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Type annotations for boto3 1.17.89, generated by mypy-boto3-buider 4.15.0

Project description


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Type annotations for boto3 1.17.89 compatible with VSCode, PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, mypy, pyright and other tools.

Generated by mypy-boto3-buider 4.15.0.

See how it helps to find and fix potential bugs:

boto3-stubs demo

How to install


Install boto3-stubs, to add type annotations for boto3 package.

# install type annotations just for boto3
python -m pip install boto3-stubs

# install `boto3` type annotations
# for ec2, s3, rds, lambda, sqs, dynamo and cloudformation
# Consumes ~7 MB of space
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[essential]'

# or install annotations for services you use
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[acm,apigateway]'

How to uninstall

# uninstall boto3-stubs
python -m pip uninstall -y boto3-stubs

# uninstall submodules
python -m pip freeze | grep mypy-boto3 | xargs python -m pip uninstall -y



  • Install Python extension
  • Install Pylance extension
  • Set Pylance as your Python Language Server
  • Install boto-stubs with services you use in your environment: python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[s3,ec2]'

Both type checking and auto-complete should work for installed boto3 services. No explicit type annotations required, write your boto3 code as usual.


  • Install boto-stubs with services you use in your environment: python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[s3,ec2]'
  • Install mypy_boto3_builder: pip install mypy_boto3_builder
  • Generate stubs in <project_root>/typings directory for services you use
python -m mypy_boto3_builder --installed --skip-services typings -d -s s3 ec2

Since stubs are stored in your project root, you do not need to re-generate them after update.


(use-package lsp-pyright
  :ensure t
  :hook (python-mode . (lambda ()
                          (require 'lsp-pyright)
                          (lsp)))  ; or lsp-deferred
  :init (when (executable-find "python3")
          (setq lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd "python3"))
  • Make sure emacs uses the environment where you have installed boto3-stubs

Sublime Text

  • Install boto-stubs with services you use in your environment: python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[s3,ec2]'
  • Install LSP-pyright package
  • Make sure emacs uses the environment where you have installed boto3-stubs

Other IDEs

Not tested, but as long as your IDE support mypy or pyright, everything should work.


  • Install mypy: python -m pip install mypy
  • Install boto-stubs with services you use in your environment: python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[s3,ec2]'
  • Run mypy as usual

Type checking should work for installed boto3 services. No explicit type annotations required, write your boto3 code as usual.


  • Install pyright: yarn global add pyright
  • Install boto-stubs with services you use in your environment: python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[s3,ec2]'
  • Optionally, you can install boto3-stubs to typings folder.

Type checking should work for installed boto3 services. No explicit type annotations required, write your boto3 code as usual.

Explicit type annotations

To speed up type checking and auto-complete, you can set types explicitly.

import boto3
from boto3.session import Session

import mypy_boto3_ec2.client import EC2Client
import mypy_boto3_ec2.service_resource import EC2ServiceResource
import mypy_boto3_ec2.waiter import BundleTaskCompleteWaiter
import mypy_boto3_ec2.paginator import DescribeVolumesPaginator

session = Session(region_name="us-west-1")

ec2_client: EC2Client = boto3.client("ec2", region_name="us-west-1")
ec2_resource: EC2ServiceResource = session.resource("ec2")

bundle_task_complete_waiter: BundleTaskCompleteWaiter = ec2_client.get_waiter("bundle_task_complete")
describe_volumes_paginator: DescribeVolumesPaginator = ec2_client.get_paginator("describe_volumes")

Pylint compatibility

It is totally safe to use TYPE_CHECKING flag in order to avoid boto3-stubs dependency in production. However, there is an issue in pylint that it complains about undefined variables. To fix it, set all types to object in non-TYPE_CHECKING mode.

import boto3
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from mypy_boto3_ec2 import EC2Client, EC2ServiceResource
    from mypy_boto3_ec2.waiters import BundleTaskCompleteWaiter
    from mypy_boto3_ec2.paginators import DescribeVolumesPaginator
    EC2Client = object
    EC2ServiceResource = object
    BundleTaskCompleteWaiter = object
    DescribeVolumesPaginator = object


How it works

Fully automated mypy-boto3-builder carefully generates type annotations for each service, patiently waiting for boto3 updates. It delivers a drop-in type annotations for you and makes sure that:

  • All available boto3 services are covered.
  • Each public class and method of every boto3 service gets valid type annotations extracted from the documentation (blame botocore docs if types are incorrect).
  • Type annotations include up-to-date documentation.
  • Link to documentation is provided for every method.
  • Code is processed by black and isort for readability.

What's new

Implemented features

  • Fully type annotated boto3 library
  • mypy, pyright, VSCode, PyCharm, Sublime Text and Emacs compatibility
  • Client type annotations for each service
  • ServiceResource type annotations for each service
  • Resource type annotations for each service
  • Waiter type annotations for each service
  • Paginator type annotations for each service
  • Generated TypeDefs for each service
  • Auto discovery of types for boto3.client and boto3.session calls
  • Auto discovery of types for session.client and session.session calls
  • Auto discovery of types for client.get_waiter and client.get_paginator calls
  • Auto discovery of types for ServiceResource and Resource collections

Latest changes

Builder changelog can be found in Releases.


boto3-stubs version is the same as related boto3 version and follows PEP 440 format.

Thank you



  • boto3-stubs[all] - Type annotations for all 269 services.
  • boto3-stubs[essential] - Type annotations for CloudFormation, DynamoDB, EC2, Lambda, RDS, S3 and SQS services.
  • boto3-stubs[accessanalyzer] - Type annotations for AccessAnalyzer service.
  • boto3-stubs[acm] - Type annotations for ACM service.
  • boto3-stubs[acm-pca] - Type annotations for ACMPCA service.
  • boto3-stubs[alexaforbusiness] - Type annotations for AlexaForBusiness service.
  • boto3-stubs[amp] - Type annotations for PrometheusService service.
  • boto3-stubs[amplify] - Type annotations for Amplify service.
  • boto3-stubs[amplifybackend] - Type annotations for AmplifyBackend service.
  • boto3-stubs[apigateway] - Type annotations for APIGateway service.
  • boto3-stubs[apigatewaymanagementapi] - Type annotations for ApiGatewayManagementApi service.
  • boto3-stubs[apigatewayv2] - Type annotations for ApiGatewayV2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[appconfig] - Type annotations for AppConfig service.
  • boto3-stubs[appflow] - Type annotations for Appflow service.
  • boto3-stubs[appintegrations] - Type annotations for AppIntegrationsService service.
  • boto3-stubs[application-autoscaling] - Type annotations for ApplicationAutoScaling service.
  • boto3-stubs[application-insights] - Type annotations for ApplicationInsights service.
  • boto3-stubs[applicationcostprofiler] - Type annotations for ApplicationCostProfiler service.
  • boto3-stubs[appmesh] - Type annotations for AppMesh service.
  • boto3-stubs[apprunner] - Type annotations for AppRunner service.
  • boto3-stubs[appstream] - Type annotations for AppStream service.
  • boto3-stubs[appsync] - Type annotations for AppSync service.
  • boto3-stubs[athena] - Type annotations for Athena service.
  • boto3-stubs[auditmanager] - Type annotations for AuditManager service.
  • boto3-stubs[autoscaling] - Type annotations for AutoScaling service.
  • boto3-stubs[autoscaling-plans] - Type annotations for AutoScalingPlans service.
  • boto3-stubs[backup] - Type annotations for Backup service.
  • boto3-stubs[batch] - Type annotations for Batch service.
  • boto3-stubs[braket] - Type annotations for Braket service.
  • boto3-stubs[budgets] - Type annotations for Budgets service.
  • boto3-stubs[ce] - Type annotations for CostExplorer service.
  • boto3-stubs[chime] - Type annotations for Chime service.
  • boto3-stubs[cloud9] - Type annotations for Cloud9 service.
  • boto3-stubs[clouddirectory] - Type annotations for CloudDirectory service.
  • boto3-stubs[cloudformation] - Type annotations for CloudFormation service.
  • boto3-stubs[cloudfront] - Type annotations for CloudFront service.
  • boto3-stubs[cloudhsm] - Type annotations for CloudHSM service.
  • boto3-stubs[cloudhsmv2] - Type annotations for CloudHSMV2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[cloudsearch] - Type annotations for CloudSearch service.
  • boto3-stubs[cloudsearchdomain] - Type annotations for CloudSearchDomain service.
  • boto3-stubs[cloudtrail] - Type annotations for CloudTrail service.
  • boto3-stubs[cloudwatch] - Type annotations for CloudWatch service.
  • boto3-stubs[codeartifact] - Type annotations for CodeArtifact service.
  • boto3-stubs[codebuild] - Type annotations for CodeBuild service.
  • boto3-stubs[codecommit] - Type annotations for CodeCommit service.
  • boto3-stubs[codedeploy] - Type annotations for CodeDeploy service.
  • boto3-stubs[codeguru-reviewer] - Type annotations for CodeGuruReviewer service.
  • boto3-stubs[codeguruprofiler] - Type annotations for CodeGuruProfiler service.
  • boto3-stubs[codepipeline] - Type annotations for CodePipeline service.
  • boto3-stubs[codestar] - Type annotations for CodeStar service.
  • boto3-stubs[codestar-connections] - Type annotations for CodeStarconnections service.
  • boto3-stubs[codestar-notifications] - Type annotations for CodeStarNotifications service.
  • boto3-stubs[cognito-identity] - Type annotations for CognitoIdentity service.
  • boto3-stubs[cognito-idp] - Type annotations for CognitoIdentityProvider service.
  • boto3-stubs[cognito-sync] - Type annotations for CognitoSync service.
  • boto3-stubs[comprehend] - Type annotations for Comprehend service.
  • boto3-stubs[comprehendmedical] - Type annotations for ComprehendMedical service.
  • boto3-stubs[compute-optimizer] - Type annotations for ComputeOptimizer service.
  • boto3-stubs[config] - Type annotations for ConfigService service.
  • boto3-stubs[connect] - Type annotations for Connect service.
  • boto3-stubs[connect-contact-lens] - Type annotations for ConnectContactLens service.
  • boto3-stubs[connectparticipant] - Type annotations for ConnectParticipant service.
  • boto3-stubs[cur] - Type annotations for CostandUsageReportService service.
  • boto3-stubs[customer-profiles] - Type annotations for CustomerProfiles service.
  • boto3-stubs[databrew] - Type annotations for GlueDataBrew service.
  • boto3-stubs[dataexchange] - Type annotations for DataExchange service.
  • boto3-stubs[datapipeline] - Type annotations for DataPipeline service.
  • boto3-stubs[datasync] - Type annotations for DataSync service.
  • boto3-stubs[dax] - Type annotations for DAX service.
  • boto3-stubs[detective] - Type annotations for Detective service.
  • boto3-stubs[devicefarm] - Type annotations for DeviceFarm service.
  • boto3-stubs[devops-guru] - Type annotations for DevOpsGuru service.
  • boto3-stubs[directconnect] - Type annotations for DirectConnect service.
  • boto3-stubs[discovery] - Type annotations for ApplicationDiscoveryService service.
  • boto3-stubs[dlm] - Type annotations for DLM service.
  • boto3-stubs[dms] - Type annotations for DatabaseMigrationService service.
  • boto3-stubs[docdb] - Type annotations for DocDB service.
  • boto3-stubs[ds] - Type annotations for DirectoryService service.
  • boto3-stubs[dynamodb] - Type annotations for DynamoDB service.
  • boto3-stubs[dynamodbstreams] - Type annotations for DynamoDBStreams service.
  • boto3-stubs[ebs] - Type annotations for EBS service.
  • boto3-stubs[ec2] - Type annotations for EC2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[ec2-instance-connect] - Type annotations for EC2InstanceConnect service.
  • boto3-stubs[ecr] - Type annotations for ECR service.
  • boto3-stubs[ecr-public] - Type annotations for ECRPublic service.
  • boto3-stubs[ecs] - Type annotations for ECS service.
  • boto3-stubs[efs] - Type annotations for EFS service.
  • boto3-stubs[eks] - Type annotations for EKS service.
  • boto3-stubs[elastic-inference] - Type annotations for ElasticInference service.
  • boto3-stubs[elasticache] - Type annotations for ElastiCache service.
  • boto3-stubs[elasticbeanstalk] - Type annotations for ElasticBeanstalk service.
  • boto3-stubs[elastictranscoder] - Type annotations for ElasticTranscoder service.
  • boto3-stubs[elb] - Type annotations for ElasticLoadBalancing service.
  • boto3-stubs[elbv2] - Type annotations for ElasticLoadBalancingv2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[emr] - Type annotations for EMR service.
  • boto3-stubs[emr-containers] - Type annotations for EMRContainers service.
  • boto3-stubs[es] - Type annotations for ElasticsearchService service.
  • boto3-stubs[events] - Type annotations for EventBridge service.
  • boto3-stubs[finspace] - Type annotations for finspace service.
  • boto3-stubs[finspace-data] - Type annotations for FinSpaceData service.
  • boto3-stubs[firehose] - Type annotations for Firehose service.
  • boto3-stubs[fis] - Type annotations for FIS service.
  • boto3-stubs[fms] - Type annotations for FMS service.
  • boto3-stubs[forecast] - Type annotations for ForecastService service.
  • boto3-stubs[forecastquery] - Type annotations for ForecastQueryService service.
  • boto3-stubs[frauddetector] - Type annotations for FraudDetector service.
  • boto3-stubs[fsx] - Type annotations for FSx service.
  • boto3-stubs[gamelift] - Type annotations for GameLift service.
  • boto3-stubs[glacier] - Type annotations for Glacier service.
  • boto3-stubs[globalaccelerator] - Type annotations for GlobalAccelerator service.
  • boto3-stubs[glue] - Type annotations for Glue service.
  • boto3-stubs[greengrass] - Type annotations for Greengrass service.
  • boto3-stubs[greengrassv2] - Type annotations for GreengrassV2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[groundstation] - Type annotations for GroundStation service.
  • boto3-stubs[guardduty] - Type annotations for GuardDuty service.
  • boto3-stubs[health] - Type annotations for Health service.
  • boto3-stubs[healthlake] - Type annotations for HealthLake service.
  • boto3-stubs[honeycode] - Type annotations for Honeycode service.
  • boto3-stubs[iam] - Type annotations for IAM service.
  • boto3-stubs[identitystore] - Type annotations for IdentityStore service.
  • boto3-stubs[imagebuilder] - Type annotations for imagebuilder service.
  • boto3-stubs[importexport] - Type annotations for ImportExport service.
  • boto3-stubs[inspector] - Type annotations for Inspector service.
  • boto3-stubs[iot] - Type annotations for IoT service.
  • boto3-stubs[iot-data] - Type annotations for IoTDataPlane service.
  • boto3-stubs[iot-jobs-data] - Type annotations for IoTJobsDataPlane service.
  • boto3-stubs[iot1click-devices] - Type annotations for IoT1ClickDevicesService service.
  • boto3-stubs[iot1click-projects] - Type annotations for IoT1ClickProjects service.
  • boto3-stubs[iotanalytics] - Type annotations for IoTAnalytics service.
  • boto3-stubs[iotdeviceadvisor] - Type annotations for IoTDeviceAdvisor service.
  • boto3-stubs[iotevents] - Type annotations for IoTEvents service.
  • boto3-stubs[iotevents-data] - Type annotations for IoTEventsData service.
  • boto3-stubs[iotfleethub] - Type annotations for IoTFleetHub service.
  • boto3-stubs[iotsecuretunneling] - Type annotations for IoTSecureTunneling service.
  • boto3-stubs[iotsitewise] - Type annotations for IoTSiteWise service.
  • boto3-stubs[iotthingsgraph] - Type annotations for IoTThingsGraph service.
  • boto3-stubs[iotwireless] - Type annotations for IoTWireless service.
  • boto3-stubs[ivs] - Type annotations for IVS service.
  • boto3-stubs[kafka] - Type annotations for Kafka service.
  • boto3-stubs[kendra] - Type annotations for kendra service.
  • boto3-stubs[kinesis] - Type annotations for Kinesis service.
  • boto3-stubs[kinesis-video-archived-media] - Type annotations for KinesisVideoArchivedMedia service.
  • boto3-stubs[kinesis-video-media] - Type annotations for KinesisVideoMedia service.
  • boto3-stubs[kinesis-video-signaling] - Type annotations for KinesisVideoSignalingChannels service.
  • boto3-stubs[kinesisanalytics] - Type annotations for KinesisAnalytics service.
  • boto3-stubs[kinesisanalyticsv2] - Type annotations for KinesisAnalyticsV2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[kinesisvideo] - Type annotations for KinesisVideo service.
  • boto3-stubs[kms] - Type annotations for KMS service.
  • boto3-stubs[lakeformation] - Type annotations for LakeFormation service.
  • boto3-stubs[lambda] - Type annotations for Lambda service.
  • boto3-stubs[lex-models] - Type annotations for LexModelBuildingService service.
  • boto3-stubs[lex-runtime] - Type annotations for LexRuntimeService service.
  • boto3-stubs[lexv2-models] - Type annotations for LexModelsV2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[lexv2-runtime] - Type annotations for LexRuntimeV2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[license-manager] - Type annotations for LicenseManager service.
  • boto3-stubs[lightsail] - Type annotations for Lightsail service.
  • boto3-stubs[location] - Type annotations for LocationService service.
  • boto3-stubs[logs] - Type annotations for CloudWatchLogs service.
  • boto3-stubs[lookoutequipment] - Type annotations for LookoutEquipment service.
  • boto3-stubs[lookoutmetrics] - Type annotations for LookoutMetrics service.
  • boto3-stubs[lookoutvision] - Type annotations for LookoutforVision service.
  • boto3-stubs[machinelearning] - Type annotations for MachineLearning service.
  • boto3-stubs[macie] - Type annotations for Macie service.
  • boto3-stubs[macie2] - Type annotations for Macie2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[managedblockchain] - Type annotations for ManagedBlockchain service.
  • boto3-stubs[marketplace-catalog] - Type annotations for MarketplaceCatalog service.
  • boto3-stubs[marketplace-entitlement] - Type annotations for MarketplaceEntitlementService service.
  • boto3-stubs[marketplacecommerceanalytics] - Type annotations for MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics service.
  • boto3-stubs[mediaconnect] - Type annotations for MediaConnect service.
  • boto3-stubs[mediaconvert] - Type annotations for MediaConvert service.
  • boto3-stubs[medialive] - Type annotations for MediaLive service.
  • boto3-stubs[mediapackage] - Type annotations for MediaPackage service.
  • boto3-stubs[mediapackage-vod] - Type annotations for MediaPackageVod service.
  • boto3-stubs[mediastore] - Type annotations for MediaStore service.
  • boto3-stubs[mediastore-data] - Type annotations for MediaStoreData service.
  • boto3-stubs[mediatailor] - Type annotations for MediaTailor service.
  • boto3-stubs[meteringmarketplace] - Type annotations for MarketplaceMetering service.
  • boto3-stubs[mgh] - Type annotations for MigrationHub service.
  • boto3-stubs[mgn] - Type annotations for mgn service.
  • boto3-stubs[migrationhub-config] - Type annotations for MigrationHubConfig service.
  • boto3-stubs[mobile] - Type annotations for Mobile service.
  • boto3-stubs[mq] - Type annotations for MQ service.
  • boto3-stubs[mturk] - Type annotations for MTurk service.
  • boto3-stubs[mwaa] - Type annotations for MWAA service.
  • boto3-stubs[neptune] - Type annotations for Neptune service.
  • boto3-stubs[network-firewall] - Type annotations for NetworkFirewall service.
  • boto3-stubs[networkmanager] - Type annotations for NetworkManager service.
  • boto3-stubs[nimble] - Type annotations for NimbleStudio service.
  • boto3-stubs[opsworks] - Type annotations for OpsWorks service.
  • boto3-stubs[opsworkscm] - Type annotations for OpsWorksCM service.
  • boto3-stubs[organizations] - Type annotations for Organizations service.
  • boto3-stubs[outposts] - Type annotations for Outposts service.
  • boto3-stubs[personalize] - Type annotations for Personalize service.
  • boto3-stubs[personalize-events] - Type annotations for PersonalizeEvents service.
  • boto3-stubs[personalize-runtime] - Type annotations for PersonalizeRuntime service.
  • boto3-stubs[pi] - Type annotations for PI service.
  • boto3-stubs[pinpoint] - Type annotations for Pinpoint service.
  • boto3-stubs[pinpoint-email] - Type annotations for PinpointEmail service.
  • boto3-stubs[pinpoint-sms-voice] - Type annotations for PinpointSMSVoice service.
  • boto3-stubs[polly] - Type annotations for Polly service.
  • boto3-stubs[pricing] - Type annotations for Pricing service.
  • boto3-stubs[qldb] - Type annotations for QLDB service.
  • boto3-stubs[qldb-session] - Type annotations for QLDBSession service.
  • boto3-stubs[quicksight] - Type annotations for QuickSight service.
  • boto3-stubs[ram] - Type annotations for RAM service.
  • boto3-stubs[rds] - Type annotations for RDS service.
  • boto3-stubs[rds-data] - Type annotations for RDSDataService service.
  • boto3-stubs[redshift] - Type annotations for Redshift service.
  • boto3-stubs[redshift-data] - Type annotations for RedshiftDataAPIService service.
  • boto3-stubs[rekognition] - Type annotations for Rekognition service.
  • boto3-stubs[resource-groups] - Type annotations for ResourceGroups service.
  • boto3-stubs[resourcegroupstaggingapi] - Type annotations for ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI service.
  • boto3-stubs[robomaker] - Type annotations for RoboMaker service.
  • boto3-stubs[route53] - Type annotations for Route53 service.
  • boto3-stubs[route53domains] - Type annotations for Route53Domains service.
  • boto3-stubs[route53resolver] - Type annotations for Route53Resolver service.
  • boto3-stubs[s3] - Type annotations for S3 service.
  • boto3-stubs[s3control] - Type annotations for S3Control service.
  • boto3-stubs[s3outposts] - Type annotations for S3Outposts service.
  • boto3-stubs[sagemaker] - Type annotations for SageMaker service.
  • boto3-stubs[sagemaker-a2i-runtime] - Type annotations for AugmentedAIRuntime service.
  • boto3-stubs[sagemaker-edge] - Type annotations for SagemakerEdgeManager service.
  • boto3-stubs[sagemaker-featurestore-runtime] - Type annotations for SageMakerFeatureStoreRuntime service.
  • boto3-stubs[sagemaker-runtime] - Type annotations for SageMakerRuntime service.
  • boto3-stubs[savingsplans] - Type annotations for SavingsPlans service.
  • boto3-stubs[schemas] - Type annotations for Schemas service.
  • boto3-stubs[sdb] - Type annotations for SimpleDB service.
  • boto3-stubs[secretsmanager] - Type annotations for SecretsManager service.
  • boto3-stubs[securityhub] - Type annotations for SecurityHub service.
  • boto3-stubs[serverlessrepo] - Type annotations for ServerlessApplicationRepository service.
  • boto3-stubs[service-quotas] - Type annotations for ServiceQuotas service.
  • boto3-stubs[servicecatalog] - Type annotations for ServiceCatalog service.
  • boto3-stubs[servicecatalog-appregistry] - Type annotations for AppRegistry service.
  • boto3-stubs[servicediscovery] - Type annotations for ServiceDiscovery service.
  • boto3-stubs[ses] - Type annotations for SES service.
  • boto3-stubs[sesv2] - Type annotations for SESV2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[shield] - Type annotations for Shield service.
  • boto3-stubs[signer] - Type annotations for signer service.
  • boto3-stubs[sms] - Type annotations for SMS service.
  • boto3-stubs[sms-voice] - Type annotations for PinpointSMSVoice service.
  • boto3-stubs[snowball] - Type annotations for Snowball service.
  • boto3-stubs[sns] - Type annotations for SNS service.
  • boto3-stubs[sqs] - Type annotations for SQS service.
  • boto3-stubs[ssm] - Type annotations for SSM service.
  • boto3-stubs[ssm-contacts] - Type annotations for SSMContacts service.
  • boto3-stubs[ssm-incidents] - Type annotations for SSMIncidents service.
  • boto3-stubs[sso] - Type annotations for SSO service.
  • boto3-stubs[sso-admin] - Type annotations for SSOAdmin service.
  • boto3-stubs[sso-oidc] - Type annotations for SSOOIDC service.
  • boto3-stubs[stepfunctions] - Type annotations for SFN service.
  • boto3-stubs[storagegateway] - Type annotations for StorageGateway service.
  • boto3-stubs[sts] - Type annotations for STS service.
  • boto3-stubs[support] - Type annotations for Support service.
  • boto3-stubs[swf] - Type annotations for SWF service.
  • boto3-stubs[synthetics] - Type annotations for Synthetics service.
  • boto3-stubs[textract] - Type annotations for Textract service.
  • boto3-stubs[timestream-query] - Type annotations for TimestreamQuery service.
  • boto3-stubs[timestream-write] - Type annotations for TimestreamWrite service.
  • boto3-stubs[transcribe] - Type annotations for TranscribeService service.
  • boto3-stubs[transfer] - Type annotations for Transfer service.
  • boto3-stubs[translate] - Type annotations for Translate service.
  • boto3-stubs[waf] - Type annotations for WAF service.
  • boto3-stubs[waf-regional] - Type annotations for WAFRegional service.
  • boto3-stubs[wafv2] - Type annotations for WAFV2 service.
  • boto3-stubs[wellarchitected] - Type annotations for WellArchitected service.
  • boto3-stubs[workdocs] - Type annotations for WorkDocs service.
  • boto3-stubs[worklink] - Type annotations for WorkLink service.
  • boto3-stubs[workmail] - Type annotations for WorkMail service.
  • boto3-stubs[workmailmessageflow] - Type annotations for WorkMailMessageFlow service.
  • boto3-stubs[workspaces] - Type annotations for WorkSpaces service.
  • boto3-stubs[xray] - Type annotations for XRay service.


All services type annotations can be found in boto3-stubs docs

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This package is auto-generated. Please reports any bugs or request new features in mypy-boto3-builder repository.

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Source Distribution

boto3-stubs-1.17.89.tar.gz (66.2 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

boto3_stubs-1.17.89-py3-none-any.whl (50.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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