A tool for conversion between Chinese year and CE.
Project description
A Brief Introduction
This a tool for conversion between Chinese regnal year and Comman Era,
and a module can be directly used in python.
*This is just an alpha version, which only supports years from Ming Dynasty till doday, and there may be some mistakes. More data will be added in the future.*
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清乾隆元年 1736年
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明正德十二年 1517年
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民國20年 1931年
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一九八〇年 1980年
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1621年 明天啓元年
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1861年 清咸豐十一年
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1948年 民國37年
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pip install cnyear
Usage Samples
.. code:: python
from cnyear import Cnyear
# get the Common Era for a Chinese regnal year
year_obj1 = Cnyear('清康熙十二年')
year_obj1.cny2y() # return a tuple (1673, None, True) which means (first year, last year, validity)
year_obj1.y2cny(dig=True) # 清康熙12年
# get a span of time
year_obj2 = Cnyear('明正統間')
year_obj2.cny2y() # (1436, 1449, True)
# correct the wrong regnal year
year_obj3 = Cnyear('清咸豐十二年')
year_obj3.cny2y() # (1862, None, False)
year_obj3.y2cny() # 清同治元年
# get the Chinese regnal year for a Common Era
Cnyear('明崇禎十八年').y2cny(ldefaultdy=['清','南明']) # 清順治二年
Cnyear('明崇禎十八年').y2cny(ldefaultdy=['南明','清']) # 南明弘光元年
Other Features
#. Convert an invalid Chinese regnal year into a valid Chinese regnal year.
#. Convert Chinese digit numbers into Arabic digit numbers in a year and vice versa.
#. Get each component in an expression of year.
Future Features
#. To support sexagenary cycle 干支.
#. To support operand like minus and plus between years.
All the year data come from *Zhongguo Lishi Jinianbiao* (中國歷史紀年表).
A Brief Introduction
This a tool for conversion between Chinese regnal year and Comman Era,
and a module can be directly used in python.
*This is just an alpha version, which only supports years from Ming Dynasty till doday, and there may be some mistakes. More data will be added in the future.*
============ ============
清乾隆元年 1736年
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明正德十二年 1517年
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民國20年 1931年
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一九八〇年 1980年
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1621年 明天啓元年
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1861年 清咸豐十一年
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1948年 民國37年
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pip install cnyear
Usage Samples
.. code:: python
from cnyear import Cnyear
# get the Common Era for a Chinese regnal year
year_obj1 = Cnyear('清康熙十二年')
year_obj1.cny2y() # return a tuple (1673, None, True) which means (first year, last year, validity)
year_obj1.y2cny(dig=True) # 清康熙12年
# get a span of time
year_obj2 = Cnyear('明正統間')
year_obj2.cny2y() # (1436, 1449, True)
# correct the wrong regnal year
year_obj3 = Cnyear('清咸豐十二年')
year_obj3.cny2y() # (1862, None, False)
year_obj3.y2cny() # 清同治元年
# get the Chinese regnal year for a Common Era
Cnyear('明崇禎十八年').y2cny(ldefaultdy=['清','南明']) # 清順治二年
Cnyear('明崇禎十八年').y2cny(ldefaultdy=['南明','清']) # 南明弘光元年
Other Features
#. Convert an invalid Chinese regnal year into a valid Chinese regnal year.
#. Convert Chinese digit numbers into Arabic digit numbers in a year and vice versa.
#. Get each component in an expression of year.
Future Features
#. To support sexagenary cycle 干支.
#. To support operand like minus and plus between years.
All the year data come from *Zhongguo Lishi Jinianbiao* (中國歷史紀年表).
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