Adds Facebook-like tags (or Flickr-like notes) to images
Project description
Adds a ‘Tags’ tab in ATContentTypes with non-empty image fields (News Item, Image) to allow content owners to add Text/URL tags (Facebook-like tags or Flickr-like notes) anchored to a certain position of the image.
- Tagged image can then be displayed in:
News Items
Fullscreen images
any other template that you want
- by means of:
custom templates provided with this package, or
replacement of images via AJAX.
Showing tagged images with AJAX
A special class for images is added to TinyMCE and kupu settings. If an image with this special class “Show tags (imagetags-show)” is inserted in a text field it will be automatically replaced via AJAX to display not only the tags but also a “Tag this picture” link (available only for content owner).
This behavior can be disabled via “Image tags settings” configlet in control panel.
Showing tagged images with <iframes />
‘Tags’ tab displays a list of several pieces of HTML code to embed the tagged image inside an <iframe /> element. HTML code can then be inserted inside a text field to display the tagged image.
This behavior can be disabled via “Image tags settings” configlet in control panel.
Degrades gracefully in non-JavaScript browsers
All JavaScript interaction done with jQuery and jQueryUI (dialogs, draggables, etc.)
i18n support (English, French, Dutch and Spanish translations)
Tested in Plone 4.0.3 and Plone 3.3.5
Collage view layout provided with collective.collage.imagetags
Browser support
Linux: Firefox 3.6, Google Chrome 5.0
Windows: Firefox 3.6, Google Chrome 5.0, Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8
Known issues
Content types with more than one image field are not fully supported. The only missing part is to provide a way of changing the tagging image in @@imagetags-manage browser view.
Add collective.imagetags to the list of eggs to install, e.g.:
[buildout] ... eggs = ... collective.imagetags
Tell the plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe to install a ZCML slug:
[instance] recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance ... zcml = collective.imagetags
Re-run buildout, e.g. with:
$ ./bin/buildout
You can skip the ZCML slug if you are using Plone 3.3 or if you are going to explicitly include the package from another package’s configure.zcml file.
Plone 3 installation
Add this line to the extends parameter in main buildout section:
[buildout] ... extends= ...
If you already had collective.imagetags installed prior to 1.5, you’ll need to run an upgrade step to migrate old style tag ids. Go to:
Select collective.imagetags:default and press “Choose Profile”
Run required upgrade steps
Marcos F. Romero <marcos.romero {at} inter-cultura {dot} com> (developer)
Juan Pablo Gimenez <jpg {at} rcom {dot} com {dot} ar> (advisor)
Maurits van Rees <m.van.rees {at} zestsoftware {dot} nl> (contributor)
Fred van Dijk <f.van.dijk {at} zestsoftware {dot} nl> (contributor)
JeanMichel Francois <toutpt {at} makina-corpus {dot} org> (contributor)
English (en): Marcos F. Romero
French (fr): JeanMichel Francois
Dutch (nl): Fred van Dijk
Spanish (es): Marcos F. Romero
1.5 (2011-05-11)
Remove simplejson dependency (add it in extra require for plone3 compatibility) [toutpt]
Update provided buildout to use plone4. old one has been renamed and updated to test-plone3.cfg [toutpt]
Add french translation [toutpt]
Moved tag management to new adapter [marcosfromero]
Changed tag ids with hyphens instead of dots [marcosfromero]
Minor improvement in js_labels to avoid translation errors [marcosfromero]
Tweaks to improve tag rendering and managing [marcosfromero]
Important: Upgrade step to migrate tag ids [marcosfromero]
1.4.6 (2011-04-26)
Bug fix in AJAX image replacement and ifrmaes that made no image being displayed at all.
Bug fix in improved templates that used to duplicate html and body tags.
Better embedding code for iframes.
Bug fix in Plone 3 when unprotecting formUnload.
CSS tweaks to provide tag hints when entering the tagged area and to re-layout tag labels.
1.4.5 (2011-04-24)
Added file to make sure to include mo files in egg.
Added formats=zip in setup.cfg to prevent some obscure bug in Python 2.4 (see
1.4.4 (2011-01-24)
Added missing Spanish translations
Dropped ajax-form to use regular form improved with jQuery/jQueryUI
Moved ImageTagsLabels from old ajax-form to a new browser view
Minor bug fixes in JS for Plone 3
Improved decimal separator handling in JavaScript (see change 1.4.2)
Test updated according to above changes
Tested in Plone 4.0.3
1.4.3 (2011-01-12)
Fixed JavaScript to also correctly create a tag the second time [maurits]
Added internationalization to some missing terms [maurits]
Dutch translation [fvandijk]
1.4.2 (2011-01-10)
Replace JavaScript (x,y) decimal separator with server expected decimal separator (thanks to maurits)
1.4.1 (2011-01-06)
Added imagetags-show class available at paragraph_styles in kupu
Added actionicons.xml for Plone 3
1.4 (2010-12-27)
Backported to Plone 3
Tested in Plone 4.0.2 and Plone 3.3.5
Added known good set for Plone 3 installation (read INSTALL.txt)
1.3.3 (2010-11-12)
UI improvements when tagging images in @@imagetags-manage
1.3.2 (2010-09-21)
Added simplejson dependency, which is used to automatically create JSON from Python objects (thanks to kojiro)
Change http headers for JSON responses: added content-length, changed mimetype for application/json (thanks to MacYET3)
Test updated according to above changes
Tested in Plone 4.0
1.3.1 (2010-07-27)
Updated documentation
Bug fix in po files and incorrect translation in AJAX form (
1.3 (2010-07-25)
Cleaner markup (more JavaScript work)
Small change in CSS (z-index from 200 to 150) required by collective.collage.imagetags
1.2 (2010-07-20)
Show tags sorted by title field
Added get_sorted_tags to browser/
Moved available_sizes, tag_box, tag_title and portal_url from browser/ to browser/ (more sensible)
Completed browser.interfaces.IImageTagsImage interface
1.1 (2010-07-16)
i18n support
Spanish translation
1.0 (2010-07-13)
Initial release
Project details
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