An add-on for Plone that allows to add a title that is used in navigation elements.
Project description
This package allows to add a navigation title by registering a behavior for your dexterity content type. If you then fill out the field in your content object, this title will be used in the navigation tree.
A big thank you to Jonas Bauman and Jens Klein for all the insights!
Not Entirely Unlike
visualtitle which does a similar job for archetypes
Just depend in your buildout on the egg collective.navigationtitle. ZCML is loaded automagically with z3c.autoinclude.
This package is written for Plone 4.3 or later.
Source Code and Contributions
If you want to help with the development (improvement, update, bug-fixing, …) of collective.navigationtitle this is a great idea!
The code is located in the github collective.
You can clone it or get access to the github-collective and work directly on the project.
Maintainer is Peter Holzer and the BlueDynamics Alliance developer team. We appreciate any contribution and if a release is needed to be done on pypi, please just contact one of us dev@bluedynamics dot com
License is GPL 2, see file LICENCE.rst.
Peter Holzer <>
0.3 (2015-06-23)
removed debug print [agitator]
0.2 (2015-06-01)
updated docs [agitator]
0.1 (2015-06-01)
Initial release. [agitator]