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Library and CLI tools for interacting with buienradar.

Project description

Library and CLI tools for interacting with buienradar xml/api.

and precipitation forecase from:


  • Python 3.4 (or higher)


This package is created as a library for the Home assistant buienradar component implementation. A CLI has been created mainly for debugging purposes but may be extended in the future for more real-world application if needed.


$ pip install buienradar


$ python -m buienradar -h
Command line interface for buienradar library.

  buienradar [-v | -vv] [options]
  buienradar (-h | --help)
  buienradar --version

  -h --help                 Show this screen.
  -v                        Increase verbosity.
  -vv                       Increase verbosity more.
  --version                 Show version.
  --longitude=<longitude>   Longitude to use [default: 5.119734]
  --latitude=<latitude>     Latitude to use [default: 52.091579]
  --timeframe=<timeframe>   Minutes to look ahead for
                            precipitation (5..120) [default: 60]

$ python -m buienradar
{'data': {'winddirection': 'ZZO', 'temperature': 13.3, 'forecast': [{'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 7, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rainchance': 0, 'condition': {'exact_nl': 'Mix van opklaringen en middelbare of lage bewolking', 'exact': 'Mix of clear and medium or low clouds', 'condcode': 'b', 'image': '', 'condition': 'cloudy', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy'}, 'snow': 0.0, 'temperature': 23.0, 'sunchance': 60, 'mintemp': 10.0, 'windforce': 3, 'maxtemp': 23.0, 'rain': 0.0}, {'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 8, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rainchance': 80, 'condition': {'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt en regen', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded with rain', 'condcode': 'q', 'image': '', 'condition': 'rainy', 'detailed': 'rainy'}, 'snow': 0.0, 'temperature': 20.0, 'sunchance': 20, 'mintemp': 13.0, 'windforce': 3, 'maxtemp': 20.0, 'rain': 6.0}, {'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 9, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rainchance': 80, 'condition': {'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'condcode': 'f', 'image': '', 'condition': 'rainy', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain'}, 'snow': 0.0, 'temperature': 19.0, 'sunchance': 30, 'mintemp': 12.0, 'windforce': 3, 'maxtemp': 19.0, 'rain': 6.0}, {'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 10, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rainchance': 80, 'condition': {'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'condcode': 'f', 'image': '', 'condition': 'rainy', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain'}, 'snow': 0.0, 'temperature': 17.0, 'sunchance': 30, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'windforce': 3, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'rain': 12.0}, {'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 11, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rainchance': 60, 'condition': {'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'condcode': 'f', 'image': '', 'condition': 'rainy', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain'}, 'snow': 0.0, 'temperature': 17.0, 'sunchance': 30, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'windforce': 4, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'rain': 8.0}], 'precipitation': 0.0, 'stationname': 'De Bilt (6260)', 'groundtemperature': 10.8, 'measured': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 6, 22, 40, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'irradiance': 0, 'pressure': 1022.32, 'condition': {'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded', 'condcode': 'c', 'image': '', 'condition': 'cloudy', 'detailed': 'cloudy'}, 'windazimuth': 162, 'windgust': 1.3, 'precipitation_forecast': {'total': 0.0, 'average': 0.0, 'timeframe': 60}, 'humidity': 92, 'windforce': 1, 'attribution': 'Data provided by', 'visibility': 36200, 'windspeed': 0.94}, 'success': True, 'distance': 4.235064, 'msg': None}

$ python -m buienradar -v
INFO:buienradar.buienradar:Getting buienradar data for latitude=52.091579, longitude=5.119734
INFO:buienradar.buienradar:Retrieving xml weather data (
INFO:buienradar.buienradar:Retrieving xml weather data (
INFO:buienradar.buienradar:Parse ws data: latitude: 52.091579, longitude: 5.119734
INFO:__main__:result: {'msg': None, 'success': True, 'data': {'attribution': 'Data provided by', 'forecast': [{'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'cloudy', 'exact': 'Mix of clear and medium or low clouds', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy', 'exact_nl': 'Mix van opklaringen en middelbare of lage bewolking', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'b'}, 'temperature': 23.0, 'mintemp': 10.0, 'rainchance': 0, 'maxtemp': 23.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 60, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 7, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 0.0}, {'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded with rain', 'detailed': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt en regen', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'q'}, 'temperature': 20.0, 'mintemp': 13.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'maxtemp': 20.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 20, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 8, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 6.0}, {'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f'}, 'temperature': 19.0, 'mintemp': 12.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'maxtemp': 19.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 30, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 9, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 6.0}, {'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f'}, 'temperature': 17.0, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 30, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 10, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 12.0}, {'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f'}, 'temperature': 17.0, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'rainchance': 60, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'windforce': 4, 'sunchance': 30, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 11, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 8.0}], 'temperature': 12.9, 'visibility': 46400, 'windforce': 1, 'irradiance': 0, 'winddirection': 'ZZO', 'condition': {'condition': 'cloudy', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded', 'detailed': 'cloudy', 'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'c'}, 'precipitation': 0.0, 'windgust': 1.4, 'precipitation_forecast': {'timeframe': 60, 'total': 0.0, 'average': 0.0}, 'measured': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 6, 22, 50, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'humidity': 94, 'groundtemperature': 10.7, 'pressure': 1022.32, 'windspeed': 1.09, 'windazimuth': 162, 'stationname': 'De Bilt (6260)'}, 'distance': 4.235064}
{'msg': None, 'success': True, 'data': {'attribution': 'Data provided by', 'forecast': [{'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'cloudy', 'exact': 'Mix of clear and medium or low clouds', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy', 'exact_nl': 'Mix van opklaringen en middelbare of lage bewolking', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'b'}, 'temperature': 23.0, 'mintemp': 10.0, 'rainchance': 0, 'maxtemp': 23.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 60, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 7, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 0.0}, {'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded with rain', 'detailed': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt en regen', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'q'}, 'temperature': 20.0, 'mintemp': 13.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'maxtemp': 20.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 20, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 8, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 6.0}, {'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f'}, 'temperature': 19.0, 'mintemp': 12.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'maxtemp': 19.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 30, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 9, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 6.0}, {'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f'}, 'temperature': 17.0, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 30, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 10, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 12.0}, {'snow': 0.0, 'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f'}, 'temperature': 17.0, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'rainchance': 60, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'windforce': 4, 'sunchance': 30, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 11, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'rain': 8.0}], 'temperature': 12.9, 'visibility': 46400, 'windforce': 1, 'irradiance': 0, 'winddirection': 'ZZO', 'condition': {'condition': 'cloudy', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded', 'detailed': 'cloudy', 'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'c'}, 'precipitation': 0.0, 'windgust': 1.4, 'precipitation_forecast': {'timeframe': 60, 'total': 0.0, 'average': 0.0}, 'measured': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 6, 22, 50, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'humidity': 94, 'groundtemperature': 10.7, 'pressure': 1022.32, 'windspeed': 1.09, 'windazimuth': 162, 'stationname': 'De Bilt (6260)'}, 'distance': 4.235064}

$ python -m buienradar -v --longitude=5.10 --latitude=52.1 --timeframe=45
INFO:buienradar.buienradar:Getting buienradar data for latitude=52.1, longitude=5.1
INFO:buienradar.buienradar:Retrieving xml weather data (
INFO:buienradar.buienradar:Retrieving xml weather data (
INFO:buienradar.buienradar:Parse ws data: latitude: 52.1, longitude: 5.1
INFO:__main__:result: {'data': {'irradiance': 0, 'forecast': [{'condition': {'condition': 'cloudy', 'exact_nl': 'Mix van opklaringen en middelbare of lage bewolking', 'exact': 'Mix of clear and medium or low clouds', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'b', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy'}, 'mintemp': 10.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 60, 'maxtemp': 23.0, 'rainchance': 0, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 7, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 0.0, 'temperature': 23.0}, {'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt en regen', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded with rain', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'q', 'detailed': 'rainy'}, 'mintemp': 13.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 20, 'maxtemp': 20.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 8, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 6.0, 'temperature': 20.0}, {'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain'}, 'mintemp': 12.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 30, 'maxtemp': 19.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 9, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 6.0, 'temperature': 19.0}, {'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain'}, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 30, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 10, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 12.0, 'temperature': 17.0}, {'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain'}, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'windforce': 4, 'sunchance': 30, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'rainchance': 60, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 11, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 8.0, 'temperature': 17.0}], 'measured': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 6, 22, 50, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'pressure': 1022.32, 'visibility': 46400, 'windspeed': 1.09, 'winddirection': 'ZZO', 'windazimuth': 162, 'groundtemperature': 10.7, 'humidity': 94, 'condition': {'condition': 'cloudy', 'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'c', 'detailed': 'cloudy'}, 'windgust': 1.4, 'precipitation_forecast': {'average': 0.0, 'timeframe': 45, 'total': 0.0}, 'precipitation': 0.0, 'attribution': 'Data provided by', 'stationname': 'De Bilt (6260)', 'windforce': 1, 'temperature': 12.9}, 'distance': 5.48199, 'success': True, 'msg': None}
{'data': {'irradiance': 0, 'forecast': [{'condition': {'condition': 'cloudy', 'exact_nl': 'Mix van opklaringen en middelbare of lage bewolking', 'exact': 'Mix of clear and medium or low clouds', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'b', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy'}, 'mintemp': 10.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 60, 'maxtemp': 23.0, 'rainchance': 0, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 7, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 0.0, 'temperature': 23.0}, {'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt en regen', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded with rain', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'q', 'detailed': 'rainy'}, 'mintemp': 13.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 20, 'maxtemp': 20.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 8, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 6.0, 'temperature': 20.0}, {'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain'}, 'mintemp': 12.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 30, 'maxtemp': 19.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 9, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 6.0, 'temperature': 19.0}, {'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain'}, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'windforce': 3, 'sunchance': 30, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'rainchance': 80, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 10, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 12.0, 'temperature': 17.0}, {'condition': {'condition': 'rainy', 'exact_nl': 'Afwisselend bewolkt met (mogelijk) wat lichte regen', 'exact': 'Alternatingly cloudy with some light rain', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'f', 'detailed': 'partlycloudy-light-rain'}, 'mintemp': 11.0, 'windforce': 4, 'sunchance': 30, 'maxtemp': 17.0, 'rainchance': 60, 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 11, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'snow': 0.0, 'rain': 8.0, 'temperature': 17.0}], 'measured': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 6, 22, 50, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>), 'pressure': 1022.32, 'visibility': 46400, 'windspeed': 1.09, 'winddirection': 'ZZO', 'windazimuth': 162, 'groundtemperature': 10.7, 'humidity': 94, 'condition': {'condition': 'cloudy', 'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt', 'exact': 'Heavily clouded', 'image': '', 'condcode': 'c', 'detailed': 'cloudy'}, 'windgust': 1.4, 'precipitation_forecast': {'average': 0.0, 'timeframe': 45, 'total': 0.0}, 'precipitation': 0.0, 'attribution': 'Data provided by', 'stationname': 'De Bilt (6260)', 'windforce': 1, 'temperature': 12.9}, 'distance': 5.48199, 'success': True, 'msg': None}

Example python code:

from buienradar.buienradar import (get_data, parse_data,
                                   CONTENT, RAINCONTENT, SUCCESS)

# minutes to look ahead for precipitation forecast
# (5..120)
timeframe = 45

# gps-coordinates for the weather data
latitude = 52.1
longitude = 5.10

result = get_data(latitude=latitude,

if result.get(SUCCESS):
    data = result[CONTENT]
    raindata = result[RAINCONTENT]

    result = parse_data(data, raindata, latitude, longitude, timeframe)


Example of returned data:

    'distance': 5.48199,
    'success': True,
    'msg': None
    'data': {
        'attribution': 'Data provided by',
        'condition': {
            'condition': 'cloudy',
            'exact_nl': 'Zwaar bewolkt',
            'exact': 'Heavily clouded',
            'image': '',
            'condcode': 'c',
            'detailed': 'cloudy'},
        'groundtemperature': 10.7,
        'humidity': 94,
        'irradiance': 0,
        'measured': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 6, 22, 50, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>),
        'precipitation': 0.0,
        'precipitation_forecast': {
            'average': 0.0,
            'timeframe': 45,
            'total': 0.0},
        'pressure': 1022.32,
        'stationname': 'De Bilt (6260)',
        'temperature': 12.9
        'visibility': 46400,
        'windspeed': 1.09,
        'winddirection': 'ZZO',
        'windazimuth': 162,
        'windgust': 1.4,
        'windforce': 1,
        'forecast': [
            {'condition': {
                'condition': 'cloudy',
                'exact_nl': 'Mix van opklaringen en middelbare of lage bewolking',
                'exact': 'Mix of clear and medium or low clouds',
                'image': '',
                'condcode': 'b',
                'detailed': 'partlycloudy'},
            'datetime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 7, 12, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Amsterdam' CEST+2:00:00 DST>),
            'mintemp': 10.0,
            'maxtemp': 23.0,
            'temperature': 23.0,
            'sunchance': 60,
            'rainchance': 0,
            'snow': 0.0,
            'rain': 0.0,
            'windforce': 3}

Use the constants defined in the buienradar component to get the data from the returned dictionary:

  • CONDITION: The current condition

    • CONDCODE: unique condition code (a-z)

    • CONDITION: condition

      • clear

      • cloudy

      • fog

      • rainy

      • snowy

      • lightning

    • DETAILED: more detailed condition

      • clear

      • partlycloudy

      • cloudy

      • partlycloudy-fog

      • partlycloudy-light-rain

      • partlycloudy-rain

      • light-rain

      • rainy

      • snowy-rainy

      • partlycloudy-light-snow

      • partlycloudy-snow

      • light-snow

      • snowy

      • partlycloudy-lightning

      • lightning

    • EXACT: the exact condition as reported (translated to english)

    • EXACTNL: the exact condition as reported

    • IMAGE: A symbol for the current weather

  • DISTANCE: Distance between the given GPS coordinates and the selected weather-station (m)

  • MESSAGE: Error message with more info regarding what went wrong

  • SUCCESS: Boolean indicating if data was retrieved ok

  • STATUS_CODE: Sometimes present in data, if a http-get was not successful

  • HEADERS: Sometimes present in data, if a http-get was not successful

  • CONTENT: get the weather data returned from get_data request

  • RAINCONTENT: get the rain forcast data returned from get_data request

  • DATA: weather data for the selected weather-station

    • MEASURED: the time the data was retrieved

    • IRRADIANCE: sun intensity in Watt per square meter (W/m2)

    • SYMBOL: a text describing for the current weather.

    • FORECAST: array of forcasted days

      • CONDITION: the expected condition (see condition above)

      • RAIN: the expected rain in (mm)

      • SNOW: the expected snowfall (in cm)

      • DATETIME: date for the forcasted data

      • WINDFORCE: the wind speed/force in Bft

      • MIN_TEMP: the minimum temperature (in C)

      • SUN_CHANCE: the chance for sun (%)

      • MAX_TEMP: the maximum temperature (in C)

      • RAIN_CHANCE: the chance for rain (%)

      • TEMPERATURE: the temperature (in C)

  • VISIBILITY: visibility in meters (m)

  • WINDGUST: the wind-speed of wind gusts (m/s)

  • TEMPERATURE: the current temperature (in C)

  • PRESSURE: the sea-level air pressure in hPa

  • GROUNDTEMP: the current ground temperature (in C)

  • STATIONNAME: the name of the selected meteo-station

  • ATTRIBUTION: attribution to

  • HUMIDITY: the relative humidity (%)

  • WINDAZIMUTH: where the wind is coming from: N (North), Z (south), NO (North-East), etc.

  • WINDSPEED: the wind speed in m/s

  • WINDDIRECTION: where the wind is coming from in degrees, with true north at 0° and progressing clockwise

  • WINDFORCE: the wind speed/force in Bft

  • PRECIPITATION: the amount of precipitation/rain in mm/h

  • PRECIPITATION_FORECAST: information on forecasted precipitation

    • AVERAGE: the average expected precipitation (mm/h)

    • TOTAL: the total expected precipitation (mm)

    • TIMEFRAME: the time-frame for the forecasted precipitation (min)

Project details

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No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

buienradar-0.91-py3-none-any.whl (16.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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