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This package contains the CalCFU and Plate class for automatically calculating CFU counts under the NCIMS 2400 standards.

Project description


Table of Contents


These Python scripts calculate CFU counts for plating methods outlined in the NCIMS 2400 using two custom classes.

  • Plate for storing plate characteristics.
  • CalCFU for the calculator logic.

While the calculation can be performed easily in most cases, this script allows for bulk-automated calculations where any dilution and number of plates can be used.

The code below outlines the entire process and references the NCIMS 2400s.

Getting Started

pip install calcfu


Plates are set up via the Plate dataclass.

from calcfu import Plate

# 1 PAC plate with a 10^-2 dilution of a weighed sample yielding a total count of 234.
plates_1 = Plate(plate_type="PAC", count=234, dilution=-2, weighed=True, num_plts=1)
# 1 PAC plate with a 10^-3 dilution of a weighed sample yielding a total count of 53.
plates_2 = Plate(plate_type="PAC", count=53, dilution=-3, weighed=True, num_plts=1)


Each instance of the dataclass is created with five arguments which are set as fields.


  • plate_type [ str ]
    • Plate type.
  • count [ int ]
    • Raw plate counts.
  • dilution [ str ]
    • Dilution used to plate.
  • weighed [ bool ]
    • Sample was weighed or not.
  • num_plts [ int ]
    • Number of plates for each dilution.
    • By default, this is set to 1.
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class Plate(CalcConfig):
    plate_type: str
    count: int
    dilution: int
    weighed: bool
    num_plts: int = 1

Class Variables

When an instance of the Plate or CalCFU class is created, it inherits from the CalcConfig class which stores all necessary configuration variables for the calculator.

@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class Plate(CalcConfig):

@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class CalCFU(CalcConfig):
class CalcConfig:
    # Logging/File Path Variables

    VALID_DILUTIONS = (0, -1, -2, -3, -4)
        "SPC": (25, 250),
        "PAC": (25, 250),
        "RAC": (25, 250),
        "CPC": (1, 154),
        "HSCC": (1, 154),
        "PCC": (1, 154),
        "YM": (),
        "RYM": ()}
    WEIGHED_UNITS = {True: " / g", False: " / mL"}
        # count must be an integer and greater than 0
        "plate_type": lambda plate_type: plate_type in CalcConfig.PLATE_RANGES,
        "count": lambda count: isinstance(count, int) and count > 0,
        # dilution must be in valid dilutions
        "dilution": lambda dilution: dilution in CalcConfig.VALID_DILUTIONS,
        "weighed": lambda weighed: isinstance(weighed, bool),
        # num_plts must be an integer and greater than 0
        "num_plts": lambda num_plts: isinstance(num_plts, int) and num_plts > 0,

        # plates must all be an instance of the Plate dataclass and must be all the same plate_type
        "plates": lambda plates, plt_cls: all(isinstance(plate, plt_cls) and plate.plate_type == plates[0].plate_type
                                              for plate in plates),
        "all_weighed": lambda plates: all(plates[0].weighed == plate.weighed for plate in plates)}

Field Validation

Arguments/fields are validated via a __post_init__ method where each key is checked against conditions in self.INPUT_VALIDATORS

# post init dunder method for validation
def __post_init__(self):
    for key, value in asdict(self).items():
        assert self.INPUT_VALIDATORS[key](value), \
            "Invalid value. Check"


Properties are also defined to allow for read-only calculation of attributes from the input arguments.

def cnt_range(self):
    # self.cnt_range[0] is min, self.cnt_range[1] is max
    return self.PLATE_RANGES.get(self.plate_type, None)

def in_between(self):
    if self.cnt_range[0] <= self.count <= self.cnt_range[1]:
        return True
        return False

def sign(self):
    if 0 <= self.count < self.cnt_range[0]:
        return "<"
    elif self.count > self.cnt_range[1]:
        return ">"
        return ""

def _bounds_abs_diff(self):
    # Dict of bounds and their abs difference between the number of colonies.
    return {bound: abs(self.count - bound) for bound in self.cnt_range}

def hbound_abs_diff(self):
    return abs(self.count - self.cnt_range[1])

def closest_bound(self):
    # return closest bound based on min abs diff between count and bound
    return min(self._bounds_abs_diff, key=self._bounds_abs_diff.get)
  • cnt_range [ tuple: 2 ]
    • Countable colony numbers for a plate type.
  • in_between [ bool ]
    • If count within countable range.
  • sign [ str ]
    • Sign for reported count if all count values are outside the acceptable range.
    • Used in CalCFU._calc_no_dil_valid.
  • _bounds_abs_diff [ dict ]
    • Absolute differences of count and low and high cnt_ranges.
  • hbound_abs_diff [ int ]
    • Absolute difference of count and high of cnt_range.
  • closest_bound [ int ]
    • Closest count in cnt_range to count.
    • Based on minimum absolute difference between count and cnt_ranges. The smaller the difference, the closer the count is to a bound.


The calculator is contained in the CalCFU dataclass. Using the previously created Plate instances, a CalCFU instance is created.

from calcfu import CalCFU

# Setup calculator with two PAC plates that contain a weighed sample.
calc = CalCFU(plates=[plates_1, plates_2])


Each instance of CountCalculator is initialized with a list of the plates to be calculated:


  • plates [ list ]
    • Contains Plate instances.
    • Validated via __post_init__ method.
  • plate_ids [ list ]
    • Optional
    • Contains list of plate IDs.
    • Used to identify incorrect plates in error message.
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class CalCFU(CalcConfig):
    plates: List
    plate_ids: Optional[List] = None


def valid_plates(self):
    return [plate for plate in self.plates if plate.in_between]

def reported_units(self):
    # grab first plate and use plate type. should be all the same
    return f"{self.plates[0].plate_type}{self.WEIGHED_UNITS.get(self.plates[0].weighed)}"
  • valid_plates [ list ]
    • Plates that have acceptable counts for their plate type.
  • reported_units [ str ]
    • Units based on plate type and if weighed.
    • Estimated letter added in self.calculate()


Two methods are available for use with the CountCalculator instance:

  • calculate
  • bank_round


This method is the "meat-and-potatoes" of the script. It calculates the reported/adjusted count based on the plates given.

Optional arguments:

  • round_to [ int ]
    • Digit to round to. Default is 1.
      • Relative to leftmost digit (0). Python is 0 indexed.
    • ex. Round to 1: 2(5),666
    • ex. Round to 3: 25,6(6)6
  • report_count [ bool ]
    • Option to return reported count or unrounded, unlabeled adjusted count.

First, each plate is checked to see if its count is in between the accepted count range. Based on the number of valid plates, a different method is used to calculate the result.

def calculate(self, round_to=2, report_count=True):
    valid_plates = self.valid_plates
    # assign empty str to sign var. will be default unless no plate valid
    sign = ""
    # track if estimated i.e. no plate is valid.
    estimated = False

    if len(valid_plates) == 0:
        sign, adj_count = self._calc_no_dil_valid()
        estimated = True
    elif len(valid_plates) == 1:
        # only one plate is valid so multiple by reciprocal of dil.
        valid_plate = valid_plates[0]
        adj_count = valid_plate.count * (10 ** abs(valid_plate.dilution))
        adj_count = self._calc_multi_dil_valid()

    if report_count:
        units = f"{('' if not estimated else 'e')}{self.reported_units}"
        # add sign, thousands separator, and units
        return f"{sign}{'{:,}'.format(self.bank_round(adj_count, round_to))} {units}"
        return adj_count

_calc_no_dil_valid(self, report_count)

This function runs when no plates have valid counts.


  • report_count [ bool ]
    • Same as calculate.


  1. Reduce the self.plates down to one plate by checking adjacent plates' hbound_abs_diff.
    • The plate with the smallest difference is closest to the highest acceptable count bound.
    • Ex. |267 - 250| = 17 and |275 - 250| = 25
    • 17 < 25 so 267 is closer to 250 than 275.
  2. Set throwaway variable value to count or closest_bound based on if reported count needed.
  3. Finally, return sign and multiply the closest bound by the reciprocal of the dilution.
def _calc_no_dil_valid(self, report_count):
    # Use reduce to reduce plates to a single plate:
    #   plate with the lowest absolute difference between the hbound and value
    closest_to_hbound = reduce(lambda p1, p2: min(p1, p2, key=lambda x: x.hbound_abs_diff), self.plates)

    # if reporting, use closest bound; otherwise, use count.
    value = closest_to_hbound.closest_bound if report_count else closest_to_hbound.count

    return closest_to_hbound.sign, value * (10 ** abs(closest_to_hbound.dilution))


This method runs if multiple plates have valid counts.


  • main_dil [ int ]
    • The lowest dilution of the valid_plates.
  • dil_weights [ list ]
    • The weights each dilution/plate contributes to the total count.
  • div_factor [ int ]
    • The sum of dil_weights. Part of the denominator of the weighted averaged.


  1. First, sum counts from all valid plates (plates_1 and plates_2).1
  2. If all plates are the same dilution, set div_factor to the total number of valid plates.
  3. Otherwise, we will take a weighted average taking into account how each dilution contributes to the div_factor.2
  4. Each dilution will have a weight of how much it contributes to the total count (via the div_factor)
    • If the plate dilution is the main_dil, set the dilution's weight to 1.
      • This value is the main_dil's weight towards the total count.
      • The least diluted plate contributes the largest number of colonies to the overall count. It will always be 1 and serves to normalize the effect of the other dilutions.
      • NCIMS 2400a.16.l.1 | NCIMS 2400a-4.17.e
    • If it is not, subtract the absolute value of main_dil by the absolute value of plate.dilution.
      • By raising 10 to the power of abs_diff_dil, the plate dilution's weight - relative to main_dil - is calculated.
  5. Each dilution weight is then multiplied by the number of plates used for that dilution.
  6. The sum of all dilution weights in dil_weights is the division weight, div_factor.
  7. Dividing the total by the product of div_factor and main_dil yields the adjusted count.3
Figure 1. Sum of counts from all valid plates (Step 2)

Figure 2. Weighted average formula. (Step 3)

Figure 3. Adjusted count formula. (Step 7)

def _calc_multi_dil_valid(self):
    valid_plates = self.valid_plates
    total = sum(plate.count for plate in valid_plates)
    main_dil = max(plate.dilution for plate in valid_plates)
    # If all plates have the same dilution.
    if all(plate.dilution == valid_plates[0].dilution for plate in valid_plates):
        # each plates is equally weighed because all the same dil
        div_factor = sum(1 * plate.num_plts for plate in valid_plates)
        dil_weights = []
        for plate in valid_plates:
            if plate.dilution == main_dil:
                dil_weights.append(1 * plate.num_plts)
                # calculate dil weight relative to main_dil
                abs_diff_dil = abs(main_dil) - abs(plate.dilution)
                dil_weights.append((10 ** abs_diff_dil) * plate.num_plts)

        div_factor = sum(dil_weights)

    return int(total / (div_factor * (10 ** main_dil)))

Once a value is returned...

bank_round(value, place_from_left)

This method rounds values using banker's rounding. String manipulation was used rather than working with floats to avoid rounding errors.


  • value [ int ]
    • Value to be rounded.
  • place_from_left [ int ]
    • Digit to round to. Leftmost digit is 1 (NOT 0).
    • See calculate() for examples.


  • value_len [ int ]
    • Len of string value.
  • str_abbr_value [ str ]
  • str_padded_value [ str ]
    • Zero-padded value as string.
  • adj_value [ int ]
    • Abbreviated, padded value as integer.
  • adj_place_from_left
    • Adjusted index for base python round(). Needs to be ndigits from decimal point.
    • Ex. round(2(1)5., -1) -> 220
  • final_val [ int ]
    • Rounded value.
def bank_round(value, place_from_left):
    if isinstance(value, int) and isinstance(place_from_left, int):
        # Length of unrounded value.
        value_len = len(str(value))
        # remove digits that would alter rounding only allowing 1 digit before desired place
        str_abbr_value = str(value)[0:place_from_left + 1]
        # pad with 0's equal to number of removed digits
        str_padded_value = str_abbr_value + ("0" * (value_len - len(str_abbr_value)))
        adj_value = int(str_padded_value)
        # reindex place_from_left for round function.
        # place_from_left = 2 for 2(5)553. to round, needs to be -3 so subtract length by place and multiply by -1.
        adj_place_from_left = -1 * (value_len - place_from_left)
        final_val = round(adj_value, adj_place_from_left)
        return final_val
        raise ValueError("Invalid value or place (Not an integer).")


result = bank_round(value=24553, place_from_left=2)
  1. Find the length of the value as a string.
    • value_len=5
  2. Abbreviate value as string.
    • str_abbr_value="245"
  3. Pad value as string out to original length.
    • str_padded_value="24500"
  4. Convert padded value back to a number.
    • adj_value=24500
  5. Reindex place_from_left for the round function.
    • adj_place_from_left=-3
  6. Round adj_value with place_from_left, the new index.
    • result=24000


  1. NCIMS 2400a: SPC - Pour Plate (Oct 2013)
  2. NCIMS 2400a-4: SPC - Petrifilm (Nov 2017)
  3. Built-in Functions - round()
  4. Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations

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calcfu-1.0.1.tar.gz (14.9 kB view hashes)

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calcfu-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (13.0 kB view hashes)

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