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Low effort conversion of tabular data into numerical values.

Project description


Consistent and intelligent conversion of tabular data into numerical values.
Minimal configuration required.


pip install clevertable


from clevertable import *

profile = ConversionProfile({
    # optional: specify converters for specific columns
    "Country": OneHot(),
    "Diagnosis": Binary(positive="cancer", negative="benign"),
    "Hospitalized": Ignore(),
}, pre_processing=None)

df = profile.fit_transform("datasets/survey.xlsx")  # transformed pandas.DataFrame


Suppose you want to convert the following table of survey results into a 2D numpy array of numbers:

Country Age Diagnosis Hospitalized Education level Symptoms
China 32 benign no University cough, fever
France 45 cancer yes PhD fever
Italy 19 benign yes High School cough
Germany 56 cancer yes High School fever and cough
Nigeria 23 benign no University cough
India 34 benign yes University cough, fever
... ... ... ... ... ...

For example, you might want to convert the Country column into a column of integers, with every integer representing a different country.

  • You don't really care which number represents which country.
  • But you want to make sure that the same country always gets the same number, even if you add more data to the table later.
  • You also want to know which integer was chosen for which country.

That's what CleverTable is for:

  • First, you call fit() on a sample data set, which creates a fixed conversion profile.
  • Then, you call transform() on the actual data set, and it converts the data according to the fixed profile.

Moreover, CleverTable does many things automatically:

  • It chooses the best converter if you don't specify it.
  • And then, the converter also adapts its internal state to fit the data.

Let's see how that works:

from clevertable import *

table = "datasets/survey.xlsx"  # filename or pandas.DataFrame

profile = ConversionProfile()  # chooses best converters and creates a fixed conversion profile

print(profile) will show the inferred conversion profile:

    "Country": Enumerate('china', 'france', 'germany', ...),  # lots of countries
    "Age": Float(),
    "Diagnosis": Binary(),
    "Hospitalized": Binary(),
    "Education level": OneHot('high school', 'phd', 'university'),
    "Symptoms": ListAndOr(),

We can access the individual converters and their properties by indexing the profile with the column name:

country_converter = profile["Country"]  # Enumerate('china', 'france', 'germany', ...)

# see which integer corresponds to which country:
countries_list = country_converter.values  # ['china', 'france', 'germany', ...]

You can now use this profile to convert data:

# transform the whole table:
df = profile.transform(table)  # pandas.DataFrame
arr = df.to_numpy()  # 2D numpy array

# transform a single data point:
data_point = {"Country": "Germany"}
transformed = profile.transform_single(data_point)  # {'Country': 2}

The nice thing is that you can now use the fixed profile to find out after conversion where the numerical values originated from:

# find out which country corresponds to the number 2:
country_id = 2
country = profile["Country"].values[country_id]  # 'germany'

You may have noticed that all the strings appear in lowercase. That is because the ConversionProfile pre-processes all strings to lowercase by default. You can disable this behavior by passing pre_processing=None to the constructor or setting this property after construction:

profile.pre_processing = None  # disable pre-processing
profile.pre_processing = str.lower  # default behavior
profile.pre_processing = lambda s: s.strip().lower()

It's okay to provide a pre-processing function that doesn't work for some entries (e.g. str.lower will fail for non-string entries), because CleverTable will catch errors and ignore them during pre-processing.

You may also have noticed that the Education level column was converted to OneHot(), even though it contains arbitrary words, just like the Country column. That's because CleverTable detected that there are too many different values in the Country column for a OneHot() converter, so it chose the Enumerate() converter.

But you can always override this behavior by explicitly setting the conversion method before calling fit():

from clevertable import *

table = "datasets/survey.xlsx"

profile = ConversionProfile()

# explicitly specify some converters:
profile["Country"] = OneHot()
profile["Diagnosis"] = Binary(positive="cancer", negative="benign")

In this example, we also made sure that the "Diagnosis" column is choosing the correct positive and negative values.

You can also achieve the same by passing a dictionary to the constructor:

from clevertable import *

table = "datasets/survey.xlsx"

profile = ConversionProfile({
    "Country": OneHot(),
    "Diagnosis": Binary(positive="cancer", negative="benign"),
}).fit(table)  # fit() returns self

Two final notes:

  • You can ignore columns by setting their converter to Ignore()".
  • You can use fit_transform() to perform fit() and transform() in one step on the same data.

This leaves us with this very concise code:

from clevertable import *

df = ConversionProfile({
    "Country": OneHot(),
    "Diagnosis": Binary(positive="cancer", negative="benign"),
    "Hospitalized": Ignore(),
}, pre_processing=None).fit_transform("datasets/survey.xlsx")

Which produces the following transformed table:

Country=China Country=France ... Country=Zimbabwe Age Diagnosis Education level=High School Education level=PhD Education level=University Symptoms=cough Symptoms=fever
1 0 ... 0 32 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 ... 0 45 1 0 1 0 0 1
0 0 ... 0 19 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 ... 0 56 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 ... 0 23 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 ... 0 34 0 0 0 1 1 1


pip install clevertable also makes the command clevertable available in the command line. It can convert files with tabular data. Execute clevertable --help to see what arguments can be passed to the tool:

usage: clevertable [-h] [-i IGNORE [IGNORE ...]] src out

Consistent and intelligent conversion of tabular data into numerical values.

positional arguments:
  src                   Path to input file.
  out                   Path to output file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i IGNORE [IGNORE ...], --ignore IGNORE [IGNORE ...]
                        Column names to ignore.

How to Contribute

Basic workflow of contribution:

  • Fork the repository
  • Create a new branch
  • Make your changes
  • Create a pull request
  • Wait for the pull request to be accepted or rejected
  • If accepted, you can delete your branch
  • If rejected, make the requested changes and push them to your branch
  • Repeat until pull request is accepted

What to contribute:

  • New converters (classes that inherit from Converter)
  • Improvements to converter inference (logic in Infer() converter)
  • Improvements to default preprocessing
  • Make more features available through the CLI
  • New tests
  • New documentation, tutorials, examples
  • New ideas, suggestions, bug reports → create an issue or contact me directly


There are only two classes that:

  • ConversionProfile: A collection of converters.
  • Converter: Transforms columns of data into columns of data.


Here's a quick overview of all converters:

Converters Description Shorthand Example Usage
Float() Converts numbers into floats.
Binary() Converts a column of text into a column of integers.
Map() dict {
  "foo": 1,
  "bar": -2,
Const() Returns a constant value. any 42
Text Processing:
Combining Converters:
Pipeline() Applies multiple converters in sequence. list [
Try() Try multiple converters and returns the first one that succeeds.
ForEach() Apply the same converter to all items.
Parallel() Apply different converters to the respective items. tuple[Converter] (Strip(), Id(), lambda s: s[:3])
Ignore() Drops the column. None None
Label() tuple[str] ("A", "B", "C")
Label("A", "B", "C")
Flatten() Flattens a list of lists into a single list. This is often needed after ForEach()
Arbitrary Functions:
Function() Applies a user-defined function to the data. callable lambda x: x**2


Converts a column of numbers into a column of numbers. If invalid values are encountered (NaN, inf, None, etc.), a warning is printed and the value is replaced with np.nan. This can be circumvented by passing a value to the default argument:

"Temperature": Float(default=37.0)

You can also specify "mean", "median", or "mode" as the default value. This will choose the default value based on the data in the specified column:

"Temperature": Float(default="mean")
Temperature Temperature
37.5 37.5
40.0 40.0
38.5 38.5
39.0 39.0

Results in:

"Temperature": Float(default=38.75)


This is the extension of the Binary() conversion method to columns with more than two possible values. The values are converted into integers starting at 0, resulting in a single column of integers.

The possible values can be passed to the constructor:

"Country": Enumerate("france", "germany", "italy")
Country Country
france 0
italy 2
germany 1

Their index in the list is used as the numerical value. If no values are specified, the values found in the provided data are sorted in lexically ascending order.


If each entry contains one of multiple possible values. The possible values can be specified via the values argument:

"Education Level": OneHot("primary", "secondary", "tertiary")
Education Level Education Level=primary Education Level=secondary Education Level=tertiary
primary 1 0 0
secondary 0 1 0
tertiary 0 0 1

If no values are specified, the possible values are inferred from the data.


Similar to Enumerate(), but only for columns with two possible values, and with some extra intelligence for this purpose. For example, it can detect words commonly used for positive and negative values:

  • Positive: yes, true, positive, 1, female
  • Negative: no, false, negative, 0, male, none


"Hospitalized": Binary()
Hospitalized Hospitalized
no 0
yes 1
false 0
true 1
none 0

Results in:

"Hospitalized": Binary(positive={"yes", "true"},
                       negative={"no", "false", "none"})

You can also specify the positive and negative values via the positive and negative arguments:

"Hospitalized": Binary(positive="yes", negative="no")
Hospitalized Hospitalized
yes 1
no 0
no 0
yes 1

If only one value is specified, all other values present in the data are treated as instances of the other class:

"Time served": Binary(negative="none")
Time served Time served
none 0
1 year 1
4 years 1
none 0

It is also possible to specify more than one values for the positive and negative values. Example:

"Hospitalized": Binary(positive={"yes", "true"}, negative={"no", "false"})
Hospitalized Hospitalized
yes 1
no 0
false 0
true 1

If no positive or negative value is specified, a set of strings commonly used to indicate positive / negative values is tested against the available data. For instance, in the example above, the specified arguments would have been identified automatically as positive and negative.

If this approach is not successful, the lexically smallest value is chosen as the negative argument and the positive argument is left empty, causing all other values to be treated as positive:

"Fruits": Binary()
Fruits Fruits
banana 1
apple 0
kiwi 1
apple 0

Results in:

"Fruits": Binary(negative="apple")


Converts lists of values into multiple binary columns.

"Symptoms": List()
Symptoms Symptoms=cough Symptoms=fever Symptoms=headache
fever, cough, headache 1 1 1
headache, cough 1 0 1

The default separator for list is a comma.
The passed strings are interpreted as regular expressions.


"Symptoms": ListAndOr()
Symptoms Symptoms=cough Symptoms=fever Symptoms=headache
fever, cough and headache 1 1 1
headache or cough 1 0 1

The default separators for list_and_or are comma, "and" and "or".
The passed strings are interpreted as regular expressions.






Try(converter1, converter2, ...)

Returns value of the first converter that does not raise an exception, or the original value if all converters raise an exception. Try() always only applies one converter and returns its output (if it didn't fail).

"Product": Try(Float(), Infer()),  # will infer the converter for the samples that cannot be converted to floats
Product Product
Kiwi 48
Apple 0
712356 712356
261382 261382
Banana 1
Kiwi 48
... ...

This would result in the following profile after fit():

"Product": Try(Float(), Enumerate("Apple", "Banana", ...))


Apply the same converter to all items.


Parallel(converter1, converter2, ...)

Apply different converters to the respective items. Usually used in a Pipeline after other converters that create outputs with multiple items (e.g. Split()). Also, you usually want to use Flatten() after this, as each individual converter will return a list of items, even if it only contains one item. Example:

"Latitude;Longitude": [
    Split(";"),  # must always result in two items, because Parallel() has 2 converters
    Parallel(Ignore(), Float()),  # ignore latitude, convert longitude to float -> [[], [longitude]]
    Flatten(),  # -> [longitude]
Latitude;Longitude Longitude
52.520008;13.404954 13.404954
48.137154;11.576124 11.576124



Identity. Keeps the input unchanged.


Drops the column.

"registration_timestamp": None

This is chosen if no appropriate conversion method could be found.


Tries to infer the conversion method from the column name. After fit(), this converter will be replaced with the inferred converter in the profile.

This is the default converter for columns where no converter is specified. This converter can however also be used anywhere else explicitly. Examples:

"col1": [
"col2": Try(Float(), Infer()),  # will infer the converter for the samples that cannot be converted to floats




Can transpose nested lists, given that the nested lists are of equal length.

For example, look at this elegant implementation of the List() converter:

"Symptoms": [
    Split(r"\s*,\s*"),  # split at comma

Transpose() allows us to apply max to each column of the one-hot encodings across all list elements.


This can be used to specify a custom conversion function.

The following example turns a text column into two columns containing the ascii code of the first and last letter.

"Name": lambda x: (ord(x[0]), ord(x[-1]))
Name Name_0 Name_1
Alice 97 101
Bob 98 98

(Remember that by default, all text entries are converted to lowercase before further processing.)

As you can see, the number of columns is inferred directly from the return value of the conversion function. If the function returns a list, the resulting column names are indexed.

You can also set the labels explicitly with a lambda function that takes the input column name as an argument and returns output column names:

"Name": Function(lambda x: (ord(x[0]), ord(x[-1])),
                 labels=lambda s: [f"ord(first letter of {s})", f"ord(last letter of {s})"]),
Name ord(first letter of Name) ord(last letter of Name)
Alice 97 101
Bob 98 98

Understanding Multi-Column Converters

A converter returns two things:

  • transform(): the items of the transformed data
  • labels(): a label for each item

Both return values are lists.

For top-level converters, this then creates the corresponding amount of columns. This includes the case of

  • a 1-element list [item], which is the case for most converters.
  • an empty list [], in which the result is ignored. (In fact, this is exactly how Ignore() is implemented.)

This means, however, that for top-level converters, labels() and transform() must return the same number of items. That is because labels() is used to create the output column names. If transform() returns a different number of items, that will raise an error for top-level converters.

However, for nested converters, labels() and transform() can return different numbers of items. For example Split.labels() always returns only one item, because the number of items returned by Split.transform() varies from input to input. Therefore, Split() can't be used as a top-level converter and has to be used inside a Pipeline or similar devices, so that other converters can ensure that the final output is of constant size.

Project details

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Source Distribution

clevertable-2.1.0.tar.gz (31.4 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

clevertable-2.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (32.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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