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Quickly and easily define, load, render and write Jinja templates.

Project description

CloudMage JinjaUtils Python3 Utility Package


PyTests     Coverage     codecov

Table of Contents


This utility package was created to allow quick and easy access method to work with Jinja templates within a python environment. The package will give access to a class that can be imported and instantiated, creating a JinjaUtils instance that will allow the consumer the ability to quickly and easily set jinja options via object properties, load templates including custom templates, render those templates and write the template output to the an output directory/file with little concern around error handling and processing. A few lines of code and a provided template is all that is needed to start producing template driven file creation quickly and easily.

Road Map

Beyond the initial capabilities of this library, new features will be evaluated and could be added with feature requests, or as additional processes that can be simplified are discovered.

Python Version Support

This library is compatible with Python 3.6 and higher. It may work with earlier versions of Python3 but was not tested against anything earlier then 3.6. As Python 2.x is soon to be end of life, backward compatibility was not taken into consideration.

Package Installation

This library has been published to PyPi and can be installed via normal python package manager conventions such as pip or poetry.

pip3 install cloudmage-jinjautils

Package Dependencies

This package installs and imports the following python modules during installation:

  • jinja2
    • Template
    • Environment
    • FileSystemLoader

Additionally the package takes advantage of the following built in python modules:

  • os
  • sys
  • json
  • inspect
  • ntpath
  • shutil
  • datetime

JinjaUtils Class

The JinjaUtils class has the following described methods, properties and attributes accessable to it upon object instantiation. A few object constructor arguments can be provided at the time that the object is instantiated. Object getter property methods are accessed from the object in standard dot notation Jinja.verbose, Jinja.template_directory, etc. and Object settter methods are used by assigning a value to the object property Jinja.template_directory = '/path/to/templates. The class gives the object instance access to the following properties:

JinjaUtils Constructor Arguments

verbose Enables verbose mode.   [true=enable   false=disable]
required false
type bool
default false (disabled)

log Redirects object standard log messaging to provided log object.
required false
type obj
default None (log to stdout, stderr if verbose=true)

JinjaUtils Attributes and Properties

The following attributes/properties are available to an instantiated object instance. Any of the attributes or properties can be accessed with standard object dot notation as in the example: verbose_mode = JinjaUtils.verbose

verbose Verbose setting that controls logging level within the object class.   [true=enabled, false=disabled]
returns true or false (enabled or disabled)
type bool
instantiated value false

trim_blocks Enables or disables the Jinja trim_blocks setting used when loading templates by the Jinja FileSystemLoader.
returns true or false (enabled or disabled)
type bool
instantiated value true

lstrip_blocks Enables or disables the Jinja lstrip_blocks setting used when loading templates by the Jinja FileSystemLoader.
returns true or false (enabled or disabled)
type bool
instantiated value true

template_directory Getter property method that returns the string value of the currently configured Jinja template directory
returns Jinja template directory -> /jinja/templates
type str
instantiated value None

available_templates Returns a list of available template files that have been loaded by the Jinja FileSystemLoader located in the configured template directory that are available for use.
returns List of files available in the loaded template library -> ["template1.j2","template2.j2"
type list
instantiated value None

load Returns the file name of the currently loaded Jinja template that is ready for rendering
returns Loaded template name -> myFile.j2
type str
instantiated value None

rendered Returns the currently rendered template object, ready to be written to disk
returns Rendered template object
type obj
instantiated value None

write Returns true or false depending on if the rendered template was successfully written to disk
returns true or false value signaling a valid write or failed write to disk
type bool
instantiated value true or false value signaling a valid write or failed write

log The class logger. Will either write directly to stdout, stderr, or to a lob object if passed into the object constructor during object instantiation
returns Log Event Stream
type str
instantiated value Logs written to stdout, stderr

JinjaUtils Available Methods

The following methods are available to an instantiated object instance. Some of the methods are simply setter methods that run the logic required to discover and then set one of the above instance properties.


Setter method for verbose property that enables or disables verbose mode

parameter type required arg info
verbose bool true True enables verbose logging,   False disables it


# Getter method
verbose_setting = JinjaUtils.verbose

# Setter method
JinjaUtils.verbose = True


Setter method for trim_blocks property that enables or disables the Jinja trim_blocks option during the construction of the Jinja Environment and template loading process via the Jinja FileSystemLoader.

parameter type required arg info
trim_blocks bool true True enables trim_blocks logging,   False disables the option


# Getter method
jinja_trim_blocks_setting = JinjaUtils.trim_blocks

# Setter method
JinjaUtils.trim_blocks = True


Setter method for lstrip_blocks property that enables or disables the Jinja lstrip_blocks option during the construction of the Jinja Environment and template loading process via the Jinja FileSystemLoader.

parameter type required arg info
lstrip_blocks bool true True enables lstrip_blocks logging,   False disables the option


# Getter method
jinja_lstrip_blocks = JinjaUtils.lstrip_blocks

# Setter method
JinjaUtils.lstrip_blocks = True


Setter method for template_directory property that is used to specify the location of the Jinja template directory. When this setter method is called, a valid directory path must be provided. The directory path is checked by os.path.exists() and must be a valid directory location path. The method will search the directory path for any files in the given directory location and automatically instruct the Jinja FileSystemLoader to load the templates into the Environment template library where they can be called by the object consumer at any point to be loaded, rendered and written to on disk. This setter will also set the value of the .available_templates attribute.

parameter type required arg info
template_directory str true Provided path must be a valid URL directory path.


# Getter method
jinja_template_directory = JinjaUtils.template_directory

# Setter method
JinjaUtils.template_directory = '/path/to/my/template/directory'


Setter method for load property. When this method is invoked either a file path argument or template name argument must be provided. If a file name argument is given, the loader will search through the templates that are contained in the currently configured template directory and loaded into the current Jinja Environment by the .template_directory setter call. To view a list of the available templates a call to the .available_templates attribute can be made. If a file system path is provided to the loader, then the loader will search the given file path, and if a valid file is found, it will instruct the loader to load the provided file. Once a file has been loaded by the object, it is ready to be rendered with the .render property.

parameter type required arg info
template str true Template file name located in the templates directory or valid file path to template file.


# Getter method
jinja_loaded_template = JinjaUtils.load

# Setter method
JinjaUtils.load = '/path/to/my/template/directory/template.j2'

for template in JinjaUtils.available_templates:

JinjaUtils.load = 'template.j2'


The render method takes an undermined number of keyword arguments representing the template variables and objects that will supply the values to those variables respectively when rendering the template. The keyword example formats such as variables=dictionaryObject, people=["tom", "susan", tonya"] would be mapped to the template at the time of render and made available to the template. In the given examples, the template may require a dictionary named variables that it will iterate through, or a variable named people that is an expected list that it will use to populate template sections. When the render method is called, Jinja will attempt to render the currently loaded template and supply any of keyword arguments that were passed as method arguments at the time that the render method was called.

parameter type required arg info
names=names, values=values, etc=4 **kwargs false Currently loaded template will be rendered.


print(JinjaUtils.load)  # template.j2

JinjaUtils.render(names=names, values=values, etc=4)

# This will render the currently loaded template2.j2 and pass the names, values, and etc values to it


Once the template has been rendered, it can be written to disk using the write method. The write method takes 2 required arguments consisting of the output directory and output file, along with 1 optional argument to turn file backup off. When the write method is used, it will write the currently rendered template to the output directory specified as the output file name specified. If during the write operation it discovers an existing file with the same name in the target directory, by default instead of just overwriting the file callously, the write method will take a copy of the existing file, strip off the original extention to avoid non unique file name conflicts and write the copy appending an extention in the format of _YYYYMMDD_HMS.bak. This timestamp formatted extention will allow easy identification of when the backup of the file was taken. The default file backup feature can be turned off by passing the backup=False option to the write command when called. If backup is disabled, then calling the write method will simply just overwrite any existing files in the output directory with the output filename that already exist. Provided output_directory argument value must exist and be valid directory paths, which are validated by os.path.exists(), and must not be the path to a file. The provided output_file argument value must be a valid file name, and will be stripped of any trailing path.

parameter type required arg info
output_directory str true Must be valid directory path to existing directory.
output_file str true Filename only, paths are stripped using only the file basename .
backup bool false Bool value to enable or disable existing file backups. Default=true



JinjaUtils.write(output_directory='/reports', output_file='monthly_report.yaml', backup=True)


Method to enable logging throughout the class. Log messages are sent to the log method providing the log message, the message type being one of [debug, info, warning, error], and finally the function or method id that is automatically derived within the function or method using the python inspect module. If a log object such as a logger or an already instantiated log object instance was passed to the class constructor during the objects instantiation, then all logs will be written to the provided log object. If no log object was provided during instantiation then all debug, info, and warning logs will be written to stdout, while any encountered error log entries will be written to stderr. Note that debug or verbose mode needs to be enabled to receive the event log stream.

arg type required arg info
log_msg str true The actual message being sent to the log method
log_type str true The type of message that is being sent to the log method, one of [debug, info, warning, error]
log_id str true A string value identifying the sender method or function, consisting of the method or function name


def my_function():
  __function_id = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    f"{__function_id} called.",

JinjaUtils Class Usage

The following section will show a few examples of how the module can be used to generate documents from available templates quickly and easily.

Basic Usage

from cloudmage.jinjautils import JinjaUtils

# Set template directory, contains weekly_report.j2, monthly_report.j2, annual_report.j2
jinja_template_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'templates')
jinja_output_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'monthly_reports')

# Set data variable
monthly_sales = {'week_1': 15000, 'week_2': 1000, 'week_3': 2000, 'week_4': 2500}
sales_team = ['tonya', 'tom', 'billy', 'amanda']

# Instantiate JinjaUtils Object
Jinja = JinjaUtils()

# Set the template directory, this loads all templates into the Jinja Environment
# and constructs the available_templates attribute list value
Jinja.template_directory = jinja_template_path

print(Jinja.available_templates) # prints ['weekly_report.j2', 'monthly_report.j2', 'annual_report.j2']

# Load one of the available templates
Jinja.load = 'monthly_report.j2'

# Render the template
Jinja.render(pnl=monthly_sales, team=sales_team)

# Write the rendered template to disk, Backup of existing files is ENABLED by default, so turn it off
Jinja.write(output_directory=jinja_output_path, output_file='feb_sales.html', backup=False)

CloudMage    Optional Verbose Class Constructor Argument:
When instantiating the class an optional verbose argument can be provided. The argument expects a bool value of either True or False. By default verbose is set to False. If verbose=True is passed during object instantiation, then debug mode is turned on allowing the class to output DEBUG, INFO, and WARNING messages to stdout, and ERROR messages to stderr.

from cloudmage.jinjautils import JinjaUtils

# Instantiate JinjaUtils Object
Jinja = JinjaUtils(verbose=True)

# Load one of the available templates
Jinja.load = './templates/annual_sales.j2'

# Render the template

# Write the rendered template to disk
Jinja.write(output_directory='.', output_file='2019-sales.yaml')

# Class DEBUG, INFO, and WARNING messages will be printed to stdout, and ERROR messages will be printed to stderr

CloudMage    Optional Log Object:
When instantiating the class an optional log argument can also be provided. The argument expects an Logger object to be passed as an input. If passed then all DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR messages will be printed to the standard log levels (log.debug(),, log.warning(), log.error()) and printed to the passed respective logger object method.

from cloudmage.jinjautils import JinjaUtils

# Define test log class
# This is an example log object that simply appends any DEBUG, INFO and ERROR received class messages
# to the respective log level list. Normally this would be a logger or custom log object.
class Log(object):
        """Test Log Object"""

        def __init__(self):
            """Class Constructor"""
            self.debug_logs = []
            self.info_logs = []
            self.warning_logs = []
            self.error_logs = []

        def debug(self, message):
            """Log Debug Messages"""

        def info(self, message):
            """Log Info Messages"""

        def warning(self, message):
            """Log Warning Messages"""

        def error(self, message):
            """Log Error Messages"""

# Instantiate test log class
Logger = Log()

# Instantiate JinjaUtils Object
Jinja = JinjaUtils(verbose=True, logs=Logger)

# Disable trim_blocks, lstrip_blocks
Jinja.trim_blocks = False
Jinja.lstrip_blocks = False

# Load one of the available templates
Jinja.load = './templates/team_schedule.j2'

# Render the template

# Write the rendered template to disk
Jinja.write(output_directory='/reports', output_file='Feb_Schedule.yaml', backup=True)

for items in Logger.debug_logs:
    print(item) # Prints stored debug logs


To view the project changelog see: ChangeLog:

Project details

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Source Distribution

cloudmage_jinjautils-1.0.7.tar.gz (31.0 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

cloudmage_jinjautils-1.0.7-py3-none-any.whl (39.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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