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A DataFrame API for Google BigQuery

Project description


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What is it ?

This project is a POC that aims to showcase the wonders that could be done if BigQuery provided a DataFrame API in Python similar to the one already available with PySpark or Snowpark (for which the Python API will come out soon).

I tried to reproduce the most commonly used methods of the Spark DataFrame object. I aimed at making something as close as possible as PySpark, and tried to keep exactly the same naming and docstrings as PySpark's DataFrames.

For instance, this is a working example of PySpark code:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import functions as f

spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[1]").getOrCreate()

df = spark.sql("""
    SELECT 1 as id, "Bulbasaur" as name, ARRAY("Grass", "Poison") as types, NULL as other_col
    SELECT 2 as id, "Ivysaur" as name, ARRAY("Grass", "Poison") as types, NULL as other_col
""")"id", "name", "types").createOrReplaceTempView("pokedex")

df2 = spark.sql("""SELECT * FROM pokedex""")\
    .withColumn("nb_types", f.expr("SIZE(types)"))\
    .withColumn("name", f.expr("LOWER(name)"))
# +---+---------+---------------+--------+
# | id|     name|          types|nb_types|
# +---+---------+---------------+--------+
# |  1|bulbasaur|[Grass, Poison]|       2|
# |  2|  ivysaur|[Grass, Poison]|       2|
# +---+---------+---------------+--------+

And this is an equivalent working example using bigquery_frame, that runs on Google Big Query!

from bigquery_frame import BigQueryBuilder
from bigquery_frame.auth import get_bq_client
from bigquery_frame import functions as f

bigquery = BigQueryBuilder(get_bq_client())

df = bigquery.sql("""
    SELECT 1 as id, "Bulbasaur" as name, ["Grass", "Poison"] as types, NULL as other_col
    SELECT 2 as id, "Ivysaur" as name, ["Grass", "Poison"] as types, NULL as other_col
""")"id", "name", "types").createOrReplaceTempView("pokedex")

df2 = bigquery.sql("""SELECT * FROM pokedex""")\
    .withColumn("nb_types", f.expr("ARRAY_LENGTH(types)"))\
    .withColumn("name", f.expr("LOWER(name)"), replace=True)
# +----+-----------+---------------------+----------+
# | id |      name |               types | nb_types |
# +----+-----------+---------------------+----------+
# |  1 | bulbasaur | ['Grass', 'Poison'] |        2 |
# |  2 |   ivysaur | ['Grass', 'Poison'] |        2 |
# +----+-----------+---------------------+----------+

What's so cool about DataFrames ?

I believe that DataFrames are super cool to organise SQL code as it allows us to several things that are much harder, or even impossible, in pure-SQL:

  • on-the-fly introspection
  • chaining operations
  • generic transformations
  • higher level abstraction

But that deserves a blog article.

Cool Features

This feature list is arbitrarily sorted by decreasing order of coolness.

Data Diff (NEW!)

Just like git diff, but for data!

Performs a diff between two dataframes.


from bigquery_frame.data_diff import DataframeComparator
from bigquery_frame import BigQueryBuilder
from bigquery_frame.auth import get_bq_client

bq = BigQueryBuilder(get_bq_client())
df1 = bq.sql("""
        STRUCT(1 as id, [STRUCT(1 as a, 2 as b, 3 as c)] as my_array),
        STRUCT(2 as id, [STRUCT(1 as a, 2 as b, 3 as c)] as my_array),
        STRUCT(3 as id, [STRUCT(1 as a, 2 as b, 3 as c)] as my_array)
df2 = bq.sql("""
        STRUCT(1 as id, [STRUCT(1 as a, 2 as b, 3 as c, 4 as d)] as my_array),
        STRUCT(2 as id, [STRUCT(2 as a, 2 as b, 3 as c, 4 as d)] as my_array),
        STRUCT(4 as id, [STRUCT(1 as a, 2 as b, 3 as c, 4 as d)] as my_array)
# +----+----------------------------+
# | id |                   my_array |
# +----+----------------------------+
# |  1 | [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}] |
# |  2 | [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}] |
# |  3 | [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}] |
# +----+----------------------------+
# +----+------------------------------------+
# | id |                           my_array |
# +----+------------------------------------+
# |  1 | [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}] |
# |  2 | [{'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}] |
# |  4 | [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}] |
# +----+------------------------------------+
diff_result = DataframeComparator().compare_df(df1, df2)

Will produce the following output:

Schema has changed:
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
 my_array!.a INTEGER
 my_array!.b INTEGER
 my_array!.c INTEGER
+my_array!.d INTEGER
WARNING: columns that do not match both sides will be ignored
diff NOT ok
Row count ok: 3 rows
1 (25.0%) rows are identical
1 (25.0%) rows have changed
1 (25.0%) rows are only in 'left'
1 (25.0%) rows are only in 'right
100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:04<00:00,  4.26s/it]
Found the following differences:
| column_name | total_nb_diff |                  left |                 right | nb_differences |
|    my_array |             1 | [{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}] | [{"a":2,"b":2,"c":3}] |              1 |
1 rows were only found in 'left' :
Analyzing 4 columns ...
| column_number | column_name | column_type | count | count_distinct | count_null | min | max |               approx_top_100 |
|             0 |          id |     INTEGER |     1 |              1 |          0 |   3 |   3 | [{'value': '3', 'count': 1}] |
|             1 | my_array!.a |     INTEGER |     1 |              1 |          0 |   1 |   1 | [{'value': '1', 'count': 1}] |
|             2 | my_array!.b |     INTEGER |     1 |              1 |          0 |   2 |   2 | [{'value': '2', 'count': 1}] |
|             3 | my_array!.c |     INTEGER |     1 |              1 |          0 |   3 |   3 | [{'value': '3', 'count': 1}] |
1 rows were only found in 'right':
Analyzing 4 columns ...
| column_number | column_name | column_type | count | count_distinct | count_null | min | max |               approx_top_100 |
|             0 |          id |     INTEGER |     1 |              1 |          0 |   4 |   4 | [{'value': '4', 'count': 1}] |
|             1 | my_array!.a |     INTEGER |     1 |              1 |          0 |   1 |   1 | [{'value': '1', 'count': 1}] |
|             2 | my_array!.b |     INTEGER |     1 |              1 |          0 |   2 |   2 | [{'value': '2', 'count': 1}] |
|             3 | my_array!.c |     INTEGER |     1 |              1 |          0 |   3 |   3 | [{'value': '3', 'count': 1}] |
  • Full support of nested records
  • (improvable) support for repeated records
  • Optimized to work even on huge table with more than 1000 columns


Perform an analysis on a DataFrame, return aggregated stats for each column, such as count, count distinct, count null, min, max, top 100 most frequent values.

  • Optimized to work on wide tables
  • Custom aggregation functions can be added
  • Aggregations can be grouped against one or a tuple of columns


from bigquery_frame.transformations_impl.analyze import __get_test_df
from bigquery_frame.transformations import analyze

df = __get_test_df()
# +----+------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------------+
# | id |       name |               types |                                  evolution |
# +----+------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------------+
# |  1 |  Bulbasaur | ['Grass', 'Poison'] | {'can_evolve': True, 'evolves_from': None} |
# |  2 |    Ivysaur | ['Grass', 'Poison'] |    {'can_evolve': True, 'evolves_from': 1} |
# |  3 |   Venusaur | ['Grass', 'Poison'] |   {'can_evolve': False, 'evolves_from': 2} |
# |  4 | Charmander |            ['Fire'] | {'can_evolve': True, 'evolves_from': None} |
# |  5 | Charmeleon |            ['Fire'] |    {'can_evolve': True, 'evolves_from': 4} |
# |  6 |  Charizard |  ['Fire', 'Flying'] |   {'can_evolve': False, 'evolves_from': 5} |
# |  7 |   Squirtle |           ['Water'] | {'can_evolve': True, 'evolves_from': None} |
# |  8 |  Wartortle |           ['Water'] |    {'can_evolve': True, 'evolves_from': 7} |
# |  9 |  Blastoise |           ['Water'] |   {'can_evolve': False, 'evolves_from': 8} |
# +----+------------+---------------------+--------------------------------------------+

# +---------------+------------------------+-------------+-------+----------------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | column_number |            column_name | column_type | count | count_distinct | count_null |       min |       max |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     approx_top_100 |
# +---------------+------------------------+-------------+-------+----------------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |             0 |                     id |     INTEGER |     9 |              9 |          0 |         1 |         9 |                                                                       [{'value': '1', 'count': 1}, {'value': '2', 'count': 1}, {'value': '3', 'count': 1}, {'value': '4', 'count': 1}, {'value': '5', 'count': 1}, {'value': '6', 'count': 1}, {'value': '7', 'count': 1}, {'value': '8', 'count': 1}, {'value': '9', 'count': 1}] |
# |             1 |                   name |      STRING |     9 |              9 |          0 | Blastoise | Wartortle | [{'value': 'Bulbasaur', 'count': 1}, {'value': 'Ivysaur', 'count': 1}, {'value': 'Venusaur', 'count': 1}, {'value': 'Charmander', 'count': 1}, {'value': 'Charmeleon', 'count': 1}, {'value': 'Charizard', 'count': 1}, {'value': 'Squirtle', 'count': 1}, {'value': 'Wartortle', 'count': 1}, {'value': 'Blastoise', 'count': 1}] |
# |             2 |                 types! |      STRING |    13 |              5 |          0 |      Fire |     Water |                                                                                                                                                                  [{'value': 'Grass', 'count': 3}, {'value': 'Poison', 'count': 3}, {'value': 'Fire', 'count': 3}, {'value': 'Water', 'count': 3}, {'value': 'Flying', 'count': 1}] |
# |             3 |   evolution.can_evolve |     BOOLEAN |     9 |              2 |          0 |     false |      true |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    [{'value': 'true', 'count': 6}, {'value': 'false', 'count': 3}] |
# |             4 | evolution.evolves_from |     INTEGER |     9 |              6 |          3 |         1 |         8 |                                                                                                                            [{'value': 'NULL', 'count': 3}, {'value': '1', 'count': 1}, {'value': '2', 'count': 1}, {'value': '4', 'count': 1}, {'value': '5', 'count': 1}, {'value': '7', 'count': 1}, {'value': '8', 'count': 1}] |
# +---------------+------------------------+-------------+-------+----------------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Example with custom aggregation and column groups:

from bigquery_frame.transformations_impl import analyze_aggs
from bigquery_frame.transformations import analyze
aggs = [
analyze(df, group_by="evolution.can_evolve", _aggs=aggs).orderBy('group.can_evolve', 'column_number').show()
# +-----------------------+---------------+------------------------+-------+----------------+------------+
# |                 group | column_number |            column_name | count | count_distinct | count_null |
# +-----------------------+---------------+------------------------+-------+----------------+------------+
# | {'can_evolve': False} |             0 |                     id |     3 |              3 |          0 |
# | {'can_evolve': False} |             1 |                   name |     3 |              3 |          0 |
# | {'can_evolve': False} |             2 |                 types! |     5 |              5 |          0 |
# | {'can_evolve': False} |             4 | evolution.evolves_from |     3 |              3 |          0 |
# |  {'can_evolve': True} |             0 |                     id |     6 |              6 |          0 |
# |  {'can_evolve': True} |             1 |                   name |     6 |              6 |          0 |
# |  {'can_evolve': True} |             2 |                 types! |     8 |              4 |          0 |
# |  {'can_evolve': True} |             4 | evolution.evolves_from |     6 |              3 |          3 |
# +-----------------------+---------------+------------------------+-------+----------------+------------+

I want to try this POC, how do I use it ?

Just clone this repository, open PyCharm, and follow the instructions in the documentation to set up your connection to BigQuery. Then, go fiddle with the demo, or have a look at the examples.

How does it work ?

Very simply, by generating SQL queries that are sent to BigQuery. You can get the query by calling the method DataFrame.compile().

For instance, if we reuse the example from the beginning:


This will print the following SQL query:

WITH pokedex AS (
  WITH _default_alias_1 AS (
        SELECT 1 as id, "Bulbasaur" as name, ["Grass", "Poison"] as types, NULL as other_col
        UNION ALL
        SELECT 2 as id, "Ivysaur" as name, ["Grass", "Poison"] as types, NULL as other_col
  FROM _default_alias_1
, _default_alias_3 AS (
  SELECT * FROM pokedex
, _default_alias_4 AS (
    ARRAY_LENGTH(types) AS nb_types
  FROM _default_alias_3
    LOWER(name) AS name
FROM _default_alias_4


The examples in this code only use generated data and don't ready any "real" table. This means that you won't be charged a cent running them.

Also, even when reading "real" tables, any one-the-fly introspection (such as getting a DataFrame's schema), will trigger a query on BigQuery but will read 0 rows, and will thus be billed 0 cent.

Known limitations

Since this is a POC, I took some shortcuts and did not try to optimize the query length. In particular, this uses a lot of CTEs, and any serious project trying to use it might reach the maximum query length very quickly.

Here is a list of other known limitations, please also see the Further developments section for a list of missing features.

  • DataFrame.withColumn:
    • unlike in Spark, replacing an existing column is
      not done automatically, an extra argument replace=True must be passed.
  • DataFrame.createOrReplaceTempView:
    • I kept the same name as Spark for consistency, but it does not create an actual view on BigQuery, it just emulates Spark's behaviour by using a CTE. Because of this, if you replace a temp view that already exists, the new view can not derive from the old view (while in Spark it is possible).
  • DataFrame.join:
    • When doing a select after a join, table prefixes MUST always be used on column names. For this reason, users SHOULD always make sure the DataFrames they are joining on are properly aliased
    • When chaining multiple joins, the name of the first DataFrame is not available in the select clause

Further developments

Functions not supported yet :

  • DataFrame.groupBy

Also, it would be cool to expand this to other SQL engines than BigQuery (contributors are welcome ;-) ).

Why did I make this ?

I hope that it will motivate the teams working on BigQuery (or Redshift, or Azure Synapse) to propose a real python DataFrame API on top of their massively parallel SQL engines. But not something ugly like this POC, that generates SQL strings, more something like Spark Catalyst, which directly generates logical plans out of the DataFrame API without passing through the "SQL string" step.

After starting this POC, I realized Snowflake already understood this and developed Snowpark, a Java/Scala (and soon Python) API to run complex workflows on Snowflake, and Snowpark's DataFrame API which was clearly borrowed from Spark's DataFrame (= DataSet[Row]) API (we recognize several key method names: cache, createOrReplaceTempView, where/filter, collect, toLocalIterator).

I believe such project could open the gate to hundreds of very cool applications. For instance, did you know that, in its early versions at least, Dataiku Shaker was just a GUI that chained transformations on Pandas DataFrame, and later Spark DataFrame ?

Another possible evolution would be to make a DataFrame API capable of speaking multiple SQL dialects. By using it, projects that generate SQL for multiple platforms, like Malloy, could all use the same DataFrame abstraction. Adding support for a new SQL platform would immediately allow all the project based on it to support this new platform.

I would be very interested if someone could make a similar POC with, RedShift, Postgres, Azure Synapse, or any other SQL engines (aside from Spark-SQL and Snowpark, of course :-p).

Release Notes


  • Added DataFrame.write feature. It currently supports partitioning, table-level options, and several insertion modes:
    • append: Append contents of this :class:DataFrame to existing table.
    • overwrite: Replace destination table with the new data if it already exists.
    • error or errorifexists: Throw an exception if destination table already exists.
    • ignore: Silently ignore this operation if destination table already exists.
  • BigQueryBuilder now tries to create it's own bigquery client if none is passed


New exciting features!

Several new features that make working with nested structure easier were added.

  • Added DataFrame.select_nested_columns and DataFrame.with_nested_columns, which make transformation of nested values much easier
  • Added functions.transform, useful to transform arrays
  • Added transformations.normalize_arrays which automatically sort all arrays in a DataFrame, including arrays of arrays of arrays...
  • Added transformations.harmonize_dataframes which takes two DataFrames and transform them into DataFrames with the same schema.
  • Experimental: Added data_diff capabilities, including a DataFrameComparator which can perform a diff between two DataFrames. Extremely useful for non-regression testing.
  • Generated queries are now deterministic, this means that if you re-run the same DataFrame code twice, the exact same query will be sent to BigQuery twice, thus leveraging query caching.

Other features

  • Added automatic retry when BigQuery returns an InternalServerError. We now do 3 tries by default.
  • Added functions.to_base32 and functions.to_base64. from_base_32 and from_base_64 will be added later, once a bug in python-tabulate is fixed.
  • Added Column.__mod__ (e.g. f.when(c % 2 == 0))

Breaking changes

  • Improved typing of Column.when.otherwise. Now functions.when returns a WhenColumn, a special type of Column with two extra methods: when and otherwise.
  • Changed functions.sort_arrays's signature to make it consistent with transform



  • added Column[...] (__getitem) that can be used to access struct or array elements.


  • fixed various bugs in transformations.analyze
    • Was crashing on ARRAY<STRUCT<ARRAY<...>>>
    • Was crashing on columns of type BYTES
    • Columns used in group_by were analyzed, which is useless because the group is constant


Breaking changes

  • The bigquery_frame.transformations.analyze now return one extra column named column_number


  • Add various Column methods: asc, desc
  • Add various functions methods: replace, array,


  • Dataframe.sort now works on aliased columns
  • Column.alias now works on sql keywords
  • functions.eqNullSafe now never returns NULL
  • fix incorrect line numbering when query was displayed on error


Breaking changes

  • Column constructor no longer accept alias as argument. Use Column.alias() instead.


  • Add various Column methods: cast, ~, isNull, isNotNull, eqNullSafe
  • Add various functions methods: concat, length, sort_array, substring


  • Fix broken Column.when().otherwise().alias()


Breaking changes

  • Dropped support for Python 3.6
  • Bumped dependencies versions
  • DataFrame.toPandas() now requires extra permissions by default (the BigQuery ReadSession User role), but downloads data faster.


  • Added functions.cast() method
  • We now print the whole query in the error message when it fails
  • Added DataFrame.join(). This is a first implementation which is a little clumsy.


  • Fix DataFrame deps being lost when using df.alias()

Project details

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Source Distribution

bigquery-frame-0.4.1.tar.gz (70.9 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

bigquery_frame-0.4.1-py3-none-any.whl (75.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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