This package implements some Facebook Social Plugins as portlets for your Plone site.
Project description
This package implements some Facebook Social Plugins as portlets for your Plone site.
This package depends on collective.facebook.accounts.
Currently, the following portlets are available:
- Facebook Wall portlet
This portlet displays the user’s Facebook Wall and their News Feed.
- Facebook Activity Feed portlet
This portlet is based on the Activity Feed plugin and it has some UI limitations. The Activity Feed plugin displays the most interesting recent activity taking place on your site. Since the content is hosted by Facebook, the plugin can display personalized content whether or not the user has logged into your site. The activity feed displays stories when users interact with content on your site, such as like, watch, read, play or any custom action. Activity is also displayed when users share content from your site in Facebook or if they comment on a page on your site in the Comments box. If a user is logged into Facebook, the plugin will be personalized to highlight content from their friends. If the user is logged out, the activity feed will show recommendations from across your site, and give the user the option to log in to Facebook.
Don’t panic
Facebook Wall portlet
To add a Facebook Wall portlet do the following:
From the manage portlets screen select “Facebook Wall”.
Enter a header (if you want one).
Choose the Facebook account to use from the drop-down.
Enter the ID of the wall you want to be listed (e.g. plonecms).
Enter the maximum number of entries you want the portlet to show.
Mark the checkbox if you want only the posts made from the wall owner to be shown (plonecms in this case), or leave it unmarked if you want all posts no matter who posted them.
That’s it.
Facebook Activity Feed portlet
To add a Facebook Activity Feed portlet do the following:
From the manage portlets screen select “Facebook Activity Feed”.
Enter a header (if you want one).
Enter App ID/API Key of your application.
Enter the site URL from which you want to display interesting recent activity (e.g.
Select if you want to show recommendations from across your site.
Set the portlet width and height.
Select the color scheme you want to use: light or dark.
Select the link target you want to use: _blank, _top or _parent.
Enter the border color in hexadecimal format (e.g. #ffffff).
That’s it.
Facebook Wall portlet.
Facebook Activity Feed portlet.
To do list
In the near future we are going to release a new version including the following features:
- Recommendations Box portlet
This portlet will be based on the Recommendations Box plugin. The Recommendations Box shows personalized recommendations to your users. Since the content is hosted by Facebook, the plugin can display personalized recommendations whether or not the user has logged into your site. To generate the recommendations, the plugin considers all the social interactions with URLs from your site. For a logged in Facebook user, the plugin will give preference to and highlight objects her friends have interacted with.
To enable this product in a buildout-based installation:
Edit your buildout.cfg and add collective.facebook.portlets to the list of eggs to install
[buildout] ... eggs = collective.facebook.portlets
You may need to extend a five.grok known good set (KGS) to make sure that you get the right versions of the packages that make up five.grok
[buildout] ... extends =
After updating the configuration you need to run ‘’bin/buildout’’, which will take care of updating your system.
Go to the ‘Site Setup’ page in a Plone site and click on the ‘Add-ons’ link.
Check the box next to ‘’collective.facebook.portlets’’ and click the ‘Activate’ button.
Note: You may have to empty your browser cache and save your resource registries in order to see the effects of the product installation.
Franco Pellegrini
Silvestre Huens
Héctor Velarde
Gonzalo Almeida
Development sponsored by Open Multimedia.
1.0b2 (2012-06-04)
Dependency package collective.prettydate no longer has a GS profile. [hvelarde]
Updated documentation. [hvelarde]
Added screenshots for Facebook Wall and Facebook Activity Feed portlets. [hvelarde]
Tested for Plone 4.2 compatibility. [hvelarde]
Logger messages were changed from info to debug. [flecox]
Added an activity feed portlet. [frapell]
1.0b1 (2012-04-05)
Initial release.