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DDB front-end for SQL engines

Project description


Document databases may prove out to be more convenient than relational ones for programs that operate with a large set of objects with different parameters. With document database you do not need to develop the database scheme, just toss objects with complex structure to the database and retreive them by any search criteria. For example, this approach may be useful for music players (store tracks/albums/artists as objects with cross-references and references to real files), project management software, bug tracking systems and so on.

This package is, in effect, a wrapper, which makes the relational database engine look like DDB. Of course, this approach has its drawbacks - noticeable overhead and slow store/retreive operations. But it gives fast search, transaction support and all features of chosen relational DB engine (like DB server, secure access, replication and other stuff) for free. Plus, all DB engines are constantly improving without my attention - isn’t it cool?

This package is in beta state now. You can find all planned tasks in todo.rst (not included in distribution, get it from master branch). I will appreciate any comments and bug reports, from grammar and spelling errors in documentation to flaws in module architecture.

Quick start

This section will show only the simple usage examples. For exhaustive information please consult the Reference entries for corresponding functions.

Basic functions

First, import the module:

>>> import brain

Then we will need to connect to existing database or create the new one. In this example we will use the default DB engine (sqlite3) and in-memory database. First None stands for so called “engine tag” (which identifies DB engine to use), and the second one stands for DB name (which is mandatory for sqlite3 engine).

>>> conn = brain.connect(None, None)

Now we can create some objects. Objects are identified by their IDs, which are intended to be opaque. The only thing that the end user should know is that they can be stored in database too.

>>> id1 = conn.create({'a': 1, 'b': 1.345})
>>> id2 = conn.create({'id1': id1, 'list': [1, 2, 'some_value']})

These objects can be read from database:

>>> data1 =
>>> print(data1)
{'a': 1, 'b': 1.345}
>>> data2 =
>>> print(data2)
{'list': [1, 2, 'some_value'], 'id1': 1}

You can see that the object ID is, in fact, a simple integer. It is true for sqlite3 engine, but each engine can use its own ID format.

The next function is Connection.modify(); it allows us to change the contents of the object.

>>> conn.modify(id1, ['a'], 2)
>>> data1 =
>>> print(data1)
{'a': 2, 'b': 1.345}

Its first argument is object ID, second one is is the path to some place inside object and the third one is the value to store (can be either some simple type or data structure). Path is a list, whose elements can be strings, integers or Nones. String element corresponds to key in dictionary, integer to list index, and None to list mask.

You may have noticed that the second object contains a list. New elements can be added to list in two ways - either using Connection.modify() with path, specifying list index to create, or inserting new element to some place in list:

>>> conn.modify(id2, ['list', 3], 3)
>>> print(
{'list': [1, 2, 'some_value', 3], 'id1': 1}
>>> conn.insert(id2, ['list', 0], 4)
>>> print(
{'list': [4, 1, 2, 'some_value', 3], 'id1': 1}
>>> conn.insert(id2, ['list', None], 5)
>>> print(
{'list': [4, 1, 2, 'some_value', 3, 5], 'id1': 1}

First action creates the element with index 3 in list; note that it is expanded automatically. Second action inserts the new element to the beginning of the list. Third action inserts the new element to the end of the list.

We can now search for objects in database. For example, we want to find the object, which has list under ‘list’ key in dictionary, which, in turn has the first element equal to 4.

>>> import brain.op as op
>>> objs =['list', 0], op.EQ, 4)
>>> print(objs == [id2])

Search request supports nested conditions and several types of comparisons (including regexps). See its reference page for more information.

The last basic function is Connection.delete(). It can delete the whole objects, or its parts (dictionary keys or list elements).

>>> print(conn.objectExists(id1))
>>> conn.delete(id1)
>>> print(conn.objectExists(id1))
>>> conn.delete(id2, ['list'])
>>> print(
{'id1': 1}

Connection should be closed using Connection.close() after it is not longer needed. In case of in-memory database, of course, all data will be lost after call to Connection.close().

Transaction support

One of the main advantages of using the developed SQL engine as a back-end is the ACID compatibility. As a result, brain front-end has full transaction support too.

If transaction was not started explicitly, the new one is created and committed for each request (create, modify, insert and so on) implicitly. In case of some underlying error, this transaction is rolled back, so the request cannot be completed partially.

There are two types of transactions - synchronous and asynchronous. During the synchronous transaction you get request results instantly; during the asynchronous one requests do not return any results - all results are returned by Connection.commit() as a list.

Let’s illustrate this by several simple examples. First, connect to database and create some objects.

>>> import brain
>>> conn = brain.connect(None, None)
>>> id1 = conn.create({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
>>> id2 = conn.create({'c': 3, 'd': 4})

For each of two Connection.create()’s above transactions were started and committed implicitly (because there were not any active transactions at the moment). Now we will create synchronous transaction explicitly:

>>> conn.beginSync()
>>> conn.modify(id1, ['a'], 10)
>>> print(
{'a': 10, 'b': 2}
>>> conn.commit()
>>> print(
{'a': 10, 'b': 2}

Note that during synchronous transaction modifications become visible instantly. Now consider the similar operation inside a transaction, but this time we will roll it back:

>>> conn.beginSync()
>>> conn.modify(id1, ['a'], 20)
>>> print(
{'a': 20, 'b': 2}
>>> conn.rollback()
>>> print(
{'a': 10, 'b': 2}

Like in the previous example, modification instantly becomes visible, but after the rollback it is gone.

Asynchronous transactions are slightly different. During the transaction requests will not return values, because they are not, in fact, executed - they are stored inside the connection object and passed to DB engine in one single package when Connection.commit() is called. If the user changes his mind and calls Connection.rollback(), all this package is simply discarded.

>>> conn.beginAsync()
>>> conn.modify(id1, ['a'], 0)
>>> print(conn.commit())
[None, {'a': 0, 'b': 2}]

In the example above there were two requests inside a transaction; first one, Connection.modify() does not return anything, and the second one,, returned object contents. Therefore Connection.commit() returned both their results as a list.

XML RPC layer

Brain has embedded XML RPC server and client. First, we will create and start server:

>>> srv = brain.Server()
>>> srv.start()

Now server is active on localhost, port 8000 (by default). It is executed in its own thread, so start() returns immediately. If you enter http://localhost:8000 in your browser, you will get a page with list of functions the server supports.

Then we should create the client - either in this session, in other process or even on the other computer:

>>> cl = brain.Client('http://localhost:8000')

And client object gives us the ability to create connections. The format of its connect() method is the same as for brain.connect():

>>> conn = cl.connect(None, None)

This object behaves exactly the same as the Connection object returned by brain.connect(). You can try all examples from previous sections - they all should work. In the end you should close the connection and stop server:

>>> conn.close()
>>> srv.stop()

Unlike start(), stop() waits for server to shut down.


Known limitations

Value limitations:
  • Currently the following Python types are supported: None, int, float, str and bytes.

  • Integers are limited to 8 bytes (by DB engines) and to 4 bytes by XML RPC protocol.

Structure limitations:
  • Each object can contain arbitrarily combined values, lists and dictionaries.

  • Structure depth is not limited theoretically, but in practice it is - by DB engine.

  • Lists and dictionaries can be empty.

  • Dictionary keys should have string type.


Path to some value in object is a list, which can contain only strings, integers and Nones. Empty list means the root level of an object; string stands for dictionary key and integer stands for position in list. None is used in several special cases: to specify that Connection.insert() should perform insertion at the end of the list or as a mask for Connection.delete() and

If path does not contain Nones, it is called determined.


>>> id1 = conn.create({'Tracks': [{'Name': 'track 1', 'Length': 240},
... {'Name': 'track 2', 'Length': 300}]})
>>> print(, ['Tracks', 0, 'Name']))
track 1
>>> print(conn.readByMask(id1, ['Tracks', None, 'Length']))
{'Tracks': [{'Length': 240}, {'Length': 300}]}


Following exceptions can be thrown by API:


Signals about the error in high-level wrappers. Can be caused by incorrect calls to Connection.begin() \ Connection.commit() \ Connection.rollback(), incorrect engine tag and so on.


Signals about an error in DB engine wrapper.


Signals about error in object/database structure - for example, conflicting fields.


Wrong format of supplied data: path is not a list, or have elements of wrong type, data has values of wrong type and so on.


Currently two engines are supported:


SQLite 3 engine, built in Python 3.

Arguments: (name, open_existing=None, db_path=None)


Database file name. If equal to None, in-memory database is created.


Ignored if name is equal to None.

If equal to True, existing database file will be opened or EngineError will be raised if it does not exist.

If equal to False, new database file will be created (in place of the existing one, if necessary)

If equal to None, existing database will be opened or the new one will be created, if the database file does not exist.


If is not None, will be concatenated (using platform-specific path join) with name


Postgre 8 engine. Will be used if py-postgresql is installed.

Arguments: (name, open_existing=None, host='localhost', port=5432, user='postgres', password='', connection_limit=-1)


Database name.


Same logic as for SQLite3 engine


Postgre server name


Postgre server port

user, password:

Credentials for connecting to Postgre server


Connection limit for newly created database. Unlimited by default.


The package is supplied with a set of functionality tests which I use for debugging purposes. They can be found in test subfolder of module main folder. Tests are executed using, which has the following parameters: <func|fuzz> [options]


Functionality tests. They are based on Python’s unittest module, with some minor extensions. Currently they provide almost 100% coverage of package code.


Several objects with random data are created and random actions (Connection.modify(), Connection.insert(),, Connection.delete()) are performed on them. After each action result is compared to the result of FakeConnection, which uses Python data structures to emulate package behavior.

global parameters:
-v LEVEL, --verbosity=LEVEL:

Integer from 0 (less verbose) to 3 (more verbose), specifying the amount of information which is displayed during tests. Default is 2.

func parameters:
--ae, --all-engines:

If specified, all available DB engines will be tested. If not specified, only the default engine (see getDefaultEngineTag()) will be tested.

--ac, --all-connections:

If specified, all available connections will be tested (local, XML RPC and so on). If not specified, only local connection will be tested.

--as, --all-storages:

If specified, all storage types for each engine will be tested (for example, for sqlite3 available types are in-memory and file). If not specified, only the default storage for each engine will be tested.

fuzz parameters:
-o NUM, --objects=NUM:

Number of object to be tested simultaneously. Default is 1.

-a NUM, --actions=NUM

Number of actions to be performed for one object. Default is 100.

-s SEED, --seed=SEED

Integer which will be used as starting seed for random number generator. This wil allow to get reproduceable results. By default, random seed is generated.


Connect to the database (or create the new one).

Arguments: connect(engine_tag, *args, **kwds)


String, specifying the DB engine to use. Can be obtained by getEngineTags(). If equal to None, the default tag is used; its value can be obtained using getDefaultEngineTag().

args, kwds:

Engine-specific parameters. See Engines section for further information.

Returns: Connection object.


Get engine tag, which will be used if None is specified as engine tag in connect().

Arguments: getDefaultEngineTag()

Returns: default engine tag.


Get available engine tags.

Arguments: getEngineTags()

Returns: list of engine tags.


This submodule contains operator definitions for request:

  • inversion operator NOT - can be used in all conditions.

  • logical operators OR and AND - can be used to link simple conditions.

  • comparison operators EQ (equal to), REGEXP, LT (lower than), LTE (lower than or equal to), GT (greater than) and GTE (greater than or equal to) - can be used in simple conditions.

    • EQ can be used for all value types.

    • REGEXP can be used only for strings. It should support POSIX regexps.

    • LT, LTE, GT and GTE can be used for integers and floats.

Connection, RemoteConnection

These objects represent the connection to the database. They have exactly the same public interface, so only Connection methods will be described.

Currently the following connection methods are available:


Start database transaction. If transaction is already in progress, FacadeError will be raised.

Arguments: begin(sync)


Boolean value, specifying whether transaction should be synchronous or not (see Connection.beginSync() or Connection.beginAsync() correspondingly for details)


This function is an alias for Connection.begin() (equals to begin(sync=False))

Start asynchronous transaction. During the asynchronous transaction requests to database are not processed, just stored inside the connection. Correspondingly, actual database transaction is not started. When Connection.commit() is called, database transaction is created, and all of requests are being processed at once, and their results are returned from Connection.commit() as a list.

This decreases the time database is locked by the transaction and increases the speed of remote operations (one XML RPC multicall is faster than several single calls). But, of course, this method is less convenient than the synchronous or implicit transaction.

Arguments: beginAsync()


>>> id1 = conn.create({'name': 'Bob'})
>>> conn.beginAsync()
>>> conn.modify(id1, ['name'], 'Carl')
>>> print(
>>> print(conn.commit())
[None, {'name': 'Carl'}]


This function is an alias for Connection.begin() (equals to begin(sync=True))

Start synchronous transaction. During the synchronous transaction request results are available instantly (for the same connection object), so one can perform complex actions inside one transaction. On the downside, actual database transaction is opened all the time, probably locking the database (depends on the engine). In case of remote connection, synchronous transaction means that there will be several requests/responses performed, slowing down transaction processing.

Arguments: beginSync()


>>> id1 = conn.create({'name': 'Bob'})
>>> conn.beginSync()
>>> conn.modify(id1, ['name'], 'Carl')
>>> print(
{'name': 'Carl'}
>>> conn.commit()


Close connection to the database. All uncommitted changes will be lost.

Arguments: close()


Commit current transaction. If transaction is not in progress, FacadeError will be raised.

Arguments: commit()


Create new object in database.

Arguments: create(self, data, path=None)


Initial object contents. Can be either a value of allowed type, list or dictionary.


If defined, specifies the path where data will be stored (if equal to None, data is stored in root). Should be determined.

Returns: object ID


  • Creation without path

>>> id1 = conn.create([1, 2, 3])
>>> print(
[1, 2, 3]
  • Creation with path

>>> id2 = conn.create([1, 2, 3], ['key'])
>>> print(
{'key': [1, 2, 3]}

Connection.delete(), Connection.deleteMany()

Delete the whole object or some of its fields. If an element of list is deleted, other list elements are shifted correspondingly.


delete(id, path=None)

deleteMany(id, paths=None)

Note: delete(id, path) is an alias for deleteMany(id, [path])


Target object ID.


List of paths. If given, is used as the set of masks, specifying fields to delete. If None, the whole object will be deleted.


  • Deletion of the whole object

>>> id1 = conn.create([1, 2, 3])
>>> conn.delete(id1)
>>> print(conn.objectExists(id1))
  • Deletion of specific field

>>> id1 = conn.create([1, 2, 3])
>>> conn.delete(id1, [1])
>>> print(
[1, 3]
  • Deletion by mask

>>> id1 = conn.create({'Tracks': [{'Name': 'track 1', 'Length': 240}, {'Name': 'track 2', 'Length': 300}]})
>>> conn.delete(id1, ['Tracks', None, 'Length'])
>>> print(
{'Tracks': [{'Name': 'track 1'}, {'Name': 'track 2'}]}


Get all database contents.

Arguments: dump()

Returns: dictionary {object ID: object contents}


>>> id1 = conn.create([1, 2, 3])
>>> id2 = conn.create({'key': 'val'})
>>> print(conn.dump())
{1: [1, 2, 3], 2: {'key': 'val'}}

Connection.insert(), Connection.insertMany()

Insert given data to list in object.


insert(id, path, value, remove_conflicts=False)

insertMany(id, path, values, remove_conflicts=False)

Note: insert(id, path, value, remove_conflicts) is an alias for insert(id, path, [value], remove_conflicts)


Target object ID.


Path to insert to. Should point to list element (i.e., end with integer or None) and be determined (except for, probably, the last element). If the last element is None, insertion will be performed to the end of the list.


Data to insert - should be a supported data structure.


See the description of this parameter for Connection.modify(). insert() tries to perform modify(id, path, [], remove_conflicts) before doing any actions.

  • If target object does not have the field, which path is pointing to, it will be created.

  • If path points to dictionary key, FormatError will be raised.

  • If dictionary already exists at the place which path is pointing to, StructureError will be raised.


>>> id1 = conn.create({'key': [1, 2, 3]})
  • Insertion to the beginning

>>> conn.insert(id1, ['key', 0], 0)
>>> print(
{'key': [0, 1, 2, 3]}
  • Insertion to the end

>>> conn.insert(id1, ['key', None], 4)
>>> print(
{'key': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}
  • Autovivification, no conflicts

>>> conn.insert(id1, ['key2', None], 50)
>>> print(
{'key2': [50], 'key': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}
  • Autovivification, remove conflicts

>>> conn.insert(id1, ['key2', 'key3', None], 50, remove_conflicts=True)
>>> print(
{'key2': {'key3': [50]}, 'key': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}
  • Insert several values at once

>>> conn.insertMany(id1, ['key2', None], [51, 52, 53])
>>> print(
{'key2': {'key3': [50, 51, 52, 53]}, 'key': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}
  • Insert data structure

>>> conn.insert(id1, ['key2', 'key3', None], {'subkey': 'val'})
>>> print(
{'key2': {'key3': [50, 51, 52, 53, {'subkey': 'val'}]}, 'key': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}


Modify or create field in object.

Arguments: modify(id, path, value, remove_conflicts=False)


Target object ID.


Path where to store data.


Data to save at target path.


Determines the way conflicts of path with existing data structure are handled. Possible conflicts are:

  • path points to dictionary, when list already exists on the same level

  • path points to list, when dictionary already exists on the same level

  • path points to list or dictionary, when scalar value already exists on the same level

If remove_conflicts equals True, all conflicting fields are deleted. In other words, modify() is guaranteed to finish successfully and the result of read(id, path) is guaranteed to be equal to value.

If remove_conflicts equals False, StructureError is raised if conflict is found.


>>> id1 = conn.create({'key': 'val'})
  • Simple modification

>>> conn.modify(id1, ['key'], 'new_val')
>>> print(
{'key': 'new_val'}
  • Save data structure in place of value

>>> conn.modify(id1, ['key'], [1, 2])
>>> print(
{'key': [1, 2]}
  • Implicitly transform list remove [1, 2] using remove_conflicts

>>> conn.modify(id1, ['key', 'key2'], 'val', remove_conflicts=True)
>>> print(
{'key': {'key2': 'val'}}


Check if object with given ID exists.

Arguments: objectExists(id)


Object ID.

Returns: True if object with given ID exists, False otherwise., Connection.readByMask, Connection.readByMasks()

Read contents of given object.


read(id, path=None, masks=None)

readByMask(id, mask=None)

readByMasks(id, masks=None)

Note: readByMask(id, mask) is an alias for readByMasks(id, [mask]) and readByMasks(id, masks), in turn, is an alias for read(id, None, masks).


Target object ID.


Path to read from. Read from root by default.


List of paths; all results which do not have one of them in the beginning, will be filtered out. Masks are relative to path.

Returns: resulting data structure.


>>> id1 = conn.create({'tracks': [{'Name': 'track 1', 'Length': 240}, {'Name': 'track 2', 'Length': 300}]})
  • Read the whole object

>>> print(
{'tracks': [{'Length': 240, 'Name': 'track 1'}, {'Length': 300, 'Name': 'track 2'}]}
  • Read from given path

>>> print(, ['tracks', 0]))
{'Length': 240, 'Name': 'track 1'}
  • Read by mask

>>> print(conn.readByMask(id1, ['tracks', None, 'Length']))
{'tracks': [{'Length': 240}, {'Length': 300}]}
  • Read from path, filter by mask. Note that mask is relative.

>>> print(, ['tracks'], [[None, 'Length']]))
[{'Length': 240}, {'Length': 300}]

Internal database structure includes some redundant tables, which are used to increase database performance. This function can restore them based on actual field data stored in database. It can be used when database requests (even are returning strange errors with long call stack. These internal tables can be spoiled either by errors in logic or because of some errors in underlying SQL engine.

Arguments: repair()


Roll current transaction back. If transaction is not in progress, FacadeError will be raised.

Arguments: rollback()


XML RPC client for brain DB. Based on Python’s built-in xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy and has the following extensions:

  • Supports tuples (marshaling only): marshaled in XML same as arrays, but tag is <tuple> instead of <array>

  • Supports non-string dictionary keys (unmarshaling only)

  • Supports keyword arguments (marshaling only)

  • Transforms bytes() to Binary implicitly during marshaling

  • Unmarshalls known exceptions from Faults returned by server

Arguments: Client(addr)


Address to connect to.


Connect to DB or create a new one.

Arguments: same as for brain.connect().

Returns: RemoteConnection object.


Same as brain.getDefaultEngineTag().


Same as brain.getEngineTags().


XML RPC server for database. Based on Python’s built-in xmlrpc.server.DocXMLRPCServer and has the following extensions:

  • Supports tuples (unmarshaling only): marshaled in XML same as arrays, but tag is <tuple> instead of <array>

  • Supports non-string dictionary keys (marhsalling only)

  • Supports keyword arguments (unmarshaling only). They are passed as the dictionary in additional argument to each function. If function does not have any keyword arguments, empty dictionary is passed.

Arguments: Server(port=8000, name=None, db_path=None)


Port where server will wait for requests.


Server thread name.


Will be used with DB engines, which store information in files - db_path will serve as a prefix to each created DB file.


Start server in a separate thread. Returns instantly.

Arguments: start()


Shutdown server and wait for its thread to stop.

Arguments: stop()

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