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Intuitive API wrapper framework for Benchling

Project description


Benchling provides a convenient way to store DNA sequences (plasmids,
primers, pcr fragments, etc.) for an entire lab. This repo provides a
convinient wrapper for making Benchling API requests.


.. raw:: html


.. raw:: html


Accessing Benchling sequences and folders

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Creating new sequences and folders

.. raw:: html


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Searching through sequences and folders using regular expressions

.. raw:: html


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Converting Benchling sequence JSON to genbank or FASTA files

.. raw:: html


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Opening and accessing sequences in a Benchling Share links

.. raw:: html


.. raw:: html




cd directory/that/contains/benchling-api
pip install .


Initializing the API object

The BenchlingAPI object provides an interface for accessing Benchling
sequences. It requires a benchling API-key, which can be requested from
Benchling. More information on the Benchling API can be accessed here:


from benchlingapi import BenchlingAPI

bench_api_key = 'sk_g7fo2vxskNUYffNPkShOFIsOmtY9ejIXX'
benchlingapi = BenchlingAPI(bench_api_key)

The first argument is the Benchling API key, which can be requested
through benchling and accessed by scrolling to the bottom of you account
information on Benchling.


getting folders

.. code:: json

{'count': 59, 'created_at': '2013-10-01T20:07:18+00:00', 'description': '', 'id': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1', 'modified_at': '2017-01-20T21:57:55.991758+00:00', 'name': 'Plasmids', 'owner': 'ent_A7BlnCcJTU', 'permissions': {'admin': True, 'appendable': True, 'owner': False, 'readable': True, 'writable': True}, 'sequences': [{'id': 'seq_wHiaXdFM', 'name': 'pGPT4-pGAL1-G(m)AVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_WQ0wqb9f', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-iaaH', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_okitCPyx', 'name': 'pGPT4-pGAL1-GAVNY(VP64)', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_bw3XWuZU', 'name': 'pMODT4-pGALZ4-AVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_K5hwGNwg', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-BleoMX', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_AyQ7ToIn', 'name': 'pBR322 (Sample Sequence)', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_t77GYXRB', 'name': 'pGPT4-pGAL1-EGFP', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_5bmPzcKN', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-NatMX', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_Na2oNxzs', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-FAR1-mut-87aa', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_0FmHFzJe', 'name': 'pMODT4-pGAL1-attB1-GAVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_m42PVReQ', 'name': 'pMODT4-pGALZ4-Z4AVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_mfMW58Dd', 'name': 'pGPL5G-pGALZ4-URA3', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_QteKmJdS', 'name': 'pGPT4-pGAL1-GAVNY_mutated_library', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_usn0K27s', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-BleoMX', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_i0Yl6uzk', 'name': 'pMODH8-pGPD-TIR1_DM', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_TWAJLtvz', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-P1G1-HygMX', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_2rKmILGU', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-NatMX', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_5AXMlSvB', 'name': 'pYMOD2Kmx_pGAL1-HYG_pGAL1-iaah', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_qihkmlW4', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-AlphaFactor', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_k0MuYdIM', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-IAA17T2-FAR1', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_7yXay7Ep', 'name': 'pGP8G-TIR1-Y', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_GuqSGBXY', 'name': 'pGPT4-pGAL1-GAVNY(VP64) new design', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_fkFjzKkb', 'name': 'v63_pGP8zGAL-STE5(-)RING-SNC2 C-term', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_PKJNfuZA', 'name': 'pGPH8-pGAL1-GAVNY_v2', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_f4GgnFdY', 'name': 'pGPT4-pGAL1-GAVNY_seq_verified', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_SGfG2YeB', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-HygMX', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_vA5dxrqd', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-AlphaFactor', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_tMz0Xv3g', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-FAR1-L1-IAA17T2', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_2xGw2yCj', 'name': 'pGPH8-pGAL1-GAVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_rwDoRd9Q', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-FAR1', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_ri07UntS', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGPD-EYFP', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_TsTM0B8q', 'name': 'pMOD4-pGAL1Z3(P3)-MF(AL', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_QGfqobtP', 'name': 'pGPT4-pGAL1-AVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_9ph0SnJV', 'name': 'AmpR-T4-pGAL1-GAL4DBD-L1', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_F4tEc0XU', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-STE5(-)RING', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_iGdjEEx4', 'name': 'pGPT4-pGAL1-P1G1-GEV', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_hhI5TTbO', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-FAR1-IAA17T2', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_AgQ1w9ak', 'name': 'pLAB2', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_y9xdtVx7', 'name': 'pMODKan-HO-pACT1GEV', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_D1iAdKMz', 'name': 'pGPL5G-pGAL1-URA3', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_etTsAfD4', 'name': 'pGPU6-pGALZ4-eYFP', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_5HcRWKi8', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-P1G1-HygMX', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_Qc6f2Kii', 'name': 'pMOD4G-NLS_dCas9_VP64', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_VazadBJw', 'name': 'pGPT4-pGAL1-GAVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_ztl4dnOW', 'name': 'pLAB1', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_kKtPZ1Rs', 'name': 'pMODT4-pGAL1-P1G1-GAVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_4ccBmI1j', 'name': 'pGPU6-pGAL1-AFB2', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_tFGIIL0C', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-FAR1', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_7O7ThYSI', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGALZ4-Z4AVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_w2IZPFzd', 'name': 'pMODOK-pACT1-GAVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_UbsucV1t', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-HygMX', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_Nv6wYspV', 'name': 'FAR1-mut-87aa-TP', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_rzQGBzv2', 'name': 'pGP5G-ccdB', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_QuWMpfRK', 'name': 'pMODT4-pGAL1-attB1-GVNY', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_l5VHTc8Z', 'name': 'pGPU6-pGAL1-TIR1_DM', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_6VN5FDpP', 'name': 'pMODOK-pACT1-GAVN', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_2MFFshfl', 'name': 'pYMOD2Kmx_pGAL1-HYG_ZEV4-cassette', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_IyZI9bEh', 'name': 'pMODU6-pGAL1-FAR1-L1-IAA17T1_opt', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}, {'id': 'seq_beOWphBv', 'name': 'pMODKan-HO-pACT1-ZEV4', 'folder': 'lib_pP6d50rJn1'}], 'type': 'ALL'}

e.g. find all sequences that contain the word "CRY2" in the name


benchlingapi.findSequence('CRY2', query='name', regex=True)

e.g. find all sequences that with regular expression pattern


benchlingapi.findSequence('\wcas9.+', query='name', regex=True)

e.g. find all sequence with id 'seq\_aupKOZRb'


benchlingapi.findSequence('seq_aupKOZRb', query='id', regex=False)

e.g. find all folders that contain the word "CRY2" in the name


benchlingapi.findFolder('CRY2', query='name', regex=True)

e.g. get all folders



e.g. get all sequences



e.g. get sequence from a share link




e.g. create a folder


benchlingapi.createFolder('new_folder', description='this is a new folder', owner='ent_OMJXXX')

e.g. create a sequence


'sequence name', #name
'agggggggtctgtagctgacttatcgtatgtgcgcga', #bases
True, #circular or not
'lib_0g4T1FJV', #folder_id
description='sequence description',
#annotations=[], #annotations are not currently supported in Benchling's api

e.g. create a folder


benchlingapi.createFolder('folder_Name', description='folder_description', 'owner'='ent_OMJXXX')


e.g. delete a folder



e.g. delete a sequence




e.g. edit a folder


benchlingapi.patchFolder(name=None, description=None, owner=None)

e.g. edit a sequence


benchlingapi.patchsequence(name=None, bases=None, circular=None,
folder=None, description=None, color=None)


Not supported for non-aquarium users

Project details

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Source Distribution

benchlingapi-1.0.tar.gz (11.3 kB view hashes)

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