0 and 1000.


Topic: avr/pcm/set_servo_max

This sets the maximum pulse width of a specific servo.

  • "servo" (int): ID of the servo to set the maximum pulse width as an int. This is 0-indexed.
  • "max_pulse" (int): A int between 0 and 1000.


Topic: avr/pcm/set_servo_pct

This sets the percentage of a specific servo. 0 is closed, and 100 is open.

  • "servo" (int): ID of the servo to set the percent as an int. This is 0-indexed.
  • "percent" (int): A int between 0 and 100.


Topic: avr/fcm/hil_gps_stats

This reports statistics on the HIL GPS data that is fed into the flight controller.

  • "num_frames" (int): This is the number of messages that have been sent to the flight controller since the software has started.


Topic: avr/fcm/events

This reports events from the flight controller such as flight mode changes.

  • "name" (str): The name of the event.
  • "payload" (str): The payload of the event.


Topic: avr/fcm/battery

This reports battery information from the flight controller.

  • "voltage" (float): Battery voltage
  • "soc" (float): State of charge (0 - 100)


Topic: avr/fcm/status

This reports general status of the flight controller.

  • "armed" (bool): Boolean of if the drone is currently armed
  • "mode" (str): Current flight mode, which is one of the following:
    • 'UNKNOWN'
    • 'READY'
    • 'TAKEOFF'
    • 'HOLD'
    • 'MISSION'
    • 'LAND'
    • 'OFFBOARD'
    • 'FOLLOW_ME'
    • 'MANUAL'
    • 'ALTCTL'
    • 'POSCTL'
    • 'ACRO'


Topic: avr/fcm/location/local

This reports the current position of the drone in local coordinates from the flight controller.

  • "dX" (float): X position in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters
  • "dY" (float): Y position in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters
  • "dZ" (float): Z position in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters


Topic: avr/fcm/location/global

This reports the current position of the drone in global coordinates from the flight controller.

  • "lat" (float): Latitude in degrees
  • "lon" (float): Longitude in degrees
  • "alt" (float): Altitude relative to takeoff altitude in meters
  • "hdg" (float): Heading in degrees.


Topic: avr/fcm/location/home

This reports the current position of the drone's home position in global coordinates.

  • "lat" (float): Latitude in degrees of the home position
  • "lon" (float): Longitude in degrees of the home position
  • "alt" (float): Altitude relative to the home position in meters


Topic: avr/fcm/attitude/euler

This reports the current attitude of the drone from the flight controller.

  • "roll" (float): Roll in degrees
  • "pitch" (float): Pitch in degrees
  • "yaw" (float): Yaw in degrees


Topic: avr/fcm/velocity

This reports the current velocity vectors of the drone from the flight controller.

  • "vX" (float): X velocity in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters per second
  • "vY" (float): Y velocity in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters per second
  • "vZ" (float): Z velocity in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters per second


Topic: avr/fcm/gps_info

This reports the current status of the flight controller's GPS connection.

  • "num_satellites" (int): Number of visible satellites in use. HIL GPS will appear as 13.
  • "fix_type" (str): GPS fix type


Topic: avr/fusion/position/ned

This reports the computed position of the drone in local coordinates from our sensor fusion.

  • "n" (float): X position in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters
  • "e" (float): Y position in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters
  • "d" (float): Z position in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters


Topic: avr/fusion/velocity/ned

This reports the computed velocity vectors of the drone from our sensor fusion.

  • "Vn" (float): X velocity in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters per second
  • "Ve" (float): Y velocity in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters per second
  • "Vd" (float): Z velocity in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters per second


Topic: avr/fusion/geo

This reports the computed position of the drone in global coordinates from our sensor fusion.

  • "lat" (float): Latitude in degrees
  • "lon" (float): Longitude in degrees
  • "alt" (float): Altitude relative to takeoff altitude in meters


Topic: avr/fusion/groundspeed

This reports the computed groundspeed of the drone from our sensor fusion.

  • "groundspeed" (float): Groundspeed of the drone in meters per second. This is a normal vector of the N and E velocities.


Topic: avr/fusion/course

This reports the computed course of the drone from our sensor fusion.

  • "course" (float): Course in degrees


Topic: avr/fusion/climbrate

This reports the computed rate of climb of the drone from our sensor fusion.

  • "climb_rate_fps" (float): Rate of climb in feet per second


Topic: avr/fusion/attitude/quat

This reports the computed attitude of the drone from our sensor fusion.

  • "w" (float): Quaternion w value
  • "x" (float): Quaternion x value
  • "y" (float): Quaternion y value
  • "z" (float): Quaternion z value


Topic: avr/fusion/attitude/euler

This reports the computed attitude of the drone from our sensor fusion.

  • "psi" (float): Roll in radians
  • "theta" (float): Pitch in radians
  • "phi" (float): Yaw in radians


Topic: avr/fusion/attitude/heading

This reports the computed heading of the drone from our sensor fusion.

  • "heading" (float): Heading in degrees


Topic: avr/fusion/hil_gps

This is the raw data that will get converted to a MAVLink message and sent to the flight controller for HIL GPS.

  • "time_usec" (int): UNIX epoch timestamp in microseconds
  • "fix_type" (int): 0-1: no fix, 2: 2D fix, 3: 3D fix.
  • "lat" (int): WGS84 Latitude * 10000000
  • "lon" (int): WGS84 Longitude * 10000000
  • "alt" (int): Altitude from sea level in mm. Positive for up.
  • "eph" (int): GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position
  • "epv" (int): GPS VDOP vertical dilution of position
  • "vel" (int): GPS ground speed in centimeters per second
  • "vn" (int): GPS velocity in north direction in centimeters per second
  • "ve" (int): GPS velocity in east direction in centimeters per second
  • "vd" (int): GPS velocity in down direction in centimeters per second
  • "cog" (int): Course over ground in degrees
  • "satellites_visible" (int): Number of satellites visible. This is hardcoded to 13 for our HIL GPS.
  • "heading" (int): Custom heading field. This is the heading in degrees * 100.


Topic: avr/vio/resync

This reports significant position differences from the tracking camera, and detected AprilTags at known positions.

  • "n" (float): X position difference in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters
  • "e" (float): Y position difference in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters
  • "d" (float): Z position difference in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters
  • "heading" (float): Heading difference in degrees


Topic: avr/vio/position/ned

This reports the measured position of the drone in local coordinates from the tracking camera.

  • "n" (float): X position in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters
  • "e" (float): Y position in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters
  • "d" (float): Z position in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters


Topic: avr/vio/velocity/ned

This reports the measued velocity vectors of the drone from the tracking camera.

  • "n" (float): X velocity in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters per second
  • "e" (float): Y velocity in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters per second
  • "d" (float): Z velocity in a local North/East/Down coordinate system in meters per second


Topic: avr/vio/orientation/eul

This reports the measued attitude of the drone from the tracking camera.

  • "psi" (float): Roll in radians
  • "theta" (float): Pitch in radians
  • "phi" (float): Yaw in radians


Topic: avr/vio/orientation/quat

This reports the measued attitude of the drone from the tracking camera.

  • "w" (float): Quaternion w value
  • "x" (float): Quaternion x value
  • "y" (float): Quaternion y value
  • "z" (float): Quaternion z value


Topic: avr/vio/heading

This reports the measued heading of the drone from the tracking camera.

  • "degrees" (float): Heading in degrees


Topic: avr/vio/confidence

This reports the tracking camera's confidence

  • "tracker" (float): Number between 0 and 100 of tracking confidence


Topic: avr/apriltags/selected

This topic publishes its best candidate for position feedback

  • "tag_id" (int): The id of the tag
  • "pos" (AvrApriltagsSelectedPos): The position of the vehicle in world frame in centimeters
  • "heading" (float)


Topic: avr/apriltags/raw

This topic publishes the raw AprilTag data

  • "tags" (List[AvrApriltagsRawTags])


Topic: avr/apriltags/visible

This topic publishes the transformed AprilTag data

  • "tags" (List[AvrApriltagsVisibleTags])


Topic: avr/apriltags/fps

This reports the framerate of AprilTag processing

  • "fps" (int): Number of frames of video data processed in the last second


Topic: avr/thermal/reading

This publishes data from the thermal camera

  • "data" (str): The raw data from the thermal camera are integer values from an 8x8 grid of pixels. This data is then converted into a bytearray and base64 encoded. Any example of how to unpack this data:

    import base64
    import json
    data = json.loads(payload)["data"]
    base64_decoded = data.encode("utf-8")
    as_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_decoded)
    pixel_ints = list(bytearray(as_bytes))


Topic: avr/status/light/pcm

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Topic: avr/status/light/vio

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Topic: avr/status/light/apriltags

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Topic: avr/status/light/fcm

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Topic: avr/status/light/thermal

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Project details

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Source Distribution

bell-avr-libraries-0.1.5.tar.gz (26.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

bell_avr_libraries-0.1.5-py3-none-any.whl (20.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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