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An RSS feed monitor mimicking tail -f

Project description

versions pypi

chakula is a Python library and command-line rss feed monitor with behavior similar to tail -f. chakula is based off of, but can be used as a library to call a custom function each time new entries appear in the feed.


$ chakula --help
positional arguments:
  urls                  The urls to tail (default: reads from stdin).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        Number of seconds between polling (default: 300s).
                        Number of times to poll before quiting (default: inf).
  -I INITIAL, --initial INITIAL
                        Number of entries to show (default: all)
  -n DATE, --newer DATE
                        Date by which entries should be newer than
  -s FIELD, --show FIELD
                        Entry field to display (default: title).
  -t FORMAT, --time-format FORMAT
                        The date/time format (default: 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS').
  -F FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                        The output format (overrides other format options).
  -c CACHE, --cache CACHE
                        File path to store feed information across multiple runs.
  -r, --reverse         Show entries in reverse order.
  -f, --fail            Exit on error.
  -u, --unique          Skip duplicate entries.
  -H, --heading         Show field headings.
  -v, --version         Show version and exit.
  -V, --verbose         Increase output verbosity.

Format specifiers must have one the following forms:

  chakula <url>
  echo '<url>' | chakula --reverse
  chakula -s pubdate -s title -s author <url1> <url2> <url3>
  chakula --interval 60s --newer "2011/12/20 23:50:12" <url>
  chakula --format '%(timestamp)-30s %(title)s\n' <url>
  chakula --format '%(title)s was written on %(pubdate)s\n' <url>
  chakula --format '{timestamp:<30} {title} {author}\n' <url>
  chakula --format '{timestamp:<20} {pubdate:^30} {author:>30}\n' <url>
  chakula --time-format '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' <url>
  chakula --time-format 'Day of the year: %j Month: %b' <url>

Useful flags in this context are:
  %(placeholder)-10s - left align and pad
  %(placeholder)10s  - right align and pad
  {placeholder:<10}  - left align and pad
  {placeholder:>10}  - right align and pad
  {placeholder:^10}  - center align and pad

Available fields: author, comments, created, desc, description,
expired, id, link, pubdate, timestamp, title, updated, url


The latest stable version of chakula can be installed from pypi:

$ pip install chakula

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chakula is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License.

Project details

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Source Distribution

chakula-0.8.0.tar.gz (27.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

chakula-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl (12.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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