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Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer

Project description

# Custodian Mailer

A mailer implementation for Custodian. Outbound mail delivery is still somewhat
organization-specific, so this at the moment serves primarily as an example

## Message Relay

Custodian Mailer subscribes to an SQS queue, looks up users, and sends email
via SES and/or send notification to DataDog. Custodian lambda and instance policies can send to it. SQS queues
should be cross-account enabled for sending between accounts.

## Tutorial

Our goal in starting out with the Custodian mailer is to install the mailer,
and run a policy that triggers an email to your inbox.

1. [Install](#developer-install-os-x-el-capitan) the mailer on your laptop.
1. In your text editor, create a `mailer.yml` file to hold your mailer config.
1. In the AWS console, create a new standard SQS queue (quick create is fine).
Copy the queue URL to `queue_url` in `mailer.yml`.
1. In AWS, locate or create a role that has read access to the queue. Grab the
role ARN and set it as `role` in `mailer.yml`.

there is different notification endpoints options, you can combine both.

### Email:
Make sure your email address is verified in SES, and set it as
`from_address` in `mailer.yml`. By default SES is in sandbox mode where you
every individual recipient of emails. If need be, make an AWS support ticket to
be taken out of SES sandbox mode.

Your `mailer.yml` should now look something like this:

role: arn:aws:iam::123456790:role/c7n-mailer-test

(Also set `region` if you are in a region other than `us-east-1`.)

Now let's make a Custodian policy to populate your mailer queue. Create a
`test-policy.yml` file with this content (update `to` and `queue` to match your

- name: c7n-mailer-test
resource: sqs
- "tag:MailerTest": absent
- type: notify
template: default
priority_header: '2'
subject: testing the c7n mailer
type: sqs

### DataDog:
The standard way to do a DataDog integration is use the
c7n integration with AWS CloudWatch and use the
[DataDog integration with AWS](
to collect CloudWatch metrics. The mailer/messenger integration is only
for the case you don't want or you can't use AWS CloudWatch.

Note this integration requires the additional dependency of datadog python bindings:
pip install datadog

Your `mailer.yml` should now look something like this:

role: arn:aws:iam::123456790:role/c7n-mailer-test

(Also set `region` if you are in a region other than `us-east-1`.)

Now let's make a Custodian policy to populate your mailer queue. Create a

- name: c7n-mailer-test
resource: ebs
- Attachments: []
- type: notify
- datadog://?
type: sqs

There is a special `to` format that specifies datadog delivery, and includes the datadog configuration via url parameters.
- metric_name: is the name of the metrics send to DataDog
- metric_value_tag: by default the metric value send to DataDog is `1` but if you want to use one of the tags returned in the policy you can set it with the attribute `metric_value_tag`, for example in the `test-policy.yml` the value used is the size of the EBS volume. The value must be a number and it's transformed to a float value.

### Slack:

The Custodian mailer supports Slack messaging as a separate notification mechanism for the SQS transport method. To enable Slack integration, you must specify a Slack token in the `slack_token` field under the `mailer.yml` file.

role: arn:aws:iam::123456790:role/c7n-mailer-test
slack_token: xoxo-token123

To enable Slack messaging, several unique fields are evaluated in the policy, as shown in the below example:

- name: c7n-mailer-test
resource: ebs
- Attachments: []
- type: notify
slack_template: slack
- slack://owners
- slack://
- slack://#custodian-test
- slack://webhook/#c7n-webhook-test
type: sqs

Slack messages support use of a unique template field specified by `slack_template`. This field is unique and usage will not break
existing functionality for messages also specifying an email template in the `template` field. This field is optional, however,
and if not specified, the mailer will use the default value `slack_default`.

Slack integration for the mailer supports three flavors of messaging, listed below. These are not mutually exclusive and any combination of the types can be used.

| Required? | Key | Type | Notes |
| | `slack://owners` | string | Send to the recipient list generated within email delivery logic |
| | `slack://` | string | Send to the recipient specified by email address |
| | `slack://#custodian-test` | string | Send to the Slack channel indicated in string, i.e. #custodian-test |
| | `slack://webhook/#c7n-webhook-test` | string | Send to a Slack webhook; appended with the target channel. |

The `slack_token` field is required for any of the first three Slack notify forms. However, a token is not required for use of the webhook.

### Now run:

c7n-mailer --config mailer.yml --update-lambda && custodian run -c test-policy.yml -s .

You should see output similar to the following:

(env) $ c7n-mailer --config mailer.yml --update-lambda && custodian run -c test-policy.yml -s .
DEBUG:custodian.lambda:Created custodian lambda archive size: 3.01mb
2017-01-12 07:55:16,227: custodian.policy:INFO Running policy c7n-mailer-test resource: sqs region:default c7n:
2017-01-12 07:55:16,229: custodian.policy:INFO policy: c7n-mailer-test resource:sqs has count:1 time:0.00
2017-01-12 07:55:18,017: custodian.actions:INFO sent message:dead-beef policy:c7n-mailer-test template:default count:1
2017-01-12 07:55:18,017: custodian.policy:INFO policy: c7n-mailer-test action: notify resources: 1 execution_time: 1.79
(env) $

Check the AWS console for a new Lambda named `cloud-custodian-mailer`. The
mailer runs every five minutes, so wait a bit and then look for an email in
your inbox. If it doesn't appear, look in the lambda's logs for debugging
information. If it does, congratulations! You are off and running with the
Custodian mailer.

## Usage & Configuration

Once [installed](#developer-install-os-x-el-capitan) you should have a
`c7n-mailer` executable on your path:
(env) $ c7n-mailer
usage: c7n-mailer [-h] -c CONFIG
c7n-mailer: error: argument -c/--config is required
(env) $

Fundamentally what `c7n-mailer` does is deploy a Lambda (using
[Mu]( based on
configuration you specify in a YAML file. Here is [the
schema](./c7n_mailer/ to which the file must conform, here is
[an example config](./example.yml), and here is a description of the options:

| Required? | Key | Type | Notes |
| ✅ | `queue_url` | string | the queue to listen to for messages |
| | `from_address` | string | default from address |
| | `contact_tags` | array of strings | tags that we should look at for address information |
| | `smtp_server` | string | if this is unset, aws ses is used by default. To configure your lambda role to talk to smtpd in your private vpc, see [here]( |
| | `smtp_port` | integer | smtp port |
| | `smtp_ssl` | boolean | this defaults to True |
| | `smtp_username` | string | |
| | `smtp_password` | string | |

#### Standard Lambda Function Config

| Required? | Key | Type |
| | `dead_letter_config` | object |
| | `memory` | integer |
| | `region` | string |
| ✅ | `role` | string |
| | `runtime` | string |
| | `security_groups` | array of strings |
| | `subnets` | array of strings |
| | `timeout` | integer |

#### Standard Azure Functions Config

| Required? | Key | Type |
| | `function_name` | string |
| ✅ | `function_servicePlanName` | string |
| | `function_location` | string |
| | `function_appInsightsLocation` | string |

#### Mailer Infrastructure Config

| Required? | Key | Type | Notes |
| | `cache_engine` | string | cache engine; either sqlite or redis|
| | `cross_accounts` | object | account to assume back into for sending to SNS topics |
| | `debug` | boolean | debug on/off |
| | `ldap_bind_dn` | string | eg: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com |
| | `ldap_bind_user` | string | eg: FOO\\BAR |
| | `ldap_bind_password` | string | ldap bind password |
| | `ldap_bind_password_in_kms`| boolean | defaults to true, most people (except capone want to se this to false) |
| | `ldap_email_attribute` | string | |
| | `ldap_email_key` | string | eg 'mail' |
| | `ldap_manager_attribute` | string | eg 'manager' |
| | `ldap_uid_attribute` | string | |
| | `ldap_uid_regex` | string | |
| | `ldap_uid_tags` | string | |
| | `ldap_uri` | string | eg 'ldaps://' |
| | `redis_host` | string | redis host if cache_engine == redis |
| | `redis_port` | integer | redis port, default: 6369 |
| | `ses_region` | string | AWS region that handles SES API calls |

#### DataDog Config

| Required? | Key | Type | Notes |
| | `datadog_api_key` | string | DataDog API key. |
| | `datadog_application_key` | string | Datadog application key. |

These fields are not necessary if c7n_mailer is run in a instance/lambda/etc with the DataDog agent.

#### Slack Config

| Required? | Key | Type | Notes |
| | `slack_token` | string | Slack API token |

#### SendGrid Config

| Required? | Key | Type | Notes |
| | `sendgrid_api_key` | string | SendGrid API token |
SendGrid is only supported for Azure Cloud use with Azure Storage Queue currently.

#### SDK Config

| Required? | Key | Type | Notes |
| | `http_proxy` | string | |
| | `https_proxy` | string | |
| | `profile` | string | |

## Configuring a policy to send email

Outbound email can be added to any policy by including the `notify` action.


- name: bad-apples
resource: asg
- "tag:ASV": absent
- type: notify
template: default
template_format: 'html'
priority_header: '1'
subject: fix your tags
- resource-owner
type: sqs

So breaking it down, you add an action of type `notify`. You can specify a
template that's used to format the email; customizing templates is described

The `to` list specifies the intended recipient for the email. You can specify
either an email address, an SNS topic, a Datadog Metric, or a special value. The special values
are either

- `resource-owner`, in which case the email will be sent to the listed
`OwnerContact` tag on the resource that matched the policy, or
- `event-owner` for push-based/realtime policies that will send to the user
that was responsible for the underlying event.
- `priority_header` to indicate the importance of an email with [headers]( Different emails clients will display stars, exclamation points or flags depending on the value. Should be an string from 1 to 5.

Both of these special values are best effort, i.e., if no `OwnerContact` tag is
specified then `resource-owner` email will not be delivered, and in the case of
`event-owner` an instance role or system account will not result in an email.

The optional `owner_absent_contact` list specifies email addresses to notify only if
the `resource-owner` special option was unable to find any matching owner contact

For reference purposes, the JSON Schema of the `notify` action:

"type": "object",
"required": ["type", "transport", "to"],
"properties": {
"type": {"enum": ["notify"]},
"to": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}},
"owner_absent_contact": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}},
"subject": {"type": "string"},
"priority_header": {"type": "string"},
"template": {"type": "string"},
"transport": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["type", "queue"],
"properties": {
"queue": {"type": "string"},
"region": {"type": "string"},
"type": {"enum": ["sqs"]}

## Using on Azure

Requires `c7n_azure` package. See [Installing Azure Plugin](

The mailer supports an Azure Storage Queue transport and SendGrid delivery on Azure.
Configuration for this scenario requires only minor changes from AWS deployments.

The notify action in your policy will reflect transport type `asq` with the URL
to an Azure Storage Queue. For example:

- name: azure-notify
resource: azure.resourcegroup
description: example policy
- type: notify
template: default
priority_header: '2'
subject: Hello from C7N Mailer
type: asq

In your mailer configuration, you'll need to provide your SendGrid API key as well as
prefix your queue URL with `asq://` to let mailer know what type of queue it is:

queue_url: asq://
sendgrid_api_key: SENDGRID_API_KEY

The mailer will transmit all messages found on the queue on each execution, and will retry
sending 3 times in the event of a failure calling SendGrid. After the retries the queue
message will be discarded.

#### Deploying Azure Functions

The `--update-lambda` CLI option will also deploy Azure Functions if you have an Azure
mailer configuration.

`c7n-mailer --config mailer.yml --update-lambda`

where `mailer.yml` may look like:

queue_url: asq://
sendgrid_api_key: <key>
function_servicePlanName: mycustodianfunctions

## Writing an email template

Templates are authored in [jinja2](
Drop a file with the `.j2` extension into the
[`msg-templates`](./msg-templates) directory, and send a pull request to this
repo. You can then reference it in the `notify` action as the `template`
variable by file name minus extension. Templates ending with `.html.j2` are
sent as HTML-formatted emails, all others are sent as plain text.

The following variables are available when rendering templates:

| variable | value |
| `recipient` | email address |
| `resources` | list of resources that matched the policy filters |
| `event` | for CWE-push-based lambda policies, the event that triggered |
| `action` | `notify` action that generated this SQS message |
| `policy` | policy that triggered this notify action |
| `account` | short name of the aws account |

The following extra global functions are available:

| signature | behavior |
| `format_struct(struct)` | pretty print a json structure |
| `resource_tag(resource, key)` | retrieve a tag value from a resource or return an empty string, aliased as get_resource_tag_value |
| `format_resource(resource, resource_type)` | renders a one line summary of a resource |

The following extra jinja filters are available:

| filter | behavior |
| <code>utc_string&#124;date_time_format(tz_str='US/Pacific', format='%Y %b %d %H:%M %Z')</code> | pretty [format]( the date / time |
| <code>30&#124;get_date_time_delta</code> | Convert a time [delta]( like '30' days in the future, to a datetime string. You can also use negative values for the past. |

## Developer Install (OS X El Capitan)

Clone the repository:
$ git clone
Install dependencies (with virtualenv):
$ virtualenv c7n_mailer
$ source c7n_mailer/bin/activate
$ cd tools/c7n_mailer
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the extensions:
python develop

## Testing Templates and Recipients

A ``c7n-mailer-replay`` entrypoint is provided to assist in testing email notifications
and templates. This script operates on an actual SQS message from cloud-custodian itself,
which you can either retrieve from the SQS queue or replicate locally. By default it expects
the message file to be base64-encoded, gzipped JSON, just like c7n sends to SQS. With the
``-p`` | ``--plain`` argument, it will expect the message file to contain plain JSON.

``c7n-mailer-replay`` has three main modes of operation:

* With no additional arguments, it will render the template specified by the policy the
message is for, and actually send mail from the local machine as ``c7n-mailer`` would.
This only works with SES, not SMTP.
* With the ``-t`` | ``--template-print`` argument, it will log the email addresses that would
receive mail, and print the rendered message body template to STDOUT.
* With the ``-d`` | ``--dry-run`` argument, it will print the actual email body (including headers)
that would be sent, for each message that would be sent, to STDOUT.

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

c7n_mailer-0.3.2.tar.gz (30.8 kB view hashes)

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