DNSPOD DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
Project description
Use the certbot client to generate a certificate using dnspod.
Prepare an API Token
Fetch an api token on https://www.dnspod.cn/console/user/security
Install certbot and plugin
pip install certbot-dns-dnspod
Create a credentials file
certbot_dns_dnspod:dns_dnspod_email = "DNSPOD-API-REQUIRES-A-VALID-EMAIL"
certbot_dns_dnspod:dns_dnspod_api_token = "DNSPOD-API-TOKEN"
Generate a certificate
certbot certonly -a certbot-dns-dnspod:dns-dnspod \
[--certbot-dns-dnspod:dns-dnspod-credentials PATH-TO-CREDENTIAL-FILE]
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