A sniffer for biological data formats
Project description
- Python version:
3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
- Issues:
This tools is a simple Sniffer for Biological formats (and compression formats)
pip install biosniff
biosniff file.fasta biosniff example.vcf ...
There are about 50 formats supported for now including:
abi, bam, bai, bcf, binary_bed, bed, bedgraph, bigwig, bigbed, bplink, bz2, cram, clustal, dsrc, embl,ena, fasta, fastq, genbank, gfa, gff2, gff3, gz, json, maf, newick, nexus, ods, paf, phylip, phyloxml, plink, qual, sam, scf, stockholm, rar, twobit, tsv, vcf, wiggle, wig, xls, xlsx, xmfa, yaml, zip, 7zip, xz
Version |
Description |
1.0.0 |
0.4.0 |
0.3.0 |
0.2.0 |
0.1.0 |
Project details
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