Library for using the bleuio dongle.
Project description
Python library v1.4.0 for BleuIO
Supports BleuIO v.2.7.1
NOTE: Does not support 2.2.0 or earlier version of BleuIO firmware
- Added functions for commands introduced up to BleuIO fw version 2.7.1. Following command functions have been added:
- atautoexec() ( _AT+AUTOEXEC )
- atclrautoexec() ( _AT+CLRAUTOEXEC )
- atconnparam() ( _AT+CONNPARAM )
- atgetbond() ( _AT+GETBOND )
- Added support for SUOTA commands introduced in BleuIO fw version 2.4.0
- Fixed a bug when running on MacOS where the serial responses sometimes are returned in two parts instead of just one. The library expected one but can now handle two or more.
- Added support for commands introduced in BleuIO fw version 2.2.2 and 2.3.0
- Fixed a bug where the BLE status variables for connection wasn't updated properly.
- Increased the time trying to connect to the selected Dongle COM port before aborting.
- Supports and makes use of the new Verbose mode introduced 2.2.1
- Install the library by running:
pip install bleuio
- In the python file import:
from bleuio_lib.bleuio_funcs import BleuIO
- Here is an example on how to get started:
# (C) 2023 Smart Sensor Devices AB
import time
from datetime import datetime
from bleuio_lib.bleuio_funcs import BleuIO
# Description
# This is an example script that showcase how to get started with the BleuIO library for Python.
# It will show how to setup callback functions for scan results and events.
# How to send a command and what responses you get and how you can handle them.
# How to start and stop a scan.
# How to start and stop advertising.
# How to check the BLE Status of the dongle.
# Creating a callback function for scan results. For this example we just prints out the result.
# Here you can add your code to parse the data.
def my_scan_callback(scan_input):
print("\n\nmy_evt_callback: " + str(scan_input))
# Creating a callback function for events. For this example we add a timestamp and just prints out the event.
# Here you can add your code to parse the data.
def my_evt_callback(evt_input):
cbTime =
currentTime = cbTime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("\n\n[" + str(currentTime) + "] my_evt_callback: " + str(evt_input))
# Start
# Initiates the dongle. If port param is left as 'auto' it will auto-detect if BleuIO dongle is connected.
# :param port: str
# :param baud: int
# :param timeout: int
# :param debug: bool
# Auto-Detect dongle
my_dongle = BleuIO()
# Specific COM port (Win) 'COMX'
# my_dongle = BleuIo(port='COM7')
# Specific COM port (Linux) 'dev/tty.xxxxx...'
# my_dongle = BleuIo(port='/dev/tty.123546877')
# Specific COM port (Mac) 'dev/cu.xxxx...'
# my_dongle = BleuIo(port='/dev/cu.123546877')
# Registers the callback functions we created earlier.
print("Welcome to Test BleuIO Python Library!\n\n")
# Here we send a simple AT Command. All commands will return a BleuIORESP obj.
# The object have 4 attributes:
# Cmd: Contains the command data.
# Ack: Contains the acknowledge data.
# Rsp: Contains the response data.
# End: Contains the end data.
at_exemple =
# The attributes are in JSON format. Here we we print the different attributes.
) # Not every ccommand has a Response message, AT for example doesn't so this will return an empty list
# We can try with the ATI command, it has information in the Response message.
# An AT command can have several response messages so it will return a list of JSON objects
ati_exemple = my_dongle.ati()
# If we only want to see if the was successful we can do like this:
print("Err: " + str(ati_exemple.Ack["err"]))
# or
print("errMsg: " + str(ati_exemple.Ack["errMsg"]))
# Here is an example on how to scan.
# First we need to put the dongle in Central or Dual Gap Role
# Now we start scanning
resp = my_dongle.at_gapscan()
# We can either send in a timeout as a parameter for the at_gapscan() command or stop the scan when we're done.
# Here we just set a three second sleep then stop scan.
# Notice that all the scan data will be printed by our my_scan_callback() function.
print("stop scan")
# The BLEStatus class can help you keep track of if you are currently advertising for example.
# """A class used to handle BLE Statuses
# :attr isScanning: Keeps track on if dongle is currently scanning.
# :attr isConnected: Keeps track on if dongle is currently connected.
# :attr isAdvertising: Keeps track on if dongle is currently advertising.
# :attr isSPSStreamOn: Keeps track on if dongle is currently in SPS stream mode.
# :attr role: Keeps track of the dongle's current GAP Role.
# """
print("isScanning: " + str(my_dongle.status.isScanning))
print("isConnected: " + str(my_dongle.status.isConnected))
print("isAdvertising: " + str(my_dongle.status.isAdvertising))
print("isSPSStreamOn: " + str(my_dongle.status.isSPSStreamOn))
print("role: " + str(my_dongle.status.role))
# If we start advertising and check isAdvertising we will see that is changes to True.
resp = my_dongle.at_advstart()
print("\nisAdvertising: " + str(my_dongle.status.isAdvertising))
# Here we stop the advertising.
resp = my_dongle.at_advstop()
print("\nisAdvertising: " + str(my_dongle.status.isAdvertising))
class BleuIo(object):
def __init__(self, port='auto', baud=57600, timeout=1, debug=False):
Initiates the dongle. If port param is left as 'auto' it will auto-detect if bleuio dongle is connected. :param port: str
:param baud: int
:param timeout: int
:param debug: bool
def register_scan_cb(self, callback):
"""Registers callback function for recieving scan results.
:param callback: Function with a data parameter. Function will be called for every scan result.
:type callback : hex str
:returns: Scan results.
:rtype: str
def register_evt_cb(self, callback):
"""Registers callback function for recieving events.
:param callback: Function with a data parameter. Function will be called for every event.
:type callback : hex str
:returns: Event results.
:rtype: str
def unregister_scan_cb(self):
"""Unregister the callback function for recieving scan results."""
def unregister_evt_cb(self):
"""Unregister the callback function for recieving events."""
def stop_scan(self):
"""Stops any type of scan.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def stop_sps(self):
"""Stops SPS Stream-mode.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at(self):
"""Basic AT-Command.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def ata(self, isOn):
"""Shows/hides ascii values from notification/indication/read responses.
:param isOn: True=On, False=Off
:type isOn : bool
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def atasps(self, isOn):
"""Toggle between ascii (Off) and hex responses (On) received from SPS.
:param isOn: True=On, False=Off
:type isOn : bool
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def atds(self, isOn):
"""Turns auto discovery of services when connecting on/off.
:param isOn: (boolean) True=On, False=Off
:type isOn : bool
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def ate(self, isOn):
"""Turns Echo on/off.
:param isOn: (boolean) True=On, False=Off
:type isOn : bool
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def ati(self):
"""Device information query.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def atr(self):
"""Trigger platform reset.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_advdata(self, advdata=""):
"""Sets or queries the advertising data.
:param: Sets advertising data. If left empty it will query what advdata is set. Format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.. (max 31 bytes)
:type advdata: hex str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_advdatai(self, advdata):
"""Sets advertising data in a way that lets it be used as an iBeacon.
Example: at_advdatai("5f2dd896-b886-4549-ae01-e41acd7a354a0203010400")
:param: Sets advertising data in iBeacon format. If left empty it will query what advdata is set
:type advdata: hex str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_advstart(self, conn_type="", intv_min="", intv_max="", timer=""):
"""Starts advertising with default settings if no params.
With params: Starts advertising with <conn_type><intv_min><intv_max><timer>.
:param: Starts advertising with default settings.
:type conn_type: str
:type intv_min: str
:type intv_max: str
:type timer: str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_advstop(self):
"""Stops advertising.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_advresp(self, respData=""):
"""Sets or queries scan response data. Data must be provided as hex string.
:param: Sets scan response data. If left empty it will query what advdata is set. Format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.. (max 31 bytes)
:type respData: hex str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_autoexec(self, cmds=""):
"""Sets or displays up to 10 commands that will be run upon the BleuIO starting up. Max command lenght is currently set at 255 characters.
:param: Sets commands. If left empty it will query set commands.
:type cmds: str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_cancel_connect(self):
"""While in Central Mode, cancels any ongoing connection attempts.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_central(self):
"""Sets the device Bluetooth role to central role.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_clearnoti(self, handle):
"""Disables notification for selected characteristic.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_clearindi(self, handle):
"""Disables indication for selected characteristic.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_client(self):
"""Sets the device role towards the targeted connection to client. Only in dual role.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_clrautoexec(self):
"""Clear any commands in the auto execute (AUTOEXEC) list.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_connparam(self, intv_min="", intv_max="", slave_latency="", sup_timeout=""):
"""Sets or displays preferred connection parameters. When run while connected will update connection parameters on the current target connection.
:param intv_min: str
:param intv_max: str
:param slave_latency: str
:param sup_timeout: str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_divicename(self, name=""):
"""Gets or sets the device name.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_dis(self):
"""Shows the DIS Service info and if the DIS info is locked in or can be changed.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_dual(self):
"""Sets the device Bluetooth role to dual role.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_enter_passkey(self, passkey):
"""Respond to Passkey request. When faced with this message: BLE_EVT_GAP_PASSKEY_REQUEST use this command to enter
the 6-digit passkey to continue the pairing request.
:param passkey: str: six-digit number string "XXXXXX"
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_findscandata(self, scandata, timeout=0):
"""Scans for all advertising/response data which contains the search params.
:param scandata: Hex string to filter the advertising/scan response data. Can be left blank to scan for everything. Format XXXX..
:type scandata: str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_frssi(self, rssi):
"""Filters scan results, showing only results with <max_rssi> value or lower.
:param rssi: RSSI value. Must be negative. eg. -67
:type rssi: str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gapaddrtype(self, addr_type=""):
"""Change device Address Type or queries device Address Type.
:param addr_type: Range: 1-5. If left blank queries current Address Type.
:type addr_type: int
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gapconnect(
"""Initiates a connection with a specific slave device. [<addr_type>]<address>=<intv_min>:<intv_max>:<slave_latency>:<sup_timeout>
:param addr: hex str format: [X]XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
:param intv_min: str
:param intv_max: str
:param slave_latency: str
:param sup_timeout: str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gapdisconnect(self):
"""Disconnects from a peer Bluetooth device.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gapdisconnectall(self):
"""Disconnects from all peer Bluetooth devices.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gapiocap(self, io_cap=""):
"""Sets or queries what input and output capabilities the device has. Parameter is number between 0 to 4.
:param io_cap: str: number
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gappair(self, bond=False):
"""Starts a pairing (bond=False) or bonding procedure (bond=True).
:param bond: boolean
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gapunpair(self, addr_to_unpair=""):
"""Unpair paired devices if no parameters else unpair specific device. This will also remove the device bond data
from BLE storage.
Usable both when device is connected and when not.
:param addr_to_unpair: hex str format: [X]XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gapscan(self, timeout=0):
"""Starts a Bluetooth device scan with or without timer set in seconds.
:param: if left empty it will scan indefinitely
:param timeout: int (time in seconds)
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gapstatus(self):
"""Reports the Bluetooth role.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gattcread(self, uuid):
"""Read attribute of remote GATT server.
:param uuid: hex str format: XXXX
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gattcwrite(self, uuid, data):
"""Write attribute to remote GATT server in ASCII.
:param uuid: hex str format: XXXX
:param data: str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gattcwriteb(self, uuid, data):
"""Write attribute to remote GATT server in Hex.
:param uuid: hex str format: XXXX
:param data: hex str format: XXXXXXX..
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gattcwritewr(self, uuid, data):
"""Write, without response, attribute to remote GATT server in ASCII.
:param uuid: hex str format: XXXX
:param data: str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_gattcwritewrb(self, uuid, data):
"""Write, without response, attribute to remote GATT server in Hex.
:param uuid: hex str format: XXXX
:param data: hex str format: XXXXXXX..
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_getbond(self):
"""Displays all MAC address of bonded devices.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_get_conn(self):
"""Gets a list of currently connected devices along with their mac addresses and conn_idx.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_get_mac(self):
"""Returns MAC address of the BleuIO device.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_get_services(self):
"""Discovers all services of a peripheral and their descriptors and characteristics.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_get_servicesonly(self):
"""Discovers a peripherals services.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_get_service_details(self, uuid):
"""Discovers all characteristics and descriptors of a selected service.
:param uuid: hex str format: XXXX
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_indi(self):
"""Show list of set indication handles.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_noti(self):
"""Show list of set notification handles.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_numcompa(self, auto_accept="2"):
"""Used for accepting a numeric comparison authentication request (no params) or enabling/disabling auto-accepting
numeric comparisons. auto_accept="0" = off, auto_accept="1" = on.
:param auto_accept: str format: "0" or "1"
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_peripheral(self):
"""Sets the device Bluetooth role to peripheral.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_scantarget(self, addr):
"""Scan a target device. Displaying it's advertising and response data as it updates.
:param addr: hex str format: "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_sec_lvl(self, sec_lvl=""):
"""Sets or queries (no params) what minimum security level will be used when connected to other devices.
:param sec_lvl: str: string number between 0 and 4
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_server(self):
"""Sets the device role towards the targeted connection to server. Only in dual role.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_setdis(self, manuf, model_num, serial_num, hw_rev, fw_rev, sw_rev):
"""Sets the DIS Service info.
:param manuf: str
:param model_num: str
:param serial_num: str
:param hw_rev: str
:param fw_rev: str
:param sw_rev: str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_set_noti(self, handle):
"""Enable notification for selected characteristic.
:param handle: hex str format: "xxxx"
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_set_indi(self, handle):
"""Enable indication for selected characteristic.
:param handle: hex str format: "xxxx"
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_set_passkey(self, passkey=""):
"""Setting or quering set passkey (no params) for passkey authentication.
:param passkey: hex str format: "xxxxxx"
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_show_rssi(self, show_rssi=True):
"""Shows/hides RSSI in AT+FINDSCANDATA and AT+SCANTARGET scans.
:param show_rssi: bool
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_spssend(self, data=""):
"""Send a message or data via the SPS profile.
Without parameters it opens a stream for continiously sending data.
:param: if left empty it will open Streaming mode
:type data: str or None
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_target_conn(self, conn_idx=""):
"""Set or quering the connection index which is the targeted connection.
:param conn_idx: connection index, format: xxxx
:type conn_idx : hex str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_scanfilter(self, sftype: str = None, value: str = ""):
"""Sets or queries the scanfilter. There are three types of scanfilter, filter by name, filter by uuid or by manufacturer specific ID.
:param sftype: scan filter parameter type
:type sftype : str
:param value: value
:type value : str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_customservice(self, idx: int = None, cstype: str = None, value: str = ""):
"""Sets or queries Custom Service. Max 5 Characteristics can be added.
Several values cannot be changed while connected/connecting or advertising.
:param idx: service index
:type idx : number
:param cstype: custom service parameter type
:type cstype : str
:param value: value
:type value : str
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_customservice_start(self):
"""Starts the Custom Service based on the settings set by AT+CUSTOMSERVICE= Command.
Cannot be started while connected/connecting or advertising
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_customservice_stop(self):
"""Stops the Custom Service.
Cannot be changed while connected/connecting or advertising.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_customservice_reset(self):
"""Stops the Custom Service and resets the Custom Service settings set by the AT+CUSTOMSERVICE= command to it's default values.
Cannot be changed while connected/connecting or advertising..
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_suota_start(self):
"""Enables the SUOTA Service and start the SUOTA Advertising.
Cannot be started while connected/connecting or advertising.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def at_suota_stop(self):
"""Disables the SUOTA Service and stops the SUOTA Advertising.
Cannot be used while connected/connecting.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype: obj BleuIORESP
def help(self):
"""Shows all AT-Commands.
:returns: Object with 4 object properties: Cmd, Ack, Rsp and End. Each property contains a JSON object, except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects. except for Rsp which contains a list of JSON objects.
:rtype obj BleuIORESP
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Details for the file bleuio-1.4.0-py3-none-any.whl
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- Download URL: bleuio-1.4.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 21.3 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.0.0 CPython/3.8.1
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Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 85c8b51cf740c1a6505bfddc23a4e2ea43411ebfb3af14a9897dba3cc89a3364 |
MD5 | 6f702ee635457f6df083d3bba7f94ca3 |
BLAKE2b-256 | ddf60c952712bb11df5828aee98bc80b2e838be1606665d116fcd754fc38a0f9 |