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Fast, secure, scalable quantum chemistry. A Python client for the the ChemCloud server.

Project description

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chemcloud - A Python Client for ChemCloud

chemcloud is a python client for the ChemCloud Server. The client provides a simple yet powerful interface to perform computational chemistry calculations using nothing but modern Python and an internet connection.


chemcloud works in harmony with a suite of other quantum chemistry tools for fast, structured, and interoperable quantum chemistry.

The QC Suite of Programs

  • qcio - Elegant and intuitive data structures for quantum chemistry, featuring seamless Jupyter Notebook visualizations. Documentation
  • qcparse - A library for efficient parsing of quantum chemistry data into structured qcio objects.
  • qcop - A package for operating quantum chemistry programs using qcio standardized data structures. Compatible with TeraChem, psi4, QChem, NWChem, ORCA, Molpro, geomeTRIC, and many more, featuring seamless Jupyter Notebook visualizations.
  • BigChem - A distributed application for running quantum chemistry calculations at scale across clusters of computers or the cloud. Bring multi-node scaling to your favorite quantum chemistry program, featuring seamless Jupyter Notebook visualizations.
  • ChemCloud - A web application and associated Python client for exposing a BigChem cluster securely over the internet, featuring seamless Jupyter Notebook visualizations.


pip install chemcloud


  • Create a ChemCloud account at (or the address of the ChemCloud Server you want to communicate with).
  • Instantiate a client
  • Configure client (only required the very first time you use CCClient)
from chemcloud import CCClient

client = CCClient()
client.configure() # only run this the very first time you use CCClient
# See supported compute engines on the ChemCloud Server
['psi4', 'terachem', ...]
# Test connection to ChemCloud
'Welcome to ChemCloud, Colton'
  • Run calculations just like you would with qcop except calling client.compute instead of qcop.compute. Rather than getting back an Output object directly, client.compute returns a FutureOutput object which can be used to get the output of the computation once it is complete.
from qcio import Structure, ProgramInput
from chemcloud import CCClient

client = CCClient()

# Create the structure
h2o ="")

# Define the program input
prog_input = ProgramInput(
    model={"method": "hf", "basis": "sto-3g"},
    keywords={"purify": "no", "restricted": False},

# Submit the calculation to the server
future_output = client.compute("terachem", prog_input, collect_files=True)
# Status can be checked at any time
# Get the output (blocking)
output = future_output.get()

# Inspect the output
output.input_data # Input data used by the QC program
output.success # Whether the calculation succeeded
output.results # All structured results from the calculation
output.stdout # Stdout log from the calculation
output.pstdout # Shortcut to print out the stdout in human readable format
output.files # Any files returned by the calculation
output.provenance # Provenance information about the calculation
output.extras # Any extra information not in the schema
output.traceback # Stack trace if calculation failed
output.ptraceback # Shortcut to print out the traceback in human readable format


Examples of various computations can be found in the examples directory.

✨ Visualization ✨

Visualize all your results with a single line of code!

First install the visualization module:

pip install qcio[view]

or if your shell requires '' around arguments with brackets:

pip install 'qcio[view]'

Then in a Jupyter notebook import the qcio view module and call view.view(...) passing it one or any number of qcio objects you want to visualizing including Structure objects or any ProgramOutput object. You may also pass an array of titles and/or subtitles to add additional information to the molecular structure display. If no titles are passed qcio with look for Structure identifiers such as a name or SMILES to label the Structure.

Structure Viewer

Seamless visualizations for ProgramOutput objects make results analysis easy!

Optimization Viewer

Single point calculations display their results in a table.

Single Point Viewer

If you want to use the HTML generated by the viewer to build your own dashboards use the functions inside of that begin with the word generate_ to create HTML you can insert into any dashboard.


If you have any issues with chemcloud or would like to request a feature, please open an issue.

Project details

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Source Distribution

chemcloud-0.12.3.tar.gz (13.7 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

chemcloud-0.12.3-py3-none-any.whl (13.9 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file chemcloud-0.12.3.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: chemcloud-0.12.3.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 13.7 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
  • Uploaded via: twine/6.1.0 CPython/3.12.8

File hashes

Hashes for chemcloud-0.12.3.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 05e324883994fba4f000e717c27f23eca6a68401addf13265ded9e3c87b8fef0
MD5 1d0267e6320867f656f8483e257b0464
BLAKE2b-256 defdf169dce8b9cb6b80b4aefd27a8d78793bf17d6509b6180d37ffb850fb21c

See more details on using hashes here.


The following attestation bundles were made for chemcloud-0.12.3.tar.gz:

Publisher: publish-to-pypi.yaml on mtzgroup/chemcloud-client

Attestations: Values shown here reflect the state when the release was signed and may no longer be current.

File details

Details for the file chemcloud-0.12.3-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: chemcloud-0.12.3-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 13.9 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
  • Uploaded via: twine/6.1.0 CPython/3.12.8

File hashes

Hashes for chemcloud-0.12.3-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 c817378f8f22de926ab42b67b5f3a04631609ca2848dcf749a8e9550a9c5d56c
MD5 14aadfd5ef104b26c23e811b41711b4d
BLAKE2b-256 f04fe976da6aa07373ce59dcd25108cb4a0d2491c189703bbdcfd795a06281c0

See more details on using hashes here.


The following attestation bundles were made for chemcloud-0.12.3-py3-none-any.whl:

Publisher: publish-to-pypi.yaml on mtzgroup/chemcloud-client

Attestations: Values shown here reflect the state when the release was signed and may no longer be current.

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