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Camera-based Analysis and Monitoring of Flying Insects

Project description


Camera-based Analysis and Monitoring of Flying Insects


Installation is as easy as:

$ pip install camfi

Once you have installed camfi, you can run it from the command line:

$ camfi <command> <flags>


Camfi requires python 3.7 or greater.

See requirements.txt for concrete dependencies.

Note: Installing using $ pip install camfi will only install the dependencies for the command line tools. The example notebooks have some additional dependencies, which can be installed by cloning the repository, and installing from the requirements file:

$ git clone
$ cd camfi
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

A. Setting up the cameras

Rolling shutter calibration measurements

There are probably a number of possible ways to measure the rolling shutter line rate of a camera, so feel free to use your imagination. Here is one way of doing it:

  1. Find a place you can make very dark (or wait until night time to do the measurement).

  2. Make a device which spins a white line about its centre at a constant rotational velocity. For the line, We used a cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels with a line of paper taped to it. The tube was taped to the blades of a small desk fan. The inertia of the cardboard tube helped ensure that the line would rotate at a constant rotational velocity.

    Apparatus for measuring rolling shutter line rateFigure A1. Apparatus for measuring rolling shutter line rate.

  3. Measure the rotational velocity of the line by synchronising a strobe light to the rotations of the line. We found the Strobily Android app (available on the Google Play Store) to be very useful for this. This will be easiest in a dark room.

  4. Mount the camera you wish to measure facing the rotating line, ensuring the camera is steady.

  5. Take (multiple) photos of the rotating line, under illumination by the camera's infra-red LED flash. If using wildlife cameras, it is recommended to do this buy using the camera's timed capture setting, so that it is not bumped while taking the photos.

  6. Load the images onto your computer and follow the steps in the camera calibration notebook.

Camera settings

In general, the specific settings you use depend on the research question, but our suggestion is to use a time-lapse function, rather than (or in addition to, if available) passive infra-red (PIR) motion detection to trigger the camera. This is because insects will not be detected by the PIR sensor.

Other settings are up to the user. We use the highest available quality setting and have set the cameras to only take photos during the night.

Camera placement

The cameras should ideally be placed such that the background of the images is more or less uniform (for example, at the sky), but again, this depends on the research question.

B. Image annotation

Setting up the VIA project file

  1. Place all the images to be annotated into a single parent directory. They may be in sub-directories within this parent directory.

  2. Before making the project file, it is necessary to produce a text file which contains the relative paths to all of the images to be annotated, one per line. It is suggested to generate this on the command line. For example, if your file structure is something like this:

    annotation_project            # Parent directory
    ├-- via.html
    ├-- moth_images_november      # Images may be contained within subdirs,
    │   ├-- 0001                  # and these subdirs can be arbitrarily
    │   │   ├-- 100MEDIA          # nested.
    │   │   │   ├-- DSCF0001.JPG
    │   │   │   └--...
    │   │   └-- 101MEDIA
    │   │       ├-- DSCF0001.JPG
    │   │       └--...
    │   └-- 0002
    │       ├-- 100MEDIA
    │       │   ├-- DSCF0001.JPG
    │       │   └--...
    │       └-- 101MEDIA
    │           ├-- DSCF0001.JPG
    │           └--...
    └-- moth_images_december
        ├-- 0001
        │   ├-- 100MEDIA
        │   │   ├-- DSCF0001.JPG
        │   │   └--...
        │   └-- 101MEDIA
        │       ├-- DSCF0001.JPG
        │       └--...
        └-- 0002
            ├-- 100MEDIA
            │   ├-- DSCF0001.JPG
            │   └--...
            └-- 101MEDIA
                ├-- DSCF0001.JPG

    Then you could generate the required file by running the following bash command from within the annotation_project directory:

    $ ls -1 moth_images_*/*/*/*.JPG > annotation_image_filelist.txt

    Or if using fish-shell, one can easily be more flexible with regard to the exact directory structure:

    ls -1 moth_images_**.JPG > annotation_image_filelist.txt

    You will then end with a file called annotation_image_filelist.txt in the annotation_project directory, which starts something like this (note the exact paths should reflect your directory structure, rather than that of this arbitrary example):

    annotation_project$ head annotation_image_filelist.txt

    Note that this file contains relative paths to the images, not absolute paths. This is important for making the project portable between machines (for example if the annotation work is to be spread between multiple people). Once this file list has been generated, we are ready to set up the project in VIA.

  3. Ensure "via.html" is placed into the parent directory containing the images to be annotated (annotation_project in the above example), then open it in you web browser by double-clicking it.

  4. In VIA, under "Project" in the top menu bar (see Fig. B1), select "Add url or path from text file".

  5. Navigate to the project directory, and select the file list we generated in step 2. The images should appear in the project pane on the left-hand side of the screen.

  6. After checking that the image files were loaded properly, select "Save" under the "Project" menu. Leave the boxes checked, and name the project file as you wish. Your web browser will treat this as a file download. Once downloaded, you should move the project file into your annotation project directory.

Performing the annotations in VIA

  1. Open “via.html”, ensuring it is in the parent directory containing the images to be annotated.

  2. In the top menu, click on Project, then choose Load (see the red oval to the left in below Fig. B1). Find your VIA project file, and click Open.

    Loading and navigating VIAFigure B1. Loading and navigating VIA.

  3. If it is the first time that you work on the file, simply start with the first image. If you have already worked on the project file before and you have a saved version, scroll down to the last image that you were working on and click on it. You can now start working from that image.

  4. You move between images (backwards and forwards) with the sideways arrows in the top menu (see the blue oval to the right in Fig. B1), or you can use the sideways arrows on your keyboard.

  5. To zoom in and out, use the magnifying glass (+ or -, see the yellow oval in the upper right corner in Fig. B1).

  6. To the left, you can find different Region shapes (see the red oval in Fig. B2). The only ones I have been using are the “Circular region shape”, the “Point region shape”, and the “Polyline region shape”.

    Region shapes in VIAFigure B2. Region shapes in VIA.

    • Circular region shape: This shape can be used when you cannot see the whole moth (or the whole motion blur), e.g., when the moth is going out the edge of the image (see the moth in the upper right corner in Fig. B3), if another moth or object is covering it, or if you find it hard to see where the motion blur starts and ends. To draw a circle region, simply press single click and drag the mouse.

      Example of circle annotationFigure B3. Example of circle annotation.

    • Point region shape: This shape can be used when the moth is visible as a point (usually in brighter conditions; see the two moths in Fig. B4). There is not as much motion blur, because the sun has not set yet, meaning the camera used a shorter exposure time. It can also be used when the area of the moth is too small for the circular region shape to function. When this is the case, an error message will show up at the bottom of the screen. To define a point, press single click.

      Example of point annotationsFigure B4. Example of point annotations.

    • Polyline region shape: This shape should be used when the moth is visible as a line (due to motion blur). Often, you can see the flapping of the wings (see Fig. B3). To draw a polyline, single click on the start of the motion blur, and then at the end of the motion blur. To finish drawing the polyline, press “Enter” on the keyboard. It is important to make sure that the ends of the polyline annotations match up with the ends of the motion blur. Also important is to follow the line carefully - by clicking along the line several times - so that a bend is properly annotated (see the polyline in Fig. B5).

      Example of polyline annotationFigure B5. Example of polyline annotation.

  7. In the bottom left corner, you can find different Keyboard Shortcuts (see Fig. B6). There is an explanation to the right of each shortcut. Some of them can be quite helpful, e.g. how to “Delete selected regions”. You basically just click on the region shape and it becomes selected. Then you can delete it by clicking on the letter “d”. Some shapes can be harder than others to delete, e.g. polylines, simply because the lines are so thin. Just be patient, it will work eventually.

    Button to view keyboard shortcuts in VIAFigure B6. Button to view keyboard shortcuts in VIA.

  8. Do not forget to save. Do this regularly, about every 30 min. You can find "Save" in the top menu under "Project" (see Fig. B1). It is recommended to save each time to a new file, with a file name based on which image in the project you are up to. This will mitigate the risk of file corruption problems and will aid in keeping track of progress.

Examples of problematic images and FAQ

Extremely busy imageFigure B7. Extremely busy image.

Q: What to do when an image is extremely busy and it is difficult to tell moths apart?

A: Make a note of it and do not spend too long trying to get it exactly right. Make some judgement calls.

Endpoints are hard to see in faint blurs of moths in the backgroundFigure B8. Endpoints are hard to see in faint blurs of moths in the background.

Q: In this image, there are faint moths in the background, but it is hard to see exactly where the image blur starts and ends. What to do?

A: The main thing is to be as consistent across images as possible. If you are not confident about the start and end point you could use a circle annotation (then it will be included in the abundance analysis, but not the wingbeat analysis).

Faint blurs of moths in the background have no obviously visible wingbeatFigure B9. Faint blurs of moths in the background have no obviously visible wingbeat.

Q: In this image, the flapping of the wings is not very obvious for some of the moths in the background. Should I track them anyway?

A: It is a bit of a judgement call. Ideally, we mark all moths and only moths. Obviously, this can be a bit tricky. Many of the smooth streaks might be other insects, spider web, or even rain. If you are not sure, mark it, and make a note of which image it is in. If it looks really different from other moths in the image, do not mark it. These instructions are a bit vague, but try to be consistent. Some of the moths just has lower contrast against the sky, which makes the flapping harder to see. If you zoom in, you might see it better. You could also compare the speed (based on the length of the streak) of the moth to other moths in the image.

Loading the image metadata into the VIA project file

Note: It is recommended to only perform this steps after the annotation has been completed. This is because including the image metadata in the VIA project file increases the size of the file substantially, and since it is recommended to save all incremental versions of the project file, this could become cumbersome if the metadata is included from the start.

For insect activity analysis (see example jupyter notebook), we first need to load the image metadata into the annotation project file. This can be done using camfi add-metadata. Usage is simple, just provide the input file and desired output file:

$ camfi add-metadata \
    --i via_annotation_project_file.json \
    --o via_annotation_project_file_with_metadata.json

There is one optional argument to camfi add_metadata, called --processes which enables multiple processes to be spawned. This may improve performance to a certain point, but eventually I/O will be the limiting factor to how fast this can run (as each image file needs to be opened in order to extract the metadata). For example, to run with 8 cores:

$ camfi add-metadata \
    --i via_annotation_project_file.json \
    --o via_annotation_project_file_with_metadata.json \
    --processes 8

C. Automatic image annotation

Camfi can perform the annotation process for you automatically by using an annotation model based of Mask R-CNN. We have trained the model on images of Bogong moth motion blurs, and it gives good results. It is very simple to train and training can be done on Google Colab, meaning that training can be done even if you do not have access to GPU compute.

Inference (performing automatic annotation)

If you have trained you model (see next section for how to do this), or if you want to use the included model, you can use camfiannotate to automatically annotate your images. Sample usage:

$ camfiannotate via_annotation_project_file.json \
    --o autoannotated.json \
    --model release \
    --crop=0,0,4608,3312 \  # To crop out trailcamera info overlay
    --device cuda \
    --backup-device cpu \
    --score-thresh 0.4

This will annotate all the images in the input VIA project file using the release model, outputting a new VIA project file. The above options tell camfiannotate to crop the images before running inference on them, and to use cuda (a GPU) to run the inference. By setting --backup-device cpu, we tell the annotator to run inference on the CPU for images with fail on the GPU due to memory constraints (inference on images with lots of motion blurs in them takes up more memory). Finally, only annotations which have a score of at least 0.4 will be output. For model validation, it is recommended to set this to 0. Besides, you can always filter these later, for example:

$ camfi filter \
    --i autoannotated.json \
    --o autoannotated_0.9.json \
    --by score \
    --minimum 0.9

If you want to use a different model, you can set --model <filepath>, where <filepath> is the path to the model you want to use. Alternatively you can set --model latest, which will check github for the latest released model.


To train the model, you will first need a set of manually annotated images (see above for instructions to do this). Once you have this, you can select just the images which have at least one annotation for training and validation purposes:

$ camfi remove-unannotated \
    --i via_annotation_project_file.json \
    --o annotated_only.json

If you are training on a server or Colab instance, you might want to package these images up along with the annotations in a zip file for easy uploading of only the data we actually need:

$ camfi zip-images \
    --i annotated_only.json \

To define a test set, we make a text file listing a random subset of the images. This will make a test set of 50 images:

$ camfi filelist --i annotated_only.json --shuffle 1234 | head -n 50 \
    > test_set.txt

We are now ready for training. This can either be done from the command line using the traincamfiannotator command. For help on how to use this, run:

$ traincamfiannotator --help

Alternatively you can train on Colab. Please refer to the model training example notebook.


To validate our automatic annotation model, we need a VIA project file containing manual annotations (e.g. via_annotation_project_file_with_metadata.json), and a second VIA project file containing only the images we want to run the validation on. For example, we may want to run validation on on our test set (e.g. those in test_set.txt). To make a test set VIA project file, we proceed in the same way as we did to create our original VIA project file (i.e. run via.html, and select "Project" > "Add url or path from text file". Then select test_set.txt, and save the project as test_set.json).

To validate the automatic annotations, we need to first get them. Once we have the VIA project file for the images we want to run validation on, we run camfiannotate on it:

$ camfiannotate test_set.json \
    --o test_set_autoannotated.json \
    --crop=0,0,4608,3312 \  # To crop out trailcamera info overlay
    --device cuda \
    --backup-device cpu \
    --score-thresh 0.0  # Important to set this to 0.0 for validation

This gives us the automatic annotations. To validate these against via_annotation_project_file_with_metadata.json, we run:

$ camfi validate-annotations \
    via_annotation_project_file_with_metadata.json \
    --i test_set.json \
    --o validation.json

This gives us validation.json, which contains the validation data. For an example of how to interpret this data see the automatic annotation evaluation notebook.

D. Data analysis

Running camfi

Once the manual annotation is completed, running camfi extract-wingbeats will analyse wingbeats from polyline-annotated moth motion blurs to gain information about the wingbeat frequency of the moths which produced those blurs.

Before proceeding, ensure you have:

  1. Measured the rolling shutter line rate of you camera(s)
  2. A completed annotation project file
  3. The image files used to produce the annotation file

A general summary of usage is provided below:

    camfi extract-wingbeats - Uses the camfi algorithm to measure the wingbeat frequency of annotated flying insect motion blurs in still images.

    camfi extract-wingbeats <flags>

    Uses the camfi algorithm to measure the wingbeat frequency of annotated flying insect motion blurs in still images.

        Default: 1
        number of child processes to spawn
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        path to input VIA project json file. Defaults to sys.stdin
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        path to output file. Defaults to sys.stdout

        Default: inf
        The line rate of the rolling shutter
        Default: 100
        Half width of analysis windows (half width of blurs)
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        Maximum number of columns to calculate autocorrelation over. Defaults to a half of the length of the image
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        Directory in which to put supplementary figures (optional)

    $ camfi extract-wingbeats \
        --i via_annotation_project_file_with_metadata.json \
        --line-rate 91813 \
	--scan-distance 100 \
	--supplementary-figures wingbeat_supplemantry_figures \
	--processes 8 \
	--o moth_wingbeats.csv

Running the above will produce a tab-separated file called moth_wingbeats.csv with the following columns:

  1. image_name : relative path to image
  2. capture_time : datetime in yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS format
  3. annotation_idx : index of annotation in image (arbitrary)
  4. best_peak : period of wingbeat in pixels
  5. blur_length : length of motion blur in pixels
  6. snr : signal to noise ratio of best peak
  7. wb_freq_up : wingbeat frequency estimate, assuming upward motion (and zero body-length)
  8. wb_freq_down : wingbeat frequency estimate, assuming downward motion (and zero body-length)
  9. et_up : corrected moth exposure time, assuming upward motion
  10. et_dn : corrected moth exposure time, assuming downward motion
  11. period_up : wingbeat period, assuming upward motion (and zero body-length)
  12. period_dn : wingbeat period, assuming downward motion (and zero body-length)
  13. spec_dens : comma separated values, with the spectral density array associated with the annotation

Wingbeat analysis

Once has been run, the output can be used for further analysis of wingbeat frequency. For an example of such analysis, please refer to the wingbeat analysis example notebook.

Insect activity analysis

The annotation file with image metadata produced in section B of this manual can be used directly for analysis of insect activity levels. Please refer to the activity analysis example notebook for guidance on how this analysis could be conducted.

Project details

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Source Distribution

camfi-1.0.1.tar.gz (13.0 MB view hashes)

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