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Performant and production-ready NLP pipelines for clinical text written in Dutch

Project description

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  • :hospital: clinical + :netherlands: nl + :clipboard: NLP = :sparkles: clinlp
  • :star: Performant and production-ready NLP pipelines for clinical text written in Dutch
  • :rocket: Open source, created and maintained by the Dutch Clinical NLP community
  • :triangular_ruler: Useful out of the box, but customization highly recommended

If you are enthusiastic about using or contributing to clinlp, please don't hesitate to get in touch (via e-mail or by creating an issue). clinlp is intended as a community project, and we would love to hear from you.

This readme contains information on getting started, how to cite this work, some basic documentation, the roadmap, the overarching principles and goals and how to contribute :arrow_down:.

Getting started


pip install clinlp


import spacy
from import Term

nlp = spacy.blank("clinlp")

# Normalization

# Sentences

# Entities
concepts = {
    "prematuriteit": [
        "preterm", "<p3", "prematuriteit", "partus praematurus"
    "hypotensie": [
        "hypotensie", Term("bd verlaagd", proximity=1)
    "veneus_infarct": [
        "veneus infarct", Term("VI", attr="TEXT")

entity_matcher = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_rule_based_entity_matcher", config={"attr": "NORM", "fuzzy": 1})

# Qualifiers
nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_context_algorithm", config={"phrase_matcher_attr": "NORM"})

text = (
    "Preterme neonaat (<p3), bd enigszins verlaagd, familieanamnese vermeldt eveneens hypotensie "
    "bij moeder. Thans geen aanwijzingen voor veneus infarkt wat ook geen "
    "verklaring voor de partus prematurus is. Risico op VI blijft aanwezig."

doc = nlp(text)

Find information in the doc object:

from spacy import displacy

displacy.render(doc, style="ent")


With relevant qualifiers (defaults omitted for readability):

for ent in doc.spans["ents"]:
  print(ent, ent._.qualifiers_str)
  • Preterme set()
  • <p3 set()
  • bd enigszins verlaagd set()
  • hypotensie {'Experiencer.Family'}
  • veneus infarkt {'Presence.Absent'}
  • partus prematurus set()
  • VI {'Temporality.Future'}


If you use clinlp, please find the appropriate citation by clicking the Zenodo button below. This should always point you to the current latest release:




clinlp is built on top of spaCy, a widely used library for Natural Language Processing. Before getting started with clinlp, it may be useful to read spaCy 101: Everything you need to know (~10 mins). Main things to know are that spaCy consists of a tokenizer (breaks a text up into small pieces, i.e. words), and various components that further process the text.

Currently, clinlp offers the following components, tailored to Dutch Clinical text, further discussed below:

  1. Tokenizer
  2. Normalizer
  3. Sentence splitter
  4. Entity matcher
  5. Qualifier detection (negation, historical, etc.)
  6. Metrics and statistics


The clinlp tokenizer is built into the blank model:

nlp = spacy.blank("clinlp")

It employs some custom rule based logic, including:

  • Clinical text-specific logic for splitting punctuation, units, dosages (e.g. 20mg/dag :arrow_right: 20 mg / dag)
  • Custom lists of abbreviations, units (e.g. pt., zn., mmHg)
  • Custom tokenizing rules (e.g. xdd :arrow_right: x dd)
  • Regarding DEDUCE tags as a single token (e.g. [DATUM-1]).
    • Deidentification is not builtin clinlp and should be done as a preprocessing step.


The normalizer sets the Token.norm attribute, which can be used by further components (entity matching, qualification). It currently has two options (enabled by default):

  • Lowercasing
  • Removing diacritics, where possible. For instance, it will map ë :arrow_right: e, but keeps most other non-ascii characters intact (e.g. µ, ²).

Note that this component only has effect when explicitly configuring successor components to match on the Token.norm attribute.

Sentence splitter

The sentence splitter can be added as follows:


It is designed to detect sentence boundaries in clinical text, whenever a character that demarks a sentence ending is matched (e.g. newline, period, question mark). It also correctly detects items in an enumerations (e.g. starting with - or *).

Entity matcher

clinlp includes a clinlp_rule_based_entity_matcher component that can be used for matching entities in text, based on a dictionary of known concepts and their terms/synonyms. It includes options for matching on different token attributes, proximity matching, fuzzy matching and matching pseudo/negative terms.

The most basic example would be the following, with further options described below:

concepts = {
    "sepsis": [
        "systemische infectie",
    "veneus_infarct": [
        "veneus infarct",

entity_matcher = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_rule_based_entity_matcher")

:bulb: clinlp stores entities in doc.spans, specifically in doc.spans["ents"]. The reason for this is that spans can overlap, while the entities in doc.ents cannot. If you use other/custom components, make sure they read/write entities from/to the same span key if interoperability is needed.

:bulb: The clinlp_rule_based_entity_matcher component wraps the spaCy Matcher and PhraseMatcher components, adding some convenience and configurability. However, the Matcher, PhraseMatcher or SpanRuler can also be used directly with clinlp for those who prefer it. You can configure the SpanRuler to write to the same SpanGroup as follows:

from import SPAN_KEY
ruler = nlp.add_pipe('span_ruler', config={'span_key': SPAN_KEY})


Specify the token attribute the entity matcher should use as follows (by default TEXT):

entity_matcher = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_rule_based_entity_matcher", config={"attr": "NORM"})

Any Token attribute can be used, but in the above example the clinlp_normalizer should be added before the entity matcher, or the NORM attribute is simply the literal text. clinlp does not include Part of Speech tags and dependency trees, at least not until a reliable model for Dutch clinical text is created, though it's always possible to add a relevant component from a trained (general) Dutch model if needed.

Proximity matching

The proxmity setting defines how many tokens can optionally be skipped between the tokens of a pattern. With proxmity set to 1, the pattern slaapt slecht will also match slaapt vaak slecht, but not slaapt al weken slecht.

entity_matcher = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_rule_based_entity_matcher", config={"proximity": 1})

Fuzzy matching

Fuzzy matching enables finding misspelled variants of terms. For instance, with fuzzy set to 1, the pattern diabetes will also match diabets, ddiabetes, or diabetis, but not diabetse or ddiabetess. The threshold is based on Levenshtein distance with insertions, deletions and replacements (but not swaps).

entity_matcher = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_rule_based_entity_matcher", config={"fuzzy": 1})

Additionally, the fuzzy_min_len argument can be used to specify the minimum length of a phrase for fuzzy matching. This also works for multi-token phrases. For example, with fuzzy set to 1 and fuzzy_min_len set to 5, the pattern bloeding graad ii would also match bloedin graad ii, but not bloeding graad iii.

entity_matcher = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_rule_based_entity_matcher", config={"fuzzy": 1, "fuzzy_min_len": 5})


The settings above are described at the matcher level, but can all be overridden at the term level by adding a Term to a concept, rather than a literal phrase:

from import Term

concepts = {
    "sepsis": [
        Term("early onset", proximity=1),
        Term("late onset", proximity=1),
        Term("EOS", attr="TEXT", fuzzy=0),
        Term("LOS", attr="TEXT", fuzzy=0)

entity_matcher = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_rule_based_entity_matcher", config={"attr": "NORM", "fuzzy": 1})

In the above example, by default the NORM attribute is used, and fuzzy is set to 1. In addition, for the terms early onset and late onset proximity matching is set to 1, in addition to matcher-level config of matching the NORM attribute and fuzzy matching. For the EOS and LOS abbreviations the TEXT attribute is used (so the matching is case sensitive), and fuzzy matching is disabled.

Pseudo/negative phrases

On the term level, it is possible to add pseudo or negative patterns, for those phrases that need to be excluded. For example:

concepts = {
    "prematuriteit": [
        Term("prematuur ademhalingspatroon", pseudo=True),

In this case prematuur will be matched, but not in the context of prematuur ademhalingspatroon (which may indicate prematurity, but is not a definitive diagnosis).

Spacy patterns

Finally, if you need more control than literal phrases and terms as explained above, the entity matcher also accepts spaCy patterns. These patterns do not respect any other configurations (like attribute, fuzzy, proximity, etc.):

concepts = {
    "delier": [
        Term("delier", attr="NORM"),
        Term("DOS", attr="TEXT"),
             {"NORM": {"IN": ["zag", "ziet", "hoort", "hoorde", "ruikt", "rook"]}},
             {"OP": "?"},
             {"OP": "?"},
             {"OP": "?"},
             {"NORM": {"FUZZY1": "dingen"}},
             {"OP": "?"},
             {"NORM": "die"},
             {"NORM": "er"},
             {"OP": "?"},
             {"NORM": "niet"},
             {"OP": "?"},
             {"NORM": {"IN": ["zijn", "waren"]}}

Concept dictionary from external source

When matching entities, it is possible to load external lists of concepts (e.g. from a medical thesaurus such as UMLS) from csv through the create_concept_dict function. Your csv should contain a combination of concept and phrase on each line, with optional columns to configure the Term-options described above (e.g. attribute, proximity, fuzzy). You may present the columns in any order, but make sure the names match the Term attributes. Any other columns are ignored. For example:

concept phrase attr proximity fuzzy fuzzy_min_len pseudo comment
prematuriteit prematuriteit some comment
prematuriteit <p3 1 1 2
hypotensie hypotensie
hypotensie bd verlaagd 1
veneus_infarct veneus infarct
veneus_infarct VI TEXT

Will result in the following concept dictionary:

    "prematuriteit": [
        Term("<p3", proximity=1, fuzzy=1, fuzzy_min_len=2),
    "hypotensie": [
        Term("bd verlaagd", proximity=1)
    "veneus_infarct": [
        "veneus infarct",
        Term("VI", attr="TEXT")

Qualifier detection

After finding entities, it's often useful to qualify these entities, e.g.: are they present or absent, historical or current? clinlp currently implements two options: the rule-based Context Algorithm, and a transformer-based negation detector. In both cases, the result can be found in the entity._.qualifiers, entity._.qualifiers_dict and entity._.qualifiers_str attributes (including all defaults, e.g. Present for Presence). Some clarifications on the framework we use for qualifiers is available under docs/qualifiers.docx (will be incorporated in an improved documentation page soon).

Context Algorithm

The rule-based Context Algorithm is fairly accurate, and quite transparent and fast. A set of rules, that checks for presence, temporality, and experiencer, is loaded by default:

nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_context_algorithm", config={"phrase_matcher_attr": "NORM"})

A custom set of rules, including different types of qualifiers, can easily be defined. See src/clinlp/resources/context_rules.json for an example, and load it as follows:

cm = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_context_algorithm", config={"rules": "/path/to/my_own_ruleset.json"})

Transformer based detection

clinlp also includes a wrapper around some trained transformer models for detector qualifiers, including the negation detector described in van Es et al, 2022. The underlying transformers can be found on huggingface. The negation detector for instance is reported as more accurate than the rule-based version (see paper for details), at the cost of less transparency and additional computational cost.

First, install the additional dependencies:

pip install "clinlp[transformers]"

Currently, the following components are available:

_ = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_negation_transformer")
_ = nlp.add_pipe("clinlp_experiencer_transformer")

Some configuration options, like the number of tokens to consider, can be specified in the config argument.

Using multiple qualifier detectors together

Multiple qualifier detectors (e.g. clinlp_context_algorithm and clinlp_negation_transformer) can be used together. However, if there is a qualifier class (e.g. Presence) they both detect, the the component that is added last will erase any qualifiers set by previous detectors, regardless of defaults. It's therefore most efficient to configure different detectors to not detect the same qualifiers, although no errors occur. If the qualifier detectors detect different qualifier classes (e.g. one detects Presence, and the other Experiencer), there is no issue and both qualifier classes will be correctly added to the entities.

Metrics and statistics

clinlp can compute some information extraction related metrics and statistics for annotated datasets. This is done by creating one or more InfoExtractionDataset. First install the optional dependencies:

pip install clinlp[metrics]


from clinlp.metrics import InfoExtractionDataset

# medcattrainer
import json

with open('medcattrainer_export.json', 'rb') as f:
    mtrainer_data = json.load(f)

d1 = InfoExtractionDataset.from_medcattrainer(mctrainer_data)

# clinlp
import clinlp
import spacy

from model import get_model  # not included

nlp = get_model()
nlp_docs = nlp.pipe([doc['text'] for doc in data['projects'][0]['documents']])

d2 = InfoExtractionDataset.from_clinlp_docs(nlp_docs)

Descriptive statistics

Get descriptive statistics for a Dataset as follows:


Resulting in:

{'num_docs': 50,
 'num_annotations': 513,
 'span_counts': {'prematuriteit': 43,
                 'infectie': 31,
                 'fototherapie': 25,
                 'dysmaturiteit': 24,
                 'IRDS': 20,
                 'prematuur': 15,
                 'sepsis': 15,
                 'hyperbilirubinemie': 14,
                 'Prematuriteit': 14,
                 'ROP': 13,
                 'necrotiserende enterocolitis': 12,
                 'Prematuur': 11,
                 'infektie': 11,
                 'ductus': 11,
                 'bloeding': 8,
                 'dysmatuur': 7,
                 'IUGR': 7,
                 'Hyperbilirubinemie': 7,
                 'transfusie': 6,
                 'hyperbilirubinaemie': 6,
                 'Dopamine': 6,
                 'wisseltransfusie': 5,
                 'premature partus': 5,
                 'retinopathy of prematurity': 5,
                 'bloedtransfusie': 5},
 'label_counts': {'C0151526_prematuriteit': 94,
                  'C0020433_hyperbilirubinemie': 68,
                  'C0243026_sepsis': 63,
                  'C0015934_intrauterine_groeivertraging': 57,
                  'C0002871_anemie': 37,
                  'C0035220_infant_respiratory_distress_syndrome': 25,
                  'C0035344_retinopathie_van_de_prematuriteit': 21,
                  'C0520459_necrotiserende_enterocolitis': 18,
                  'C0013274_patent_ductus_arteriosus': 18,
                  'C0020649_hypotensie': 18,
                  'C0559477_perinatale_asfyxie': 18,
                  'C0270191_intraventriculaire_bloeding': 17,
                  'C0877064_post_hemorrhagische_ventrikeldilatatie': 13,
                  'C0014850_oesophagus_atresie': 12,
                  'C0006287_bronchopulmonale_dysplasie': 9,
                  'C0031190_persisterende_pulmonale_hypertensie': 7,
                  'C0015938_macrosomie': 6,
                  'C0751954_veneus_infarct': 5,
                  'C0025289_meningitis': 5,
                  'C0023529_periventriculaire_leucomalacie': 2},
 'qualifier_counts': {'Presence': {'Present': 436, 'Uncertain': 34, 'Absent': 30},
                      'Temporality': {'Current': 473, 'Historical': 18, 'Future': 9},
                      'Experiencer': {'Patient': 489, 'Family': 9, 'Other': 2}}}

Comparison statistics

Create a InfoExtractionMetrics object as follows:

from clinlp.metrics import InfoExtractionMetrics

nlp_metrics = InfoExtractionMetrics(d1, d2)


Will result in:

{'ent_type': {'correct': 480,
              'incorrect': 1,
              'partial': 0,
              'missed': 32,
              'spurious': 21,
              'possible': 513,
              'actual': 502,
              'precision': 0.9561752988047809,
              'recall': 0.935672514619883,
              'f1': 0.9458128078817734},
 'partial': {'correct': 473,
             'incorrect': 0,
             'partial': 8,
             'missed': 32,
             'spurious': 21,
             'possible': 513,
             'actual': 502,
             'precision': 0.950199203187251,
             'recall': 0.9298245614035088,
             'f1': 0.9399014778325123},
 'strict': {'correct': 473,
            'incorrect': 8,
            'partial': 0,
            'missed': 32,
            'spurious': 21,
            'possible': 513,
            'actual': 502,
            'precision': 0.9422310756972112,
            'recall': 0.9220272904483431,
            'f1': 0.9320197044334976},
 'exact': {'correct': 473,
           'incorrect': 8,
           'partial': 0,
           'missed': 32,
           'spurious': 21,
           'possible': 513,
           'actual': 502,
           'precision': 0.9422310756972112,
           'recall': 0.9220272904483431,
           'f1': 0.9320197044334976}}

For explanation on the different metrics (partial, exact, strict and ent_type), see Nervaluate documentation.

Then, for metrics on qualifiers, use:


Resulting in:

{'Experiencer': {'metrics': {'n': 460,
                             'precision': 0.3333333333333333,
                             'recall': 0.09090909090909091,
                             'f1': 0.14285714285714288},
                 'misses': [{'doc.identifier': 'doc_0001',
                             'annotation': {'text': 'anemie',
                                            'start': 1849,
                                            'end': 1855,
                                            'label': 'C0002871_anemie'},
                             'true_qualifier': 'Family',
                             'pred_qualifier': 'Patient'}, ...]},
 'Temporality': {'metrics': {'n': 460,
                             'precision': 0.0,
                             'recall': 0.0,
                             'f1': 0.0},
                 'misses': [{'doc.identifier': 'doc_0001',
                             'annotation': {'text': 'premature partus',
                                            'start': 1611,
                                            'end': 1627,
                                            'label': 'C0151526_prematuriteit'},
                             'true_qualifier': 'Current',
                             'pred_qualifier': 'Historical'}, ...]},
 'Plausibility': {'metrics': {'n': 460,
                              'precision': 0.6486486486486487,
                              'recall': 0.5217391304347826,
                              'f1': 0.5783132530120482},
                  'misses': [{'doc.identifier': 'doc_0001',
                              'annotation': {'text': 'Groeivertraging',
                                             'start': 1668,
                                             'end': 1683,
                                             'label': 'C0015934_intrauterine_groeivertraging'},
                              'true_qualifier': 'Current',
                              'pred_qualifier': 'Future'}, ...]},
 'Negation': {'metrics': {'n': 460,
                          'precision': 0.7692307692307693,
                          'recall': 0.6122448979591837,
                          'f1': 0.6818181818181818},
              'misses': [{'doc.identifier': 'doc_0001',
                          'annotation': {'text': 'wisseltransfusie',
                                         'start': 4095,
                                         'end': 4111,
                                         'label': 'C0020433_hyperbilirubinemie'},
                          'true_qualifier': 'Present',
                          'pred_qualifier': 'Absent'}, ...]}}

Where to go from here

We hope to extend clinlp with new functionality and more complete documentation in the near future. In the meantime, if any questions or problems arise, we recommend:

  • Checking the source code
  • Getting in touch (email | issue)


We keep track of work being done on clinlp (now and in the future) using GitHub Projects, on this page: clinlp development roadmap. All issues created automatically appear on the roadmap, where they will be triaged and assigned.

A more high-level overview of the types of NLP tasks that might be implemented in clinlp, with those in the current release marked in green, can be found below. This list is non-exhaustive.


Principles and goals


  • Provides NLP pipelines optimized for Dutch clinical text
    • Performant and production-ready
    • Useful out-of-the-box, but highly configurable
  • A single place to visit for your Dutch clinical NLP needs
  • (Re-)uses existing components where possible, implements new components where needed
  • Not intended for annotating, training, and analysis — already covered by existing packages


  • Free and open source
  • Targeted towards the technical user
  • Curated and maintained by the Dutch Clinical NLP community
  • Built using the spaCy framework (>3.0.0)
    • Therefore non-destructive
  • Work towards some level of standardization of components (abstraction, protocols)
  • Follows industry best practices (system design, code, documentation, testing, CI/CD)

Overarching goals:

  • Improve the quality of Dutch Clinical NLP pipelines
  • Enable easier (re)use/valorization of efforts
  • Help mature the field of Dutch Clinical NLP
  • Help develop the Dutch Clinical NLP community


clinlp is intended as a community project, and as such your contribution is very welcome. We hope to set up some more extensive contributing guidelines in the near future. For now, here is some basic information for starters:

  • PRs are welcome, but if you are planning extensive changes, please do get in touch beforehand. This holds both for your own ideas, and for items already on our roadmap.
  • Keep in mind that clinlp consists of generic components that process clinical text written in Dutch. If your contribution does not meet those three criteria, a separate release might be a better option.
  • We aim for production ready code, that is well tested, scalable, maintainable, SOLID, etc., but we can help with refactoring code to reach that point.
  • We try to use issues for communication as much as possible, but you can reach the maintainers by e-mail if that doesn't work.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

clinlp-0.8.0.tar.gz (53.6 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

clinlp-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl (49.8 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file clinlp-0.8.0.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: clinlp-0.8.0.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 53.6 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: poetry/1.8.3 CPython/3.12.3 Linux/6.5.0-1021-azure

File hashes

Hashes for clinlp-0.8.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 c7d7d60bc767aaf08b88f8f96d6a054754bf1ee4c102e0aa56df23c159598180
MD5 4c1aad38f461ad667bff09b415e05f9a
BLAKE2b-256 a25bf9ca7daf36e54f61c069396e17fc1f3369fd090d353f35f741b14197c6a4

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file clinlp-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: clinlp-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 49.8 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: poetry/1.8.3 CPython/3.12.3 Linux/6.5.0-1021-azure

File hashes

Hashes for clinlp-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 b50c890968ab91fe60575621987d368bd75c7d80942bd0f616529fd4d52789f1
MD5 2a34110daa40e6aa118888855e280e9b
BLAKE2b-256 6a1c0eb6d802c6aca70b1a4027c61dae2824d62edc8c51f4e8a588e61d41a13b

See more details on using hashes here.

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