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A project checker for ccpn v3+ projects

Project description


This is a small utility for checking the basic structure of a ccpn v3 project


The program maybe installed as a command line tool using pipx:

pipx install ccpn_project_checker

to force the installation to use a particular python distribution use:

pipx install ccpn_project_checker --python <PATH-TO-PYTHON-EXECUTABLE> 

where is the path to a python executable e.g. /usr/local/bin/python3 or something equivalent


To remove the tool type

pipx uninstall ccpn_project_checker


to check a project type:

check-project Sec5Part4.ccpn

this will produce output most of which is a series of notes describing the project, for example the output for the file Sec5Part4.ccpn is (note that the output is quite verbose so I have cut out the middle section):

NOTE: target Sec5Part4.ccpn
NOTE: project_name appears to be... Sec5Part4


NOTE: analysis took 0.078 seconds
Overall status EXIT_OK [0]: The project was ok

The first thing to not here is that the exit status is OK, this means that the project is ok and is useable as far as the rules the project checker uses to check the contents, note the project could till fail to load because of more subtle errors than the onse checked here.

The possible exit statuses are:

Status name exit code Meaning
EXIT_OK 0 the project is good
EXIT_ERROR_INCOMPLETE 1 the project is bad enough to halt analysis early
EXIT_ERROR 2 project analysis completed but the project has errors
EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR 3 the run failed and there was an internal error analysis did not complete
EXIT_WARN 4 the project is usable but there are some worry features (e.g. orphaned files etc)

the exit code is returned to the shell so that it can be used in scripts etc.

echo $?`

if we run the checker on a file with errors we again get a set of notes but this is followed by a list of one or more errors

check-project Sec5Part4.ccpn

for example

NOTE: target Broken.ccpn
NOTE: project_name appears to be... Broken
NOTE: the directory Broken.ccpn has the correct suffix

NOTE: analysis took 0.000 seconds


   caused by: Broken.ccpn/ccpnv3/memops/Implementation
   detailed message: the directory Broken.ccpn/ccpnv3/memops/Implementation doesn't exist

NOTE: the last error [1] prevented a complete analysis of the project
Overall status EXIT_ERROR_INCOMPLETE [1]: There was an error [the last one listed] in the project that prevented complete processing

The cause of this failure is that the directory Broken.ccpn/ccpnv3/memops/Implementation is missing. This is a fatal error and the analysis stops at this point.

Testing the installation

the checker also ships with a test suite that can be run using the command:


this will run pytest on the test suite and should produce output similar to that below (note again much of the output has been elided for reasons of space):

=========================================================================== test session starts ============================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.10.13, pytest-8.1.1, pluggy-1.4.0 -- /Users/garyt/Library/Application Support/pipx/venvs/ccpn-project-checker/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/garyt/Library/Application Support/pipx/venvs/ccpn-project-checker/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ccpn_project_checker/tests
plugins: time-machine-2.14.1
collected 58 items                                                                                                                                                 [READ_PROTECTED_PROJECT] PASSED                                                                                       [  1%]
...                                                                                                                   [ 98%] PASSED                                                                                                                                 [100%]

====================================================================== 57 passed, 1 skipped in 2.53s =======================================================================

you should see that all the tests pass if they do not then there is a problem with the installation and you should contact the developer on his github issues page. Note you may see a skipped test, in this case this is a test on a set of internal ccpn test projects which are not part of the distribution and so this test is skipped.

Using the project checker as a library

The project checker can also be used as a library, for example to check a project in a python program you can use the following code:

from ccpn_project_checker.DiskModelChecker import ModelChecker

file_path = 'Sec5Part4.ccpn'
checker = ModelChecker()
exit_code =

This gives an exit code and a checker that has errors warning and notes that can be accessed using the errors warnings and notes attributes of the checker object.

The exit_code is an instance of the enumeration DiskModelChecker.ExitStatus which ios defined as follows

from enum import Enum

class ExitStatus(Enum):
    EXIT_OK = 0  # the project is good
    EXIT_ERROR_INCOMPLETE = 1  # the project is bad enough to halt analysis early
    EXIT_ERROR = 2  # the project is bad
    EXIT_INTERNAL_ERROR = 3  # the run failed and there was an internal error analysis did not complete
    EXIT_WARN = 4  # the project is usable but there are some worry features (orphaned files etc)

these mirror the comand line exit codes listed in the table above.

The messages stored in the checker object are stored as a list of tuples with the first element being the message
and the second being a bool defining if the message should be indented or not (True indicates the note expects to be printed without a prefix, False indictates the not expects a prefix such as 'NOTE:').

Warnings and Errors are both stored in a dataclass defined as follows

from dataclasses import dataclass
from ccpn_project_checker.DiskModelChecker import ErrorCode
from typing import Any

class ErrorAndWarningData:
    code: ErrorCode
    cause: Any
    detail: str
    is_warning: bool = False


code is an error code drawn from the enumeration ErrorCode which is defined below cause is the object that caused the error, typically a path but i varies depending on error code detail is a detailed message about the error is_warning is a boolean that is True if the error is a warning and False if it is an error

All warnings maybe treated as errors using the parameter warnings_are_errors provided to the constructor of the ModelChecker class; this parameter is False by default.

Error Codes and Meanings

Error code explanation
MISSING_DIRECTORY the project directory provide doesn't exist
IS_NOT_DIRECTORY a part of the project that should be a directory appears to be something else most probably a file
IS_NOT_FILE a part of the project that should be a file is a directory
NO_MEMOPS_ROOT_FILES when looking at the project there are no xml files in <PROJECT>.ccpn/ccpnv3/memops/Implementation which should contain the root of the projects storage
NOT_READABLE a file or directory in the project is not readable
READ_PROTECTED_PROJECT the root project file <PROJECT>.ccpn/ccpnv3/memops/Implementation/<PROJECT.xml> is not readable
READ_PROTECTED_CCPNV3 the ccpnv3 directory <PROJECT>.ccpn/ccpnv3> is not readable
BAD_XML one of the projects xml files is not correcly formatted xml, the detail will contain a complete diagnosis from the lxml parser. If this occurse on the root project file it is a fatal error otherwise the checker will check as many files as can be read.
NO_STORAGE_UNIT each xml file should contains exactly one storage unit with the structure ```xml <_StorageUnit ...></_StorageUnit>. This was missing from the root of the xmnl in the file
NO_ROOT_OR_TOP_OBJECT each _StorageUnit should contain exactly one element[^1] no child elements were found it was missing.
MULTIPLE_ROOT_OR_TOP_OBJECTS_IN_STORAGE_UNIT each _StorageUnit should contain exactly one element[^1] multiple elements were found.
ROOT_IS_NOT_TOP_OBJECT the child of the _StorageUnit in a non root project file was not a descendant of IMPL.TopObject
ROOT_IS_NOT_MEMOPS_ROOT the child of the _StorageUnit in the root project file was not of type IMPL.MemopsRoot
ROOT_HAS_NO_MODEL_VERSION the _StorageUnit in the root project file shoudl have an attribute release which defines the current version of the dat model being saved. If this is missing or badly formatted its a fatal error as the version of the model being read cannot be ascertained.
NO_EXO_LINKS_FOUND the root project file has no exo links [maybe this should be a warning, its not possible for a ccpn project but is otherwise legal]
EXO_LINK_ELEMENT_SOURCE_MISSING each exo link has a link-location identified by the guid the exo link encloses, this link location couldsn't be found
EXO_LINK_ELEMENT_TOO_MANY_SOURCES each exo link has a link-location identified by the guid the exo link encloses, there should be one link location but more than one was found
# BASIC_EXO_LINKS_NOT_FOUND this tested for a basic set of exo links and could be a warning but is unreliable as an error, it is currently disabled
EXO_LINKED_FILE_MISSING the exo linked file an exo link's guid points to couldn't be found
EXO_LINKED_FILE_HAS_WRONG_KEY an exo link file was found using its guid but the keys in the files key don't maytch those expected
BADLY_FORMATTED_EXO_LINK_KEY_DATA the link-location is not correctly formatted and doesn't contain the corrrect elements for its keys
INTERNAL_AND_EXTERNAL_GUIDS_DISAGREE the name of an exo linked file contains its instance-guid, it is also present on the top object in the file; the two do not agree.
MISSING_PACKAGE_GUID the exo linked file doesn't have the attribute packageGuid in its <_StorageUnit> element which identifies the package it should be stored in.
UNKNOWN_PACKAGE_GUID the exo linked files packageGuid attribute in its <_StorageUnit> doesn't idnetify a known package.
BAD_ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME the root element in the file doesn't have the correct tag /name which should be of the form <SHORT_PACKAGE_NAME>.<TOP-OBJECT-NAME>
UNKNOWN_SHORT_PACKAGE_NAME the root element in the file doesn't have the correct tag /name contains a short package name which isn't known
SHORT_NAME_GUID_DOESNT_MATCH_PACKAGE_GUID the root element in the file has a short package name which doesn't match the packageGuid of its <_StorageUnit>
EXO_FILE_WRONG_STORAGE_LOCATION the root element in the file has a short package name which doesn't its storage location / package directory in the file system
MISSING_ATTRIB only used internally an expected attribute on an xml elemenet is missing
EXO_FILE_TIME_ATTRIB_MISSING the <_StorageUnit> in the file doesn't have a time attribute [warning]
EXO_FILE_TIME_ATTRIB_INVALID the <_StorageUnit> in the file doesn't have a correctly formatted time attribute it should have the format "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" [warning]
EXO_FILE_RELEASE_ATTRIB_MISSING the <_StorageUnit> in the file doesn't have a release attribute
EXO_FILE_RELEASE_ATTRIB_INVALID the <_StorageUnit> in the file doesn't have a correcly formatted release attribute. It should have the form described below in The _StorageUnit Element
EXO_FILE_RELEASE_DOESNT_MATCH_ROOT the release version of the model in the <_StorageUnit> doesn't match that of he projects root
BADLY_FORMATTED_ROOT_EXO_LINK the exo-link in the file is badly formatted and is not of the form <SHORT-PACKAGE-NAME>.exo-<CLASS=NAME>
BADLY_FORMATTED_ROLE_EXO_LINK_KEY_DATA when building a role / reference key the exo-link in the file is badly formatted / missing
INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occured an Exception was raised
WARNING_DETACHED_FILES There were top objects in the project that were not referenced by the root file of the project
BAD_GUID_FORMAT The GUID had an unexpected format the format of a GUID is described below in GUIDs [warning] This is not an error as long as the name is still globall unique
NON_CCPN_ASCII_CHARACTER Characters outside the CCN character set [A-Za-z0-9] + [+_] were found in a filename
WARNING_EMPTY_CONTAINER A storage location was foudn that didn't contain a TopObject xml file
ROOT_FILE_TIME_ATTRIB_MISSING the <_StorageUnit> in the root file doesn't have a time attribute [warning]
ROOT_FILE_TIME_ATTRIB_BAD_FORMAT the <_StorageUnit> in the root file doesn't have a correctly formatted time attribute it should have the format "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" [warning]
ROOT_MODEL_VERSION_BAD the <_StorageUnit> in the root file doesn't have a release attribute
ROOT_MODEL_VERSION_MISSING the <_StorageUnit> in the root file doesn't have a correcly formatted release attribute. It should have the form described below in The _StorageUnit Element

Supporting Utilities

The project checker also ships with a number of supporting utilities that can be used to assist in checking the contents of a project. is a program that can be used to read the metamodel files in a distribution and generate v_3_1_0_guid_to_storage_location.json - a dictionary that maps guids to the storage location of the object in the project v_3_1_0_object_info.json - a dictionary that maps class-guids to instances of ObjectInfo

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List,Dict
class ObjectInfo:

        guid: str                       # the class-guid
        name: str                       # the name of the class
        supertype_guids: List[str]      # the guids of the supertypes of the class
        parent_guid: str                # the guid of the parent element [a package]
        containment: List[str]          # the names of the packages that contain the class 
        keys: List[str]                 # the names of the key attributes of the class that uniquely identify and instance in the project
        key_type_guids: Dict[str, str]  # the guids of the types of the keys
        key_model_types: Dict[str, str] # the model types of the keys [either MetaAttribute or MetaRole]
        key_defaults: Dict[str, str]    # the default values of the keys

an example entry for a MOLE.Molecule

"": {
        "guid": "",
        "name": "Molecule",
        "supertype_guids": [
        "supertype_names": [
        "parent_guid": "",
        "containment": [
        "keys": [
        "key_type_guids": {
            "name": ""
        "key_model_types": {
            "name": "MetaAttribute"
        "key_types_names": {
            "name": [
        "key_defaults": {}

v_3_1_0_short_name_to_guid.json a dictionary that maps package short names to guids can be run as a command line tool using the command

  scripts/walk-metamodel <MODEL-ROOT-DIRECTORY> <MODEL-VERSION>

by default is the current directory and is v_3_1_0

it is assumed that the model shoud be read from the directory <MODEL-ROOT-DIRECTORY> "ccpnmodel" / "versions" / <MODEL-VERSION> can also be used as a library by importing the MetaModelWalker class and using the build_top_info method

CCPN Project Structure

[!Note] we will use the project Sec5Par4.ccpn as an example throughout this section

A ccpn v3 project [hence forrward a v3 project] is stored in a directory hierarchy with a specific structure containing a series of XML files. The name of the top level directory is <PROJECT-NAME>.ccpn where <PROJECT-NAME> is the name of the project, the .ccpn suffix is not required even for ccpn v3 project but is added by ccpn programs for the convenience of the user.


All data in a v3 project is stored in packages, a package is a collection of data that is stored in files in a structured hierarchy of directories in much the same way that python modules are saved in packages. The package hierarchy of the Sec5Part4.ccpn project is shown below as a tree.

├── ccp
│   ├── general
│   │   └── DataLocation
│   │       └── standard+default_user_2022-02-23-14-57-20-615_00001.xml
│   ├── lims
│   │   ├── RefSampleComponent
│   │   │   └── default+default_user_2022-02-23-14-57-20-616_00003.xml
│   │   └── Sample
│   │       └── default+default_user_2022-02-23-14-57-20-616_00002.xml
│   ├── molecule
│   │   ├── MolSystem
│   │   │   └── default+default_user_2022-02-23-14-57-20-617_00001.xml
│   │   └── Molecule
│   │       └── Sec5+Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001.xml
│   └── nmr
│       └── Nmr
│           └── default+default_user_2022-02-23-14-57-20-616_00001.xml
├── ccpnmr
│   └── gui
│       ├── Task
│       │   └── user+View+default_user_2022-02-23-14-57-20-617_00003.xml
│       └── Window
│           └── _ccp_nmr_Nmr_NmrProject___default___+default_user_2022-02-23-14-57-20-617_00002.xml
└── memops
    └── Implementation
        └── Sec5Part4.xml

The tree can be divided into two parts a root package memops/Implementation and a series of exolinked packages such as ccp/general and ccpnmr/gui. Note that the file stored in the root package has a plane text name which is usually the same as the name of the project, in this case Sec5Part4.xml. The files stored in the exo linked packages have names that are a mixture of guids and keys [vide infra] and are stored in the rest of the tree [the exo linked package tree]. An example of an exo linked file and package would be Sec5+Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001.xml which defines a molecul and is stored in the package molecule/Molecule. All files in the tree are xml files, in older versions of the ccpn data model backup files of the <FILE-NAME>.xml.bak were also stored alongside the main files, but this is no longer the case, instead there are archive and backup directories containing complete saved and readable models at the same place in the hierarch as the ccpnv3 directory.

Packages can have two names a short two letter name such as IMPL which is equivalent to the second longer name memops/Implementation. All packages and all typed elements in the project / model are also identified by a globally unique identifier or GUID such as these values are date and serial number based and are unique to a particlular element in a project or model and should not repeat anywhere e ver excapt for the same elemement (i.e. across the universe!).

Note short and long names are not mixed, gerenally short names are used inside XML files as element tags and long names are used to name directory hierarchies.

The structure of a GUID is described elsewhere, see the section GUIDs


Globally unique identifiers or GUIDs are used to identify all elements in a ccpn project. A GUID is a string of the form where the first part is the domain of the element (, the second part is the date the element was created (2006-08-16-14:22:53) and the third part is a serial number (00025). The parts are separated by underscores. The form of the domain varies dependinmg on the form of the GUID. The CCPN data model uses two forms of GUID those defining classes in the model and those defining instances of classes in the model. We shall call these class guids and instance guids respectively. The first form the class-guid is usually of the form the second form is used to define instances of classes in the model and is of the form default_user_2022-02-23-14-57-20-617_00003

All class guids can be found in the files model_info/v_3-1_0_short_name_to_guid.json model_info/v_3_1_0_object_info.json and model_info/v_3-1_0_guid_to_storage_location.json

The Root Package and its Contents

The reading of project starts at the root XML file which is stored in the directory <PROJECT-NAME>.ccpn/ccpnv3/memops/Implementation generally in a file called <PROJECT-NAME>.ccpn/ccpnv3/memops/Implementation/<PROJECT-NAME>.xml. However, the exact name of the root file is not required to match the PROJECT-NAME, but it must have the .xml suffix and be the only xml file in the ccpnv3/memops/Implementation directory. The roots file contains information about the root storage element of the project, in the case of a ccpn NMR project this is an element with the tag IMPL.MemopsRoot. All other componenets of the project are then stored in a series of XML files in the other directories in the project and will be referenced by exo links from the project root file [vide infra].

The _StorageUnit Element

All v3 project files (both root and exo files) have a consistent structure they are XML files, and so they start with an XML declaration <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>. they then always have a contain a storage element of the form <_StorageUnit ...> ... </_StorageUnit> which is the root elemenet of the XML file. There can only be a single storage elemement in the file. The <_StorageUnit> has a number of attributes which are common across all v3 files, these are

time the time the file was stored, the format of this attribute is "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" e.g. Tue May 10 12:29:35 2022"

release the version of the data model used to store the project. This is a triplet of the form .. and must be integers but patch can also have a prefix letter which is usally a or b to indicate an alpha or beta version e.g 3.1.0

packageGuid is a guid indicating which package the file should be stored in for example which defines the implimentation package. A list of guids and package short names is included in the ccpn_project-checker in the file model_info/v_3-1_0_short_name_to_guid.json the storage location of the package defined by the guid can be found in the file model_info/v_3_1_0_guid_to_storage_location.json

originator defines which program wrote the file and is usually CCPN Python XmlIO

nota bene only the time and guid attributes are required for reading of the model.

The Root element of the Root File

The root elemenet of the root file is a IMPL.MemopsRoot element. The only important atribute of this element is the name element which is the original name the file was saved under, it can vary from the name of the root xml file and the name of the project directory, the current name of the project is always the name of the project directory.

Acceptable Characters in CCPN file names

Because of the way ccpn keys and guids are stored the only accaptable characters in a ccpn project and other files name are those that are in the set a-zA-Z0-9. Some additional characters are also allowed in the project name specifically the . character in the .ccpn prefix. Files outside the project root file are allowed some extra characters, specifically _ is used to escape spaces and as part of guids and the + character is used in exo linked files but these are not allowed in the Root Files name (or maybe they are, check?)

Exo Links

The root file contains a series of exo-links which are links to objects in other files in the project [exo linked files]. These links are stored in the file as two parts. The first is a series of elements of the form <MOLE.exo-Molecule> which defines an exo link and we shall call an exo-link. In this case the rexo-link link is to a molecule [Molecule] stored in the MOLE package. These exo-link only occur once in the file and they point to a TopObject which is stored in an exo linked file. The second part of the exo link which we shall call the linked-location are stored elsewhere in file and are identified by a guid attribute which contains an instance-guid. The instance-guid is stored in the exo-link element in an IMPL.GuidString object (in this case Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001) as shown below:


The instance-guid can then be used to

  1. find the file that the exo link points to
  2. Find the exo link element in the project root file that the exo link points to

Lets first follow the instance-guid to the file that the exo link points to. The file that the exo link points to is identified by a package name guid and a key. The package name is stored as a short package name MOLE in the exo elements tag which defines the package ccp/molecule/Molecule [class-guid]. This then defines the directory the exo linked top object is saved in. The instance-guid which is the guid leading to the exo linked file and appears in the name of the exo linked file is Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001 and this identifies a file in its package directory ccp/molecule/Molecule. The name of this file is Sec5+Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001.xml it consists of the top objects keys separated by +s '. In this case the key is the name of the Molecule which is Sec5 the key is then followed by a + and the instance-guid of the object Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001 followed by the suffix .xml. More details of the exo linked files filename and escaping key and reference based keys are given below in the section The TopObject Element Key

Note that exolinked top objects can be stored in the project but can also refer to reference top objects which are not stored in the project directory, these top object files are listed in the file model-info/data_file_names.txt

Now lets see where else this instance-guid appears in the root file. If we scan the root file we can find an element which has a guid attribute. In this case this is the element

    <MOLE.Molecule _ID="1" _lastId="755" createdBy="user" guid="Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001" isFinalised="true">

This element is the MOLE.Molecule element that the exo link points to and is unique within the file . Other references to it within the root file will be via it _ID attribute [check] which is a unique identifier for the element within a file.

The TopObject Element Key

Each exo linked element as well as having an instance-guid also has a key which is a series of values which are unique within the project. The key is stored in the link location as children which are identified by the metamodel. If we look at the file model-info/v_3_1_0_object_info.json we can find the information derived from the metamodel file [****] that defines a molecules key. In this case the key is the name of the object which is Sec5 and is stored in the MOLE.Molecule.nameelement as as an IMPL.Line.

    <MOLE.Molecule _ID="1" _lastId="755" createdBy="user" guid="Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001" isFinalised="true">

If we look at the file name we can see that the key is stored in the file name as Sec5+Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001.xml where the key is Sec5 and the guid is Sec5Part1_user_2022-02-23-15-20-24-415_00001.

If there are multiple keys they appear in the filename separated by a + character, any spaces in the key are escaped as the _ character. Keys appear in the filename in the order they appear in the metamodel file, some keys may be missed out in which case they are replaced by the default value which is stored in the metamodel file. An example of this is *** [does this introducte ambiguity???]. Finaly while this key is an atttribute keys it can also be links to other objects in the project. In this case the key is built from the type of the linked object and its keys. An example of this is ... Note keys are also saved in the exo linked object in the exo linked filed as well.

The TopObject Element File

Top objects are stored in files in the project in the same way as the root file. The structure of the file is the same as the root file with a _StorageUnit element at the root of the file. The file is stored in a directory defined by the package name. The file name is defined by the key and the guid of the top object. The key is stored in the exo linked file as values of the object in the same ways as it is stored in the root object.

[^1]: this elemenet should be a descendant of IMPL.MemopsRoot if the file is the root project file or otherwise a descendant of IMPL.TopObject

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

ccpn_project_checker-0.1.15.tar.gz (1.0 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

ccpn_project_checker-0.1.15-py3-none-any.whl (1.3 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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