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Quantitative comparison and automatic feature extraction for chromatin contact data.

Project description


CHESS is a tool for the comparison and automatic feature extraction for chromatin contact data.


CHESS was written and tested using Python 3.6 - 3.8.2 on Scientific Linux (6.10) and OS X El Capitan (10.11.6) and Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (18.04) and Ubuntu Focal Fossa (20.04).

It requires the packages cython (0.29.16), scipy (1.0.0), numpy (1.14.0), scikit-image (0.13.1), pandas (0.22.0), pathos (0.2.1), kneed (0.6.0), tqdm (4.43.0), intervaltree (3.0.2), pybedtools (0.8.1), future (0.16.0) and fanc (0.8.28).


When installing with a python version < 3.8, Please make sure to have cython (0.29.16) installed before installling CHESS via pip or python install, or use a pip version >= 20.0.2.

Via pip from the Python Package Index (PyPi)

CHESS can be installed within just a few minutes from the command line using PyPi:

pip install chess-hic

From source

You can also download the code from our GitHub repo and install CHESS manually. Make sure to have cython installed. The other dependencies should be downloaded autmatically; if you encounter problems, try to install the other requirements manually.

git clone  # or download manually
pip install chess


git clone  # or download manually
cd chess
python install

Quick start

After installation, you can use the example data to familiarize yourself with the applications of CHESS implemented in the current version. If you installed via pip, you can download the examples from our GitHub repo.

Use chess -h for quick help and orientation.

Finding changing regions between biological conditions in the same species

The following will run a comparison of 1 Mb submatrices of chromosome X in wildtype Drosophila melanogaster to a zld knockdown (Hi-C data from Hug et al. 2017), using Juicer input files at 25 kb resolution:

chess sim \
examples/Dmel_genome_scan/juicer/zld.hic@25000 \
examples/Dmel_genome_scan/juicer/wt.hic@25000 \
examples/Dmel_genome_scan/dm6_pairs_X.bed \

NOTE: This example run should run less than one minutes on a single core. However, to speed it up, you can use the -p <int> flag to specify the number of cores to use (default: 1) and split the workload.

The output file examples/Dmel_genome_scan/comparison_results.tsv contains four columns:

  • ID: the ID of the original pair, as in the supplied region pairs file
  • SN: the signal-to-noise ratio of the matrices in the comparison, which can be used for filtering. Larger SN means more signal in comparison to noise.
  • ssim: The raw similarity score, useful to rank matrices by similarity.
  • z_ssim: the similarity z-score, in the context of all calculated similarity scores. Useful to assess if the similarity score is exceptionally high or low compared to other scores in the same run. For z-scores in the context of a proper background model, see below.

When running chess sim to compare samples of different conditions, the goal often is to identify regions that with particularly striking changes. As the 3D structure might change slightly across most of the genome, the most interesting regions might be the ones with the largest deviation from the average change: this is reflected in large negative values in the z-score column.

Z-scores cannot be compared between runs of CHESS, as they are a type of within sample normalisation. To compare between runs of CHESS, the ssim values should be used. For instance, a change of experimental conditions might not lead to marked changes in particular regions of the genome, but instead induce an uniform genome wide effect (e.g. global decompaction of TADs). Then, one might be interested in comparing the average ssim from chess sim runs on replicates of one condition to the average ssim of a run between conditions.

Comparing regions across species

The following will run a comparison of 4 regions of varying sizes located on chromosome 19 in mouse and on chromosome 10 in human (Hi-C data from Rao et al. 2014), using input files in sparse format:

chess sim \
examples/Mmus_Hsap_syntenic/rao2014_hg19_chr10_25kb.sparse.gz \
examples/Mmus_Hsap_syntenic/rao2014_mm10_chr19_25kb.sparse.gz \
examples/Mmus_Hsap_syntenic/hg19_mm10_syntenic_examples.pairs.gz \
examples/Mmus_Hsap_syntenic/comparison_results.tsv --background-query \
--reference-regions examples/Mmus_Hsap_syntenic/rao2014_hg19_chr10_25kb.regions.gz \
--query-regions examples/Mmus_Hsap_syntenic/rao2014_mm10_chr19_25kb.regions.gz

Note the --background-query, which enables the query-genome based background model. The output file examples/Mmus_Hsap_syntenic/comparison_results.tsv has six columns:

  • ID: the ID of the original pair, as in the supplied region pairs file
  • SN: the signal-to-noise ratio of the matrices in the comparison, which can be used for filtering
  • ssim: The raw similarity score, useful to rank matrices by similarity
  • z_ssim: the similarity z-score, in the context of all calculated similarity scores. Useful to assess if the similarity score is exceptionally high or low compared to other scores in the same run.
  • z_bg: the similarity z-score based on the background matrix comparisons.
  • p_bg: The similarity score p-value. This assesses how likely it is to obtain a similarity of ssim or higher given the comparisons in the background model
    • in this case, all other regions in the query genome of the same window size

In contrast to the intra-species comparison described above, where we tried to find strong differences between samples, we are here concerned with assessing whether two regions are significantly similar. To answer that questions, we first need to determine the distribution of similarities between our reference and random regions (here called 'background'), and then evaluate in this context the similarity between the reference and query pair. CHESS reports on the significance and effect size of the similarity of a reference and query pair with the p_bg p-value and z_bg z-score described above. There are many conceivable ways of assembling the background set of matrices. The default way, chosen here with the --background-query flag, is to segment the genome into windows of query size, and compare the reference to all of those.


CHESS has these basic commands:

  • sim contains the matrix comparison features
  • oe can be used to transform normalized Hi-C matrices into observed / expected matrices
  • pairs helps you generate the pairs input file for comparing Hi-C data mapped to the same genome between biological conditions
  • background can be used to generate simple background model BED files
  • filter can be used to filter results obtained by sim, for example by signal-to-noise (SN) ratio
  • extract allows you to the specific features from significant different regions identified by chess sim
  • crosscorrelate allows to classify the extracted features by extract in order to obtain the main structural clusters.


The main purpose of CHESS is the assessment of similarity between two Hi-C matrices, one of which is called the 'reference' and the other the 'query'. The following arguments are mandatory to run sim:

  • A normalized Hi-C matrix file in FAN-C, Juicer, Cooler or sparse matrix format for the reference sample. If sparse, this should be tab-delimited, where each line has three columns: <row index> <column index> <value>)

  • A normalized Hi-C matrix file in one of the above formats for the query sample.

  • A BED file with region information for the query Hi-C matrix.

  • A BEDPE file (pairs) file that specifies which regions in the reference matrix should be compared to which regions in the query matrix. This should be a tab-delimited file with columns: <ref chromosome> <ref start> <ref end> <qry chromosome> <qry start> <qry end> <comparison name/id> <anything, not used> <ref strand> <qry strand> The 8th column is required in order to match the BEDPE standard format (see This file must not contain any headers. The end coordinates are exclusive.

  • The path to the output file.

NOTE: CHESS runs with Cooler input files can have significantly longer runtimes compared to runs with Juicer or FAN-C inputs. This is because the two latter store precomputed observed / expected values.

NOTE: Contact matrices in sparse format need to be accompanied by corresponding region files, set with the --reference-regions and/or --query-regions flags. They should be in BED format, tab-delimited, where each row contains chromosome name, start, and end coordinates (exclusive) of the region. This file must not contain any headers. If a fourth column is present, it is assumed to be a unique identifier (index/name), which is then used to refer to that region in sparse matrix format (see above).

NOTE: Using CHESS with large matrices at high resolution can require a lot of memory, especially when using many threads. Typically, every thread will load one full chromosome Hi-C map into memory (the number of threads can be controlled with the -p flag).

NOTE: By default, the input matrices will be converted to observed / expected matrices. In case you already have observed / expected matrices, you can use the --oe-input flag to skip the observed / expected conversion. You can pre-compute observed/expected matrices with chess oe

The default mode with only the mandatory arguments will compare regions in the reference to the query using the region definitions in the pairs file. The output then contains the following columns:

  • ID: the ID of the original pair, as in the supplied region pairs file
  • SN: the signal-to-noise ratio of the matrices in the comparison, which can be used for filtering
  • ssim: The raw similarity score, useful to rank matrices by similarity
  • z_ssim: the similarity z-score, in the context of all calculated similarity scores. Useful to assess if the similarity score is exceptionally high or low compared to other scores in the same run. For z-scores in the context of a proper background model, see below.

Background models

To assess the statistical significance of your comparisons, you can enable a background model.

For inter-species comparisons, for example, it is useful to compare the original similarity score to the similarities obtained by comparing the reference matrix to all other matrices in the query. To enable this background model, use the --background-query parameter.

For a custom background model, you can include your own BED file with background regions using --background-regions. You can generate these from a genome, for example, using chess background.

With an active background model, there are more columns in the output:

  • ID: the ID of the original pair, as in the supplied region pairs file
  • SN: the signal-to-noise ratio of the matrices in the comparison, which can be used for filtering
  • ssim: The raw similarity score, useful to rank matrices by similarity
  • z_ssim: the similarity z-score, in the context of all calculated similarity scores. Useful to assess if the similarity score is exceptionally high or low compared to other scores in the same run.
  • z_bg: the similarity z-score based on the background matrix comparisons.
  • p_bg: The similarity score p-value. This assesses how likely it is to obtain a similarity of ssim or higher given the comparisons in the background model
    • in this case, all other regions in the query genome of the same window size

NOTE: CHESS p-values are not automatically corrected for multiple testing, as this is not necessary for all use cases. If you are using CHESS to identify significantly similar or different regions across the genome with a fixed acceptance threshold, the CHESS p-values need to be corrected for multiple testing.

Optional arguments

Optional arguments give you more control:

  • --oe-input will skip the observed / expected conversion of the input matrices. Use if you already have observed / expected matrices or want to compare matrices in different format.

  • -p <int> lets you choose the number of cores that CHESS will use (default: 1).

  • --keep-unmappable-bins disables the deletion of deletion of unmappable bins from matrices before comparison. By default, bins that are marked as unmappable (have not contacts) in either of two matrices in a comparison are deleted from both matrices. Disabling this might give high similarity scores for matrices that happen to have unmappable bins at the same positions.

  • --mappability-cutoff <float> maximum allowed content of unmappable bins in a matrix. In case a matrix has more unmappable bins, it will not be compared. (default: 0.1)

  • -r <float>, --relative-windowsize <float> Fraction of the matrix size that will be used for the window size parameter of the structural similarity function. (default: 1)

  • -a <float>, --absolute-windowsize <float> Absolute value for the window size parameter of the structural similarity function. Overwrites -r.


chess oe lets you convert your input matrix to observed / expected format. Calling chess sim this is done automatically, but if you want to convert your matrix for other reasons, you can use this.

oe takes three positional arguments (in that order):

  • A Hi-C matrix file in sparse matrix format. This should be tab delimited, where each line has three columns: <row index> <column index> <value>)

  • A BED file with region information for the Hi-C matrix. This should be a tab-delimited file where each row contains chromosome name, start, and end coordinates (exclusive) of the region. This file must not contain any headers. If a fourth column is present, it is assumed to be a unique identifier (index/name), which is then used to refer to that region in sparse matrix format (see above).

  • A path to the output matrix file. Will in the same format as the input matrix.


chess pairs helps you generate the pairs input file to chess sim. There is no need to use this function for generating the pairs file, it is just here to make your life easier. chess pairs will perform a window slide with the specified input parameters. All positions of the window will be written to the specified output file in the format required by chess sim.

pairs takes four positional arguments (in that order):

  • A genome id as recognized by pybedtools (see here) or a path to a tab-delimited file indicating the chromosome names and sizes of your genome (no header, two columns: <chromosome name> <chromosome size>).

  • The size of the window.

  • The step of the window slide.

  • The path to the output file.

You can use the following optional arguments to tweak chess pairs' behaviour:

  • --file-input will force pairs to read from file. Won't attempt to use pybedtools in that case, which is by default tried first. You can use this if you gave your chromosome.sizes file a name that is also used as a UCSC identifier.

  • --chromosome lets you restrict the pair generation to a specific chromosome, in case you don't want all of them.


chess filter helps you filter the results file that is generated by chess sim and converts it to BED format, where the name (4th) column contains the comparison pair IDs. It outputs one BED file for all references and one for all queries. You can then use chess filter ... --genome-scan to create a single BED file if you run it on results from a chess sim without any background.

filter takes three positional arguments (in that order):

  • A results file generated in a chess sim run.

  • The pairs file used in the same chess sim run.

  • The path to the output file. (REF and QUERY or genome_scan will be appended to that filename)

You can use the following parameters to specify how to filter the results. mode has to be geq (greated equal), leq (less equal), l (less) or g (greater). value defines the threshold value for the filter. You can combine any number of filters, as long as the corresponding columns are present in the results file. If you do not specify any filters, the results will simply be converted to BED format.

  • -p mode value: filter by p-value (p_bg column)

  • -z mode value: filter by z-score based on background comparisons (z_bg column)

  • -zs mode value: filter by z-score based on all ssim values (z_ssim column)

  • -s mode value: filter by ssim column

  • -n mode value: filter by SN column

The following parameters give you some control over the output:

  • --score <string> column in the results file that should be used for the score column in the output BED file(s).

  • --genome-scan: write only a single output BED. You can use this to avoid generating redundant files when the results you want to filter were generated in a chess sim run without background comparisons.


chess extract allows you to extract the specific features from significant different regions identified by chess sim. It outputs the coordinates of the gained and lost features, and its submatrix.

chess extract takes following mandatory arguments:

  • A BEDPE file (pairs) file that specifies which regions in the reference matrix should be compared to which regions in the query matrix that have been observed to be significantly different by chess sim. This should be a tab-delimited file with columns: <ref chromosome> <ref start> <ref end> <qry chromosome> <qry start> <qry end> <comparison name/id> <anything, not used> <ref strand> <qry strand> The 8th column is required in order to match the BEDPE standard format (see This file must not contain any headers. The end coordinates are exclusive.

  • The input contact matrices (and possibly region files) used for the chess sim run.

  • The path to the output directory.


chess crosscorrelate allows to classify the extracted features by chess extract in order to obtain the main structural clusters. It will compute a 2D-crosscorrelation between all the features, and will calculate the optimal number of clusters according to the Elbow-index. It outputs the number of clusters and the classification of the specific features according to their structural pattern similarity.

chess crosscorrelate takes following mandatory arguments:

  • The output file from chess extract that contains the submatrices of the features.

  • A BEDPE file (pairs) file that specifies which regions in the reference matrix should be compared to which regions in the query matrix that have been observed to be significantly different by chess sim. This should be a tab-delimited file with columns: <ref chromosome> <ref start> <ref end> <qry chromosome> <qry start> <qry end> <comparison name/id> <anything, not used> <ref strand> <qry strand> The 8th column is required in order to match the BEDPE standard format (see This file must not contain any headers. The end coordinates are exclusive.

  • Path to store the outputs.


  • Hug, Clemens B., Alexis G. Grimaldi, Kai Kruse, and Juan M. Vaquerizas. 2017. “Chromatin Architecture Emerges during Zygotic Genome Activation Independent of Transcription.” Cell 169 (2). Elsevier: 216–228.e19. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2017.03.024.
  • Rao, Suhas S.P., Miriam H. Huntley, Neva C. Durand, Elena K. Stamenova, Ivan D. Bochkov, James T. Robinson, Adrian L. Sanborn, et al. 2014. “A 3D Map of the Human Genome at Kilobase Resolution Reveals Principles of Chromatin Looping.” Cell 159 (7). Elsevier: 1665–80. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2014.11.021.

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chess-hic-0.3.0.tar.gz (36.0 kB view hashes)

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chess_hic-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (34.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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