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Opinionated generation of continuation pipelines

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Opinionated generation of CircleCI dynamic configuration continuation pipelines.


pip install circlecigen

How it works

The circleci continuation orb is somewhat limited in terms of flexability in use, but when you automate the creation of the resulting new pipeline you open up some interesting opportunities.

The primary inspiration for this package is in automatically generating terraform deployment pipelines for multi-regional environment infrastructure. Imagine you support a globally-available microservice architecure that runs on EKS. This means you must create multiple EKS instances, spanning the supported regions, for potentially more than a single environment role. What if Production required eks clusters in 3 localities around the world, with additionally 2 regions per locality where traffic is geo-location routed to the closest in proximity. This results in six (6) clusters, that together actually make up just one environment - Production. While this is approaching a scale where a more robust infrastructre control-plane is required, a common intermediate step is to simply continue orchestrating this infrastructure via an infrastructure-pipeline while a decision or implementation around a more complex evolution is undertaken.

In order to maintain DRYness in the terraform code, avoiding duplication of multiple instances of otherwise identical pipeline workflow jobs for each environment, what if instead you could define all the instances of a particular environment category in a single json file and the deployment pipeline is then generated to match at runtime?

That is what this tool enables.

In simplest terms, you define templates of pre-approval and post-approval circleci jobs that includes jinja2 style variable-substitution formatting.

For all instances of each desired role, circlecigen will generate a deployment pipeline that has:

  • a pre-approve job for each instance, followed by
  • an approval step, followed by
  • a post-approve job for each instance

Setup example for terraform

Let's stay with the EKS example mentioned above. Assume that Production requires six (6) clusters in six different regions, Nonproduction likewise requires cluster in each of the same six regions, and an additional four clusters spanning two global locality are required to support the software-defined lifecycle of this infrastructure. Therefore we have three environment roles; prod, nonprod, infra-dev

First, let's define the roles and number of instances per role.


The infra-dev role requires four environments, each in a unique region, and in two different global localities. While the overall infrastructure we have described ultimately spans a much wider area, a reasonable subset is sufficient for fully testing the build/deploy logic. Notice that we also specify a filter. This is a reference to the circleci filter used to trigger the pipeline. See the example config.yml below for full description.

  "filter": "*on-push-main",
  "infra-dev": {
    "infra-dev-us-west-2": {},
    "infra-dev-us-east-2": {},
    "infra-dev-eu-west-1": {},
    "infra-dev-eu-central-2": {}

The release pipeline now covers all the remaining infrastructure instances. And note it is triggered by tag rather than push.

  "filter": "*on-tag-main",
  "nonprod": {
    "nonprod-us-west-2": {},
    "nonprod-us-east-2": {},
    "nonprod-eu-west-1": {},
    "nonprod-eu-central-2": {},
    "nonprod-ap-southeast-2": {},
    "nonprod-ap-southwest-1": {}
  "prod": {
    "prod-us-west-2": {},
    "prod-us-east-2": {},
    "prod-eu-west-1": {},
    "prod-eu-central-2": {},
    "prod-ap-southeast-2": {},
    "prod-ap-southwest-1": {}


Next, create the default tfvars values. Usually, this is best populated with the shared-values for the initial deployment target environment, usually dev. Such as:

  "aws_account_id": "000000000000",
  "cluster_eks_version": "1.25",
  "aws_efs_csi_driver_chart_version": "2.4.0",
  "metrics_server_chart_version": "6.2.14",
  "kube_state_metrics_chart_version": "3.3.4",
  "cluster_autoscaler_chart_version": "9.26.0",

  "AL2_x86_64_instance_types": [
  "BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64_instance_types": [

  "management_node_group_name": "management-x86-al2-mng",
  "management_node_group_role": "management",
  "management_node_group_ami_type": "AL2_x86_64",
  "management_node_group_platform": "linux",
  "management_node_group_disk_size": "50",
  "management_node_group_capacity_type": "SPOT",
  "management_node_group_desired_size": "3",
  "management_node_group_max_size": "5",
  "management_node_group_min_size": "3",

  "baseline_node_group_name": "baseline-arm-rkt-mng",
  "baseline_node_group_role": "baseline",
  "baseline_node_group_ami_type": "BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64",
  "baseline_node_group_platform": "bottlerocket",
  "baseline_node_group_disk_size": "50",
  "baseline_node_group_capacity_type": "SPOT",
  "baseline_node_group_desired_size": "3",
  "baseline_node_group_max_size": "5",
  "baseline_node_group_min_size": "3",

  "surge_node_group_name": "surge-arm-rkt-mng",
  "surge_node_group_role": "surge",
  "surge_node_group_ami_type": "BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64",
  "surge_node_group_platform": "bottlerocket",
  "surge_node_group_disk_size": "50",
  "surge_node_group_capacity_type": "SPOT",
  "surge_node_group_desired_size": "1",
  "surge_node_group_max_size": "3",
  "surge_node_group_min_size": "1"

Next, define environment role overrides. In our example, we have three. infra-dev is the first deployment target and can use the above defaults. However, nonprod and prod need different values - though these are shared across the role. So we will create the following two role configuration override files.

In prod we must override the baseline nodegroup to use more and ON_DEMAND instances for the baseline (or persistent) pool in order to support the currently experienced traffic at acceptable scale up/down wiat frequency. The surge pool can use spot, but we want a minimum of 1, and larger surge potential than for infra-dev, while still constraining just how far it can grow based. And, since all of our production environments are in one AWS account, we can set that here as well.

  "aws_account_id": "111111111111",
  "baseline_node_group_capacity_type": "ON_DEMAND",
  "baseline_node_group_desired_size": "30",
  "baseline_node_group_max_size": "35",
  "baseline_node_group_min_size": "30",

  "surge_node_group_desired_size": "3",
  "surge_node_group_max_size": "60",
  "surge_node_group_min_size": "1"


In nonprod, though we modify similar overrides, the needs are different. Our developers only live/work in a single global area. So a variety of activities will only take place in the US regions. However, there are naturally a series of integration and functional tests that must span all the locals where the application will run, hence we do need somewhat larger scale everwhere. We will use instance specific overrides to address the primary dev region needs.

  "aws_account_id": "2222222222222",
  "baseline_node_group_capacity_type": "ON_DEMAND",
  "baseline_node_group_desired_size": "10",
  "baseline_node_group_max_size": "12",
  "baseline_node_group_min_size": "10",

  "surge_node_group_desired_size": "3",
  "surge_node_group_max_size": "100",
  "surge_node_group_min_size": "1"

Now, we return to the role/instance json to add instance specific info. In this case that means region details and the additional default overrides for the primary development regions.


  "filter": "*on-push-main",
  "infra-dev": {
    "infra-dev-us-west-2": {
      "aws_region": "us-west-2"
    "infra-dev-us-east-2": {
      "aws_region": "us-east-2"
    "infra-dev-eu-west-1": {
      "aws_region": "eu-west-1"
    "infra-dev-eu-central-1": {
      "aws_region": "eu-central-2"


  "filter": "*on-tag-main",
  "nonprod": {
    "nonprod1-us-west-2": {
      "aws_region": "us-west-2",
      "baseline_node_group_desired_size": "30",
      "baseline_node_group_max_size": "35",
      "baseline_node_group_min_size": "30",
      "surge_node_group_desired_size": "30",
      "surge_node_group_max_size": "150",
      "surge_node_group_min_size": "1"
    "nonprod1-us-east-2": {
      "aws_region": "us-east-2",
      "baseline_node_group_desired_size": "30",
      "baseline_node_group_max_size": "35",
      "baseline_node_group_min_size": "30",
      "surge_node_group_desired_size": "3",
      "surge_node_group_max_size": "150",
      "surge_node_group_min_size": "1"
    "nonprod1-eu-west-1": {
      "aws_region": "eu-west-1"
    "nonprod1-eu-central-1": {
      "aws_region": "eu-central-1"
    "nonprod1-ap-southeast-2": {
      "aws_region": "ap-southeast-2"
    "nonprod1-ap-southwest-1": {
      "aws_region": "ap-southwest-1"
  "prod": {
    "prod1-us-west-2": {
      "aws_region": "us-west-2"
    "prod1-us-east-2": {
      "aws_region": "us-east-2"
    "prod1-eu-west-1": {
      "aws_region": "eu-west-1"
    "prod1-eu-central-1": {
      "aws_region": "eu-central-1"
    "prod1-ap-southeast-2": {
      "aws_region": "ap-southeast-2"
    "prod1-ap-southwest-1": {
      "aws_region": "ap-southwest-1"

From the above files, circlecigen will generate each specific instance.tfvars.json file for use as a -var-file by terraform.

Next, the pipeline files.

Of course you must have the regular circleci pipeline file that responds to triggers and actually forms the basis of the generated pipeline. Everything in this file up through the Jobs: or workflow: directive (whichever comes first) forms the starting point for the generated pipeline.


This file is a template that will be populate with instance specific info when the pipeline is generated from within the config.yml pipeline.

      - terraform/plan:
          name: {{env_instance}} change plan
          context: << pipeline.parameters.context >>
          workspace: {{env_instance}}
          var-file: {{envpath}}/{{env_instance}}.tfvars.json
            - set-environment
          filters: {{filters}}{{priorapprovalrequired}}

The indenting is important. This example is using the twdps/terraform orb. Note that in the before-terraform parameter you can pass any pipeline command found in any orb you have included, but more importantly from the config.yaml itself.

So, for the infra-dev role, circlecigen will create a workflow that runs a terraform plan job using the specific, associated instance.tfvar.json var-file. Each such instance runs in parallel.


Then specify the job to be run if the above plans are approved.

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply {{env_instance}} change plan
          context: << pipeline.parameters.context >>
          workspace: {{env_instance}}
          var-file: {{envpath}}/{{env_instance}}.tfvars.json
            - set-environment
            - after-deployment-commands
            - approve {{role}} changes
          filters: {{filters}}

As you can see, this template will run terraform apply, and in addition to running the set-environment command before the terraaform plan, it will also run an after-deployment-commands after a successful apply. In a real use-case, the after-terraform commands are typical integration and functional tests.

The primary config.yml pipeline

Below is the basic layout of config.yml where the circlecigen package is used to create deployment pipelines used by the continuation orb. In this case, as is common in trunk-based development, git-push results in deployment to an initial development environment, whereas tagging the repository expected to launch a full release pipeline that will push the new code version all the way the production. The example demonstrates usage in a terraform-oriented pipeline but it is not exclusive to such.

version: 2.1

setup: true

  continuation: circleci/continuation@0.3.1

on-push-main: &on-push-main
    only: /main/
    ignore: /.*/

on-tag-main: &on-tag-main
    ignore: /.*/
    only: /.*/







      - image: ...
      - setup-commands:
          parameters: << parameters... >>
      - static-code-test-commands:
          parameters: << parameters... >>

        description: Custom name for the resulting workflow within the generated_config.yml
        type: string
        description: name of the multi-environment definition/configuration file to use
        type: string
        default: multi.json
    executor: continuation/default
      - checkout
      - run:
          name: generate continuation pipeline
          command: circlecigen --workflow << parameters.workflow-name >>
      - continuation/continue:
          configuration_path: .circleci/generated_config.yml

  my deploy workflow:

      # you may have multple jobs prior to the continuation.
      # Examples might include static code analysis, basically things that
      # you need to run with each git-push but that do not run as part of
      # deployment to any downstream environments.
      - my-pre-deploy-jobs:
          name: could be one or more first jobs
          parameter: required parameters
          filters: *on-push-main

      # the continuation launch will use the dev-deploy.json so as to only
      # deploy to infra-dev instances.
      - launch-dynamic-pipeline:
          name: dev-build
          workflow-name: dev-environment-deployment
          multi-config: dev-deploy.json
            - first job 
          filters: *on-push-main

      # this continutation is only called when the repo is tagged and 
      # passes the release.json to generate the full release pipeline
      - launch-dynamic-pipeline:
          name: release candidate
          workflow-name: release-pipeline
          multi-config: release.json
          filters: *on-tag-main

Below is a notional example of the resulting pipeline from a git-tag trigger. As you can see, this level of complexity in an infrastructure release pipeline already is likely to inspire the evolution towards a more sophisticated infrastructure management release process. The keyword being evolve. Let actual need be the cause of adoption of the more elaborate release system, but as is nearly always the case, the need to deploy will have deadlines that will be sooner than such an adoption. Use of a tool like circlecigen provides an interim step that avoids typos by maintaining a higher level of DRY.

version: 2.1

  continuation: circleci/continuation@0.3.1

on-push-main: &on-push-main
    only: /main/
    ignore: /.*/

on-tag-main: &on-tag-main
    ignore: /.*/
    only: /.*/






  version: 2

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-us-west-2 change plan
          context: << pipeline.parameters.context >>
          workspace: nonprod-us-west-2 
          var-file: env_test/nonprod-us-west-2.tfvars.json
            - set-environment
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-us-east-2 change plan
          context: << pipeline.parameters.context >>
          workspace: nonprod-us-east-2 
          var-file: env_test/nonprod-us-east-2.tfvars.json
            - set-environment
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-eu-west-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-eu-central-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-ap-southeast-2 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-ap-southwest-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - approve nonprod changes:
          type: approval
            - nonprod-us-west-2 change plan
            - nonprod-us-east-2 change plan
            - nonprod-eu-west-1 change plan
            - nonprod-eu-central-1 change plan
            - nonprod-ap-southeast-2 change plan
            - nonprod-ap-southwest-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-us-west-2 change plan
          context: << pipeline.parameters.context >>
          workspace: nonprod-us-west-2
          var-file: env_test/nonprod-us-west-2.tfvars.json
            - set-environment
            - after-deployment-commands
            - approve nonprod changes
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-us-east-2 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-eu-west-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-eu-central-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-ap-southeast-2 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-ap-southwest-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/plan:
          name: prod-us-west-2 change plan
          context: << pipeline.parameters.context >>
          workspace: prod-us-west-2 
          var-file: env_test/prod-us-west-2.tfvars.json
            - set-environment
          filters: *on-tag-main
            - approve nonprod changes

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-us-east-2 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main
            - approve nonprod changes

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-eu-west-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main
            - approve nonprod changes

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-eu-central-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main
            - approve nonprod changes

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-ap-southeast-2 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main
            - approve nonprod changes

      - terraform/plan:
          name: nonprod-ap-southwest-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main
            - approve nonprod changes

      - approve prod changes:
          type: approval
            - prod-us-west-2 change plan
            - prod-us-east-2 change plan
            - prod-eu-west-1 change plan
            - prod-eu-central-1 change plan
            - prod-ap-southeast-2 change plan
            - prod-ap-southwest-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-us-west-2 change plan
          context: << pipeline.parameters.context >>
          workspace: nonprod-us-west-2
          var-file: env_test/nonprod-us-west-2.tfvars.json
            - set-environment
            - after-deployment-commands
            - approve nonprod changes
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-us-east-2 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-eu-west-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-eu-central-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-ap-southeast-2 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

      - terraform/apply:
          name: apply nonprod-ap-southwest-1 change plan
          filters: *on-tag-main

Project details

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Source Distribution

circlecigen-0.0.3.tar.gz (30.4 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

circlecigen-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (7.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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