Python package to access billingo rest api
Project description
See the Rest API documentation here:
from billingo_client import BillingoClient
PUBLIC_KEY = 'vsdfgsdfgfdgdsfgdsfg'
PRIVATE_KEY = 'sdgfasdgsdfgsdfsdfhjkhjlhjl'
client = BillingoClient(PUBLIC_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY)
print(client.get_currency(123.75, change_from='USD', change_to='HUF'))
{1403140148: Invoice(uid=1403140148,, 2, 20),, 2, 20), comment='1 USD = 312.83 HUF\nFontos megjegyzés\nA számla pénzügyi teljesítést nem igényel. 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uid=1403140148, 2, 20), 2, 20) comment='1 USD = 312.83 HUF\nFontos megjegyzés\nA számla pénzügyi teljesítést nem igényel. Kiegyenlítve Braintreen keresztül az alábbi napon: xxxx-xx-xx' currency='USD' payment_method={'id': 5, 'lang_code': 'hu', 'name': 'Bankkártya', 'advance_paid': 1} client_uid=279931159 block_uid=589050355 template_lang_code='en' electronic_invoice=True type_string='normal' items=[{'description': 'egyet most csak', 'net_unit_price': '12.000000', 'qty': '1.000000', 'unit': 'month', 'vat_id': 1, 'item_comment': '', 'net_row_price': '12.000000000000', 'gross_row_price': '15.24000000000000', 'vat_value': '3.24000000000000', 'vatdata': {'id': 1, 'value': 0.27, 'description': '27%', 'info_text': ''}, 'vat_object': {'id': 1, 'value': 0.27, 'description': '27%', 'info_text': ''}}] client={'name': 'Anyám', 'email': '', 'taxcode': '123987', 'type': 0, 'fokonyv_szam': '', 'phone': '', 'defaults': {'payment_method': '', 'electronic_invoice': '1', 'invoice_due_days': '', 'invoice_currency': 'HUF', 'invoice_template_lang_code': 'hu'}, 'internal_id': None, 'billing_address': {'street_name': 'Szappan', 'street_type': 'utca', 'house_nr': '3', 'block': '', 'entrance': '', 'floor': '', 'door': '', 'city': 'Budaörs', 'postcode': '2040', 'district': '', 'country': 'Magyarország'}, 'bank': {'iban': '', 'swift': '', 'account_no': ''}} company={'user_id': 36594, 'name': 'Gravitáció Fejleszt TAC', 'city': 'Budapest', 'district': '11', 'postcode': '1113', 'street': 'Villányi', 'street_type': 'út', 'house_nr': '40', 'building': '', 'staircase': '', 'storey': '', 'door': '', 'country': 'Magyarország', 'account_no': '36476635-26475367-16364536', 'vat_no': '23841901-2-08', 'eu_vat_no': 'HU12345687', 'ev_no': '', 'pic_path': '', 'prefix': '', 'default_currency': 'HUF', 'custom_field_1': 'A számla pénzügyi teljesítést nem igényel. Kiegyenlítve Braintreen keresztül az alábbi napon: xxxx-xx-xx', 'custom_field_2': '', 'selected_template': '33', 'kisadozo': False, 'ev': None, 'penzforgelsz': True, 'onszamla': 0, 'ford_ado': False, 'contact_phone': '+36 1 799 5260', 'webshop_name': '', 'magyar_adoalany': True, 'street_address': 'Villányi út 40 ', 'user': {'id': 36594, 'username': None, 'group_id': 1, 'email': '', 'first_name': 'Kalman', 'last_name': 'Mocsar', 'countries_id': 0, 'telephone': '', 'pic_path': None, 'pic_data': None, 'date_of_registration': '2020-02-20 17:29:16', 'active': 1, 'active_code': 'BLNG-5E4EB3DC1A9E8', 'lang_id': 1, 'join_date': '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'activation_date': '2020-02-20 17:29:39', 'last_login': '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'credit_count': 0, 'has_profile': 1, 'account_type': 1, 'account_expire': '2020-03-20', 'available_timestamps': 0, 'timestamp_expire': '0000-00-00', 'voov_client_id': 0, 'remember_token': None, 'braintree_id': 0, 'braintree_subscription_id': '', 'braintree_plan_id': '', 'tfa_type': 0, 'tfa_secretkey': '', 'tfa_counter': 0, 'default_currency': 'HUF', 'invoice_lock_ts': 0, 'subscriptions_id': 0, 'ts_usage_type': 1, 'ts_monthly_counter': 0, 'ts_all_counter': 0, 'is_startup': False, 'is_unas': 0, 'is_webshippy': 0, 'is_movein': 0, 'settings': {'nav_info_accept': 1, 'invoice_due_days': '0', 'invoice_payment_method': '5', 'invoice_template_lang_code': 'en', 'invoice_currency': 'USD', 'invoice_round_to': '0', 'unitprice': '0', 'invoice_vat': '1', 'invoice_unit': 'month', 'electronic_invoice': '1', 'is_mach': '1', 'invoice_comments': '1', 'block_id': '0', 'account_id': '0', 'statistic': '0', 'productsave': '0', 'productupdate': '0', 'use_opten': '1', 'invoice_all_round_to': '0', 'barion_key': '', 'barion_email': ''}, 'tenant_type': 0, 'cart_session_id': '', 'newsletter': 0}} exchange_rate='312.830000' invoice_no='2020-000002' status=1, 2, 20) net_total=12.0 total=15.24 total_paid=15.24 vat_group_sum_converted={'27%': 1014} vat_groups={'27%': '3.24000000000000'}
Create package and upload
python3.7 sdist bdist_wheel
python3.7 -m twine upload dist/*
pypi account setup:
cat > ~/.pypirc
python3.7 -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
Project details
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Source Distribution
(5.7 kB
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File details
Details for the file billingoclient-0.0.2.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: billingoclient-0.0.2.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 5.7 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.1.1 pkginfo/ requests/2.23.0 setuptools/45.1.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.43.0 CPython/3.7.5
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 74dff0eab3798411a0074413080f9ea21471abc043e0ec4d714dd1cb0a903d58 |
MD5 | 2f1231202ae0765cc74c40a4afa861bf |
BLAKE2b-256 | 8fc32f2ff8bb9c4f527064fd472014a7d772b4ceb9977a206d2af658f5ea5d1f |
File details
Details for the file billingoclient-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: billingoclient-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 6.1 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.1.1 pkginfo/ requests/2.23.0 setuptools/45.1.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.43.0 CPython/3.7.5
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 1bb09d9345d7b7979db6c04355a1ef33744b99fa61babf1f37a91affd84db29c |
MD5 | 70803003dbef4416cc7d862b2117b77a |
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