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An open source binding to, the public BigML API

Project description

BigML Python Bindings

`BigML <>`_ makes machine learning easy by taking care
of the details required to add data-driven decisions and predictive
power to your company. Unlike other machine learning services, BigML
`beautiful predictive models <>`_ that
can be easily understood and interacted with.

These BigML Python bindings allow you to interact with
` <>`_, the API
for BigML. You can use it to easily create, retrieve, list, update, and
delete BigML resources (i.e., sources, datasets, models and,
predictions). For additional information, see
the `full documentation for the Python
bindings on Read the Docs <>`_.

This module is licensed under the `Apache License, Version
2.0 <>`_.


Please report problems and bugs to our ` issue
tracker <>`_.

Discussions about the different bindings take place in the general
`BigML mailing list <>`_. Or join us
in our `Campfire chatroom <>`_.


Python 2.7 and Python 3 are currently supported by these bindings.

The basic third-party dependencies are the
`requests <>`_,
`poster <>`_,
`unidecode <>`_ and
`requests-toolbelt <>`_
libraries. These
libraries are automatically installed during the setup. Support for Google
App Engine has been added as of version 3.0.0, using the `urlfetch` package
instead of `requests`.

The bindings will also use ``simplejson`` if you happen to have it
installed, but that is optional: we fall back to Python's built-in JSON
libraries is ``simplejson`` is not found.

Additional `numpy <>`_ and
`scipy <>`_ libraries are needed in case you want to use
local predictions for regression models (including the error information)
using proportional missing strategy. As these are quite heavy libraries and
they are so seldom used, they are not included in the automatic installation
dependencies. The test suite includes some tests that will need these
libraries to be installed.

Also in order to use local `Topic Model` predictions, you will need to install
`pystemmer <>`_. Using the `pip install`
command for this library can produce an error if your system lacks the
correct developer tools to compile it. In Windows, the error message
will include a link pointing to the needed Visual Studio version and in
OSX you'll need to install the Xcode developer tools.


To install the latest stable release with
`pip <>`_

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install bigml

You can also install the development version of the bindings directly
from the Git repository

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install -e git://

Running the Tests

The test will be run using `nose <>`_ ,
that is installed on setup, and you'll need to set up your authentication
via environment variables, as explained
below. With that in place, you can run the test suite simply by issuing

.. code-block:: bash

$ python nosetests

Some tests need the `numpy <>`_ and
`scipy <>`_ libraries to be installed too. They are not
automatically installed as a dependency, as they are quite heavy and very
seldom used.

Importing the module

To import the module:

.. code-block:: python

import bigml.api

Alternatively you can just import the BigML class:

.. code-block:: python

from bigml.api import BigML


All the requests to must be authenticated using your username
and `API key <>`_ and are always
transmitted over HTTPS.

This module will look for your username and API key in the environment
variables ``BIGML_USERNAME`` and ``BIGML_API_KEY`` respectively. You can
add the following lines to your ``.bashrc`` or ``.bash_profile`` to set
those variables automatically when you log in:

.. code-block:: bash

export BIGML_USERNAME=myusername
export BIGML_API_KEY=ae579e7e53fb9abd646a6ff8aa99d4afe83ac291

With that environment set up, connecting to BigML is a breeze:

.. code-block:: python

from bigml.api import BigML
api = BigML()

Otherwise, you can initialize directly when instantiating the BigML
class as follows:

.. code-block:: python

api = BigML('myusername', 'ae579e7e53fb9abd646a6ff8aa99d4afe83ac291')

**Note** that the previously existing ``dev_mode`` flag:

.. code-block:: python

api = BigML(dev_mode=True)

that caused the connection to work with the Sandbox ``Development Environment``
has been **deprecated** because this environment does not longer exist.
The existing resources that were previously
created in this environment have been moved
to a special project in the now unique ``Production Environment``, so this
flag is no longer needed to work with them.

Quick Start

Imagine that you want to use `this csv
file <>`_ containing the `Iris
flower dataset <>`_ to
predict the species of a flower whose ``petal length`` is ``2.45`` and
whose ``petal width`` is ``1.75``. A preview of the dataset is shown
below. It has 4 numeric fields: ``sepal length``, ``sepal width``,
``petal length``, ``petal width`` and a categorical field: ``species``.
By default, BigML considers the last field in the dataset as the
objective field (i.e., the field that you want to generate predictions


sepal length,sepal width,petal length,petal width,species

You can easily generate a prediction following these steps:

.. code-block:: python

from bigml.api import BigML

api = BigML()

source = api.create_source('./data/iris.csv')
dataset = api.create_dataset(source)
model = api.create_model(dataset)
prediction = api.create_prediction(model, \
{'petal length': 2.45, 'petal width': 1.75})

You can then print the prediction using the ``pprint`` method:

.. code-block:: python

>>> api.pprint(prediction)
species for {"petal width": 1.75, "petal length": 2.45} is Iris-setosa

The ``iris`` dataset has a small number of instances, and usually will be
instantly created, so the ``api.create_`` calls will probably return the
finished resources outright. As BigML's API is asynchronous,
in general you will need to ensure
that objects are finished before using them by using ``api.ok``.

.. code-block:: python

from bigml.api import BigML

api = BigML()

source = api.create_source('./data/iris.csv')
dataset = api.create_dataset(source)
model = api.create_model(dataset)
prediction = api.create_prediction(model, \
{'petal length': 2.45, 'petal width': 1.75})

This method retrieves the remote object in its latest state and updates
the variable used as argument with this information. Note that the prediction
call is not followed by the ``api.ok`` method. Predictions are so quick to be
generated that, unlike the
rest of resouces, will be generated synchronously as a finished object.

You can also generate an evaluation for the model by using:

.. code-block:: python

test_source = api.create_source('./data/test_iris.csv')
test_dataset = api.create_dataset(test_source)
evaluation = api.create_evaluation(model, test_dataset)

If you set the ``storage`` argument in the ``api`` instantiation:

.. code-block:: python

api = BigML(storage='./storage')

all the generated, updated or retrieved resources will be automatically
saved to the chosen directory.
You can also check other simple examples in the following documents:

- `model 101 <docs/101_model.html>`_
- `logistic regression 101 <docs/101_logistic_regression.html>`_
- `ensemble 101 <docs/101_ensemble.html>`_
- `cluster 101 <docs/101_cluster>`_
- `anomaly detector 101 <docs/101_anomaly.html>`_
- `association 101 <docs/101_association.html>`_
- `topic model 101 <docs/101_topic_model.html>`_
- `time series 101 <docs/101_ts.html>`_

Additional Information

We've just barely scratched the surface. For additional information, see
the `full documentation for the Python
bindings on Read the Docs <>`_.
Alternatively, the same documentation can be built from a local checkout
of the source by installing `Sphinx <>`_
(``$ pip install sphinx``) and then running

.. code-block:: bash

$ cd docs
$ make html

Then launch ``docs/_build/html/index.html`` in your browser.

How to Contribute

Please follow the next steps:

1. Fork the project on
2. Create a new branch.
3. Commit changes to the new branch.
4. Send a `pull request <>`_.

For details on the underlying API, see the
`BigML API documentation <>`_.

.. :changelog:


4.17.1 (2018-05-15)

- Adding the option to `export PMML models when available.
- Fixing bug in local deepnets for regressions.
- Adapting local Cluster and Anomaly detector to not include summary fields

4.17.0 (2018-05-02)

- Adding the local Supervised Model class to allow local predictions with
any supervised model resource.

4.16.2 (2018-04-31)

- Adding the `export` and `export_last` methods to download and save the
remote resources in the local file system.

4.16.1 (2018-04-24)

- Fixing bug in local deepnet predictions.

4.16.0 (2018-04-03)

- Deprecating local predictions formatting arguments. Formatting is available
through the `cast_prediction` function.

4.15.2 (2018-02-24)

- Local predictions for regression ensembles corrected for strange models
whose nodes lack the confidence attribute.

4.15.1 (2018-02-07)

- Removing logs left in local ensemble object.

4.15.0 (2018-02-07)

- Adding organizations support for all the API calls.

4.14.0 (2018-01-22)

- Deprecating `dev_mode` flag from BigML's API connection. The development
environment has been deprecated.
- Fixing bug in local cluster output to CSV.
- Improving docs with local batch predictions examples.
- Adding operating kind support for local predictions in models and ensembles.
- Fixing bug in ensembles local predictions with probability.
- Fixing bug in logistic regression local predictions with operating points.

4.13.7 (2018-01-02)

- Changing local predictions with threshold to meet changes in backend.
- Adding support for configurations REST API calls.

4.13.6 (2017-12-05)

- Fixing predict confidence method in local ensembles.

4.13.5 (2017-11-23)

- Adding operating point local predictions to deepnets.

4.13.4 (2017-11-21)

- Fixing bug in local ensemble predictions with operating points.
- Fixing bug for local EnsemblePredictor class.

4.13.3 (2017-11-14)

- Fixing bug in local ensemble predictions for inputs that don't match the
expected field types.

4.13.2 (2017-11-14)

- Adding left out static files for local ensemble predictor functions.

4.13.1 (2017-11-10)

- Refactoring local BoostedTrees and adding the EnsemblePredictor to
use the local predict functions of each model to generate the ensemble

4.13.0 (2017-11-07)

- Adding operating point thresholds to local model, ensemble and logistic
regression predictions.

4.12.1 (2017-10-12)

- Fixing bug in the local Deepnet predictions when numpy is not installed.

4.12.0 (2017-10-04)

- Adding support for Deepnets REST API calls and local predictions using
the local Deepnet object.

4.11.3 (2017-09-29)

- Fixing bug in the local Ensemble object. Failed to use the
stored ensemble object.

4.11.2 (2017-07-29)

- Fixing bug in source uploads using Python3 when reading data from stdin.

4.11.1 (2017-06-23)

- Fixing bug in source uploads using Python3 when a category is set.

4.11.0 (2017-06-23)

- Adding REST methods for managing time-series and local time-series object
to create forecasts.

4.10.5 (2017-07-13)

- Fixing bug in the sources upload using Python3. Server changes need the
content-type of the file to be sent.

4.10.4 (2017-06-21)

- Fixing bug in the local model predicted distributions for weighted models.
- Fixing bug in predicted probability for local model predictions
using weighted models.

4.10.3 (2017-06-07)

- Changing boosted local ensembles predictions to match the improvements in
- Fixing bug in association rules export to CSV and lisp for rules with numeric

4.10.2 (2017-05-23)

- Fixing bug: local Model object failed when retrieving old JSON models from
local storage.

4.10.1 (2017-05-15)

- Internal refactoring preparing for extensions in BigMLer.

4.10.0 (2017-05-05)

- Adding predic_probability and predict_confidence methods to local model and
- Internal refactoring of local model classes preparing for extensions
in BigMLer.

4.9.2 (2017-03-26)

- Fixing bug: local model slugifying fails when fields have empty names.

4.9.1 (2017-03-23)

- Adding methods to local cluster: closest data points from a
reference point and centroids ordered from a reference point.
- Modifying internal codes in MultiVote class.

4.9.0 (2017-03-21)

- Adding boosted ensembles to the local Ensemble object.

4.8.3 (2017-03-01)

- Fixing bug in local logistic regression predictions when a constant field is
forced as input field.

4.8.2 (2017-02-09)

- Fixing bug: Adapting to changes in Python 3.6 which cause the connection to
the API using SSL to fail.

4.8.1 (2017-01-11)

- Changing local association parameters to adapt to API docs specifications.

4.8.0 (2017-01-08)

- Adapting to final format of local association sets and adding tests.

4.7.3 (2016-12-03)

- Bug fixing: query string is allowed also for project get calls.

4.7.2 (2016-12-02)

- Allowing a query string to be added to get calls for all the resource types.

4.7.1 (2016-12-01)

- Improving the Fields object: extracting fields structure from topic models.
- Bug fixing: Local Topic Distributions failed when tokenizing inputs with
sequences of separators.

4.7.0 (2016-11-30)

- Adding REST methods for the new resource types: Topic Model,
Topic Distribution, Batch Topic Distribution.
- Adding local Topic Model object.

4.6.10 (2016-10-26)

- Improving local cluster object to fill in missing numerics for clusters
with default numeric values.

4.6.9 (2016-09-27)

- Fixing bug in tests for anomaly detector and ill-formatted comments.
- Adapting tests to new logistic regression default value for balance_fields.

4.6.8 (2016-09-22)

- Adding optional information to local predictions.
- Improving casting for booleans in local predictions.
- Improving the retrieval of stored or remote resources in local
predictor objects.

4.6.7 (2016-09-15)

- Changing the type for the bias attribute to create logistic regressions to

4.6.6 (2016-08-02)

- Improving message for unauthorized API calls adding information about the
current domain.

4.6.5 (2016-07-16)

- Fixing bug in local model. Fixing predictions for weighted models.

4.6.4 (2016-07-06)

- Fixing bug in delete_execution method. The delete call now has a

4.6.3 (2016-06-25)

- Fixing bug in local logistic regression predictions' format.

4.6.2 (2016-06-20)

- Adding local logistic regression as argument for evaluations.

4.6.1 (2016-06-12)

- Adapting local logistic regression object to new coefficients format and
adding field_codings attribute.

4.6.0 (2016-05-19)

- Adding REST methods to manage new types of whizzml resources: scripts,
executions and libraries.
- Fixing bug in logistic regression predictions for datases with text fields.
When input data has only one term and `all` token mode is used, local and
remote predictions didn't match.

4.5.3 (2016-05-04)

- Improving the cluster report information.
- Fixing bug in logistic regression predictions. Results differred from
the backend predictions when date-time fields were present.

4.5.2 (2016-03-24)

- Fixing bug in model's local predictions. When the model uses text fields and
the field contents are missing in the input data, the prediction does
not return the last prediction and stop. It now follows the
"does not contain" branch.

4.5.1 (2016-03-12)

- Adding method to Fields object to produce CSV summary files.
- Adding method to Fields object to import changes in updatable attributes
from CSV files or strings.

4.5.0 (2016-02-08)

- Adapting association object to the new syntax of missing values.
- Improving docs and comments for the proportional strategy in predictions.
- Fixing bug: centroid input data datetime fields are optional.

4.4.2 (2016-01-06)

- Adapting logistic regression local object to the new missing_numeric

4.4.1 (2015-12-18)

- Fixing bug: summarized path output failed when adding missing operators.

4.4.0 (2015-12-15)

- Adding REST API calls for association rules and local Association object.
- Adapting local model, cluster, anomaly and logistic regression objects
to new field type: items.
- Fixing bug: wrong value of giny impurity
- Fixing bug: local model summary failed occasionally when missings were used
in a numeric predicate.
- Fixing bug: wrong syntax in flatline filter method of the tree object.

4.3.4 (2015-12-10)

- Fixing bug: Logistic regression object failed to build when using input
fields or non-preferred fields in dataset.

4.3.3 (2015-11-30)

- Fixing bug: Anomaly object failed to generate the filter for new datasets
when text empty values were found.

4.3.2 (2015-11-24)

- Adding verify and protocol options to the existing Domain class constructor
to handle special installs.

4.3.1 (2015-11-07)

- Fixing bug: Local logistic regression predictions differ when input data
has contents in a text field but the terms involved do not appear in the
bag of words.

4.3.0 (2015-10-16)

- Adding logistic regression as a new prediction model.

4.2.2 (2015-10-14)

- Fixing bug: Fields object failed to store the correct objective id when the
objective was in the first column.

4.2.1 (2015-10-14)

- Fixing bug: Improving error handling in download_dataset method.

4.2.0 (2015-07-27)

- Adding REST methods to manage new type of resource: correlations.
- Adding REST methods to manage new type of resource: tests.
- Adding min and max values predictions for regression models and ensembles.
- Fixing bug: Fields object was not retrieving objective id from the
resource info.

4.1.7 (2015-08-15)

- Fixing bug: console messages failed when used with Python3 on Windows.

4.1.6 (2015-06-25)

- Fixing bug: Removing id fields from the filter to select the anomalies listed
in the Anomaly object from the origin dataset.

4.1.5 (2015-06-06)

- Fixing bug: create_source method failed when unicode literals were used in

4.1.4 (2015-05-27)

- Ensuring unique ordering in MultiVote categorical combinations (only
needed in Python 3).

4.1.3 (2015-05-19)

- Adapting code to handle uploading from String objects.
- Adding models creation new origin resources: clusters and centroids.

4.1.2 (2015-04-28)

- Fixing bug in summarize method for local models. Ensuring unicode use and
adding tests for generated outputs.

4.1.1 (2015-04-26)

- Fixing bug in method to print the fields in the anomaly trees.
- Fixing bug in the create_source method for Python3. Creation failed when
the `tags` argument was used.

4.1.0 (2015-04-14)

- Adding median based predictions to ensembles.

4.0.2 (2015-04-12)

- Fixing bug: multimodels median predictions failed.

4.0.1 (2015-04-10)

- Adding support for median-based predictions in MultiModels.

4.0.0 (2015-04-10)

- Python 3 added to supported Python versions.
- Test suite migrated to nose.

3.0.3 (2015-04-08)

- Changing setup to ensure compatible Python and requests versions.
- Hiding warnings when SSL verification is disabled.

3.0.2 (2015-03-26)

- Adding samples as Fields generator resources

3.0.1 (2015-03-17)

- Changing the Ensemble object init method to use the max_models argument
also when loading the ensemble fields to trigger garbage collection.

3.0.0 (2015-03-04)

- Adding Google App Engine support for remote REST calls.
- Adding cache_get argument to Ensemble constructor to allow getting
local model objects from cache.

2.2.0 (2015-02-26)

- Adding lists of local models as argument for the local ensemble

2.1.0 (2015-02-22)

- Adding distribution and median to ensembles' predictions output.

2.0.0 (2015-02-12)

- Adding REST API calls for samples.

1.10.8 (2015-02-10)

- Adding distribution units to the predict method output of the local model.

1.10.7 (2015-02-07)

- Extending the predict method in local models to get multiple predictions.
- Changing the local model object to add the units used in the distribution
and the add_median argument in the predict method.

1.10.6 (2015-02-06)

- Adding the median as prediction for the local model object.

1.10.5 (2014-01-29)

- Fixing bug: centroids failed when predicted from local clusters with
summary fields.

1.10.4 (2014-01-17)

- Improvements in docs presentation and content.
- Adding tree_CSV method to local model to output the nodes information
in CSV format.

1.10.3 (2014-01-16)

- Fixing bug: local ensembles were not retrieved from the stored JSON file.
- Adding the ability to construct local ensembles from any existing JSON file
describing an ensemble structure.

1.10.2 (2014-01-15)

- Source creation from inline data.

1.10.1 (2014-12-29)

- Fixing bug: source upload failed in old Python versions.

1.10.0 (2014-12-29)

- Refactoring the BigML class before adding the new project resource.
- Changing the ok and check_resource methods to download lighter resources.
- Fixing bug: cluster summarize for 1-centroid clusters.
- Fixing bug: adapting to new SSL verification in Python 2.7.9.

1.9.8 (2014-12-01)

- Adding impurity to Model leaves, and a new method to select impure leaves.
- Fixing bug: the Model, Cluster and Anomaly objects had no resource_id
attribute when built from a local resource JSON structure.

1.9.7 (2014-11-24)

- Adding method in Anomaly object to build the filter to exclude anomalies
from the original dataset.
- Basic code refactorization for initial resources structure.

1.9.6 (2014-11-09)

environment variables to change the default corresponding values in
customized private environments.

1.9.5 (2014-11-03)

- Fixing bug: summarize method breaks for clusters with text fields.

1.9.4 (2014-10-27)

- Changing MultiModel class to return in-memory list of predictions.

1.9.3 (2014-10-23)

- Improving Fields and including the new Cluster and
Anomalies fields structures as fields resources.
- Improving ModelFields to filter missing values from input data.
- Forcing garbage collection in local ensemble to lower memory usage.

1.9.2 (2014-10-13)

- Changing some Fields exceptions handling.
- Refactoring api code to handle create, update and delete methods dynamically.
- Adding connection info string for printing.
- Improving tests information.

1.9.1 (2014-10-10)

- Adding the summarize and statistics_CSV methods to local cluster object.

1.9.0 (2014-10-02)

- Adding the batch anomaly score REST API calls.

1.8.0 (2014-09-09)

- Adding the anomaly detector and anomaly score REST API calls.
- Adding the local anomaly detector.

1.7.0 (2014-08-29)

- Adding to local model predictions the ability to use the new
missing-combined operators.

1.6.7 (2014-08-05)

- Fixing bug in corner case of model predictions using proportional missing
- Adding the unique path to the first missing split to the predictions using
proportional missing strategy.

1.6.6 (2014-07-31)

- Improving the locale handling to avoid problems when logging to console under

1.6.5 (2014-07-26)

- Adding stats method to Fields to show fields statistics.
- Adding api method to create a source from a batch prediction.

1.6.4 (2014-07-25)

- Changing the create methods to check if origin resources are finished
by downloading no fields information.

1.6.3 (2014-07-24)

- Changing some variable names in the predict method (add_count, add_path) and
the prediction structure to follow other bindigns naming.

1.6.2 (2014-07-19)

- Building local model from a JSON model file.
- Predictions output can contain confidence, distribution, instances and/or

1.6.1 (2014-07-09)

- Fixing bug: download_dataset method did not return content when no filename
was provided.

1.6.0 (2014-07-03)

- Fixing bug: check valid parameter in distribution merge function.
- Adding downlod_dataset method to api to export datasets to CSV.

1.5.1 (2014-06-13)

- Fixing bug: local clusters' centroid method crashes when text or categorical
fields are not present in input data.

1.5.0 (2014-06-05)

- Adding local cluster to produce centroid predictions locally.

1.4.4 (2014-05-23)

- Adding shared urls to datasets.
- Fixing bug: error renaming variables.

1.4.3 (2014-05-22)

- Adding the ability to change the remote server domain in the API
connection constructor (for VPCs).
- Adding the ability to generate datasets from clusters.

1.4.2 (2014-05-20)

- Fixing bug when using api.ok method for centroids and batch centroids.

1.4.1 (2014-05-19)

- Docs and test updates.

1.4.0 (2014-05-14)

- Adding REST methods to manage clusters, centroids and batch centroids.

1.3.1 (2014-05-06)

- Adding the average_confidence method to local models.
- Fixing bug in pprint for predictions with input data keyed by field names.

1.3.0 (2014-04-07)

- Changing Fields object constructor to accept also source, dataset or model

1.2.2 (2014-04-01)

- Changing error message when create_source calls result in http errors
to standarize them.
- Simplifying create_prediction calls because now API accepts field names
as input_data keys.
- Adding missing_counts and error_counts to report the missing values and
error counts per field in the dataset.

1.2.1 (2014-03-19)

- Adding error to regression local predictions using proportional missing

1.2.0 (2014-03-07)

- Adding proportional missing strategy to MultiModel and solving tie breaks
in remote predictions.
- Adding new output options to model's python, rules and tableau outputs:
ability to extract the branch of the model leading to a certain node with
or without the hanging subtree.
- Adding HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS error handling in REST API calls.

1.1.0 (2014-02-10)

- Adding Tableau-ready ouput to local model code generators.

1.0.6 (2014-02-03)

- Fixing getters: getter for batch predictions was missing.

1.0.5 (2014-01-22)

- Improving BaseModel and Model. If they receive a partial model
structure with a correct model id, the needed model resource is downloaded
and stored (if storage is enabled in the given api connection).
- Improving local ensemble. Adding a new `fields` attribute that
contains all the fields used in its models.

1.0.4 (2014-01-21)

- Adding a summarize method to local ensembles with data distribution
and field importance information.

1.0.3 (2014-01-21)

- Fixes bug in regressions predictions with ensembles and plurality without
confidence information. Predictions values were not normalized.
- Updating copyright information.

1.0.2 (2014-01-20)

- Fixes bug in create calls: the user provided args dictionaries were
updated inside the calls.

1.0.1 (2014-01-05)

- Changing the source for ensemble field importance computations.
- Fixes bug in http_ok adding the valid state for updates.

1.0.0 (2013-12-09)

- Adding more info to error messages in REST methods.
- Adding new missing fields strategy in predict method.
- Fixes bug in shared models: credentials where not properly set.
- Adding batch predictions REST methods.

0.10.3 (2013-12-19)

- Fixes bug in local ensembles with more than 200 fields.

0.10.2 (2013-12-02)

- Fixes bug in summarize method of local models: field importance report
- Fixes bug in status method of the BigML connection object: status for
async uploads of source files crashed while uploading.

0.10.1 (2013-11-25)

- Adding threshold combiner to MultiModel objects.

0.10.0 (2013-11-21)

- Adding a function printing field importance to ensembles.
- Changing Model to add a lightweight BaseModel class with no Tree
- Adding function to get resource type from resource id or structure.
- Adding resource type checks to REST functions.
- Adding threshold as new combination method for local ensembles.

0.9.1 (2013-10-17)

- Fixes duplication changing field names in local model if they are not unique.

0.9.0 (2013-10-08)

- Adds the environment variables and adapts the create_prediction method
to create predictions using a different prediction server.
- Support for shared models.

0.8.0 (2013-08-10)

- Adds text analysis local predict function
- Modifies outputs for text analysis: rules, summary, python, hadoop

0.7.5 (2013-08-22)

- Fixes temporarily problems in predictions for regression models and
- Adds en-gb to the list of available locales, avoiding spurious warnings

0.7.4 (2013-08-17)

- Changes warning logger level to info

0.7.3 (2013-08-09)

- Adds fields method to retrieve only preferred fields
- Fixes error message when no valid resource id is provided in check_resource

0.7.2 (2013-07-04)

- Fixes check_resource method that was not using query-string data
- Add list of models as argument in Ensemble constructor
- MultiModel has BigML connection as a new optional argument

0.7.1 (2013-06-19)

- Fixes Multimodel list_models method
- Fixes check_resource method for predictions
- Adds local configuration environment variable BIGML_DOMAIN replacing
- Refactors Ensemble and Model's predict method

0.7.0 (2013-05-01)

- Adds splits in datasets to generate new datasets
- Adds evaluations for ensembles

0.6.0 (2013-04-27)

- REST API methods for model ensembles
- New method returning the leaves of tree models
- Improved error handling in GET methods

0.5.2 (2013-03-03)

- Adds combined confidence to combined predictions
- Fixes get_status for resources that have no status info
- Fixes bug: public datasets, that should be downloadable, weren't

0.5.1 (2013-02-12)

- Fixes bug: no status info in public models, now shows FINISHED status code
- Adds more file-like objects (e.g. stdin) support in create_source input
- Refactoring Fields pair method and Model predict method to increase
- Adds some more locale aliases

0.5.0 (2013-01-16)

- Adds evaluation api functions
- New prediction combination method: probability weighted
- Refactors MultiModels lists of predictions into MultiVote
- Multimodels partial predictions: new format

0.4.8 (2012-12-21)

- Improved locale management
- Adds new features to MultiModel to allow local batch predictions
- Improved combined predictions
- Adds local predictions options: plurality, confidence weighted

0.4.7 (2012-12-06)

- Warning message to inform of locale default if verbose mode

0.4.6 (2012-12-06)

- Fix locale code for windows

0.4.5 (2012-12-05)

- Fix remote predictions for input data containing fields not included in rules

0.4.4 (2012-12-02)

- Tiny fixes
- Fix local predictions for input data containing fields not included in rules
- Overall clean up

0.4.3 (2012-11-07)

- A few tiny fixes
- Multi models to generate predictions from multiple local models
- Adds hadoop-python code generation to create local predictions

0.4.2 (2012-09-19)

- Fix Python generation
- Add a debug flag to log https requests and responses
- Type conversion in fields pairing

0.4.1 (2012-09-17)

- Fix missing distribution field in new models
- Add new Field class to deal with BigML auto-generated ids
- Add by_name flag to predict methods to avoid reverse name lookups
- Add summarize method in models to generate class grouped printed output

0.4.0 (2012-08-20)

- Development Mode
- Remote Sources
- Bigger files streamed with Poster
- Asynchronous Uploading
- Local Models
- Local Predictions
- Rule Generation
- Python Generation
- Overall clean up

0.3.1 (2012-07-05)

- Initial release for the "andromeda" version of

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bigml-4.17.1.tar.gz (2.4 MB view hashes)

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