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Python library to parse Circuit Maintenance notifications and return a structured data back

Project description


circuit-maintenance-parser is a Python library that parses circuit maintenance notifications from Network Service Providers (NSPs), converting heterogeneous formats to a well-defined structured format.


Every network depends on external circuits provided by NSPs who interconnect them to the Internet, to office branches or to external service providers such as Public Clouds.

Obviously, these services occasionally require operation windows to upgrade or to fix related issues, and usually, they happen in the form of circuit maintenance periods. NSPs generally notify customers of these upcoming events so that customers can take actions to minimize the impact on the regular usage of the related circuits.

The challenge faced by many customers is that almost every NSP defines its own maintenance notification format, even though in the end the relevant information is mostly the same across NSPs. This library is built to parse notification formats from several providers and to return always the same object struct which will make it easier to process them afterwards.

The format of this output follows the BCOP defined during a NANOG meeting that aimed to promote the usage of the iCalendar format. Indeed, if the NSP is using the proposed iCalendar format, the parser is straightforward and there is no need to define custom logic, but this library enables supporting other providers that are not using this proposed practice, getting the same outcome.

You can leverage this library in your automation framework to process circuit maintenance notifications and use the standardized Maintenance model to handle your received circuit maintenance notifications in a simple way. Every Maintenance object contains the following attributes:

  • provider: identifies the provider of the service that is the subject of the maintenance notification.
  • account: identifies an account associated with the service that is the subject of the maintenance notification.
  • maintenance_id: contains text that uniquely identifies (at least within the context of a specific provider) the maintenance that is the subject of the notification.
  • circuits: list of circuits affected by the maintenance notification and their specific impact. Note that in a maintenance canceled or completed notification, some providers omit the circuit list, so this may be blank for maintenance notifications with a status of CANCELLED or COMPLETED.
  • start: timestamp that defines the starting date/time of the maintenance in GMT.
  • end: timestamp that defines the ending date/time of the maintenance in GMT.
  • stamp: timestamp that defines the update date/time of the maintenance in GMT.
  • organizer: defines the contact information included in the original notification.
  • status: defines the overall status or confirmation for the maintenance.¹
  • summary: human-readable details about this maintenance notification. May be an empty string.
  • sequence: a sequence number for notifications involving this maintenance window. In practice, this is generally redundant with the stamp field and will be defaulted to 1 for most non-iCalendar parsed notifications.²
  • uid: a unique (?) identifier for a thread of related notifications. In practice, this is generally redundant with the maintenance_id field and will be defaulted to 0 for most non-iCalendar parsed notifications.

Please, refer to the BCOP to more details about the standardized meaning of these attributes.

¹ Per the BCOP, the status (X-MAINTNOTE_STATUS) is an optional field in iCalendar notifications. However, a Maintenance object will always contain a status value; in the case where an iCalendar notification omits this field, the status will be set to "NO-CHANGE", and it's up to the consumer of this library to determine how to appropriately handle this case. Parsers of other notification formats are responsible for setting an appropriate value for this field based on the notification contents, and may or may not include "NO-CHANGE" as one of the possible reported values.

² Per the BCOP, the sequence is a mandatory field in iCalendar notifications. However, some NSPs have been seen to send notifications which, while otherwise consistent with the BCOP, omit the SEQUENCE field; in such cases, this library will report a sequence number of -1.


  1. We instantiate a Provider, directly or via the init_provider method, that depending on the selected type will return the corresponding instance.
  2. Get an instance of the NotificationData class. This instance groups together DataParts which each contain some content and a specific type (that will match a specific Parser). For example, a NotificationData might describe a received email message, with DataParts corresponding to the subject line and body of the email. There are factory methods to initialize a NotificationData describing a single chunk of binary data, as well as others to initialize one directly from a raw email message or email.message.EmailMessage instance.
  3. Each Provider uses one or more Processors that will be used to build Maintenances when the Provider.get_maintenances(data) method is called.
  4. Each Processor class uses one or more Parsers to process each type of data that it handles. It can have custom logic to combine the parsed data from multiple Parsers to create the final Maintenance object.
  5. Each Parser class supports one or a set of related data types, and implements the Parser.parse() method used to retrieve a Dict with the relevant keys/values.

By default, there is a GenericProvider that supports a SimpleProcessor using the standard ICal Parser, being the easiest path to start using the library in case the provider uses the reference iCalendar standard.

Supported Providers

Supported providers using the BCOP standard

  • Arelion (previously Telia)
  • EuNetworks
  • EXA (formerly GTT) (*)
  • NTT
  • PacketFabric
  • Telstra (*)

Supported providers based on other parsers

  • AWS
  • AquaComms
  • BSO
  • Cogent
  • Colt
  • Crown Castle Fiber
  • Equinix
  • EXA (formerly GTT) (*)
  • HGC
  • Global Cloud Xchange
  • Google
  • Lumen
  • Megaport
  • Momentum
  • Netflix (AS2906 only)
  • Seaborn
  • Sparkle
  • Telstra (*)
  • Turkcell
  • Verizon
  • Windstream
  • Zayo

(*) Providers in both lists, with BCOP standard and nonstandard parsers.

Note: Because these providers do not support the BCOP standard natively, maybe there are some gaps on the implemented parser that will be refined with new test cases. We encourage you to report related issues!

LLM-powered Parsers

The library supports an optional parser option leveraging Large Language Models (LLM) to provide best-effort parsing when the specific parsers have not been successful.

Warning: Some of these integrations, such as OpenAI, require of extras installations parameters. Check the extras section

When the appropriate environment variable(s) are set (see below), these LLM parsers are automatically appended after all existing processors for each defined Provider.

These integrations may involve some costs for API usage. Use it carefully! As an order of magnitude, a parsing of an email with OpenAI GPT gpt-3.5-turbo model costs $0.004.

These are the currently supported LLM integrations:

  • PARSER_LLM_QUESTION_STR (Optional), question to overwrite the default one. Change it carefully. It has precedence over PARSER_LLM_QUESTION_FILEPATH

  • PARSER_LLM_QUESTION_FILEPATH (Optional), a path to a file that contains a question to overwrite the default one.

  • OpenAI, these are the supported ENVs:

    • PARSER_OPENAI_API_KEY (Required): OpenAI API Key.
    • PARSER_OPENAI_MODEL (Optional): The LLM model to use, defaults to "gpt-3.5-turbo".


Each Maintenance comes with a metadata attribute to provide information about the provider used and the process and parsers used in the successful parsing of the maintenance.

This information is relevant to validate the actual content of the Maintenance because it may be generated using an LLM-powered parser which means that the confidence level is lower than using a pre-defined parser. You can check the Metadata.generate_by_llm boolean to check it.


The library is available as a Python package in pypi and can be installed with pip: pip install circuit-maintenance-parser



pip install circuit-maintenance-parser[openai]

How to use it?

The library requires two things:

  • The notificationdata: this is the data that the library will check to extract the maintenance notifications. It can be simple (only one data type and content, such as an iCalendar notification) or more complex (with multiple data parts of different types, such as from an email).
  • The provider identifier: used to select the proper Provider which contains the processor logic to take the proper Parsers and use the data that they extract. By default, the GenericProvider (used when no other provider type is defined) will support parsing of iCalendar notifications using the recommended format.

Python Library

The first step is to define the Provider that we will use to parse the notifications. As commented, there is a GenericProvider that implements the gold standard format and can be reused for any notification matching the expectations.

from circuit_maintenance_parser import init_provider

generic_provider = init_provider()

<class 'circuit_maintenance_parser.provider.GenericProvider'>

However, usually some Providers don't fully implement the standard and maybe some information is missing, for example the organizer email or maybe a custom logic to combine information is required, so we allow custom Providers:

ntt_provider = init_provider("ntt")

<class 'circuit_maintenance_parser.provider.NTT'>

Once we have the Provider ready, we need to initialize the data to process, we call it NotificationData and can be initialized from a simple content and type or from more complex structures, such as an email.

from circuit_maintenance_parser import NotificationData

raw_data = b"""BEGIN:VCALENDAR
PRODID:-//Maint Note//
SUMMARY:Maint Note Example

data_to_process = NotificationData.init_from_raw("ical", raw_data)

<class ''>

Finally, with we retrieve the maintenances (it is a List because a notification can contain multiple maintenances) from the data calling the get_maintenances method from the Provider instance:

maintenances = generic_provider.get_maintenances(data_to_process)

"account": "137.035999173",
"circuits": [
"circuit_id": "acme-widgets-as-a-service",
"impact": "NO-IMPACT"
"circuit_id": "acme-widgets-as-a-service-2",
"impact": "OUTAGE"
"end": 1444471200,
"maintenance_id": "WorkOrder-31415",
"organizer": "",
"provider": "",
"sequence": 1,
"stamp": 1444435800,
"start": 1444464000,
"status": "TENTATIVE",
"summary": "Maint Note Example",
"uid": "42"

Notice that, either with the GenericProvider or NTT provider, we get the same result from the same data, because they are using exactly the same Processor and Parser. The only difference is that NTT notifications come without organizer and provider in the notification, and this info is fulfilled with some default values for the Provider, but in this case, the original notification contains all the necessary information, so the defaults are not used.

ntt_maintenances = ntt_provider.get_maintenances(data_to_process)
assert maintenances_ntt == maintenances

Every maintenance contains the metadata attribute to understand how has been parsed:

provider='genericprovider' processor="SimpleProcessor" parsers=["ICal"], generated_by_llm=False


There is also a cli entry point circuit-maintenance-parser which offers easy access to the library using a few arguments:

  • data-file: file storing the notification.
  • data-type: ical, html or email, depending on the data type.
  • provider-type: to choose the right Provider. If empty, the GenericProvider is used.
circuit-maintenance-parser --data-file "/tmp/___ZAYO TTN-00000000 Planned MAINTENANCE NOTIFICATION___.eml" --data-type email --provider-type zayo
Circuit Maintenance Notification #0
  "account": "some account",
  "circuits": [
      "circuit_id": "/OGYX/000000/ /ZYO /",
      "impact": "OUTAGE"
  "end": 1601035200,
  "maintenance_id": "TTN-00000000",
  "organizer": "",
  "provider": "zayo",
  "sequence": 1,
  "stamp": 1599436800,
  "start": 1601017200,
  "status": "CONFIRMED",
  "summary": "Zayo will implement planned maintenance to troubleshoot and restore degraded span",
  "uid": "0"

How to Extend the Library?

Even though the library aims to include support for as many providers as possible, it's likely that not all the thousands of NSP are supported and you may need to add support for some new one. Adding a new Provider is quite straightforward, and in the following example we are adding support for an imaginary provider, ABCDE, that uses HTML notifications.

The first step is creating a new file: circuit_maintenance_parser/parsers/ This file will contain all the custom parsers needed for the provider and it will import the base classes for each parser type from circuit_maintenance_parser.parser. In the example, we only need to import Html and in the child class implement the methods required by the class, in this case parse_html() which will return a dict with all the data that this Parser can extract. In this case, we have to helper methods, _parse_bs and _parse_tables that implement the logic to navigate the notification data.

from typing import Dict
import bs4  # type: ignore
from bs4.element import ResultSet  # type: ignore
from circuit_maintenance_parser.parser import Html

class HtmlParserABCDE1(Html):
    def parse_html(self, soup: ResultSet) -> Dict:
        data = {}
        self._parse_bs(soup.find_all("b"), data)
        self._parse_tables(soup.find_all("table"), data)
        return [data]

    def _parse_bs(self, btags: ResultSet, data: Dict):

    def _parse_tables(self, tables: ResultSet, data: Dict):

The next step is to create the new Provider by defining a new class in circuit_maintenance_parser/ This class that inherits from GenericProvider only needs to define two attributes:

  • _processors: is a list of Processor instances that uses several data Parsers. In this example, we don't need to create a new custom Processor because the combined logic serves well (the most likely case), and we only need to use the newly defined HtmlParserABCDE1 and also the generic EmailDateParser that extracts the email date. Also notice that you could have multiple Processors with different Parsers in this list, supporting several formats.
  • _default_organizer: This is a default helper to fill the organizer attribute in the Maintenance if the information is not part of the original notification.
class ABCDE(GenericProvider):
    _processors: List[GenericProcessor] = [
        CombinedProcessor(data_parsers=[EmailDateParser, HtmlParserABCDE1]),
    _default_organizer = ""

And expose the new Provider in circuit_maintenance_parser/

from .provider import (


Last, but not least, you should update the tests!

  • Test the new Parser in tests/unit/
  • Test the new Provider logic in tests/unit/

... adding the necessary data samples in tests/unit/data/abcde/.

You can anonymize your IPv4 and IPv6 addresses using the invoke anonymize-ips --local. Keep in mind that only IPv4 addresses for documentation purposes (RFC5737: "", "", "") are preserved, in case you need to check these IPs in your test output (unlikely)


Pull requests are welcomed and automatically built and tested against multiple versions of Python through Travis CI.

The project is following Network to Code software development guidelines and is leveraging:

  • Black, Pylint, Mypy, Bandit and pydocstyle for Python linting and formatting.
  • Unit and integration tests to ensure the library is working properly.

Local Development


  • Install poetry
  • Install dependencies and library locally: poetry install
  • Run CI tests locally: invoke tests --local

How to add a new Circuit Maintenance provider?

  1. Define the Parsers(inheriting from some of the generic Parsers or a new one) that will extract the data from the notification, which could contain multiple DataParts. The data_type of the Parser and the DataPart have to match. The custom Parsers will be placed in the parsers folder.
  2. Update the unit/ with the new parsers, providing some data to test and validate the extracted data.
  3. Define a new Provider inheriting from the GenericProvider, defining the Processors and the respective Parsers to be used. Maybe you can reuse some of the generic Processors or maybe you will need to create a custom one. If this is the case, place it in the processors folder.
    • The Provider also supports the definition of a _include_filter and a _exclude_filter to limit the notifications that are actually processed, avoiding false positive errors for notification that are not relevant.
  4. Update the unit/ with the new provider, providing some data to test and validate the final Maintenances created.
  5. Expose the new Provider class updating the map SUPPORTED_PROVIDERS in circuit_maintenance_parser/ to officially expose the Provider.
  6. You can run some tests here to verify that your new unit tests do not cause issues with existing tests, and in general they work as expected. You can do this by running pytest --log-cli-level=DEBUG --capture=tee-sys. You can narrow down the tests that you want to execute with the -k flag. If successful, your results should look similar to the following:
-> % pytest --log-cli-level=DEBUG --capture=tee-sys -k test_parsers
...omitted debug logs...
====================================================== 99 passed, 174 deselected, 17 warnings in 10.35s ======================================================
  1. Run some final CI tests locally to ensure that there is no linting/formatting issues with your changes. You should look to get a code score of 10/10. See the example below: invoke tests --local
-> % invoke tests --local
LOCAL - Running command black --check --diff .
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
41 files would be left unchanged.
LOCAL - Running command flake8 .
LOCAL - Running command find . -name "*.py" | xargs pylint
************* Module tasks W0402: Uses of a deprecated module 'distutils.util' (deprecated-module)

Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 10.00/10, +0.00)

How to debug circuit-maintenance-parser library locally

  1. poetry install updates the library and its dependencies locally.
  2. circuit-maintenance-parser is now built with your recent local changes.

If you were to add loggers or debuggers to one of the classes:

class HtmlParserZayo1(Html):
    def parse_bs(self, btags: ResultSet, data: dict):
        """Parse B tag."""
        raise Exception('Debugging exception')

After running poetry install:

-> % circuit-maintenance-parser --data-file ~/Downloads/zayo.eml --data-type email --provider-type zayo
Provider processing failed: Failed creating Maintenance notification for Zayo.
- Processor CombinedProcessor from Zayo failed due to: Debugging exception

Note: invoke build will result in an error due to no Dockerfile. This is expected as the library runs simple pytest testing without a container.

-> % invoke build
Building image circuit-maintenance-parser:2.2.2-py3.8
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 2B done
#1 DONE 0.0s
WARNING: failed to get git remote url: fatal: No remote configured to list refs from.
ERROR: failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to read dockerfile: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/buildkit-mount1243547759/Dockerfile: no such file or directory


For any questions or comments, please check the FAQ first and feel free to swing by the Network to Code slack channel (channel #networktocode). Sign up here

License notes

This library uses a Basic World Cities Database by Pareto Software, LLC, the owner of The Provider offers a Basic World Cities Database free of charge. This database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license as described at:

Project details

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Source Distribution

circuit_maintenance_parser-2.6.1.tar.gz (1.5 MB view details)

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Details for the file circuit_maintenance_parser-2.6.1.tar.gz.

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Hashes for circuit_maintenance_parser-2.6.1.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 554cae178e0ae67e9ab6026cd5cbe98d2205266cf84f099abedb1ea64027f42b
MD5 6b7ce14de0ec1b17d5c88417085fa74b
BLAKE2b-256 24545233c78bc310e11f96c32136acc82f879b682dfd54b76707760e42ac18a3

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file circuit_maintenance_parser-2.6.1-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for circuit_maintenance_parser-2.6.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 ae8664e0b5f3bf928995943febc1f9ba8b35c3aa06a8ce7cbdada546f3cd0add
MD5 e72806ad06c66115febfefdc55a9af2a
BLAKE2b-256 71c6ca81e685b8a095cc9db26d50138baa8e0c97584e9d637eedcf03e0d804cd

See more details on using hashes here.

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