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A library to use Blake2 in keyed hashing mode to sign and verify signed data

Project description

Logo Blake2Signer

The goal of this module is to provide a simple way to securely sign data using Blake2 in keyed hashing mode (read more about that in the hashlib docs).

The main use case of Blake2Signer is to sign cookies or similar data, in a very straightforward way. My idea is to keep this module as simple as possible without much room to become a footgun. There are much better packages for other use cases or more general use cases so if you feel this module doesn't satisfy your needs please leave a feature request or consider using "itsdangerous", Django's signer, "pypaseto", "pyjwt" or others like those.

This project began initially as a Gist but I decided to create a package because I think it can be useful as a small (~600 LoC counting tests), simple (quite straightforward) and fast data signer (see more below).



  • Be safe and secure.
  • Be simple and straightforward.
  • Follow semver.
  • Be always typed.
  • No dependencies (besides dev).
  • 100% coverage.

Secondary goals

  • If possible, maintain current active Python versions (3.7+).


  • Python 3.7+

Versions currently tested (check the pipelines):

  • Python 3.7
  • Python 3.8
  • Python 3.9
  • Python 3.10rc


This module provides three classes:

  • Blake2SerializerSigner: a signer class that handles data serialization, compression and encoding along with signing and timestamped signing.
  • Blake2Signer: a signer class that simply salts, signs and verifies signed data as bytes or string.
  • Blake2TimestampSigner: a signer class that simply salts, signs and verifies signed timestamped data as bytes or string.

You should generally go for Blake2SerializerSigner, given that it's the most versatile of the three.

In all classes you can choose between blake2b (default) or blake2s as hasher: the first one is optimized for 64b platforms and the second, for 8-32b platforms (read more about them in their official site).
The digest size is configurable with a secure minimum of 16 bytes enforced. The secret is enforced to be of a secure minimum size of 16 bytes with no size limit since it's derived to produce the key. Additionally a salt is internally generated for every signature providing non-deterministic signatures by default (deterministic signatures can be generated, if needed).


The following examples are working code and should run as-is.

Tl; Dr

"""Tl;dr example."""

from datetime import timedelta

from blake2signer import Blake2SerializerSigner
from blake2signer import errors

secret = b'secure-secret-that-nobody-knows!'
# some arbitrary data to sign
data = {'message': 'attack at dawn', 'extra': [1, 2, 3, 4]}

# Define same signer to `dumps` and `loads`.
signer = Blake2SerializerSigner(
    secret,  # This is required and should be bytes
    max_age=timedelta(days=1),  # Alternatively use int or float to express seconds
    personalisation=b'the-cookie-signer',  # Always set it different per instance
# The optional parameter `max_age` allows you to set a timestamp in the signature
# and verify it when checking the signature. If more than the given time has passed
# since issuing the signature when checking, then an ExpiredSignatureError
# exception is raised.
# The optional parameter `personalisation` allows you to set a unique value that
# alters the hash result, thus changing the signature. Think of it like a "salt"
# for the secret: it helps defeating the abuse of using the same signed stream
# with different signers that share the same key. It is always a good idea to set
# it uniquely per usage (it doesn't have to be secret nor "random" nor anything
# like that).

# Sign and i.e. store the data in a cookie
signed = signer.dumps(data)  # Compression is enabled by default
# If compressing data turns out to be detrimental then data won't be
# compressed. If you know that from beforehand and don't need compression, you
# can disable it:
# signed = signer.dumps(data, use_compression=False)
# Additionally, you can force compression nevertheless:
# signed = signer.dumps(data, force_compression=True)
cookie = {'data': signed}

# To verify and recover data simply use loads: you will either get the data or
# a `SignerError` subclass exception.
    unsigned = signer.loads(cookie.get('data', ''))
except errors.SignedDataError:  # See more about errors below
    # Can't trust on given data
    unsigned = {}

print(unsigned)  # {'message': 'attack at dawn', 'extra': [1, 2, 3, 4]}

It is always a good idea to set the personalisation parameter which can be any arbitrarily long bytes (it defaults to the class name plus some extra information). This helps defeating the abuse of using a signed stream for different signers that share the same key by changing the digest computation result. See examples of this below and read more about it in the hashlib docs.
For example if you use a signer for cookies set something like b'cookies-signer' or if you use it for some user-related data signing it could be b'user-data-signer', or when used for signing a special value it could be b'the-special-value-signer, etc.

More Examples

Both the secret and personalisation parameters are derived so they have no size limit.
Input data can always be arbitrarily long.

A secure pseudorandom salt of the maximum allowed size for the hasher is generated for each signature internally and can't be manually set, meaning that every produced signature is non-deterministic so even if the payload doesn't change each signed payload will be different and unique. Other packages usually refer to salt as something to add to the secret to prevent signer misuse, but here we have the personalisation parameter for that. It is possible to generate deterministic signatures (meaning, without salt) using the deterministic option when instantiating any signer. For Blake2SerializerSigner this assumes that the serializer and compressor are always deterministic: if that is not true, then the signature won't be deterministic (encoders always are, and provided serializers and compressors are too).

All signers share the following instantiation parameters:

  • secret: Secret value which will be derived using blake2 to produce the signing key.
  • digest_size: Size of output signature (digest) in bytes.
  • personalisation: Personalisation string (which will be derived using blake2) to force the hash function to produce different digests for the same input.
  • hasher: Hash function to use, either blake2b (default) or blake2s.
  • deterministic: Define if signatures are deterministic or non-deterministic (default). Non-deterministic sigs are preferred, and achieved through the use of a random salt. For deterministic sigs, no salt is used: this means that for the same payload, the same sig is obtained (the advantage is that the sig is shorter).

When using unsign or loads always wrap them in a try ... except errors.SignedDataError block to catch all exceptions raised by those methods. Alternatively you can check their docs and catch specific exceptions.
In any case, all exceptions raised by this lib are subclassed from SignerError (unless something very unexpected happens, meaning that you should fill a bug report). Read more about exceptions and errors below.

"""Many usage examples."""

from datetime import timedelta
from secrets import token_hex
from time import sleep

from blake2signer import Blake2SerializerSigner
from blake2signer import Blake2Signer
from blake2signer import Blake2TimestampSigner
from blake2signer import errors

secret = b'ZnVja3RoZXBvbGljZQ'

# Serializing some data structure
data = [{'a': 'b'}, 1] * 10000  # some big data structure
print(len(data))  # 20000

signer = Blake2SerializerSigner(secret)  # without timestamp
signed = signer.dumps(data)
print(len(signed))  # 405  # compression helped reducing size heavily

unsigned = signer.loads(signed)
print(data == unsigned)  # True

signer = Blake2SerializerSigner(  # with timestamp
signed = signer.dumps(data, use_compression=False)  # without compression
print(len(signed))  # 160048

# As a general rule of thumb if you have highly compressible data such
# as human readable text, then you should leave compression enabled.
# Otherwise when dealing with somewhat random data compression won't
# help much (but probably won't hurt either unless you're dealing with
# a huge amount of random data). A check is done when compression is
# enabled and if it turns out to be detrimental then data won't be
# compressed, so you can leave it on as it is by default.
# In this example dumping the output of `token_hex` won't be compressed
# even though it is enabled.
print(len(signer.dumps(token_hex(16))) > len(signer.dumps('a' * 16)))  # True

# However you can force compressing the data, even if the result might actually
# be bigger than it was initially (detrimental compression).
random_data = token_hex(16)
    len(signer.dumps(random_data, force_compression=True)) >
)  # True

# You can also set the desired compression level where 1 is the fastest
# and least compressed and 9 the slowest and most compressed (defaults to 6).
signed = signer.dumps(data, compression_level=1)
print(len(signed))  # 880  # less size reduction
# Since sample data is the same structure repeated many times it's highly
# compressible so even the lowest compression level works excellent here.
# That won't always be the case; the default value is a good balance.

unsigned = signer.loads(signed)
print(data == unsigned)  # True

signer = Blake2SerializerSigner(  # with timestamp and personalisation
except errors.InvalidSignatureError as exc:
    print(repr(exc))  # InvalidSignatureError('signature is not valid')
# Using the `personalisation` parameter made the sig to fail, thus protecting
# signed data to be loaded incorrectly.

# Signing some bytes value
data = b'facundo castro presente'

signer = Blake2Signer(  # without timestamp
    hasher=Blake2Signer.Hashers.blake2s,  # Using Blake2s instead of Blake2b
signed = signer.sign(data)
print(len(signed))  # 75
unsigned = signer.unsign(signed)
print(data == unsigned)  # True

signer = Blake2Signer(secret)
signed = signer.sign(data)
print(len(signed))  # 126
unsigned = signer.unsign(signed)
print(data == unsigned)  # True

t_signer = Blake2TimestampSigner(secret)  # with timestamp
signed = t_signer.sign(data)
print(len(signed))  # 133
unsigned = t_signer.unsign(signed, max_age=10)  # signature is valid if its not
# older than this many seconds (10)
print(data == unsigned)  # True

# The timestamp is checked when unsigning so that if that many seconds
# since the data was signed passed then the signature is considered
# expired. The signature is verified before checking the timestamp so it
# must be valid too.
# You can use both an integer or a float to represent seconds or a
# timedelta with the time value you want.
signed = t_signer.sign(data)
    t_signer.unsign(signed, max_age=timedelta(seconds=2))
except errors.ExpiredSignatureError as exc:
    print(repr(exc))  # ExpiredSignatureError('signed data has expired')

# Preventing misuse of signed data
    t_signer.unsign(signer.sign(data), max_age=5.5)
except errors.InvalidSignatureError as exc:
    print(repr(exc))  # InvalidSignatureError('signature is not valid')
except errors.InvalidSignatureError as exc:
    print(repr(exc))  # InvalidSignatureError('signature is not valid')
# You can't mix and match signers, and that's on purpose. This is because
# internally the personalisation parameter, which changes the computed
# digest, is set to the class name. However you could find your way to
# trick one class into accepting data generated by the other but you
# really shouldn't!.

# Generating deterministic signatures (the same goes for every signer!)
signer = Blake2Signer(secret, deterministic=True)
signed = signer.sign(data)
print(len(signed))  # 46 (a shorter sig is obtained as a consequence)
unsigned = signer.unsign(signed)
print(data == unsigned)  # True
signed2 = signer.sign(data)
print(signed == signed2)  # True

Even though both Blake2Signer and Blake2TimestampSigner accept data as string you should use bytes instead: both classes will try to convert any given string to bytes assuming it's UTF-8 encoded which might not be correct; if you are certain that the string given is UTF-8 then it's OK, otherwise ensure encoding the string correctly and using bytes instead.

Using a custom JSON encoder or custom serializer

You can use a custom JSON encoder or even a custom serializer such as msgpack which is very efficient in size and performance, much better than JSON (half resulting size and more than twice as fast) so it is an excellent choice for a serializer. For keeping JSON as serializer a better choice than the standard library is orjson which is faster.

"""Sample of custom JSON encoder and custom serializer."""

import typing
from decimal import Decimal
from json import JSONEncoder

import msgpack

from blake2signer import Blake2SerializerSigner
from blake2signer.serializers import JSONSerializer
from blake2signer.serializers import SerializerInterface

# Custom JSON encoder
class DecimalJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder):

    def default(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, Decimal):
            return str(o)

        return super().default(o)

class MyJSONSerializer(JSONSerializer):

    def serialize(self, data: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> bytes:
        return super().serialize(data, cls=DecimalJSONEncoder, **kwargs)

secret = b'que-paso-con-Tehuel'
signer = Blake2SerializerSigner(secret, serializer=MyJSONSerializer)

data = {'points': [1, 2, Decimal('3.4')]}
unsigned = signer.loads(signer.dumps(data))
print(unsigned)  # {'points': [1, 2, '3.4']}

# Custom serializer with msgpack (same idea would be for orjson)
class MsgpackSerializer(SerializerInterface):

    def serialize(self, data: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> bytes:
        """Serialize given data as msgpack."""
        return msgpack.packb(data)

    def unserialize(self, data: bytes, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
        """Unserialize given msgpack data."""
        return msgpack.unpackb(data)

signer = Blake2SerializerSigner(secret, serializer=MsgpackSerializer)
data = {'points': [1, 2, 3.4]}
signed = signer.dumps(data)
print(signed)  # ....gaZwb2ludHOTAQLLQAszMzMzMzM
unsigned = signer.loads(signed)
print(unsigned)  # {'points': [1, 2, 3.4]}

Blake2SerializerSigner is quite flexible and can receive a custom serializer, compressor or encoder. You could i.e. create a custom base62 encoder simply inheriting from EncoderInterface, or a custom bzip compressor inheriting from CompressorInterface. You don't need to handle or worry about exceptions: those are caught by the caller class.

On the other hand you can create your own SerializerSigner using provided Blake2SerializerSignerBase and/or any of the mixins: SerializerMixin, CompressorMixin, EncoderMixin or even creating your own mixin inheriting from Mixin. Note that this would be rather advanced, and you should think if this is what you really need to do.

"""Custom serializer signer class example."""

import typing

from blake2signer.serializers import EncoderMixin

class MySerializerSigner(EncoderMixin):

    def dumps(self, data: typing.Any) -> str:
        encoded = self._encode(self._force_bytes(data))

        return self._dumps(encoded).decode()

    def loads(self, signed_data: typing.AnyStr) -> typing.Any:
        unsigned = self._loads(self._force_bytes(signed_data))

        decoded = self._decode(unsigned)

        return decoded.decode()

secret = b'super-secret-value'
signer = MySerializerSigner(secret)
data = 'memoria y justicia'
signed = signer.dumps(data)
print(signed)  # ....bWVtb3JpYSB5IGp1c3RpY2lh
print(signer.loads(signed) == data)  # True

I need to work with raw bytes, but I want compression and encoding

Usually to work with bytes one can choose to use either Blake2Signer or Blake2TimestampSigner. However, if you also want to have compression and encoding, you need Blake2SerializerSigner. The problem now is that JSON doesn't support bytes, so the class as-is won't work. There are two solutions:

  1. Use the MsgpackSerializer created above given that msgpack does handle bytes serialization.
  2. Create your custom serializer that doesn't actually serializes to use it with Blake2SerializerSigner.
  3. Create your custom class inheriting from EncoderMixin and CompressorMixin (this should be a last resort kind of choice, given that it requires writing more code and uses internal API methods).

Here are those examples:

"""Sample of a custom encoder compressor signer class."""

import typing

from blake2signer.serializers import CompressorMixin
from blake2signer.serializers import EncoderMixin

class MyEncoderCompressorSigner(EncoderMixin, CompressorMixin):

    def dumps(self, data: typing.AnyStr) -> str:
        data_bytes = self._force_bytes(data)
        compressed, _ = self._compress(data_bytes, level=6)
        encoded = self._encode(compressed)
        signed = self._dumps(encoded).decode()

        return signed

    def loads(self, signed_data: typing.AnyStr) -> bytes:
        signed_bytes = self._force_bytes(signed_data)
        unsigned = self._loads(signed_bytes)
        decoded = self._decode(unsigned)
        decompressed = self._decompress(decoded)

        return decompressed

secret = b'super-secret-value'
signer = MyEncoderCompressorSigner(secret)
data = b'acab' * 100
signed = signer.dumps(data)
print(len(signed) < len(data))  # True
print(signer.loads(signed) == data)  # True
"""Sample of a custom serializer that doesn't serializes."""

import typing

from blake2signer import Blake2SerializerSigner
from blake2signer.serializers import SerializerInterface
from blake2signer.utils import force_bytes

class MySerializer(SerializerInterface):

    def serialize(self, data: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> bytes:
        """Convert given data to bytes."""
        return force_bytes(data)

    def unserialize(self, data: bytes, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
        """Unserialize given serialized data."""
        return data

secret = b'super-secret-value'
signer = Blake2SerializerSigner(secret, serializer=MySerializer)
data = b'acab' * 100
signed = signer.dumps(data)
print(len(signed) < len(data))  # True
print(signer.loads(signed) == data)  # True

Real use case example

Sign cookies in a FastAPI/Starlette middleware.

"""Sample use case: sign cookies in a FastAPI/Starlette middleware."""

from datetime import timedelta

from fastapi import Request
from fastapi import Response
from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware
from starlette.middleware.base import RequestResponseEndpoint

from blake2signer import Blake2SerializerSigner
from blake2signer.errors import SignedDataError

# from .messages import Messages  # Some class that has the data we want to sign
class Messages:

    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        return self.__dict__

    def from_dict(cls, data: dict) -> 'Messages':
        return cls(**data)

# In this example, that class can be converted to/read from dict.
# It doesn't need to be exactly a dict but any Python type that
# can be JSON encodable (string, number, list/tuple or dict).

SECRET_KEY: bytes = b'myverysecretsecret'
COOKIE_TTL: timedelta = timedelta(days=5)
COOKIE_NAME: str = 'data_cookie'

class CookieHTTPMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware):

    def _signer(self) -> Blake2SerializerSigner:
        return Blake2SerializerSigner(

    def get_cookie_data(self, request: Request) -> Messages:
        signed_data = request.cookies.get(COOKIE_NAME, '')
        messages_data = self._signer.loads(signed_data)  # may raise SignedDataError
        messages = Messages.from_dict(messages_data)
        return messages

    def set_cookie_data(self, messages: Messages, response: Response) -> None:
        data = messages.to_dict()
        signed_data = self._signer.dumps(data)

    async def dispatch(
        request: Request,
        call_next: RequestResponseEndpoint,
    ) -> Response:
            request.state.messages = self.get_cookie_data(request)
        except SignedDataError:  # some tampering, maybe we changed the secret...
            request.state.messages = Messages()

        response = await call_next(request)

        # You may want to implement some change detection mechanism to avoid
        # writing cookies in every response.
        # if changed(request.state.messages):
        self.set_cookie_data(request.state.messages, response)

        return response

The errors module

This module contains all errors and exceptions raised by this lib. Here's the hierarchy tree:

SignerError: base exception
    |-- InvalidOptionError: given option value is out of bounds, has the wrong format or type
    |-- DataError: generic data error
            |-- SignedDataError: error that occurred for *signed data*
            |       |
            |       |-- SignatureError: error encountered while dealing with the signature
            |       |       |
            |       |       |-- InvalidSignatureError: the signature is not valid
            |       |               |
            |       |               |-- ExpiredSignatureError: the signature has expired
            |       |
            |       |-- UnserializationError: given data could not be unserialized
            |       |
            |       |-- DecompressionError: given data could not be decompressed
            |       |
            |       |-- DecodeError: given data could not be decoded
            |       |
            |       |-- ConversionError: given data could not be converted to bytes
            |-- UnsignedDataError: error that occurred for *data to be signed*
                    |-- SerializationError: given data could not be serialized
                    |-- CompressionError: given data could not be compressed
                    |-- EncodeError: given data could not be encoded
                    |-- ConversionError: given data could not be converted to bytes

Comparison with other libs

It's easy to compare this lib to, say, itsdangerous and django. Generally speaking its as fast or a bit faster than the other libs, so you should choose one or the other based on usability and fitting-your-needs rather than performance.

Regarding itsdangerous (1.1.0), I found this lib to be marginally faster (~3%) when compared to it using blake2b or blake2s, quite faster regarding sha256 (~55%), 384 (~15%) and 512 (~15%) and slower regarding sha1 (~15%) (this is most likely due to CPU instructions optimization).

Regarding django (3.1.2), I found this lib to be quite faster (~17%) when compared to it using blake2b or blake2s, incredibly faster regarding sha256 (~92%), 384 (~55%) and 512 (~55%) and marginally faster regarding sha1 (~4%). I have no idea what's going on with Django! It seems its doing too many additional operations. Additionally, its Signer doesn't handle arbitrary bytes well (it breaks raising BadSignature if you use data_b below, so it needs data_s).

"""Timing comparison."""

import json
from hashlib import blake2b
from hashlib import sha1
from hashlib import sha256
from hashlib import sha384
from hashlib import sha512

from django.core import signing
from itsdangerous import Signer
from itsdangerous import URLSafeSerializer

from blake2signer import Blake2SerializerSigner
from blake2signer import Blake2Signer

secret = b'1' * 16
data = [{'a': 'b'}, 1] * 100000  # some big data structure
data_s = json.dumps(data)
data_b = data_s.encode()

b2s = Blake2Signer(secret)
b2ss = Blake2SerializerSigner(secret)
id_b2 = Signer(secret, digest_method=blake2b)
id_s1 = Signer(secret, digest_method=sha1)
id_s256 = Signer(secret, digest_method=sha256)
id_s384 = Signer(secret, digest_method=sha384)
id_s512 = Signer(secret, digest_method=sha512)
djs_b2 = signing.Signer(secret, algorithm='blake2b')
djs_s1 = signing.Signer(secret, algorithm='sha1')
djs_s256 = signing.Signer(secret, algorithm='sha256')
djs_s384 = signing.Signer(secret, algorithm='sha384')
djs_s512 = signing.Signer(secret, algorithm='sha512')
id_b2s = URLSafeSerializer(secret, signer_kwargs={'digest_method': blake2b})

# Using ipython:
%timeit b2s.unsign(b2s.sign(data_b))
%timeit id_b2.unsign(id_b2.sign(data_b))
%timeit id_s1.unsign(id_s1.sign(data_b))
%timeit id_s256.unsign(id_s256.sign(data_b))
%timeit id_s384.unsign(id_s384.sign(data_b))
%timeit id_s512.unsign(id_s512.sign(data_b))
%timeit djs_b2.unsign(djs_b2.sign(data_s))
%timeit djs_s1.unsign(djs_s1.sign(data_s))
%timeit djs_s256.unsign(djs_s256.sign(data_s))
%timeit djs_s384.unsign(djs_s384.sign(data_s))
%timeit djs_s512.unsign(djs_s512.sign(data_s))
%timeit b2ss.loads(b2ss.dumps(data))
%timeit id_b2s.loads(id_b2s.dumps(data))


I'm not a cryptoexpert, so there are some things that remain to be confirmed:

  • If an attacker can control some part (or all) of the input data, is it possible for them to guess the secret key or provoke a DoS given a huge amount of attempts? (assuming the key is long enough to prevent bruteforcing in the first place, which it should since I set the minimum key size to 128b).

    I think it is not possible but I would like an expert answer. I checked the code of different signers such as Itsdangerous, Django, etc. and they all do pretty much the same as I except they use the hmac lib.

  • I always assume that no attacker can influence the instantiation of the classes, thus they can't change any setting. If someone were to break all the given recommendations and somehow manage to get attacker-controlled data to class instantiation, which settings an attacker may change to break the security of this implementation and guess the secret key or compromise the scheme somehow? This is more of an exercise but a fun one.

    I think that Blake2SerializerSigner class is the best target that allows more room to play since it deals with many layers: serialization, compression, encoding...


Blake2Signer is made by HacKan under MPL v2.0. You are free to use, share, modify and share modifications under the terms of that license. Derived works may link back to the canonical repository:

Copyright (C) 2020 HacKan (
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at

CC BY-SA 4.0 Blake2Signer icons by NoonSleeper are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to use, share, modify and share modifications under the terms of that license. They were based on Blake2Signer logo by HacKan which was based on this sword by Hamza Wahbi and this signature by Nick Bluth, both licensed under CC BY 3.0, and inspired by It's dangerous logo.

Check them out in the icons subdir.

Project details

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Source Distribution

blake2signer-1.2.1.tar.gz (46.1 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

blake2signer-1.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (33.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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