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A Python package for command line interface like cisco

Project description


  • This Class runs function from command string
  • Cisco Style give the recommandation when you can use easily.
  • if you do not know what you do , press space or tab.
  • then CiscoStyleCli shows the recommendation with help description.


  • [Python][python] >= 3.6


  • Install the latest version of ciscostylecli using pip:
pip3 install ciscostylecli
  • Install by cloning repository:
git clone
cd CiscoStyleCli
python3 install


import CiscoStyleCli
CiscoStyleCli(rulePrintFile=None, infinite=False, prompt='FISH~~:', debug=False, isUseDefaultCommon=True)

interactive cisco command line interface

from CiscoStyleCli import CiscoStyleCli
csc = CiscoStyleCli.CiscoStyleCli()
- show the prompt to get your command (interactive mode)
- press enter key , this function will return
    - ```make```

endless interactive cisco command line interface

from CiscoStyleCli import CiscoStyleCli
csc = CiscoStyleCli.CiscoStyleCli(infinite=True) 
- it has infinite loop
- show the prompt to get your command (interactive mode)
- you can quit when you meet quit command or quit()
    - ```make infinite```

non-interactive run command

from CiscoStyleCli import CiscoStyleCli
csc = CiscoStyleCli.CiscoStyleCli()
- run your command (non-interactive mode)
    - ```make runCommand```


  •   python3
      >> import CiscoStyleCli
      >> help(CiscoStyleCli)
  • python3 -m pydoc CiscoStyleCli > CiscoStyleCli.txt


Help on module CiscoStyleCli:


    class CiscoStyleCli(builtins.object)
     |  CiscoStyleCli(rulePrintFile=None, infinite=False, prompt='FISH~~:', debug=False, isUseDefaultCommon=True)
     |  This Class runs function from command string
     |  Cisco Style give the recommandation when you can use easily.
     |  if you do not know what you do , press space or tab.
     |  then CiscoStyleCli shows the recommendation with help description.
     |  1. interactive cisco command line interface
     |  from CiscoStyleCli import CiscoStyleCli
     |  csc = CiscoStyleCli.CiscoStyleCli()
     |      - show the prompt to get your command (interactive mode)
     |      - press enter key , this function will return
     |  2. endless interactive cisco command line interface
     |  from CiscoStyleCli import CiscoStyleCli
     |  csc = CiscoStyleCli.CiscoStyleCli(infinite=True)
     |      - it has infinite loop
     |      - show the prompt to get your command (interactive mode)
     |      - you can quit when you meet quit command or quit()
     |  3. non-interactive run command
     |  from CiscoStyleCli import CiscoStyleCli
     |  csc = CiscoStyleCli.CiscoStyleCli()
     |  csc.runCommand(cmd)
     |      - run your command (non-interactive mode)
     |  :param rulePrintFile: file name to print the tree
     |  :param infinite: False (default) or True 
     |          True if you want infinite loop. 
     |          False if want to finish when you stroke 'return' key.
     |  :param prompt: your prompt
     |  :param debug: False (default) or True
     |          True if you want to print more information
     |  :param isUseDefaultCommon: True (default) or False
     |          False if you want not to show message when self._common runs
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, rulePrintFile=None, infinite=False, prompt='FISH~~:', debug=False, isUseDefaultCommon=True)
     |      initalize
     |      it has only 2 commands : quit , list
     |      :param rulePrintFile: file name to print the tree
     |      :param infinite: False (default) or True 
     |              True if you want infinite loop. 
     |              False if want to finish when you stroke 'return' key.
     |      :param prompt: your prompt
     |      :param debug: False (default) or True
     |              True if you want to print more information
     |      :param isUseDefaultCommon: True (default) or False
     |              False if you want not to show message when self._common runs
     |  addArgument(self, root, name, type, returnable, desc, prefunc=None, returnfunc=None, additionalDict=None, additionalList=None, default=None)
     |      add node (argument type) in tree
     |      argument type means variable type. it is not fixed string. user should put the variant value.
     |          - argument type : int
     |          - argument type : str
     |          - argument type : float
     |          - argument type : [strA,strB,strC,...]  - list type : user can use one string in this list  (all are string)
     |          - argument type : { key1:value1 , key2:value2 , ...} - dictionary type : user can use one key in this dictionary (all key and value are string)
     |      :command tree example:
     |          gethost choose1 choose <CR>
     |          gethost choose2 target <CR>
     |          gethost choose3 shoot <CR>
     |          quit <CR>
     |          list <CR> detailed <CR>
     |          list <CR> simple <CR>
     |      :code example:
     |          from CiscoStyleCli import CiscoStyleCli
     |          csc = CiscoStyleCli.CiscoStyleCli()
     |          cmdTop = {}
     |          gethostCmd = csc.addCmd(cmdTop,'gethost','command',"", "gethosthelp")                                                            # level 1
     |          tmp = csc.addCmd(gethostCmd,'choose1','command',"", "choose type1",prefunc=rc.showHost,additionalDict={'0':'tiger','1':'animal'})        # level 2
     |          tmp = csc.addArgument(tmp,'choose','int',"returnable", "type integer",prefunc=rc.showHost,additionalDict={'0':'tiger','1':'animal'})     # level 3
     |          quitCmd = self.addCmd(cmdTop ,'quit','command',"returnable", "exit",returnfunc=self._quit)                                       # level 1
     |          listCmd = self.addCmd(cmdTop ,'list','command',"returnable", "show command line interface list",returnfunc=self._list)           # level 1
     |          tmp = self.addCmd(listCmd ,'detailed','command',"returnable", "show detailed command line interface list",returnfunc=self._listDetailed) # level 2
     |          tmp = self.addCmd(listCmd ,'simple','command',"returnable", "show simple command line interface list",returnfunc=self._listSimple)       # level 2
     |          csc.setCliRule(cmdTop)
     |      :param root: parent node
     |      :param name: argument name - retValue will have dictionary {name:value}
     |      :param type: argument type - int , float , str , list , dict
     |              when you use list and dict , it will give the recommendation with these list and dictionary contents (keys).
     |      :param returnable: 'returnable' when we run something after strike 'return' key.  
     |      :param desc: description
     |      :param prefunc: function pointer - it will be run if your command meets this function.  show the example to understand easily
     |      :param returnfunc: function pointer - it will be run when returnable == 'returnable' and you strike 'return' key.  default returnfunc=self._common
     |              v : {'__cmd__': ['gethost', 'choose3'], 'shoot': {'choice': '2', 'data': {'0': 'car', '1': 'tiger', '2': 'telematics'}}, '__return__': 'gethost choose3 2'}
     |              v : {'__cmd__': ['gethost', 'choose2'], 'target': {'choice': 'tiger', 'data': ['cheetah', 'tiger', 'fish', 'turtle', 'tigiris']}, '__return__': 'gethost choose2 tiger'}
     |      :param additionalDict: give this information to argument of prefunc and returnfunc. 
     |              'shoot': {'choice': '2', 'data': {'0': 'car', '1': 'tiger', '2': 'telematics'}}
     |      :param additionalList: give this information to argument of prefunc and returnfunc. 
     |              'target': {'choice': 'tiger', 'data': ['cheetah', 'tiger', 'fish', 'turtle', 'tigiris']}
     |      :param default: give default value when arguement type is list or dict.
     |              'target': {'choice': 'tiger', 'data': ['cheetah', 'tiger', 'fish', 'turtle', 'tigiris'] , 'default':'fish'}
     |      :return: current node of tree
     |  addCmd(self, root, command, type, returnable, desc, prefunc=None, returnfunc=None, additionalDict=None, additionalList=None)
     |      add node (command type) in tree
     |      it is fixed string.
     |      :command tree example:
     |          gethost choose1 choose <CR>
     |          gethost choose2 target <CR>
     |          gethost choose3 shoot <CR>
     |          quit <CR>
     |          list <CR> detailed <CR>
     |          list <CR> simple <CR>
     |      :code example:
     |          from CiscoStyleCli import CiscoStyleCli
     |          csc = CiscoStyleCli.CiscoStyleCli()
     |          cmdTop = {}
     |          gethostCmd = csc.addCmd(cmdTop,'gethost','command',"", "gethosthelp")                                                            # level 1
     |          tmp = csc.addCmd(gethostCmd,'choose1','command',"", "choose type1",prefunc=rc.showHost,additionalDict={'0':'tiger','1':'animal'})        # level 2
     |          tmp = csc.addArgument(tmp,'choose','int',"returnable", "type integer",prefunc=rc.showHost,additionalDict={'0':'tiger','1':'animal'})     # level 3
     |          quitCmd = self.addCmd(cmdTop ,'quit','command',"returnable", "exit",returnfunc=self._quit)                                       # level 1
     |          listCmd = self.addCmd(cmdTop ,'list','command',"returnable", "show command line interface list",returnfunc=self._list)           # level 1
     |          tmp = self.addCmd(listCmd ,'detailed','command',"returnable", "show detailed command line interface list",returnfunc=self._listDetailed) # level 2
     |          tmp = self.addCmd(listCmd ,'simple','command',"returnable", "show simple command line interface list",returnfunc=self._listSimple)       # level 2
     |          csc.setCliRule(cmdTop)
     |      :param root: parent node
     |      :param command: command name - retValue will have dictionary {name:value}
     |      :param type: command
     |      :param returnable: 'returnable' when we run something after strike 'return' key.  
     |      :param desc: description
     |      :param prefunc: function pointer - it will be run if your command meets this function.  show the example to understand easily
     |      :param returnfunc: function pointer - it will be run when returnable == 'returnable' and you strike 'return' key.  default returnfunc=self._common
     |              v : {'__cmd__': ['gethost', 'choose3'], 'shoot': {'choice': '2', 'data': {'0': 'car', '1': 'tiger', '2': 'telematics'}}, '__return__': 'gethost choose3 2'}
     |              v : {'__cmd__': ['gethost', 'choose2'], 'target': {'choice': 'tiger', 'data': ['cheetah', 'tiger', 'fish', 'turtle', 'tigiris']}, '__return__': 'gethost choose2 tiger'}
     |      :param additionalDict: give this information to argument of prefunc and returnfunc. 
     |              'shoot': {'choice': '2', 'data': {'0': 'car', '1': 'tiger', '2': 'telematics'}}
     |      :param additionalList: give this information to argument of prefunc and returnfunc. 
     |              'target': {'choice': 'tiger', 'data': ['cheetah', 'tiger', 'fish', 'turtle', 'tigiris']}
     |      :return: current node of tree
     |  checkCmd(self, cmd)
     |      check whether this cmd is right and run registered function in prefunc and returnfunc arguments of addArgument() or addCmd()
     |      return the location from rootCmd following cmd  for guiding current and next arguments
     |      self.c : current input character
     |      flows
     |          - while process each token (word) before last token (word)
     |              move the next tree node each token
     |              return current node if token has wrong input against tree
     |          - process last token (word)
     |              if input is return character,
     |                  if returnable , run returnfunc
     |              if input is space or tab character,
     |                  find longestmatch
     |          - return retValue
     |      call function of prefunc and returnfunc
     |          - prefunc and returnfunc has only one dictionary argument including all information
     |      :param cmd: input command line
     |      :return root: node of tree for next argument.
     |      :return lastWord: last stroke word
     |      :return retValue: all your input information
     |              example) {'__cmd__': ['gethost', 'choose2'], 'target': {'choice': 'tiger', 'data': ['cheetah', 'tiger', 'fish', 'turtle', 'tigiris']}, '__return__': 'gethost choose2 tiger'}
     |      :return quoteflag: False or True according to the quotation counts
     |      :return isFinishedFromReturn: False or True.   if it returns from input "return" , it is True.
     |  run(self)
     |      main part of cisco command line interface
     |      meet the prompt for your input
     |      get string from your input
     |      run() will have infinite loop before meeting quit() if you set infinite argument in __init__() as True.
     |      :return: retValue with all your input information
     |              example) {'__cmd__': ['gethost', 'choose2'], 'target': {'choice': 'tiger', 'data': ['cheetah', 'tiger', 'fish', 'turtle', 'tigiris']}, '__return__': 'gethost choose2 tiger'}
     |  runCommand(self, cmd)
     |      non-interactive run command
     |      :param cmd: retValue with all your input information
     |              example) {'__cmd__': ['gethost', 'choose2'], 'target': {'choice': 'tiger', 'data': ['cheetah', 'tiger', 'fish', 'turtle', 'tigiris']}, '__return__': 'gethost choose2 tiger'}
     |  setCliRule(self, rule)
     |      set rule 
     |      rule is generated from addCmd() and addArgument() functions.
     |      finally it set the self._comon(v) when returnable is on or this is last token (word).
     |        and it will add 'list' and 'quit' command automatically if you do not set it.
     |      :code example:
     |          from CiscoStyleCli import CiscoStyleCli
     |          csc = CiscoStyleCli.CiscoStyleCli()
     |          remoteCmd = {}
     |          gethostCmd = csc.addCmd(remoteCmd,'gethost','command',"", "gethosthelp")
     |          tmp = csc.addCmd(gethostCmd,'start','command',"", "start")
     |          tmp = csc.addArgument(tmp,'variables','...',"returnable", "variable arguments")
     |          tmp = csc.addCmd(gethostCmd,'choose1','command',"", "choose type1",prefunc=rc.showHost,additionalDict={'0':'tiger','1':'animal'})
     |          tmp = csc.addArgument(tmp,'choose','int',"returnable", "type integer",prefunc=rc.showHost,additionalDict={'0':'tiger','1':'animal'})
     |          tmp = csc.addCmd(gethostCmd,'choose2','command',"", "choose type2",additionalDict={'0':'tiger','1':'animal'})
     |          tmp = csc.addArgument(tmp,'target',['cheetah','tiger','fish','turtle','tigiris'],"returnable", "type from the list")
     |          tmp = csc.addCmd(gethostCmd,'choose3','command',"", "choose type3",additionalDict={'0':'tiger','1':'animal'})
     |          tmp = csc.addArgument(tmp,'shoot',{'0':'car','1':'tiger','2':'telematics'},"returnable", "type key from the dictionary")
     |          csc.setCliRule(remoteCmd)
     |      verification method: you can show the tree with the following command
     |          list<CR>
     |          list simple<CR>
     |          list detailed<CR>
     |      Args:
     |          rule (dict): rule dictionary tree made by addCmd() and addArgument()
     |  setCliRuleTcmd(self, top)
     |      set rule for our tiger project (Tcmd : Tiger Command)
     |      it has different sequence of dictionary tree.
     |      finally it set the self._comon(v) when returnable is on or this is last token (word).
     |        and it will add 'list' and 'quit' command automatically if you do not set it.
     |      :code example:
     |          TOP = {}
     |          projectList = ['tiger','cheetah','fish']
     |          TOP ['register'] = {
     |              '__attribute' : {
     |                  'type' : "command",
     |                  'desc' : "registration~~",
     |                  'returnable' : "returnable"
     |                  },
     |              'name' : {
     |                  '__attribute' : {
     |                      'type' : "command",
     |                      'desc' : "name~~",
     |                      'returnable' : "",
     |                  }
     |              },
     |              'target' : {
     |                  'next-target' : {}
     |              },
     |              'target2' : {
     |                  'next2-target' : {
     |                      '__attribute' : {
     |                          'desc' : "next target",
     |                          'returnable' : "",
     |                      }
     |                  }
     |              },
     |              'vbee' : {
     |                  'project' : {
     |                      '__attribute' : {
     |                          'desc' : "choose from list",
     |                          'type' : 'argument',
     |                          'argument-type' : projectList,
     |                          'returnable' : "returnable",
     |                      },
     |                      'endless' : {
     |                          '__attribute' : {
     |                              'desc' : "multiple variable arguments",
     |                              'type' : "argument",
     |                              'argument-type': '...',
     |                              'returnable' : "returnable",
     |                          },
     |                      },
     |                  },
     |              }
     |          }
     |          csc.setCliRuleTcmd(TOP)
     |      if you do not '__attribute' , we will set as default
     |          ['__attribute']['returnable'] = ""
     |          ['__attribute']['type'] = 'command'
     |          ['__attribute']['returnable'] = ""
     |          ['__attribute']['desc'] = ""
     |          ['__attribute']['argument-type'] = None
     |          if you want to use dictionary or list , 
     |              ['__attribute']['type'] = 'argument'
     |              ['__attribute']['argument-type'] = one dimentional dictionary or list
     |          if you want to use variable arguments
     |              ['__attribute']['type'] = 'argument'
     |              ['__attribute']['argument-type'] = '...'
     |      verification method: you can show the tree with the following command
     |          list<CR>
     |          list simple<CR>
     |          list detailed<CR>
     |      Args:
     |          top(dict) : rule dictionary tree with different type
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

    dateRe = re.compile('^\\s*(?P<date>(?P<year>20[0-9]+)-(?P<month>[0-9]+...
    fieldList_url = ''
    floatRe = re.compile('^\\s*(?P<ans>[0-9\\-\\+\\.]+)\\s*$')
    intRe = re.compile('^\\s*(?P<ans>[0-9\\-\\+]+)\\s*$')
    issue_url = ''
    jira_rest_url = ''
    jsonHeaders = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    search_url = ''
    tracker_url = ''
    wordRe = re.compile('^\\s*(?P<ans>[^ \n]+)')



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Uploaded Python 3

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