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Cfn Lsp Extra

Project description

Cfn Lsp Extra

Python Version PyPI codecov

An experimental cloudformation language server (with support for SAM templates) built on top of cfn-lint and the Cloudformation user guide, aiming to provide hovering, completion, etc. YAML and JSON are supported, though YAML has more features currently implemented (for example snippets) and will give a better experience. Trust me.


Method Status
textDocument/hover Done for resources (in particular, required properties for a resource will be auto-expanded), resource properties, subproperties, !Refs and intrinsic functions.
textDocument/completion Done for resources, resource properties, subproperties, property values (for enums), refs, !GetAtts and intrinsic functions. TODO Fn::GetAtt.
textDocument/definition Done for !Refs and !GetAtts. TODO mappings.
textDocument/publishDiagnostics Done through cfnlint.

Also checkout the changelog.


First install the executable, pipx is recommended, but you can use pip instead if you like to live dangerously:

pipx install cfn-lsp-extra

Or get the bleeding edge from source:

pipx install git+$(git ls-remote | head -1 | cut -f1)


pipx upgrade cfn-lsp-extra

Keeping cfnlint Up to Date

Updates to cfn-lsp-extra typically lag behind cfnlint which it uses for diagnostics, which can become an irritation when it leads diagnostics from cfn-lsp-extra becoming outdated and new desirable lint rules not showing. Assuming you installed cfnlint using pipx, you can use:

alias cfn-lsp-extra='env PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/pipx/venvs/cfn-lint/lib/python<PYTHON_VERSION>/site-packages/ cfn-lsp-extra'

To ensure cfn-lsp-extra uses your system cfnlint version. Note This comes with some risk with respect to clashing dependencies, but I would expect it to generally work as long as cfnlint and cfn-lsp-extra aren't wildly out of date.


Install the lsp-cfn.el package.


Make sure you're running at least 0.8, then add the following in ~/.config/nvim/filetype.lua:

vim.filetype.add {
  pattern = {
    ['.*'] = {
      priority = math.huge,
      function(path, bufnr)
        local line1 = vim.filetype.getlines(bufnr, 1)
        local line2 = vim.filetype.getlines(bufnr, 2)
        if vim.filetype.matchregex(line1, [[^AWSTemplateFormatVersion]] ) or
           vim.filetype.matchregex(line1, [[AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31]] ) then
          return 'yaml.cloudformation'
        elseif vim.filetype.matchregex(line1, [[["']AWSTemplateFormatVersion]] ) or
           vim.filetype.matchregex(line2, [[["']AWSTemplateFormatVersion]] ) or
           vim.filetype.matchregex(line1, [[AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31]] ) or
           vim.filetype.matchregex(line2, [[AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31]] ) then
          return 'json.cloudformation'

Then you can use one of:

  1. Neovim's built-in LSP client:
require('lspconfig.configs').cfn_lsp = {
  default_config = {
    cmd = { os.getenv("HOME") .. '/.local/bin/cfn-lsp-extra' },
    filetypes = { 'yaml.cloudformation', 'json.cloudformation' },
    root_dir = function(fname)
      return require('lspconfig').util.find_git_ancestor(fname) or vim.fn.getcwd()
    settings = {
      documentFormatting = false,
  1. LanguageClient-neovim:
let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
    \ 'yaml.cloudformation': ['~/.local/bin/cfn-lsp-extra'],
    \ 'json.cloudformation': ['~/.local/bin/cfn-lsp-extra']
    \ }

Patches documenting integration for other editors are very welcome!


cfn-lsp-extra uses nox for virtualenv management and poetry for dependency management. You can install both of them using:

pipx install nox
pipx install poetry

And then run tests, linting, etc (switching 3.9 for whichever Python version):

nox --session tests-3.9              # unit tests
nox --session integration-tests-3.9  # integration tests
nox --session lint-3.9               # flake8 lints
nox --session mypy-3.9               # mypy checks




Note this is used by cfn-lsp-extra under the hood to generate diagnostics. One difference with cfn-lsp-extra is that diagnostics will be refreshed every time you make a change to the document, in other words you don't need to save the file.


You can use yamlls in conjunction with the Cloudformation schema at as an alternative. For Emacs, lsp-mode can install yamlls for you, from there you could do something like:

(defun my-yamlls-cloudformation-setup ()
  ;; There's also one for serverless
  (lsp-yaml-set-buffer-schema "")
    "!FindInMap sequence"
    "!Join sequence"
    "!Ref Scalar"

;; Using the mode defined by
(add-hook 'cfn-yaml-mode-hook #'my-yamlls-cloudformation-setup)
(add-hook 'cfn-yaml-mode-hook #'lsp-deferred)

This will give you completions (and some support for value completions?), though no hover documentation.

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