Clone repos from an organization by languge used in the repo
Project description
Clone GitHub namespace
Clone an organization's repos.
Clone an organization's repos. Clone all repos in an organization or some by language used.
$ clone-org -o kubernetes-client -p https -f ~/dev/kub-client-repos -l python,go
A common situation that folks find themselves in when starting to work with an organization is the ability to check out all the code and essentially familiarize themselves with the code base and even grep the code base looking for things. clone-org is designed to lessen the pain and give you a one-stop clone the organization toolkit. This module queries the GitHub graphql endpoint.
Clone-org uses the installed version of git on your machine and executes shell commands.
Currently, clone-org only supports GitHub and other cloud providers will be tested in the future.
For https remotes
You must have 'GITHUB_TOKEN' defined in your environment for the organization to be queried. The clone may be optionally either https or ssh
For ssh remotes
You must have your ssh keys set up in current shell.
$ pip install clone-org
A Simple Example
$ clone-org -o kubernetes-client -p https -f ~/dev/kub-client-repos
$ clone-org -h
usage: clone-org [-h] [-o ORGANIZATION] [-l LANGUAGES] [-p {https,ssh}]
[-f FOLDER] [-c] [-d] [-v]
Clone an organization's repos. A common situation that folks find themselves in when starting to work with an organization is the ability to check out all the code and essentially familiarize themselves with the code base and even grep the code base looking for things. clone-org is designed to lessen the pain and give you a one-stop clone the organization toolkit. This module queries the GitHub graphql endpoint.
Clone-org uses the installed version of git on your machine and executes shell commands.
Currently, clone-org only supports GitHub and other cloud providers will be tested in the future.
For https remotes
You must have 'GITHUB_TOKEN' defined in your environment for the organization to be queried. The clone may be optionally either https or ssh
For ssh remotes
You must have your ssh keys set up in current shell.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The organization in Github that you wish to clone all
the repositories for
Github classes languages with well known names such as
Python, Go, shell etc. You may pass a filter -l python
and it will compare it to the given primary language
assigned to the repo. Comma separated strings such as
python,java,javascript are also accepted. Names are
defined by github in the github/linguist repo.
-p {https,ssh}, --protocol {https,ssh}
The protocol to use either https , which will require
GITHUB_TOKEN to be defined in your environment
variables. Or ssh which will require that you have
your ssh keys set up in current shell.
-f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
The target folder should be a fully qualified name and
the directory structures tested are OSx and Linux. An
example would be -f /home/Users/alice/dev/
-c, --create To create the target folder set this flag and the
directory structure will be created if possible An
example would be clone-org -o your_org_name -p https
-f ~/temp/my_repos -c
-d, --dry-run The user may simply wish to query the organization
before cloning. The dry run option will print out the
repositories in the organization specified and exit.
-v, --version Print version and exit