Package for BTAS 2016 paper on ASV-PAD systems
Project description
Reproducing results of paper published in BTAS 2016
This package is part of the Bob toolkit and it allows to reproduce the following paper:
@inproceedings{KorshunovBtas2016j, author = {P. Korshunov AND S. Marcel}, title = {Joint Operation of Voice Biometrics and Presentation Attack Detection}, year = {2016}, month = sep, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS)}, address = {Niagara Falls, NY, USA}, }
If you use this package and/or its results, please cite the paper.
The installation instructions are based on conda and works on Linux and Mac OS systems only Install conda before continuing.
Once you have installed conda, download the source code of this paper and unpack it. Then, you can create a conda environment with the following command:
$ cd bob.paper.btas_j2016 $ conda env create -f environment.yml $ source activate bob.paper.btas_j2016 # activate the environment $ python -c "import" # test the installation $ buildout
This will install all the required software to reproduce this paper.
For further documentation on this package, please read the Documentation. For a list of tutorials on this or the other packages of Bob, or information on submitting issues, asking questions and starting discussions, please visit its website.
Project details
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