Clerk Backend API
Project description
The Clerk REST Backend API, meant to be accessed by backend servers.
When the API changes in a way that isn't compatible with older versions, a new version is released.
Each version is identified by its release date, e.g. 2021-02-05
. For more information, please see Clerk API Versions.
Please see for more information.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Generator version: 7.8.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python 3.7+
Installation & Usage
pip install
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import clerk_backend_sdk
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import clerk_backend_sdk
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import clerk_backend_sdk
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = clerk_backend_sdk.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization (sk_<environment>_<secret value>): bearerAuth
configuration = clerk_backend_sdk.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with clerk_backend_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = clerk_backend_sdk.ActorTokensApi(api_client)
create_actor_token_request = clerk_backend_sdk.CreateActorTokenRequest() # CreateActorTokenRequest | (optional)
# Create actor token
api_response = await api_instance.create_actor_token(create_actor_token_request=create_actor_token_request)
print("The response of ActorTokensApi->create_actor_token:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ActorTokensApi->create_actor_token: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActorTokensApi | create_actor_token | POST /actor_tokens | Create actor token |
ActorTokensApi | revoke_actor_token | POST /actor_tokens/{actor_token_id}/revoke | Revoke actor token |
AllowListBlockListApi | create_allowlist_identifier | POST /allowlist_identifiers | Add identifier to the allow-list |
AllowListBlockListApi | create_blocklist_identifier | POST /blocklist_identifiers | Add identifier to the block-list |
AllowListBlockListApi | delete_allowlist_identifier | DELETE /allowlist_identifiers/{identifier_id} | Delete identifier from allow-list |
AllowListBlockListApi | delete_blocklist_identifier | DELETE /blocklist_identifiers/{identifier_id} | Delete identifier from block-list |
AllowListBlockListApi | list_allowlist_identifiers | GET /allowlist_identifiers | List all identifiers on the allow-list |
AllowListBlockListApi | list_blocklist_identifiers | GET /blocklist_identifiers | List all identifiers on the block-list |
BetaFeaturesApi | change_production_instance_domain | POST /instance/change_domain | Update production instance domain |
BetaFeaturesApi | update_instance_auth_config | PATCH /beta_features/instance_settings | Update instance settings |
BetaFeaturesApi | update_production_instance_domain | PUT /beta_features/domain | Update production instance domain |
ClientsApi | get_client | GET /clients/{client_id} | Get a client |
ClientsApi | get_client_list | GET /clients | List all clients |
ClientsApi | verify_client | POST /clients/verify | Verify a client |
DomainsApi | add_domain | POST /domains | Add a domain |
DomainsApi | delete_domain | DELETE /domains/{domain_id} | Delete a satellite domain |
DomainsApi | list_domains | GET /domains | List all instance domains |
DomainsApi | update_domain | PATCH /domains/{domain_id} | Update a domain |
EmailAddressesApi | create_email_address | POST /email_addresses | Create an email address |
EmailAddressesApi | delete_email_address | DELETE /email_addresses/{email_address_id} | Delete an email address |
EmailAddressesApi | get_email_address | GET /email_addresses/{email_address_id} | Retrieve an email address |
EmailAddressesApi | update_email_address | PATCH /email_addresses/{email_address_id} | Update an email address |
EmailSMSTemplatesApi | get_template | GET /templates/{template_type}/{slug} | Retrieve a template |
EmailSMSTemplatesApi | get_template_list | GET /templates/{template_type} | List all templates |
EmailSMSTemplatesApi | preview_template | POST /templates/{template_type}/{slug}/preview | Preview changes to a template |
EmailSMSTemplatesApi | revert_template | POST /templates/{template_type}/{slug}/revert | Revert a template |
EmailSMSTemplatesApi | toggle_template_delivery | POST /templates/{template_type}/{slug}/toggle_delivery | Toggle the delivery by Clerk for a template of a given type and slug |
EmailSMSTemplatesApi | upsert_template | PUT /templates/{template_type}/{slug} | Update a template for a given type and slug |
InstanceSettingsApi | update_instance | PATCH /instance | Update instance settings |
InstanceSettingsApi | update_instance_organization_settings | PATCH /instance/organization_settings | Update instance organization settings |
InstanceSettingsApi | update_instance_restrictions | PATCH /instance/restrictions | Update instance restrictions |
InvitationsApi | create_invitation | POST /invitations | Create an invitation |
InvitationsApi | list_invitations | GET /invitations | List all invitations |
InvitationsApi | revoke_invitation | POST /invitations/{invitation_id}/revoke | Revokes an invitation |
JWKSApi | get_jwks | GET /jwks | Retrieve the JSON Web Key Set of the instance |
JWTTemplatesApi | create_jwt_template | POST /jwt_templates | Create a JWT template |
JWTTemplatesApi | delete_jwt_template | DELETE /jwt_templates/{template_id} | Delete a Template |
JWTTemplatesApi | get_jwt_template | GET /jwt_templates/{template_id} | Retrieve a template |
JWTTemplatesApi | list_jwt_templates | GET /jwt_templates | List all templates |
JWTTemplatesApi | update_jwt_template | PATCH /jwt_templates/{template_id} | Update a JWT template |
MiscellaneousApi | get_public_interstitial | GET /public/interstitial | Returns the markup for the interstitial page |
OAuthApplicationsApi | create_o_auth_application | POST /oauth_applications | Create an OAuth application |
OAuthApplicationsApi | delete_o_auth_application | DELETE /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id} | Delete an OAuth application |
OAuthApplicationsApi | get_o_auth_application | GET /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id} | Retrieve an OAuth application by ID |
OAuthApplicationsApi | list_o_auth_applications | GET /oauth_applications | Get a list of OAuth applications for an instance |
OAuthApplicationsApi | rotate_o_auth_application_secret | POST /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id}/rotate_secret | Rotate the client secret of the given OAuth application |
OAuthApplicationsApi | update_o_auth_application | PATCH /oauth_applications/{oauth_application_id} | Update an OAuth application |
OrganizationInvitationsApi | create_organization_invitation | POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations | Create and send an organization invitation |
OrganizationInvitationsApi | create_organization_invitation_bulk | POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/bulk | Bulk create and send organization invitations |
OrganizationInvitationsApi | get_organization_invitation | GET /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/{invitation_id} | Retrieve an organization invitation by ID |
OrganizationInvitationsApi | list_organization_invitations | GET /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations | Get a list of organization invitations |
OrganizationInvitationsApi | list_pending_organization_invitations | GET /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/pending | Get a list of pending organization invitations |
OrganizationInvitationsApi | revoke_organization_invitation | POST /organizations/{organization_id}/invitations/{invitation_id}/revoke | Revoke a pending organization invitation |
OrganizationMembershipsApi | create_organization_membership | POST /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships | Create a new organization membership |
OrganizationMembershipsApi | delete_organization_membership | DELETE /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships/{user_id} | Remove a member from an organization |
OrganizationMembershipsApi | list_organization_memberships | GET /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships | Get a list of all members of an organization |
OrganizationMembershipsApi | update_organization_membership | PATCH /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships/{user_id} | Update an organization membership |
OrganizationMembershipsApi | update_organization_membership_metadata | PATCH /organizations/{organization_id}/memberships/{user_id}/metadata | Merge and update organization membership metadata |
OrganizationsApi | create_organization | POST /organizations | Create an organization |
OrganizationsApi | delete_organization | DELETE /organizations/{organization_id} | Delete an organization |
OrganizationsApi | delete_organization_logo | DELETE /organizations/{organization_id}/logo | |
OrganizationsApi | get_organization | GET /organizations/{organization_id} | Retrieve an organization by ID or slug |
OrganizationsApi | list_organizations | GET /organizations | Get a list of organizations for an instance |
OrganizationsApi | merge_organization_metadata | PATCH /organizations/{organization_id}/metadata | Merge and update metadata for an organization |
OrganizationsApi | update_organization | PATCH /organizations/{organization_id} | Update an organization |
OrganizationsApi | upload_organization_logo | PUT /organizations/{organization_id}/logo | Upload a logo for the organization |
PhoneNumbersApi | create_phone_number | POST /phone_numbers | Create a phone number |
PhoneNumbersApi | delete_phone_number | DELETE /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} | Delete a phone number |
PhoneNumbersApi | get_phone_number | GET /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} | Retrieve a phone number |
PhoneNumbersApi | update_phone_number | PATCH /phone_numbers/{phone_number_id} | Update a phone number |
ProxyChecksApi | verify_domain_proxy | POST /proxy_checks | Verify the proxy configuration for your domain |
RedirectURLsApi | create_redirect_url | POST /redirect_urls | Create a redirect URL |
RedirectURLsApi | delete_redirect_url | DELETE /redirect_urls/{id} | Delete a redirect URL |
RedirectURLsApi | get_redirect_url | GET /redirect_urls/{id} | Retrieve a redirect URL |
RedirectURLsApi | list_redirect_urls | GET /redirect_urls | List all redirect URLs |
SAMLConnectionsApi | create_saml_connection | POST /saml_connections | Create a SAML Connection |
SAMLConnectionsApi | delete_saml_connection | DELETE /saml_connections/{saml_connection_id} | Delete a SAML Connection |
SAMLConnectionsApi | get_saml_connection | GET /saml_connections/{saml_connection_id} | Retrieve a SAML Connection by ID |
SAMLConnectionsApi | list_saml_connections | GET /saml_connections | Get a list of SAML Connections for an instance |
SAMLConnectionsApi | update_saml_connection | PATCH /saml_connections/{saml_connection_id} | Update a SAML Connection |
SessionsApi | create_session_token_from_template | POST /sessions/{session_id}/tokens/{template_name} | Create a session token from a jwt template |
SessionsApi | get_session | GET /sessions/{session_id} | Retrieve a session |
SessionsApi | get_session_list | GET /sessions | List all sessions |
SessionsApi | revoke_session | POST /sessions/{session_id}/revoke | Revoke a session |
SessionsApi | verify_session | POST /sessions/{session_id}/verify | Verify a session |
SignInTokensApi | create_sign_in_token | POST /sign_in_tokens | Create sign-in token |
SignInTokensApi | revoke_sign_in_token | POST /sign_in_tokens/{sign_in_token_id}/revoke | Revoke the given sign-in token |
SignUpsApi | update_sign_up | PATCH /sign_ups/{id} | Update a sign-up |
TestingTokensApi | create_testing_token | POST /testing_tokens | Retrieve a new testing token |
UsersApi | ban_user | POST /users/{user_id}/ban | Ban a user |
UsersApi | create_user | POST /users | Create a new user |
UsersApi | delete_user | DELETE /users/{user_id} | Delete a user |
UsersApi | delete_user_profile_image | DELETE /users/{user_id}/profile_image | Delete user profile image |
UsersApi | disable_mfa | DELETE /users/{user_id}/mfa | Disable a user's MFA methods |
UsersApi | get_o_auth_access_token | GET /users/{user_id}/oauth_access_tokens/{provider} | Retrieve the OAuth access token of a user |
UsersApi | get_user | GET /users/{user_id} | Retrieve a user |
UsersApi | get_user_list | GET /users | List all users |
UsersApi | get_users_count | GET /users/count | Count users |
UsersApi | lock_user | POST /users/{user_id}/lock | Lock a user |
UsersApi | set_user_profile_image | POST /users/{user_id}/profile_image | Set user profile image |
UsersApi | unban_user | POST /users/{user_id}/unban | Unban a user |
UsersApi | unlock_user | POST /users/{user_id}/unlock | Unlock a user |
UsersApi | update_user | PATCH /users/{user_id} | Update a user |
UsersApi | update_user_metadata | PATCH /users/{user_id}/metadata | Merge and update a user's metadata |
UsersApi | users_get_organization_memberships | GET /users/{user_id}/organization_memberships | Retrieve all memberships for a user |
UsersApi | verify_password | POST /users/{user_id}/verify_password | Verify the password of a user |
UsersApi | verify_totp | POST /users/{user_id}/verify_totp | Verify a TOTP or backup code for a user |
WebhooksApi | create_svix_app | POST /webhooks/svix | Create a Svix app |
WebhooksApi | delete_svix_app | DELETE /webhooks/svix | Delete a Svix app |
WebhooksApi | generate_svix_auth_url | POST /webhooks/svix_url | Create a Svix Dashboard URL |
Documentation For Models
- ActorToken
- AddDomainRequest
- Admin
- AllowlistIdentifier
- BlocklistIdentifier
- BlocklistIdentifiers
- CNameTarget
- ChangeProductionInstanceDomainRequest
- ClerkError
- ClerkErrors
- Client
- CreateActorTokenRequest
- CreateAllowlistIdentifierRequest
- CreateBlocklistIdentifierRequest
- CreateEmailAddressRequest
- CreateInvitationRequest
- CreateJWTTemplateRequest
- CreateOAuthApplicationRequest
- CreateOrganizationInvitationBulkRequestInner
- CreateOrganizationInvitationRequest
- CreateOrganizationMembershipRequest
- CreateOrganizationRequest
- CreatePhoneNumberRequest
- CreateRedirectURLRequest
- CreateSAMLConnectionRequest
- CreateSAMLConnectionRequestAttributeMapping
- CreateSessionTokenFromTemplate200Response
- CreateSignInTokenRequest
- CreateUserRequest
- DeletedObject
- DisableMFA200Response
- Domain
- Domains
- EmailAddress
- EmailAddressVerification
- GetOAuthAccessToken200ResponseInner
- IdentificationLink
- InstanceRestrictions
- Invitation
- JWTTemplate
- MergeOrganizationMetadataRequest
- OAuthApplication
- OAuthApplicationWithSecret
- OAuthApplications
- Oauth
- OauthError
- Organization
- OrganizationInvitation
- OrganizationInvitations
- OrganizationMembership
- OrganizationMembershipPublicUserData
- OrganizationMemberships
- OrganizationSettings
- OrganizationWithLogo
- Organizations
- Passkey
- PasswordHasher
- PhoneNumber
- PhoneNumberVerification
- PreviewTemplateRequest
- ProxyCheck
- RedirectURL
- RevokeInvitation200Response
- RevokeOrganizationInvitationRequest
- SAMLAccount
- SAMLAccountVerification
- SAMLConnection
- SAMLConnectionAttributeMapping
- SAMLConnections
- SchemasPasskey
- SchemasPasskeyVerification
- Session
- SignInToken
- SignUp
- SvixURL
- Template
- TestingToken
- Ticket
- ToggleTemplateDeliveryRequest
- TotalCount
- UpdateDomainRequest
- UpdateEmailAddressRequest
- UpdateInstanceAuthConfig200Response
- UpdateInstanceAuthConfigRequest
- UpdateInstanceOrganizationSettingsRequest
- UpdateInstanceRequest
- UpdateInstanceRestrictionsRequest
- UpdateOAuthApplicationRequest
- UpdateOrganizationMembershipMetadataRequest
- UpdateOrganizationMembershipRequest
- UpdateOrganizationRequest
- UpdatePhoneNumberRequest
- UpdateProductionInstanceDomainRequest
- UpdateSAMLConnectionRequest
- UpdateSAMLConnectionRequestAttributeMapping
- UpdateSignUpRequest
- UpdateUserMetadataRequest
- UpdateUserRequest
- UpsertTemplateRequest
- User
- VerifyClientRequest
- VerifyDomainProxyRequest
- VerifyPassword200Response
- VerifyPasswordRequest
- VerifySessionRequest
- VerifyTOTP200Response
- VerifyTOTPRequest
- Web3Signature
- Web3Wallet
- Web3WalletVerification
Documentation For Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication (sk__)
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
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File details
Details for the file clerk_backend_sdk-1.0.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: clerk_backend_sdk-1.0.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 130.0 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: poetry/1.8.3 CPython/3.12.5 Darwin/23.6.0
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | d37c203eebc806f4b10e2540ef2125808be2222999b503c4e678fc915b2f21a3 |
MD5 | da06372861e09c50a59faba91de739b1 |
BLAKE2b-256 | c84051e0e2e57bbafdadf2fdddb45707e210b8ebc9b0e269a8de4c13c738938a |
File details
Details for the file clerk_backend_sdk-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: clerk_backend_sdk-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 325.5 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: poetry/1.8.3 CPython/3.12.5 Darwin/23.6.0
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 7367af74085ad85fec8d86b68594005ba0b319e16734f029afe8f77a42ddb8de |
MD5 | 29b6a505df0e4ffb20fe87c6e7071418 |
BLAKE2b-256 | e6c890e3ca84821ef2228db76923c4eb36cbbdefec44aca3a5ab68b80c7f6e3b |