Biblioteca Python para cliente da EvolutionAPI
Project description
Evolution API Client
Este é um cliente Python que consome a Evolution API, uma API que encapsula as funcionalidades da biblioteca Baileys.
Este pacote Python foi gerado automaticamente usando o projeto OpenAPI Generator.
Versões Utilizadas
- Evolution API version: 1.8.2
- OpenAPI Generator version: 7.7.0
Python 3.9+
Installation & Usage
pip install
Você pode instalar diretamente usando:
pip install git+https://
Então você importa o pacote:
import evolution_api_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import evolution_api_client
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import evolution_api_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = evolution_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): bearerAuth
configuration = evolution_api_client.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with evolution_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = evolution_api_client.ChamaAIApi(api_client)
instance_name = 'evolution' # str | - required
# Retrieve the Chama AI for a specific instance.
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ChamaAIApi->chamaai_find_instance_name_get: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ChamaAIApi | chamaai_find_instance_name_get | GET /chamaai/find/{instanceName} | Retrieve the Chama AI for a specific instance. |
ChamaAIApi | chamaai_set_instance_name_post | POST /chamaai/set/{instanceName} | Set up or modify the Chama AI for an instance. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_archive_chat_instance_name_put | PUT /chat/archiveChat/{instanceName} | Archive specific chats for a given instance. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_delete_message_for_everyone_instance_name_delete | DELETE /chat/deleteMessageForEveryone/{instanceName} | Delete a message for everyone in a given instance. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_fetch_profile_picture_url_instance_name_post | POST /chat/fetchProfilePictureUrl/{instanceName} | Retrieve the profile picture URL of a specific number. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_find_chats_instance_name_get | GET /chat/findChats/{instanceName} | List all chats associated with a specific instance. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_find_contacts_instance_name_post | POST /chat/findContacts/{instanceName} | Retrieve contact details using an ID. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_find_messages_instance_name_post | POST /chat/findMessages/{instanceName} | Search for messages based on specific criteria. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_find_status_message_instance_name_post | POST /chat/findStatusMessage/{instanceName} | Search for status messages using an ID. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_get_base64_from_media_message_instance_name_post | POST /chat/getBase64FromMediaMessage/{instanceName} | Convert media message content to Base64. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_mark_message_as_read_instance_name_put | PUT /chat/markMessageAsRead/{instanceName} | Mark specific messages as read for a given instance. |
ChatControllerApi | chat_whatsapp_numbers_instance_name_post | POST /chat/whatsappNumbers/{instanceName} | Provide a list of WhatsApp numbers associated with a given instance. |
ChatwootApi | chatwoot_find_instance_name_get | GET /chatwoot/find/{instanceName} | Retrieve the Chatwoot for a specific instance. |
ChatwootApi | chatwoot_set_instance_name_post | POST /chatwoot/set/{instanceName} | Set up or modify the Chatwoot for an instance. |
GroupControllerApi | group_create_instance_name_post | POST /group/create/{instanceName} | Create a new WhatsApp group. |
GroupControllerApi | group_fetch_all_groups_instance_name_get | GET /group/fetchAllGroups/{instanceName} | Retrieve details about a specific group. |
GroupControllerApi | group_find_group_infos_instance_name_get | GET /group/findGroupInfos/{instanceName} | Retrieve details about a specific group. |
GroupControllerApi | group_invite_code_instance_name_get | GET /group/inviteCode/{instanceName} | Update the group's display picture. |
GroupControllerApi | group_invite_info_instance_name_get | GET /group/inviteInfo/{instanceName} | Retrieve details about a specific group. |
GroupControllerApi | group_leave_group_instance_name_delete | DELETE /group/leaveGroup/{instanceName} | Exit from the specified WhatsApp group. |
GroupControllerApi | group_participants_instance_name_get | GET /group/participants/{instanceName} | Retrieve a list of participants in a specific group. |
GroupControllerApi | group_revoke_invite_code_instance_name_put | PUT /group/revokeInviteCode/{instanceName} | Update the group's display picture. |
GroupControllerApi | group_send_invite_instance_name_post | POST /group/sendInvite/{instanceName} | Update the group's display picture. |
GroupControllerApi | group_toggle_ephemeral_instance_name_put | PUT /group/toggleEphemeral/{instanceName} | Update the status or role of a participant in the group. |
GroupControllerApi | group_update_group_description_instance_name_put | PUT /group/updateGroupDescription/{instanceName} | Update the group's display picture. |
GroupControllerApi | group_update_group_picture_instance_name_put | PUT /group/updateGroupPicture/{instanceName} | Update the group's display picture. |
GroupControllerApi | group_update_group_subject_instance_name_put | PUT /group/updateGroupSubject/{instanceName} | Update the group's display picture. |
GroupControllerApi | group_update_participant_instance_name_put | PUT /group/updateParticipant/{instanceName} | Update the status or role of a participant in the group. |
GroupControllerApi | group_update_setting_instance_name_put | PUT /group/updateSetting/{instanceName} | Update the status or role of a participant in the group. |
InstanceControllerApi | instance_connect_instance_name_get | GET /instance/connect/{instanceName} | Instance Connect |
InstanceControllerApi | instance_connection_state_instance_name_get | GET /instance/connectionState/{instanceName} | Connection Status |
InstanceControllerApi | instance_create_post | POST /instance/create | Create Instance |
InstanceControllerApi | instance_delete_instance_name_delete | DELETE /instance/delete/{instanceName} | Delete Instance |
InstanceControllerApi | instance_fetch_instances_get | GET /instance/fetchInstances | Fetch Instances |
InstanceControllerApi | instance_logout_instance_name_delete | DELETE /instance/logout/{instanceName} | Logout Instance |
InstanceControllerApi | instance_restart_instance_name_put | PUT /instance/restart/{instanceName} | Instance Restart |
JWTApi | instance_refresh_token_put | PUT /instance/refreshToken/ | Refresh an expired JWT token. |
LabelControllerApi | label_find_labels_instance_name_get | GET /label/findLabels/{instanceName} | List all labels for an instance. |
LabelControllerApi | label_handle_label_instance_name_put | PUT /label/handleLabel/{instanceName} | Change the label (add or remove) for an specific chat. |
ProfileSettingsApi | chat_fetch_business_profile_instance_name_post | POST /chat/fetchBusinessProfile/{instanceName} | Fetch the business profile of a specific contact. |
ProfileSettingsApi | chat_fetch_privacy_settings_instance_name_get | GET /chat/fetchPrivacySettings/{instanceName} | Fetch the privacy settings of a specific contact. |
ProfileSettingsApi | chat_fetch_profile_instance_name_post | POST /chat/fetchProfile/{instanceName} | Fetch the profile of a specific contact. |
ProfileSettingsApi | chat_remove_profile_picture_instance_name_delete | DELETE /chat/removeProfilePicture/{instanceName} | Remove the profile picture of a specific contact. |
ProfileSettingsApi | chat_update_privacy_settings_instance_name_put | PUT /chat/updatePrivacySettings/{instanceName} | Update the privacy settings of a specific contact. |
ProfileSettingsApi | chat_update_profile_name_instance_name_post | POST /chat/updateProfileName/{instanceName} | Update the name of a specific contact. |
ProfileSettingsApi | chat_update_profile_picture_instance_name_put | PUT /chat/updateProfilePicture/{instanceName} | Update the profile picture of a specific contact. |
ProfileSettingsApi | chat_update_profile_status_instance_name_post | POST /chat/updateProfileStatus/{instanceName} | Update the status of a specific contact. |
ProxyApi | proxy_find_instance_name_get | GET /proxy/find/{instanceName} | Retrieve the Proxy for a specific instance. |
ProxyApi | proxy_set_instance_name_post | POST /proxy/set/{instanceName} | Set up or modify the Proxy for an instance. |
RabbitMQApi | rabbitmq_find_instance_name_get | GET /rabbitmq/find/{instanceName} | Retrieve the RabbitMQ settings for a specific instance. |
RabbitMQApi | rabbitmq_set_instance_name_post | POST /rabbitmq/set/{instanceName} | Set up or modify the RabbitMQ for an instance. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_contact_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendContact/{instanceName} | Send contact details to a specified instance. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_list_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendList/{instanceName} | Send a list to a specified instance. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_location_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendLocation/{instanceName} | Send a location to a specified instance. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_media_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendMedia/{instanceName} | Send a media message (image, video, document, audio) to a specified instance. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_poll_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendPoll/{instanceName} | Send a poll to a specified instance. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_reaction_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendReaction/{instanceName} | Send a reaction to a specified instance. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_status_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendStatus/{instanceName} | Send a status message. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_sticker_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendSticker/{instanceName} | Send an sticker to a specified instance. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_text_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendText/{instanceName} | Send a text message to a specified instance. |
SendMessageControllerApi | message_send_whats_app_audio_instance_name_post | POST /message/sendWhatsAppAudio/{instanceName} | Send an audio message via WhatsApp to a specified instance. |
SettingsApi | settings_find_instance_name_get | GET /settings/find/{instanceName} | Retrieve the Settings for a specific instance. |
SettingsApi | settings_set_instance_name_post | POST /settings/set/{instanceName} | Set up or modify the Settings for an instance. |
TypebotApi | typebot_change_status_instance_name_post | POST /typebot/changeStatus/{instanceName} | Change the status of the Typebot for an instance. |
TypebotApi | typebot_find_instance_name_get | GET /typebot/find/{instanceName} | Retrieve the Typebot for a specific instance. |
TypebotApi | typebot_set_instance_name_post | POST /typebot/set/{instanceName} | Set up or modify the Typebot for an instance. |
TypebotApi | typebot_start_instance_name_post | POST /typebot/start/{instanceName} | Start the Typebot for an instance. |
WebhookApi | webhook_find_instance_name_get | GET /webhook/find/{instanceName} | Retrieve the webhook settings for a specific instance. |
WebhookApi | webhook_set_instance_name_post | POST /webhook/set/{instanceName} | Set up or modify the webhook for an instance. |
WebsocketApi | websocket_find_instance_name_get | GET /websocket/find/{instanceName} | Retrieve the websocket settings for a specific instance. |
WebsocketApi | websocket_set_instance_name_post | POST /websocket/set/{instanceName} | Set up or modify the Websocket for an instance. |
Documentation For Models
- ChamaaiSetInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatArchiveChatInstanceNamePutRequest
- ChatArchiveChatInstanceNamePutRequestLastMessage
- ChatArchiveChatInstanceNamePutRequestLastMessageKey
- ChatFetchBusinessProfileInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatFetchProfilePictureUrlInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatFindContactsInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatFindContactsInstanceNamePostRequestWhere
- ChatFindMessagesInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatFindMessagesInstanceNamePostRequestWhere
- ChatFindStatusMessageInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatFindStatusMessageInstanceNamePostRequestWhere
- ChatGetBase64FromMediaMessageInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatGetBase64FromMediaMessageInstanceNamePostRequestMessage
- ChatMarkMessageAsReadInstanceNamePutRequest
- ChatMarkMessageAsReadInstanceNamePutRequestReadMessagesInner
- ChatUpdatePrivacySettingsInstanceNamePutRequest
- ChatUpdatePrivacySettingsInstanceNamePutRequestPrivacySettings
- ChatUpdateProfileNameInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatUpdateProfilePictureInstanceNamePutRequest
- ChatUpdateProfileStatusInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatWhatsappNumbersInstanceNamePostRequest
- ChatwootSetInstanceNamePostRequest
- GroupCreateInstanceNamePostRequest
- GroupSendInviteInstanceNamePostRequest
- GroupToggleEphemeralInstanceNamePutRequest
- GroupUpdateGroupDescriptionInstanceNamePutRequest
- GroupUpdateGroupPictureInstanceNamePutRequest
- GroupUpdateGroupSubjectInstanceNamePutRequest
- GroupUpdateParticipantInstanceNamePutRequest
- GroupUpdateSettingInstanceNamePutRequest
- InstanceConnectInstanceNameGet200Response
- InstanceCreatePostRequest
- InstanceFetchInstancesGet200ResponseInner
- InstanceFetchInstancesGet200ResponseInnerInstance
- InstanceRefreshTokenPutRequest
- LabelFindLabelsInstanceNameGet200ResponseInner
- LabelHandleLabelInstanceNamePut200Response
- LabelHandleLabelInstanceNamePutRequest
- MessageSendContactInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendContactInstanceNamePostRequestContactMessageInner
- MessageSendListInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendListInstanceNamePostRequestListMessage
- MessageSendListInstanceNamePostRequestListMessageSectionsInner
- MessageSendListInstanceNamePostRequestListMessageSectionsInnerRowsInner
- MessageSendListInstanceNamePostRequestOptions
- MessageSendLocationInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendLocationInstanceNamePostRequestLocationMessage
- MessageSendMediaInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendMediaInstanceNamePostRequestMediaMessage
- MessageSendPollInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendPollInstanceNamePostRequestPollMessage
- MessageSendReactionInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendReactionInstanceNamePostRequestReactionMessage
- MessageSendReactionInstanceNamePostRequestReactionMessageKey
- MessageSendStatusInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendStatusInstanceNamePostRequestStatusMessage
- MessageSendStickerInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendStickerInstanceNamePostRequestOptions
- MessageSendStickerInstanceNamePostRequestStickerMessage
- MessageSendTextInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendTextInstanceNamePostRequestOptions
- MessageSendTextInstanceNamePostRequestOptionsMentions
- MessageSendTextInstanceNamePostRequestOptionsQuoted
- MessageSendTextInstanceNamePostRequestOptionsQuotedKey
- MessageSendTextInstanceNamePostRequestOptionsQuotedMessage
- MessageSendTextInstanceNamePostRequestTextMessage
- MessageSendWhatsAppAudioInstanceNamePostRequest
- MessageSendWhatsAppAudioInstanceNamePostRequestAudioMessage
- ProxySetInstanceNamePostRequest
- RabbitmqSetInstanceNamePostRequest
- SettingsSetInstanceNamePostRequest
- TypebotChangeStatusInstanceNamePostRequest
- TypebotSetInstanceNamePostRequest
- TypebotStartInstanceNamePostRequest
- TypebotStartInstanceNamePostRequestVariablesInner
- WebhookSetInstanceNamePostRequest
- WebsocketSetInstanceNamePostRequest
Documentation For Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: apikey
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
Este código não é de forma alguma afiliado ao WhatsApp ou ao Evolution API. Use a seu critério. Não envie spam.
Este código foi produzido para consumir os endpoints da Evolution API e ainda está em desenvolvimento.
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
Download files
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Source Distribution
Built Distribution
File details
Details for the file cliente-evolution-api-0.1.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: cliente-evolution-api-0.1.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 88.1 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.9.13
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 3c65594fba6e127c68aa913e1f27f7dcaaaf60b92e17c7ae26afe98fa02ca845 |
MD5 | 3eb5cb545c5ff1b047e770b6e853cdae |
BLAKE2b-256 | 7a2d4d9bfabcf65c80fac7d22774c396590f6878cfabc8b9a48ed1b45bd6187a |
File details
Details for the file cliente_evolution_api-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: cliente_evolution_api-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 269.7 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.9.13
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 1bae5eebf3e84bb363fa5f09e210e28b985b7e94509f730cc7910bb0007a6f38 |
MD5 | 0feacecb1e0d059b215ab3237b1b626d |
BLAKE2b-256 | 700df118e64b694b7eb1d1a381995c33c290086514f23e88ce0cad2fb1e2fe6a |