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Declarative `ArgumentParser` definition with `dataclass` notation.

Project description


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Declarative ArgumentParser definition with dataclass notation.

  • No ArgumentParser boilerplate code
  • IDE autocompletion and type hints


pip install classparse==0.1.2

Simple Example

This is a simple example of the most basic usage of this library.

# examples/
from dataclasses import dataclass

from classparse import as_parser

class SimpleArgs:
    """My simple program's arguments"""

    retries: int = 5  # number of retries
    eps: float = 1e-3  # epsilon

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] [--retries RETRIES] [--eps EPS]

My simple program's arguments

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --retries RETRIES  number of retries
  --eps EPS          epsilon
$ python examples/ --retries 10 --eps 1e-6
SimpleArgs(retries=10, eps=1e-06)

Exhaustive Usage Example

This example demonstrates all the usage scenarios of this library.

# examples/
import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum, auto
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

from classparse import arg, as_parser, no_arg, pos_arg, to_arg_name, to_var_name

class Action(Enum):
    Initialize = "init"
    Execute = "exec"

class Animal(Enum):
    Cat = auto()
    Dog = auto()

    prog="",  # Keyword arguments are passed to the parser init.
    default_argument_args=dict(help="(type: %(type)s)"),  # Set default arguments for each call of add_argument().
class AllOptions:
    Class doc string ==> parser description.
    The fields' inline/above comment ==> argument's help.

    pos_arg_1: str  # Field with no explicit default ==> positional arguments (default=%(default)s)
    pos_arg_2: int = pos_arg(
            "pos_arg() is a wrapper around dataclasses.field()."
            "The first argument (optional) is the argument default (default=%(default)s)."
            "The following keyword arguments can be any argparse.add_argument() parameter."
    )  # When the help field is specified explicitly, the inline comment is ignored
    int_arg: int = 1  # Field's type and default are applied to the parser (type=%(type)s, default=%(default)s)
    str_enum_choice_arg: Action = Action.Initialize  # StrEnum ==> choice argument (type=%(type)s, default=%(default)s)
    int_enum_choice_arg: Animal = Animal.Cat  # IntEnum ==> choice argument (type=%(type)s, default=%(default)s)
    literal_arg: Literal["a", "b", "c"] = None  # Literal ==> choice argument (type=%(type)s, default=%(default)s)
    literal_int_arg: Literal[1, 2, 3] = None  # Literal's type is automatically inferred (type=%(type)s)
    mixed_literal: Literal[1, 2, "3", "4", True, Animal.Cat] = None  # We can mix multiple literal types (type=%(type)s)
    optional_arg: Optional[int] = None  # Optional can be used for type hinting (type=%(type)s)
    just_optional_arg: Optional = None  # Bare optional also works (type=%(type)s)
    optional_choice_arg: Optional[Action] = None  # Nested types are supported (type=%(type)s)
    union_arg: Union[int, float, bool] = None  # Tries to convert to type in order until first success (type=%(type)s)
    path_arg: Path = None
    flag_arg: int = arg(
            "arg() is a wrapper around dataclasses.field()."
            "The first argument (optional) is the short argument name."
            "The following keyword arguments can be any argparse.add_argument() parameter."
    required_arg: float = arg("-r", required=True)  # E.g., required=%(required)s
    metavar_arg: str = arg(metavar="M")  # E.g., metavar=%(metavar)s
    int_list: List[int] = (1,)  # List type hint ==> nargs="+" (type=%(type)s)
    int_2_list: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 2)  # Tuple type hint ==> nargs=<tuple length> (nargs=%(nargs)s, type=%(type)s)
    multi_type_tuple: Tuple[int, float, str] = (1, 1e-3, "a")  # We can use multiple types (type=%(type)s)
    actions: List[Action] = ()  # List[Enum] ==> choices with nargs="+" (nargs=%(nargs)s, type=%(type)s)
    animals: List[Animal] = ()  # List[Enum] ==> choices with nargs="+" (nargs=%(nargs)s, type=%(type)s)
    literal_list: List[Literal["aa", "bb", 11, 22, Animal.Cat]] = ("aa",)  # List[Literal] ==> choices with nargs="+"
    union_list: List[Union[int, float, str, bool]] = ()
    union_with_literal: List[Union[Literal["a", "b", 1, 2], float, bool]] = ()
    typeless_list: list = ()  # If list type is unspecified, then it uses argparse default (type=%(type)s)
    typeless_typing_list: List = ()  # typing.List or list are supported
    none_bool_arg: bool = None  # boolean args ==> argparse.BooleanOptionalAction (type=%(type)s)
    true_bool_arg: bool = True  # We can set any default value
    false_bool_arg: bool = False
    complex_arg: complex = complex(1, -1)

    # no_arg() is used to not include this argument in the parser.
    # The first argument (optional) sets the default value.
    # The following keyword arguments is forwarded to the dataclasses.field() method.
    no_arg: int = no_arg(0)

    # We used this argument for the README example.
    # Note that comments above the arg are also included in the help of the argument.
    # This is a convenient way to include long help messages.
    show: List[str] = arg("-s", default=())

    def __repr__(self):
        """Print only the specified fields"""
        fields = or list(dataclasses.asdict(self))
        return "\n".join([f"{to_arg_name(k)}: {getattr(self, to_var_name(k))}" for k in fields])

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] [--int-arg INT_ARG]
                     [--str-enum-choice-arg {Initialize/init,Execute/exec}]
                     [--int-enum-choice-arg {Cat/1,Dog/2}]
                     [--literal-arg {a,b,c}] [--literal-int-arg {1,2,3}]
                     [--mixed-literal {1,2,3,4,True,Animal.Cat}]
                     [--optional-arg OPTIONAL_ARG]
                     [--just-optional-arg JUST_OPTIONAL_ARG]
                     [--optional-choice-arg {Initialize/init,Execute/exec}]
                     [--union-arg UNION_ARG] [--path-arg PATH_ARG]
                     [-f FLAG_ARG] -r REQUIRED_ARG [--metavar-arg M]
                     [--int-list INT_LIST [INT_LIST ...]]
                     [--int-2-list INT_2_LIST INT_2_LIST]
                     [--multi-type-tuple MULTI_TYPE_TUPLE MULTI_TYPE_TUPLE MULTI_TYPE_TUPLE]
                     [--actions {Initialize/init,Execute/exec} [{Initialize/init,Execute/exec} ...]]
                     [--animals {Cat/1,Dog/2} [{Cat/1,Dog/2} ...]]
                     [--literal-list {aa,bb,11,22,Animal.Cat} [{aa,bb,11,22,Animal.Cat} ...]]
                     [--union-list UNION_LIST [UNION_LIST ...]]
                     [--union-with-literal UNION_WITH_LITERAL [UNION_WITH_LITERAL ...]]
                     [--typeless-list TYPELESS_LIST [TYPELESS_LIST ...]]
                     [--typeless-typing-list TYPELESS_TYPING_LIST [TYPELESS_TYPING_LIST ...]]
                     [--none-bool-arg | --no-none-bool-arg]
                     [--true-bool-arg | --no-true-bool-arg]
                     [--false-bool-arg | --no-false-bool-arg]
                     [--complex-arg COMPLEX_ARG] [-s SHOW [SHOW ...]]
                     pos-arg-1 [pos-arg-2]

Class doc string ==> parser description. The fields' inline/above comment ==>
argument's help.

positional arguments:
  pos-arg-1             Field with no explicit default ==> positional
                        arguments (default=None)
  pos-arg-2             pos_arg() is a wrapper around dataclasses.field().The
                        first argument (optional) is the argument default
                        (default=5).The following keyword arguments can be any
                        argparse.add_argument() parameter.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --int-arg INT_ARG     Field's type and default are applied to the parser
                        (type=int, default=1)
  --str-enum-choice-arg {Initialize/init,Execute/exec}
                        StrEnum ==> choice argument (type=Action,
  --int-enum-choice-arg {Cat/1,Dog/2}
                        IntEnum ==> choice argument (type=Animal, default=Cat)
  --literal-arg {a,b,c}
                        Literal ==> choice argument (type=str, default=None)
  --literal-int-arg {1,2,3}
                        Literal's type is automatically inferred (type=int)
  --mixed-literal {1,2,3,4,True,Animal.Cat}
                        We can mix multiple literal types
                        (type=typing.Literal[1, 2, '3', '4', True,
                        <Animal.Cat: 1>])
  --optional-arg OPTIONAL_ARG
                        Optional can be used for type hinting (type=int)
  --just-optional-arg JUST_OPTIONAL_ARG
                        Bare optional also works (type=None)
  --optional-choice-arg {Initialize/init,Execute/exec}
                        Nested types are supported (type=Action)
  --union-arg UNION_ARG
                        Tries to convert to type in order until first success
                        (type=typing.Union[int, float, bool])
  --path-arg PATH_ARG   (type: Path)
  -f FLAG_ARG, --flag-arg FLAG_ARG
                        arg() is a wrapper around dataclasses.field().The
                        first argument (optional) is the short argument
                        name.The following keyword arguments can be any
                        argparse.add_argument() parameter.
  -r REQUIRED_ARG, --required-arg REQUIRED_ARG
                        E.g., required=True
  --metavar-arg M       E.g., metavar=M
  --int-list INT_LIST [INT_LIST ...]
                        List type hint ==> nargs="+" (type=int)
  --int-2-list INT_2_LIST INT_2_LIST
                        Tuple type hint ==> nargs=<tuple length> (nargs=2,
                        We can use multiple types (type=typing.Union[int,
                        float, str])
  --actions {Initialize/init,Execute/exec} [{Initialize/init,Execute/exec} ...]
                        List[Enum] ==> choices with nargs="+" (nargs=+,
  --animals {Cat/1,Dog/2} [{Cat/1,Dog/2} ...]
                        List[Enum] ==> choices with nargs="+" (nargs=+,
  --literal-list {aa,bb,11,22,Animal.Cat} [{aa,bb,11,22,Animal.Cat} ...]
                        List[Literal] ==> choices with nargs="+"
  --union-list UNION_LIST [UNION_LIST ...]
                        (type: typing.Union[int, float, str, bool])
  --union-with-literal UNION_WITH_LITERAL [UNION_WITH_LITERAL ...]
                        (type: typing.Union[typing.Literal['a', 'b', 1, 2],
                        float, bool])
  --typeless-list TYPELESS_LIST [TYPELESS_LIST ...]
                        If list type is unspecified, then it uses argparse
                        default (type=None)
  --typeless-typing-list TYPELESS_TYPING_LIST [TYPELESS_TYPING_LIST ...]
                        typing.List or list are supported
  --none-bool-arg, --no-none-bool-arg
                        boolean args ==> argparse.BooleanOptionalAction
  --true-bool-arg, --no-true-bool-arg
                        We can set any default value (default: True)
  --false-bool-arg, --no-false-bool-arg
                        (type: bool) (default: False)
  --complex-arg COMPLEX_ARG
                        (type: complex)
  -s SHOW [SHOW ...], --show SHOW [SHOW ...]
                        We used this argument for the README example. Note
                        that comments above the arg are also included in the
                        help of the argument. This is a convenient way to
                        include long help messages.

Note that for Enums, we can use either the enum name or its value.

$ python examples/ str-choices --actions Initialize init Execute exec -r1 -s actions
actions: [<Action.Initialize: 'init'>, <Action.Initialize: 'init'>, <Action.Execute: 'exec'>, <Action.Execute: 'exec'>]
$ python examples/ int-choices --animals Cat 1 Dog 2 -r1 -s animals
animals: [<Animal.Cat: 1>, <Animal.Cat: 1>, <Animal.Dog: 2>, <Animal.Dog: 2>]



  • Allow transforming dataclass to ArgumentParser.
  • Missing features:
    • Enum support
    • arg/pos_arg/no_arg functionality
    • Implicit positional argument
    • nargs support


  • Allow adding dataclass to ArgumentParser by using parser.add_arguments()
  • Requires boilerplate code to create the parser
  • Positional arguments
  • nargs support


  • Creating argument parser from classes and functions
  • Rich functionality
  • Post-processing of arguments
  • Save/load arguments
  • Load from dict



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classparse-0.1.2.tar.gz (17.2 kB view hashes)

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classparse-0.1.2-py3-none-any.whl (14.8 kB view hashes)

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